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20+ Online Mindfulness Courses for Better Productivity

20+ Online Mindfulness Courses for Better Productivity

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Apr 01, 2021 10:51 AM IST | #Production and Operation Management

We are living stressful lives everyday, thanks to the notion that only hustling and working over the clock is going to help you move further in your career. It is even more startling that in India, work-related stress is amongst the many causes of mental health issues in young citizens, which if we talk about, can be improved upon through meditation, stress-releasing activities and mindfulness exercises on a daily basis.

20+ Online Mindfulness Courses for Better Productivity
20+ Online Mindfulness Courses for Better Productivity

Mindfulness involves cultivating a moment-by-moment perception of our emotions, desires, body experiences, and surrounding atmosphere through a soft, caring lens. Mindfulness training also requires acceptance, suggesting that we pay heed to our emotions and emotions without evaluating them — without assuming. When we practice mindfulness, our emotions are more like what we experience in the current moment than repeating the past or anticipating the future. There are multiple mindfulness courses both offline and online which are being offered not just by not-for-profit organizations but it is heartwarming to see that many illustrious companies and educational institutions are also coming forward with their own individual initiatives. Careers360 provides you 20+ such mindfulness courses which you can opt for better productivity at your workplace.

20+ Mindfulness Courses For Better Productivity

Here are a few mindfulness courses that will help you learn more about mindfulness.





Using Mindfulness at Work to Improve Your Productivity


1.5 hours


Mindfulness Certificate Course (Level I, II, III, and Master)


25 hours


Sounds True's Freedom to Choose Something Different, Part 1


4.5 hours


Radical Acceptance with Tara Brach


4.5 hours


Mindfulness Life Coach Certification & Mindfulness Blueprint


7 hours


Releasing Negative Beliefs & Thought-Patterns ~ Tara Brach


2.5 hours


Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy Practitioner ACCREDITED


14 hours


Mindfulness for Anxiety and Sleep - with Tara Brach


4 hours


Freeing Ourselves With Mindfulness - with Tara Brach


2 hours


Mindfulness Life Coach Certification Practitioner Accredited


4 hours


I Am In Control - CBT, Mindfulness & Neuroplasticity


3 hours


Mindfulness for Children's Diploma - Focus & Freedom for Kids!


5 hours


What is Consciousness? - Spirituality meets Quantum Physics


2 hours


Psychic Mediumship, Mindfulness & Manifestation, Masterclass


3 hours


Certified Mindfulness Practitioner Accredited Certification


2 hours


Mindfulness Life Coach Teacher Accredited Certification


5 hours


The Definitive Guide To Mindfulness & Mindfulness Meditation


7.5 hours


Practical Mindfulness - Mindfulness and mindful meditation


1.5 hours




4 hours


(Note : All the details given above have been accumulated by the team at Careers360.)

  1. Using Mindfulness at Work to Improve Your Productivity

This is one of the best online meditation courses which has been created especially for improving your productivity and performance at the workplace. This mindfulness certification online is quite helpful for those who have problems in maintaining the ideal work-life balance and want to get started with meditation as the first step towards achieving their full potential.

Cost: ₹420

Platform: Udemy

Duration: 1.5 hours

Online/offline: Online

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2. Mindfulness Certificate Course (Level I, II, III, and Master)

When you enrol yourself in mindfulness certification online, you will get to study useful, scientifically backed material in your mindfulness classes and use them for gaining new clients straight away, in your personal life, in your career, or your families.

Cost: ₹420

Platform: Udemy

Duration: 25 hours

Online/offline: Online

3. Sounds True's Freedom to Choose Something Different, Part 1

This mindfulness training online course is offered by esteemed Tibetan Buddhist instructor and writer Pema Chodron is intended to help you break away from old habits and destructive trends. These exercises will help you gain insight into the ability to make positive decisions in your daily life. When you will opt for this mindfulness certification online, you can realize not just what it means to be stuck to old routines and behaviors but also how you can go through them.

