- What is the output for System.out.println(-6+4*2);?
- Java Program - What is the output for System.out.println((2+3)4);
- What is the output for System.out.println(9+6-3*4/2%5);
- In-taking two numbers using Scanner and printing their sum
- Check whether the given input number is even or odd
- Printing the multiplication table of the given input number
- Check whether the given year is a Leap Year
- What is the output for System.out.println(7+(3*5)*(4/2)+(5%3)-1);
- Check whether the given character is a Vowel
- Print the area of a circle
Java Programs for Interviews
Prepare for job interviews with java programming questions from 150 Java programmes ranging from fundamental to ...Read more
₹ 199 995
Quick Facts
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Medium of instructions
Mode of learning
Self study
Mode of Delivery
Video and Text Based
Course overview
Java Programs for Interviews online course is a one-stop shop for practising Java programs and preparing for interviews. Whether you are a fresher or an expert, or if you are applying for job roles such as developer or tester, you will be asked to write the logic or explanation for several java programmes during the interview. This course will boost your confidence, allowing you to succeed in interviews.
Java Programs for Interviews online certification is developed by Arun Motoori - Software Testing Engineer, Youtuber, Content Creator & Corporate Instructor and offered by Eduonix, an online learning platform delivering training and development courses and career counselling through its courses. The participants enrolling in the Java Programs for Interviews online training are advised to have prior knowledge of Core Java as it will help them in understanding the explanations of the programs with any problems. The course also provides more than 26 hours of prerecorded video content covering the explanations and logic behind more than 150 java programming languages.
The highlights
- Self-paced course
- English videos with subtitles
- Pre-recorded video content
- Online lectures
- 30-day money-back guarantee
- Accessible on portable devices
Program offerings
- Self-paced course
- English videos with subtitles
- 26.58 hours of pre-recorded video content
- 150 online lectures
- 30-day money-back guarantee
- Accessible on portable devices
Course and certificate fees
Fees information
certificate availability
Who it is for
What you will learn
After completing the Java Programs for Interviews certification course, participants will gain a basic to advanced understanding of the Java programming language and its foundations. Candidates will be able to prepare for job interviews as java programmers or software engineers by developing an understanding of the logic and explanation of the java programmes.
The syllabus
First Set (1 to 10 Programs)
Second Set (11 to 20 Programs)
- Intake two numbers and finds the quotient and reminder
- Find the perimeter of the circle
- Find the power of a number
- Find the sum of first 100 numbers
- Intake 6 numbers as input and prints their average
- Find the sum of all even numbers from 1 to 10
- Intake width and height of a Rectangle and there by print its area
- Swap two numbers
- Intake width and height of a Rectangle and find its perimeter
- Find the sum of all the digits in the inputed number
Third Set (21 to 30 Programs)
- Convert a String to integer
- Convert an integer to String
- Intakes String and prints the duplicate characters along with
- Print the number of letters, digits, spaces in the statement
- Print the Fibonacci series till the inputed number
- Reverse a String
- Check whether the given String text is a Palindrome
- Check whether the given number is a palindrome
- Find the Square of the given number
- Find the Cube of the given number
Fourth Set (31 to 40 Programs)
- Find whether the given number is an Armstrong number
- Find the factorial of the given number
- Remove the duplicates from Array with the help of HashSet
- Delete duplicates from Sorted Array using index
- Find the duplicate elements in the array using index
- Find the duplicate element in the array using HashSet
- Count the number of digits in the given number
- Count the digits in the given number
- Count the number of even and odd digits in the given number
- Find the largest of given three numbers
Fifth Set (41 to 50 Programs)
- Find the sum of all the elements in the Array
- Separately print the even and odd number in the given array
- Reverse the given number
- Generate a random number within the given range
- Compare two arrays
- Logic to compare two arrays without using inbuilt methods
- Find the missing element in the array
- Find the maximum and minimum in the given Array
- Search for the given element in the array
- Printing the Array
Sixth Set (51 to 60 Programs)
- Sorting the elements in the Array using build-in functions
- Remove special characters, spaces and other from the given String..
- Remove white spaces in the given string text
- Find the number of occurrence of a character in the given String..
- Reverse each and every word in the given String text
- Print the Version of Java installed in your machine
- Compare two given numbers
- Find the ASCII value of the given character
- Print the text in the specified format
- Print the current system date and time
Seventh Set (61 to 70 Programs)
- Print the Date and Time in a different format
- Print the odd numbers from 1 to 10
- Intakes a number and prints whether the given number is even or odd
- Display the numbers from 1 to 25 which are divisible by both 2 & 3
- Intakes number of seconds and converts to hours, minutes & seconds
- Find the factors of the number and the count number of factors
- Capitalize the first letter of each word in the given statement
- Convert the given String text to lower case
- Print the pyramid pattern
- Print the number triangle pyramid
Eighth Set (71 to 80 Programs)
- Print the number pyramid
- Find the greatest common divisor of given numbers
- Find the square root of the given number
- Reverse an Array using Java Collections
- Receive input from the User and saving into Array
- Reverse the elements in the array
- Reverse the position of words in the String using Collections
- Find the penultimate word of a sentence
- Calculates reminder of two numbers without using modulus operator
- Insert a word in the middle of the given text
Ninth Set (81 to 90 Programs)
- Print the last three letters of the given text
- Print the first half of the given string text
- Find the size or length of the given String
- Find the number of elements in the given array
- Find the number of elements in the ArrayList
- Right rotate an Array by 1 element
- Right rotate an Array by 3 elements
- Left rotate an Array by 1 element
- Left rotate an Array by 3 elements
- Swap first and last elements of the Array
Tenth Set (91 to 100 Programs)
- Multiply the corresponding elements in the given two arrays
- Merge two different sorted arrays into a third sorted array
- Perform calculator operation
- Find the IP Address of the given website
- Check whether the given number is a prime number
- Print all the prime numbers between 1 and 100
- Count number of words in a String
- Find first occurrence of given element in array without algorithm
- Swap two numbers without using third variable
- Remove the duplicate characters in the given String
Eleventh Set (101 - 110 Programs)
- Left rotate a String by 1 position
- Left rotate a String by 3 positions
- Right rotate a String by 1 position
- Right rotate a String by 3 positions
- Print right triangle star pattern
- Print left triangle star pattern
- Print the reversed pyramid star pattern
- Print diamond shape star pattern
- Print the downward triangle star pattern
- Print mirrored right triangle star pattern
Twelfth Set (111-120 Programs)
- Print the mirrored right down triangle star pattern
- Print right pascal triangle star pattern
- Print left pascal triangle star pattern
- Print Sandglass star pattern
- Print pyramid border star pattern
- Find the first non-repeated character in the given String
- Check whether the given Strings are anagrams using Collections
- Check whether String is Anagram of another String by using sorting
- Check whether the given number is a power of 4
- