Data Science with R Programming Course


Master data manipulation and visualisation with R programming by enrolling in the Data Science with R Programming course by DataMites.




6 Months


₹ 73395 88000

Quick Facts

particular details
Medium of instructions English
Mode of learning Self study, Virtual Classroom +1 more
Mode of Delivery Video and Text Based

Course overview

When it comes to programming languages, R is one of the top languages used by most companies. It provides operators, objects, and functions that allow users to explore and visualise data. The Data Science with R Programming Course can help you master data visualisation and manipulation with R programming and advanced topics like data mining and regression using Rstudio. 

DataMites’s Data Science with R Programming Course has been curated with a pragmatic approach as you get the opportunity to learn through real-time live projects and live mentoring. The curriculum explores the basic concepts of R programming, data science, deep learning, machine learningartificial intelligence, and more. Since there is a huge demand for data scientists in the job market and very few eligible candidates, this is an extremely relevant course.

What’s more, the Data Science with R Programming Course by DataMites has been accredited by IABAC and is taught by elite faculty and expert mentors. You also get 24x7 access to Cloud lab for a whole year. 

The highlights

  • Case studies
  • Real-time live projects
  • Industry projects
  • Global certification by IABAC 
  • In-person classroom training
  • 24x7 access to Cloud Lab
  • Live virtual training
  • Blended learning option
  • Placement assistance

Program offerings

  • Certification by iabac
  • Case studies
  • Real-time live projects
  • Access to cloud lab
  • Job assistance
  • Career guidance
  • Blended training
  • Expert trainers
  • Live online training
  • Study material

Course and certificate fees

Fees information
₹ 73,395  ₹88,000

You can enroll in the Data Science with R Programming Course through three different learning modes. All the options have a different fee as mentioned below. 

Data Science with R Programming Course fee structure

Enrolment Option

Fee in INR

Live Virtual


Blended Learning


Classroom Training


certificate availability


certificate providing authority


Who it is for

Data Science with R Programming Course by DataMites is suitable for the following individuals:

  • Data Analysts
  • Software Engineers
  • Business Intelligence professionals
  • Candidates who want to enter the field of Data science
  • SAS developers who wish to learn the open-source technology

Eligibility criteria

While there are no specific prerequisites to enroll in Data Science with R Programming training course, possessing good mathematical, critical thinking, problem-solving and analytical skills will be highly beneficial. Also, you should have some technical knowledge regarding R, Python, and SAS tools.

To earn the course certificate, you will have to pass an IABAC certification exam and complete the course and projects. 

What you will learn

Data science knowledge R programming Knowledge of data visualization

By the end of the Data Science with R Programming course, you will have: 

  • Hands-on knowledge of R programming
  • In-depth knowledge of data visualisation, data manipulation, data mining and advanced analytics. 
  • Basic understanding of the data science workflow with R language
  • Understanding of the essential concepts of data science

The syllabus

Python for Data Science

Module 1 - Introduction to Data Science with Python
  • Installing Python Anaconda distribution
  • Python native Data Types
  • Basic programing concepts
  • Python data science packages overview
Module 2 - Python Basics: Basic Syntax, Data Structures
  • Python Objects
  • Math & Comparision Operators
  • Conditional Statement
  • Loops
  • Lists, Tuples, Strings, Dictionaries, Sets
  • Functions
  • Exception Handling
Module 3 - Numpy Package
  • Importing Numpy
  • Numpy overview
  • Numpy Array creation and basic operations
  • Numpy Universal functions
  • Selecting and retrieving Data
  • Data Slicing
  • Iterating Numpy Data
  • Shape Manupilation
  • Stacking and Splitting Arrays
  • Copies and Views : no copy, shallow copy , deep copy
  • Indexing : Arrays of Indices, Boolean Arrays
Module 4 - Pandas Package
  • Importing Pandas
  • Pandas overview
  • Object Creation : Series Object , DataFrame Object
  • View Data
  • Selecting data by Label and Position
  • Data Slicing
  • Boolean Indexing
  • Setting Data
Module 5 - Python Advanced: Data Mugging with Pandas
  • Applying functions to data
  • Histogramming
  • String Methods
  • Merge Data : Concat, Join and Append
  • Grouping & Aggregation
  • Reshaping
  • Analysing Data for missing values
  • Filling missing values: fill with constant, forward filling, mean
  • Removing Duplicates
  • Transforming Data
Module 6 - Python Advanced: Visualization with MatPlotLib
  • Importing MatPlotLib & Seaborn Libraries
  • Creating basic chart : Line Chart, Bar Charts and Pie Charts
  • Ploting from Pandas object
  • Saving a plot
  • Object Oriented Plotting : Setting axes limits and ticks
  • Multiple Plots
  • Plot Formatting : Custom Lines, Markers, Labels, Annotations, Colors
  • Satistical Plots with Seaborn
Module 7 - Exploratory Data Analysis: Case Study