Cost: ₹420

Platform: Udemy

Duration: 4.5 hours

Online/offline: Online

4. Radical Acceptance with Tara Brach

Among the most traumatic and prevalent aspects of misery in our society is the assumption that "something is wrong with me." For all of us, thoughts of deficiency are just around the block. It doesn't take a lot — only hearing someone else's achievements, being attacked, getting into an argument, making an error at work — to make us realize that, deep down, we're just not all correct.

Hence, if you are into things like these, you can learn more about it in this top-quality mindfulness class.

Cost: ₹420

Platform: Udemy

Duration: 4.5 hours

Online/offline: Online

5. Mindfulness Life Coach Certification & Mindfulness Blueprint

Using 50 + tested, step-by-step Mindfulness training and meditation exercises to help your life coaching audiences create a mindfulness and the best online meditation courses regimen. How to execute the 21 Day Mindfulness and Meditation Exercise for your clients. Support your life coach clients to establish a regular and formal practice of mindfulness and meditation.

Cost: ₹420

Platform: Udemy

Duration: 7 hours

Online/offline: Online

6. Releasing Negative Beliefs & Thought-Patterns ~ Tara Brach

This mindfulness meditation course illustrates how you can shed light on conscientious knowledge of restricting conviction and taste the inevitable liberation when you loosen your grasp. If you feel profound that you are emotionally fragile or undesirable, unseen, or mistaken, your convictions isolate you from yourself and the universe.

Cost: ₹420

Platform: Udemy

Duration: 2.5 hours

Online/offline: Online

7. Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy Practitioner ACCREDITED

As for all Udemy lessons, there is a complete 30-day money-back guarantee; even if you don't like this Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy Mindfulness course for some reason, you can demand your reimbursement. Such mindfulness courses in India are also accessible via the Udemy primate Mindfulness training system to answer some of your questions.

Honestly, this is one of the best mindfulness courses in India online that shouldn’t be missed out on, owing to its amazing content & practice material.

Cost: ₹420

Platform: Udemy

Duration: 14 hours

Online/offline: Online

8. Mindfulness for Anxiety and Sleep - with Tara Brach

We also have an undercurrent of anxiety flowing through our everyday lives. We may be worried about losing our health and emotional lucidity, losing others we love, losing our work, or credibility. Our imagination will spin countless tales about terrible things that could happen and how to stop them in our daily trance of terror through this mindfulness training course.

Cost: ₹420

Platform: Udemy

Duration: 4 hours

Online/offline: Online

9. Freeing Ourselves With Mindfulness - with Tara Brach

Overachieving, overcommitting ourselves, striving to cross more and more items off the list: these replacements are generally socially tolerated. Any private activities, such as excessive thoughts or spending many hours playing or searching online every day, may go overlooked. Be more useful through these high-quality mindfulness classes.

Cost: ₹420

Platform: Udemy

Duration: 2 hours

Online/offline: Online

10. Mindfulness Life Coach Certification Practitioner Accredited

A free optional appraisal is given throughout the mindfulness training online course. If you wish to take an optional exam, you will be asked to briefly leave the Udemy learning portal to access the Not For Profit website. The examination is not a prerequisite for the end of this training.

Cost: ₹426

Platform: Udemy

Duration: 4 hours

Online/offline: Online

11. I Am In Control - CBT, Mindfulness & Neuroplasticity

Seize ownership of your attitude and actions by studying the vocabulary of the subconscious mind. Identify and alter negative trends of conditioned reactions to individuals and situations. Learn contemporary and ancient self-reflective techniques for introspection and reflection. Experience the higher self with mindfulness training online and meditation. Build a room in which you can help others obtain understanding and perspective.

Cost: ₹426

Platform: Udemy

Duration: 3 hours

Online/offline: Online

12. Mindfulness for Children's Diploma - Focus & Freedom for Kids!

The best thing is that you don't need any prerequisites before you take the mindfulness courses, besides an internet connection, a pen & paper for notes, and an open mind & open heart! You don't need to be eligible for any treatment, but you should be a family or teacher of students between 6 and 10 years old.

