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Quick Facts

Medium Of InstructionsMode Of LearningMode Of Delivery
EnglishSelf Study, Virtual ClassroomVideo and Text Based

Course Overview

With an increase in population on a massive scale, there are also larger mountains of data and much greater need for people who are capable of sorting through the given information to make calculated and precise decisions. This skill is only held by a few as the data amount is much too big and the need for the capable people only rises higher by the day.

Econometrics Analysis of Panel Data certification course usually  provides these skills to the interested people. It comes in handy for Managers, Researchers, Data Analysts, Engineers and many others as the skillset received here is relevant to all these professions and more. 

The content of the Econometrics Analysis of Panel Data training is developed by the Vinod Gupta School of Management IIT, Kharagpur, and deals with many statistical software that are user friendly in their programming and various econometric tools that gives them the ability to analyse large amounts of data and teaches them all about how to handle professional needs. It teaches them the techniques to categorise through the data, interpret results and give back the desired product.

The Highlights

  • Online sessions
  • IIT, Kharagpur Certification
  • 6 Modules

Programme Offerings

  • Online Sessions
  • completion certificate

Courses and Certificate Fees

Certificate AvailabilityCertificate Providing Authority
yesVGSOM IIT Kharagpur

The Econometrics Analysis of Panel Data certification fees details are given below: 

  • The fee cost for students (postgraduate) is Rs. 6,000
  • Fees for Foreign Participants are Rs. 25,000
  • The fee for corporate professionals is Rs. 10,000
  • Academicians and others who are interested in the course have to pay Rs. 8,000

Econometrics Analysis of Panel Data course Fees Details


Amount (Including GST)

Foreign Participants

Rs. 25,000

Corporate professionals

Rs. 10,000

Academicians and others

Rs. 8,000

Students (Post Graduate)

Rs. 6,000

Eligibility Criteria

Work Experience

Participants who are either working incorporates, or are executives or are academicians can apply in this programme.

Certification Qualifying Details

Candidates must ensure to complete the programme in order to get the Econometrics Analysis of Panel Data certification by IIT Kharagpur for the programme successfully. They will get certificates from the Office of Dean (CE), IIT Kharagpur.

What you will learn

Statistical skills

When the Econometrics Analysis of Panel Data certification syllabus has been completed, the candidates will have an absolute grasp on the following concepts.

  • They will have all the information on the basics of Panel Data.
  • They will learn how to develop and model strategies.
  • They will learn the techniques behind linear panel data modelling.
  • They will also deal with advanced data modelling and time panelling.

Who it is for

The Econometrics Analysis of Panel Data certification programme has been made a tailored fit for:

Application Details

Candidates who are interested in the Econometrics Analysis of Panel Data classes have to:

Step 1: Visit the mentioned link:

Step 2: Sign up on the website in order to start.

Step 3: Login into their accounts.

Step 4:Fill up their profiles on a form.

Step 5: Once the profile has reached its completion, candidates will choose the program they want to take part in.

Step 6: Click on Apply Now.

Step 7: After that, the payment has to be made.

The Syllabus


VGSOM IIT Kharagpur Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

1: What kind of program is the Econometrics Analysis of Panel Data online course?

The course Econometrics Analysis of Panel Data is a Management Development Programme offered by Vinod Gupta School of Management.

2: Where will the sessions be held?

The sessions of the course will be online to be held on platforms like Zoom or Google Meet. Though the decision will be made later as the class progresses.

3: Who is the Course Coordinator?

Prof. Rudra P Pradhan is the coordinator of the course from Vinod Gupta School of Management, IIT Kharagpur.

4: Will the Certificates of the course be from IIT?

All the candidates will receive their certificates on the completion of the course which will be issued from the Office of the Dean of IIT Kharagpur.

5: What are the course materials of the programme?

The programme has been made to be totally application-oriented and essential course materials will be given to the candidates during the course.

6: Can the candidates ask for a refund?

Unfortunately, the course is neither transferable nor does it hold any policies for refund. So the candidates can’t ask for such.



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