Statistics for Data Science

Module 1 - Introduction to Statistics
  • Two areas of Statistics in Data Science
  • Applied statistics in business
  • Descriptive Statistics
  • Inferential Statistics
  • Statistics Terms and definitions
  • Type of Data
  • Quantitative vs Qualitative Data
  • Data Measurement Scales
Module 2 - Harnessing Data
  • Sampling Data, with and without replacement
  • Sampling Methods, Random vs Non-Random
  • Measurement on Samples
  • Random Sampling methods
  • Simple random, Stratified, Cluster, Systematic sampling.
  • Biased vs unbiased sampling
  • Sampling Error
  • Data Collection methods
Module 3 - Exploratory Analysis
  • Measures of Central Tendencies
  • Mean, Median and Mode
  • Data Variability : Range, Quartiles, Standard Deviation
  • Calculating Standard Deviation
  • Z-Score/Standard Score
  • Empirical Rule
  • Calculating Percentiles
  • Outliers
Module 4 - Distributions
  • Distribtuions Introduction
  • Normal Distribution
  • Central Limit Theorem
  • Histogram - Normalization
  • Other Distributions: Poisson, Binomial et.,
  • Normality Testing
  • Skewness
  • Kurtosis
  • Measure of Distance
  • Euclidean , Manhattan and Minkowski Distance
Module 5 - Hypothesis & computational Techniques
  • Hypothesis Testing
  • Null Hypothesis, P-Value
  • Need for Hypothesis Testing in Business
  • Two tailed, Left tailed & Right tailed test
  • Hypothesis Testing Outcomes : Type I & II erros
  • Parametric vs Non-Parametric Testing
  • Parametric Tests , T - Tests : One sample, two sample, Paired
  • One Way ANOVA
  • Importance of Parametric Tests
  • Non Parametric Tests : Chi-Square, Mann-Whitney, Kruskal-Wallis etc.,
  • Which Test to Choose?
  • Ascerting accuracy of Data
Module 6 - Correlation & Regression
  • Introduction to Regression
  • Type of Regression
  • Hands on of Regression with R and Python.
  • Correlation
  • Weak and Strong Correlation
  • Finding Correlation with R and Python

Machine Learning Associate

Module 1 - Machine Learning Introduction
  • What is Machine Learning
  • Applications of Machine Learning
  • Machine Learning vs Artificial Intelligence
  • Machine Learning Languages and platforms
  • Machine Learning vs Statistical Modelling
Module 2 - Machine Learning Algorithms
  • Popular Machine Learning Algorithms
  • Clustering, Classification and Regression
  • Supervised vs Unsupervised Learning
  • Application of Supervised Learning Algorithms
  • Application of Unsupervised Learning Algorithms
  • Overview of modeling Machine Learning Algorithm : Train , Evaluation and Testing.
  • How to choose Machine Learning Algorithm?
Module 3 - Supervised Learning
  • Simple Linear Regression : Theory, Implementing in Python (and R), Working on use case.
  • Multiple Linear Regression : Theory, Implementing in Python (and R), Working on use case.
  • K-Nearest Neighbors : Theory, Implementing in Python (and R), KNN advantages, Working on use case.
  • Decision Trees : Theory, Implementing in Python (and R), Decision |Tree Pros and Cons, Working on use case.
Module 4 - Unsupervised Learning
  • K-Means Clustering: Theory, Euclidean Distance method.
  • K-Means hands on with Python (and R)
  • K-Means Advantages & Disadvantages

