Linear Data Structures and types of Data Structures explained 1.0

Linear Data Structures and types of Data Structures explained 1.0

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Sep 24, 2022 12:14 PM IST | #Data Science

Data structure is a concept utilised to store and organize data. It’s primarily used to make complex data simpler and easily accessible. It is also applied sometimes to make data updating procedures more efficient. A data structure is distinguished from programming languages. It is a tool to be applied into diverse programming languages in order to provide a structure to random data sets. Essentially, types of data structures include a set of algorithms which are called as Abstract data types which in turn are the set of rules. On a broader scale, there are mainly two types of data structures:

Linear Data Structures and types of Data Structures explained 1.0
Linear Data Structures and types of Data Structures explained 1.0

1. Primitive Data Structures: They are an amalgamation of primitive data types like char,int,float and double which can hold a single value.
2. Non-primitive data structures: These are further divided into two kinds:
a) Non-linear data structure: It is a method to connect the data sets in a hierarchal manner. If the developer has limited memory, this is the preferred method of structuring. However, the implementation of data sets are more complex due to multiple level of data sets for example trees and graphs.
b) Linear data structure: It is a method which is employed when the data is arranged in a linear fashion. Linear data structures, and linear searching in data structure supports single-level storage of data which enables traversal of the linear elements through a single run. All elements in this structure are linked like queue,Array,linked list, etc. These data elements have one relationship and its implementation becomes simpler due to their sequential order. The data elements follow the order in which there is only one first element which in turn would have one next element.

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The one last element would have one previous element. Lastly, all the other elements have a previous and next element. Here is a list of different types of data structures, which follow the linear data structure rules.

1. Linked List: It is a method used for separate objects which can stored in a linear manner. The procedure of getting an element linked initiates from the head and traverse and goes on until the desired element is obtained which can be a time-taking process. Each object containing linear data structures also has a reference to the next object. The final node of the list has a reference to null and the starting element would be known as the head. It is mainly used in cases where the data has to be modified regularly as it makes the addition or deletion of data sets faster at the beginning.
The properties of the linked list include: Access time: O(n),Searching time: O(n) and Adding element O(1)

2. Array: It is a fixed type of linear data structure in which the data sets are similar in trends. This also has an disadvantage which does not allow users to constrain the data type of values stored as they have to be similar. It is mainly used as building blocks to further develop other data structures. In some cases, it can be utilized as a sorting algorithms namely insertion sort, bubble sort, quick sort and merge sort. There are three possible operations using Array namely traverse, search and update. A prerequisite for data storage in an array, size of the array has to be well-defined. As arrays are known to be fixed in size which makes the insertion and deletion of elements very difficult. In order to insert an element, there is a need to create a new array with a larger size, copy the existing elements and add another element.

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3. Stack: There are two major guidelines involved in Stack storage method of data which are LIFO (last in, first out) or FILO (first in, last out). The different of manner of addition and deletion in this method. Addition of elements can only be done at one end and they can only be removed from the same end. These insertion and deletion options are known as push and pop. The last added element can also be extracted out. These can be implemented using lists,collections.deque or queue,LifoQueue. The three properties of stacks linear data structure are adding element: O(1) , deleting element: O(1) and accessing time: O(n) [Worst Case]. Stacks are implemented in case words have to reversed, or if the editors want to remove the word that was last typed.

4. Queue: In this case, the stored data follows FIFO (First In First Out).Two aspects are vital for queue named enqueue and dequeue used to add or remove elements respectively. Another exception associated to queue is that first object to be removed has to be the one which added the first and not the most recent one. The properties of queue are similar to stack.

Data Science concepts are the stepping stones to exceling machine learning or languages. It is an essential skill in order to write codes which are time and memory efficient. The only skill required to master data structure is the prior knowledge of C. This skill would allow the reusability of data by multiple client programs without them obtaining the know-how of the workings of data structure. It is only the simplified interface that the client can utilize for need to implementation of the information efficiently.

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