Why Is Coding Important? Know From An Expert

Why Is Coding Important? Know From An Expert

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Jul 22, 2022 09:10 AM IST | #Programming

Should you learn to code? Do you want to know why coding is important? The answer to these questions rely on another crucial question: “Is it important for us to learn Mathematics?” We don’t learn Mathematics to become a mathematician, but for it to help us with life skills. It is a skill helpful in whichever field one may choose to get into. Similarly, being able to code in today’s world is a necessity. However, there is a difference between learning coding and aspiring to be a software developer. To learn coding does not mean you have to be a software developer. Whichever field you may want to get into in the future, coding will help. Coding is needed. As part of education, knowledge, as a skill and in whichever career you go ahead.

Why Is Coding Important? Know From An Expert
Why Is Coding Important? Know From An Expert

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Defining ‘Coding’

Coding in layman's terms is basically being able to talk to a computer in a way that it understands, and do tasks quickly and repetitively. It is a method to instruct a machine such that it is able to execute things in a sequential and logical manner, and hence, get an output that we want.

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Rising Presence Of Software

The presence of software is growing rapidly and so is the importance of coding. It is almost everywhere in our day-to-day lives, be it television or OTT. Any app we use has a software holding it. One of the simplest ways to understand its penetration is to look at the job market. In the last decade, one of the highest in-demand professions has been that of a software developer. And going forward in the next two decades, it is going to be the same. Software developers are offered the highest salaries. The demand for this particular skill is amongst the highest in the world. This takes us to the answer to why coding is important. Because coding is thus required everywhere especially when the pandemic itself gave rise to major breakthroughs in technology.

When And How To Begin

In order to understand why coding is important and what is the right age to start or how young is too young, you need to ask yourself, “Do I want to learn to code or do I want to understand it?”

If you can operate a computer well and can understand simple logic, you should be able to begin coding.

The best way to begin learning to code is to go online. There are quite a few tools available for you to begin to explore coding free of any costs. You can go to https://code.org/ or https://scratch.mit.edu/ to get a good idea of what coding practically entails.

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Which Language Should You Learn?

There are many programming languages used around the world. Which one is the best programming language depends on what the particular requirement is. What is important while one creates software is minimal and clean coding.

You’ll only learn to code well if you understand the importance of coding and keep an eye on the important updates in coding languages, though not too many changes come about in the language itself. For someone who understands a particular programming language, catching up to any modifications would be fairly easy. You should be able to understand things at the conceptual level and the ‘why’ of everything. This would help you stay updated more easily. As long as your concepts are strong and fundamental knowledge is in place, then you must focus on that more than anything else.

why coding is important, importance of coding, coding importance, why is coding important for the futureThere Are Many Programming Languages Used Around The World

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Is Coding For You?

Everyone qualifies for coding. But, we need to understand why is coding important for the future, your future. We need to remember that software is extremely vast. There are multiple aspects to it, and which area you are going to be good at would depend on your passion and strength. There might be an area that you fit really well but will not know it until you start working on it and exploring. These things include understanding logic, analytics, and mathematics. Try to learn different aspects of coding such as front-end, back-end, systems, hardware, graphics, etc., and figure out if you like it or not. It has to match your personal preferences, passion, and strength, and that can come only through exploration and discovery. Only then you will understand why is coding important for the future, your future.

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What Industry Looks For

More than your degree in Computer Science, why is coding important for the future? The three things that people in the industry look for in prospective employees or coders are:-

Attitude | You should have a “Yes, I can do it” attitude. This is what appeals to the recruiter.

Aptitude | The ability to understand logic is another essential criterion.

Skill | Skill is, needless to say, important. Skills are tied to attitude and aptitude in the sense that you can be taught the skills if you have the right attitude and an aptitude for learning. On the other hand, having the required skills might solidify your attitude and aptitude.

So, get set for your journey in coding and see a gamut of opportunities coming your way!

Watch Now | Webinar On How Important Is It For You To Learn To Code?

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