Machine Learning Expert

Module 1 - Advanced Machine Learning Concepts
  • Tuning with Hyper parameters.
  • Popular ML algorithms,
  • Clustering, classification and regression,
  • Supervised vs unsupervised.
  • Choice of ML algorithm
  • Grid Search vs Random search cross validation
Module 2 - Principle Component Analysis (PCA)
  • Key concepts of dimensionality reduction
  • PCA theory
  • Hands on coding.
  • case study on PCA
Module 3 - Random Forest - Ensemble
  • Key concepts of Randon Forest
  • Hands on coding.
  • Pros and cons.
  • case study on Random Forest
Module 4 - Support Vector Machine (SVM)
  • Key concepts of Support Vector Machine.
  • Hands on coding.
  • Pros and Cons.
  • case study on SVM
Module 5 - Natural Language Processing (NLP)
  • Key concepts of NLP.
  • Hands on coding.
  • Pros and Cons.
  • Text Processing with Vectorization
  • Sentiment analysis with TextBlob
  • Twitter sentiment analysis
Module 6 - Naïve Bayes Classifier
  • Key concepts of Naive Bayes.
  • Hands on coding.
  • Pros and Cons
  • Naïve Bayes for text classification
  • New articles tagging
Module 7 - Artificial Neural Network (ANN)
  • Basic ANN network for Regression and Classification
  • Hands on coding.
  • Pros and Cons
  • Case study on ANN, MLP
Module 8 - Tensorflow overview and Deep Learning Intro
  • Tensorflow work flow demo
  • Introduction to deep learning.

Tableau Foundation

Module 1 - Tableau Introduction
  • Tableau Interface
  • Dimensions and measures
  • Filter shelf
  • Distributing and publishing
Module 2 - Connecting to Data Source
  • Extracting and interpreting data
  • Connecting to sources, Excel, Databases, API, Pdf
Module 3 - Visual Analytics
  • Charts and plots with Super Store data

Module 4 - Forecasting
  • Forecasting time series data

Data Science Business Concepts

Module 1 - Understanding Business Case
  • Scoping
  • Components of Business Case.
  • ROI calculation techniques.
Module 2 - Writing Data Science Business Case
  • Creating project plan
  • Defining Business opportunity
  • Translating to Data Science problem
Module 3 - Benefits Analysis
  • Discounted Cash Flow
  • IRR benefits analyis
  • Demonstrating break-even and benefits analysis with Data Science Solutions.
Module 4 - Starting project, Setting up Team and closing
  • Initiating Project
  • Setting up the Team
  • Controling project delivery
  • Closing project.

Data Science with R Training

Module 1 - Introduction to Data Science
  • What is Data Science?
  • Data Analytics and its types
  • What is Deep Learning?
  • What is Artificial Intelligence?
  • What is Machine Learning?
Module 2 - Introduction to R
  • What is R?
  • Why R?
  • Installing R
  • R environment
  • How to get help in R
  • R Studio Review
Module 3 - R Packages
  • Lists
  • Matrix
  • Array
  • Loops
  • Data Types
  • Packages
  • Functions
  • Factors
  • Variable Vectors
  • Environment Setup
  • Data Frames
  • In-Built Datasets
Module 4 - R Basics
  • Error metrics
  • Importing data
  • Manipulating data
  • Statistics Basics
  • Supervised Learning
  • Machine Learning
  • Machine Learning using R
  • Unsupervised Learning

