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However, at present, we are not in a position to present a detailed description of Mohsine Millat Unani Medical College Baijnathpara. The feeds that feed our data extraction systems have insufficient details about this institution at this time. This situation can occur for several reasons: It may be a young college, or at present, we do not have enough data about it. Perhaps there is some problem with the procedure of the extraction of the data. The college may have not updated the contents with the appropriate educational databases. For prospective students and other interested parties, we recommend the following steps: 1. Go to any website of Mohsine Millat Unani Medical College if it is available that provide you latest and accurate information. 2. For more and specific information concerning courses offered, admission, facilities and other related issues, get in touch with the management of the college in question. 3. One can approach either the state or local authorities for education regarding Unani medical colleges or the regulatory authority in India for confirmation about the college and courses that is offered. 4. There are always other sources of information like local educational counselors or alumni of the organization. It is our aim to deliver relevant and as much information as possible about schools. We will try to update it for sure as soon as we get reliable information about Mohsine Millat Unani Medical College. However, we recommend the use of extensive investigation and recourse to the institution for the most up-to-date information. We understand that this arrangement may be inconvenient to some of our valued customers and sincerely apologize for any inconvenience it may cause.
Parameter | Description |
Established | 2002 |
Courses | 1 Degrees and 1 Courses |
Approvals | CCIM |
Gender | Co-ed |
Student Count | 71 |
Faculty Count | 29 |
Campus Size | 5 acres |
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