Cost: ₹420

Platform: Udemy

Duration: 5 hours

Online/offline: Online

13. What is Consciousness? - Spirituality meets Quantum Physics

What's the Rule of Attraction? At the end of the mindfulness course, you'll know precisely how to use the energy of your imagination to concentrate, allow, imagine, release resistance, and get into the flow.

Cost: ₹420

Platform: Udemy

Duration: 2 hours

Online/offline: Online

14. Psychic Mediumship, Mindfulness & Manifestation, Masterclass

Here we will walk through the sense of cultural awakening. We want you to realize that not feeling comfortable at times is, in reality, normal for people like us. If you're reading this right now, you've undoubtedly been worrying about your thoughts, wondering where you're going to work, suffering from depression or anxiety, and just usually talking about what's going forward with me.

Cost: ₹420

Platform: Udemy

Duration: 3 hours

Online/offline: Online

15. Certified Mindfulness Practitioner Accredited Certification

This is the best online mindfulness course by miles owing to its research-oriented, practical approach towards mindfulness. The Certificate Program has been approved by the CPD Quality Office. This intensive training Mindfulness courses provides HD video content, additional tools, and a free 24/7 tutor service.

Cost: ₹420

Platform: Udemy

Duration: 2 hours

Online/offline: Online

16. Mindfulness Life Coach Teacher Accredited Certification

In an outstanding cohort of teachers-in-training, life mentors, industry experts, parents, and personal advancement seekers (from across the globe), -this training allows you to earn 42 Continuing Professional Development credit hours at the competitiveness of all Mindfulness courses projects and assignments.

Cost: ₹420

Platform: Udemy

Duration: 5 hours

Online/offline: Online

17. The Definitive Guide To Mindfulness & Mindfulness Meditation

Study the strong foundations of meditation and Mindfulness training to better relieve tension and personal growth. Pursuing relatively easy to understand mindfulness courses such as this will remove all the misconceptions and encourage you to step on even though you have the busiest mind in the world.

Cost: ₹420

Platform: Udemy

Duration: 7.5 hours

Online/offline: Online

18. Practical Mindfulness - Mindfulness and mindful meditation

Through Realistic Mindfulness, you will master mindfulness training techniques to conquer restricting emotions and behavior habits and live a better, happier, more productive existence.

Cost: ₹420

Platform: Udemy

Duration: 1.5 hours

Online/offline: Online

19. MINDFULNESS MEDITATION with Jack Kornfield

This intensive instruction in all basic mindfulness practices is completely available to all, from learners to those with prior contemplative experience. Rich in tales, habits, lessons, and good humor, it comprises eight full physical good sessions in meditating, involving Mindfulness training of breath, body, emotions, and thoughts; walking meditation; eating mindfully; loving heart-free practice; and a link to our strongest desires and intentions.

Cost: ₹1920

Platform: Udemy

Duration: 4 hours

Online/offline: Online

20. Learn Meditation with Certification to Guide Others

Once you've finished the whole Mindfulness course material, skimmed through all the tutorials, and studied as asked, if you want to do so, you'll be able to take the final test in what is one of the best online meditation courses out there.

Upon satisfactory completion, you can receive a lovely Certificate of Completion (PDF) and a Digital Seal of Completion (JPG)! If you have been trained, you will have full access to use guided meditation audios, instructions, and steps from this mindfulness course for your current modalities and practice.

Cost: ₹444

Platform: Udemy

Duration: 1hours

Online/offline: Online

21. Complete meditation, mindfulness, and mind training course

This all-in-one mindfulness course is packed with easy-to-follow insight and philosophy that will give you a better understanding of the nature of the brain and feelings and the essence of this truth.

Cost: ₹438

Platform: Udemy

Duration: 9.5 hours

Online/offline: Online

What is the importance of Mindfulness in the corporate workplace?