Tensorflow Training

Module 1 - Introduction to Deep Learning
  • How Deep Learning is different from Machine Learning?
  • What is a neural network?
  • Supervised Learning with Neural Networks - Python
Module 2 - Overview of Machine Learning Concepts
  • Unsupervised Machine Learning algorithms
  • What is Machine Learning?
  • Classification Trees concept and application
  • K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) concept and application
  • Naive Bayes concept and application
  • Supervised Machine Learning algorithms
  • Hierarchial Clustering concept and application
  • Logistic Regression concept and application
  • Clustering with K-means concept and application
Module 3 - TensorFlow Essentials
  • TensorFlow variables
  • Representing tensors
  • Creating operators and exciting with sessions
  • Visualizing data using TensorBoard
  • Introduction Jupyter notebook for TensorFlow coding
Module 4 - ML Algorithm - Linear Regression in TensorFlow
  • Available datasets
  • Regularization
  • Regression problems
  • Linear regression applications
  • Coding Linear Regression with TensorFlow - Case study
Module 5 - Deep Neural Networks in TensorFlow
  • Basic Neural Nets
  • Single Hidden Layer Model
  • Multiple Hidden Layer Model
Module 6 - Convolutional Neural Networks
  • Input Pipeline
  • Introduction to Convolutional Neural Networks
  • Introduction to RNN, LSTM, GRU
Module 7 - Reinforcement Learning in Tensorflow
  • Simple model applying Reinforcement Learning in TensorFlow
  • Concept of Reinforcement Learning
Module 8 - Hands on Deep Learning Application with TensorFlow
  • Hands-on building the Deep Learning application with TensorFlow
  • Example Application - Case study
Module 9 - Introduction to TensorFlow
  • Installing Matplotlib
  • Installing TensorFlow using Docker
  • Hello World application with TensorFlow
Module 10 - Basic Statistics
  • Outlier analysis 
  • Summarize continuous and categorical data
  • Basic Statistics and Exploratory Analysis
  • Descriptive summary statistics with Numpy
Module 11 - Machine Learning Introduction
  • Unsupervised learning
  • Distance metrics
  • Reinforcement learning
  • Supervised learning
  • Machine learning essentials
  • Data representation and features
  • Theano, Caffe, Torch, CGT, and TensorFlow
Module 12 - TensorFlow Essentials
  • TensorFlow variables
  • Creating operators and executing with sessions
  • Introduction Jupyter notebook for TensorFlow coding
  • Representing tensors
  • Visualizing data using TensorBoard
Module 13 - ML Algorithm - Linear Regression in TensorFlow
  • Regularization
  • Available datasets
  • Regression problems
  • Linear regression applications
  • Coding Linear Regression with TensorFlow - Case study
Module 14 - ML Algorithm - Classification in TensorFlow
  • Hands-on Classification with TensorFlow
  • Using linear regression for classification
  • Classification problems
  • Multiclass classifiers (such as softmax regression)
  • Using logistic regression (including multi-dimensional input)
Module 15 - ML Algorithm - Clustering in TensorFlow
  • K-means clustering
  • Traversing files in TensorFlow
  • Clustering using a self-organizing map
Module 16 - Simple Neural Networks in TensorFlow
  • Batch training
  • Introduction to Neural Networks
  • Variational, denoising, and stacked autoencoders
Module 17 - Reinforcement learning
  • Simple model applying Reinforcement Learning in TensorFlow
  • Concept of Reinforcement Learning
Module 18 - Convolutional and Recurrent Neural Networks
  • Recurrent neural networks
  • The idea of contextual information
  • Advantages and disadvantages of neural networks
  • Convolutional neural networks
  • Real-world predictive model – example
Module 19 - Case study: Stock Market Analsis with TensorFlow
  • Case study - Stock Market Analsis
  • Hands-on Coding in TensorFlow

Admission details

  • Visit the Data Science with R Programming Course web page.
  • After reading all the course information thoroughly, click on the ‘Enquire now’ button.
  • Next, enter your name, phone number, email ID, and the name of your company. DataMites will reach out to you in 24 hours to discuss the next steps. 

How it helps

The Data Science with R Programming Course by DataMites includes real-time projects for practical experience, 24x7 access to Cloud lab, and an IABAC accredited certification. So, you can gain hands-on practical knowledge of the core concepts learned in the course.

Furthermore, DataMites offers placement assistance to help you land a high-paying job in the data science field. 


What if I miss the online sessions?

The online sessions are recorded so you can watch them later and never miss a class.

What services are provided in job assistance?

Some services included in job assistance are resume building, mock interview training, discussing top interview questions, discussing real-world projects, etc.

Is this course suitable for business professionals?

Yes, this course is beneficial for business professionals.

Does this course provide classroom learning?

Yes, Data Science with R Programming training course includes a classroom learning option.

What payment modes are accepted for this programme?

You can pay for Data Science with R Programming programme through online payments, Debit cards and Credit cards.

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