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Knowledge Discovery Process in Data Mining: A Comprehensive Guide

Knowledge Discovery Process in Data Mining: A Comprehensive Guide

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Feb 13, 2024 12:08 PM IST | #Data Mining

In data mining, the Knowledge Discovery in Database Process (KDD) serves as a key method in systematic transformation of raw data into invaluable insights. This guide seeks to demystify the intricate steps of the KDD process data mining, unravelling its significance and differentiating it from conventional data mining practices.

Knowledge Discovery Process in Data Mining: A Comprehensive Guide
Knowledge Discovery Process in Data Mining: A Comprehensive Guide

Beyond a mere data exploration journey, KDD process in data mining encompasses a comprehensive approach, from initial problem comprehension to the perpetual evolution of knowledge discovery. If you are interested in gaining more insight into this field, you can pursue some of the Data Mining Certification Courses listed on our website.

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KDD Process in Data Mining

KDD process in data mining is the systematic application of processes and techniques to identify meaningful patterns and knowledge from raw data. It involves steps such as data cleaning, data transformation, pattern evaluation, and knowledge presentation. The process usually requires building an end-to-end data pipeline that starts from data extraction and ends with pattern visualisation. KDD is not a one-time task but an ongoing process that adapts to the evolving nature of data.

The broader term, Knowledge Discovery Process in Data Mining, encapsulates the entire journey of turning raw data into actionable insights. From the initial understanding of the problem to the deployment of discovered knowledge, this process involves multiple steps that work in tandem to extract valuable information.

KDD vs Data Mining

While the terms "KDD" and "Data Mining" are often used interchangeably, it is essential to recognise their distinctions. KDD is the overarching process that encompasses various stages, including data mining. Data mining, on the other hand, specifically refers to the process of discovering patterns and knowledge from large datasets. Think of KDD as the broader umbrella, and data mining as one of its integral components.

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What is KDD Process?

The KDD process in data mining steps unfold in a sequence, each contributing to the overall goal of knowledge discovery. These steps include data selection, data preprocessing, data transformation, data mining, pattern evaluation, and knowledge presentation. Each step builds upon the previous one, refining the data and uncovering increasingly valuable insights.

The KDD steps in data mining is a systematic approach to extracting knowledge from data, typically comprising the following stages:

Understanding the Problem: Clearly define the problem at hand and establish goals for the knowledge discovery process in data mining.

Data Selection: Identify and acquire relevant data from various sources. The quality of the selected data significantly influences the success of the process.The data is usually divided into three tranches : Train, Test and Validate. The model is trained on the “train” data and then tested on the “test” data.

Data Preprocessing: Cleanse the data by handling missing values, addressing inconsistencies, and preparing it for further analysis.

Data Transformation: Convert raw data into a suitable format for analysis. This may involve aggregating, summarising, or transforming variables.

Data Mining: Apply data mining techniques to uncover patterns, trends, and associations within the dataset.

Pattern Evaluation: Assess the mined patterns for their relevance and significance. This step involves filtering out noise and identifying valuable insights.

Knowledge Presentation: Communicate the discovered knowledge in a format that is understandable and actionable for stakeholders.

KDD Process Example

To illustrate the KDD process example, let us consider a scenario in healthcare. The goal is to discover patterns related to patient outcomes based on a vast dataset that includes medical histories, treatment regimens, and demographic information.

Understanding the Problem: Define the research question, such as "What factors contribute to successful patient outcomes?"

Data Selection: Gather comprehensive data on patients, including medical records, treatment plans, and relevant demographics.

Data Preprocessing: Cleanse the data by addressing missing values, handling outliers, and ensuring consistency.

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Data Transformation: Convert variables into a standardised format, perhaps aggregating data at the patient level.Check on data labelling and compatibility.

Data Mining: Apply data mining techniques to identify patterns, such as correlations between specific treatments and positive outcomes.

Pattern Evaluation: Assess the identified patterns, filtering out any random associations, and focus on statistically significant findings. Analyse the results keeping the business domain in mind. Check if more influential data points can be added.

Knowledge Presentation: Communicate the insights to healthcare professionals in a format that informs decision-making, potentially leading to improved patient care strategies.

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In conclusion, the knowledge discovery process in data mining represents a holistic approach to extracting valuable insights from large datasets. Understanding the nuances of the KDD process, its steps, and its role in the broader realm of data mining empowers organisations to make informed decisions based on meaningful knowledge.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is the Knowledge Discovery Process in data mining?

The KDD process is a systematic approach to extracting valuable insights from raw data. It involves stages like data selection, preprocessing, transformation, data mining, pattern evaluation, and knowledge presentation.

2. How does KDD differ from traditional data mining?

While data mining specifically focuses on uncovering patterns, KDD is a broader process that encompasses data mining. KDD involves additional stages like data selection, preprocessing, and knowledge presentation.

3. Why is the understanding of the problem crucial in KDD?

Defining the problem sets the foundation for the entire process. It guides data selection, preprocessing, and the choice of data mining techniques, ensuring relevance to the desired outcomes.

4. What are the key steps in the KDD process in data mining?

The KDD process includes understanding the problem, data selection, data preprocessing, data transformation, data mining, pattern evaluation, and knowledge presentation.

5. Can you provide a real-world example of the KDD process in action?

Consider a healthcare scenario aiming to improve patient outcomes. The KDD process involves defining the problem, selecting relevant patient data, preprocessing it, applying data mining techniques, evaluating patterns, and presenting actionable knowledge for informed decision-making.


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