Upto 100% Merit Based Scholarships Available | Highest CTC 50.79 LPA
ApplyIn total, there are 4 top colleges in Ayodhya of which 3 are private colleges and one is a government college. Admission to the top colleges in Ayodhya requires the candidates to meet the eligibility criteria. For UG courses, candidates need to have passed their 12th final from a recognised board. For PG courses, candidates must have a passed bachelor’s degree. The best colleges in Ayodhya are PMT College of Pharmacy, K S Saket P G College, Savitri Singh Adya Prasad Mahavidyalaya, Shri Rajgopal Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya, and more.
College Name | Course | Course Duration |
24 months | ||
24 months | ||
36 months | ||
36 months |
Most of the courses offered by the best colleges in Ayodhyra usually last around 24 - 36 months, meaning 2 - 3 years.