Pursuing mindfulness courses can help alleviate tension and anxiety and confront and improve tolerance and emotional maturity while enhancing connectivity in the workplace.

Mindfulness means consciousness in the simplest form. Practicing mindfulness provides a means to pay attention to the current moment without judging. The foundations of mindfulness lie squarely in Buddhism, but it is gradually practiced in a modern context.

We have had the impression of feeling scattered and maybe a little distracted at work. You can be flooded by assignments or have a feeling of demotivation to complete activities. Directly related to motivation at work is what is known as mindfulness. This is our capacity to remain concentrated and agile, and it is a means of reprogramming the brain to make it in a better, less intense way. It is not rare for Mindfulness training to change direction when things sound hectic at work, which could be due to strict deadlines or other life issues.


The regular practice of mindfulness increases the brain's capacity to rebuild itself and create new synaptic associations. But doing it or missing its approach to physical fitness still refers to our minds, so it's necessary to continue. A basic practice of Mindfulness training is one minute of meditation. Find a peaceful spot and center your mind on your breathing. If your mind wanders (as it would undoubtedly do), put your attention back on your breathing. Loosen up as the calm evolves.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Why is mindfulness necessary at the workplace?

Employee awareness is a hot subject for companies to better alleviate tension – a dominant source of employee disengagement that can also impede efficiency.

2. What are the three aspects of mindfulness?

The intent, Concentration, and Attitude.

3. Is mindfulness increasing productivity?

Mindfulness at work will not only help you stay well and sleep better; it will also improve your productivity and help you produce better results.

4. Why is mindfulness able to support students?

Recent research indicates that mindfulness education — teaching strategies for relaxing the mind and body — may minimize the negative effects of stress and improve students ' ability to remain engaged, stay on the academic track, and prevent behavioral problems.

5. Who started to be mindful?

For the first time, Kabat-Zinn was drawn to meditation by Philip Kapleau, a Zen missionary who came to lecture at MIT, where Kabat-Zinn was a student.

6. What's the difference between mindfulness and meditation?

Mindfulness is the consciousness of "everything," while meditation is the awareness of "nothing." There are several types of meditation.

7. What posture is perfect for reflective meditation?

To get in the right place to meditate, sit in your chair with your back straight and your feet down on the concrete. With your feet, they can shape a 90-degree angle.

8. How does mindfulness enhance your attention?

By-neural networks, you are rewiring your brain to discover new and improved ways to tackle tasks and deal with stress and emotions.

9. Does mindfulness work for both of us?

While some people find mindfulness effective, not all of them. If you tried and didn't help, it's important not to blame yourself.

10. What's structured mindfulness?

Although there are no generally accepted concepts of formal and informal practice, the formal practice of mindfulness can be assumed to take place when practitioners deliberately set aside time to participate in mindfulness meditation techniques such as body mapping, sitting meditation, and mindfulness.


Questions related to Production and Operation Management

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It is quite difficult to tell only about one specialisation. However I am mentioning below the overall details of MBA:

  1. The MBA faculty has enormous experience in their respective field of teaching and are supportive and cooperative to the students.
  2. The institute also invites industry experts to its workshops for training MBA students
  3. The placement percentage is quite good which is around 95% in the recent year.
  4. Tata Steel, Cognizant, and Godrej are the major recruiters of this Institute
  5. Indian Institute of Social welfare and business management of Kolkata has a great placement exposure for the students. The average salary package which is offered to the MBA student is 3.5 lacs per annum. The highest salary package which has yet been offered in the MBA field is 16 lakh per annum.

Read more:


Production / Operations Management is defined as the process which transforms the inputs/resources of an organization into final goods (or services) through a set of defined, controlled and repeatable policies.

Production and operations management are more similar than different: if manufacturing products is a prime concern then it is called production management, whereas management of services is somewhat broader in scope and called operations management.

The line between products-based and services-based organizations is blurring rapidly as well— car manufactures need to service their cars and the retailers manufacture their own brand labels.

I hope this information help you.

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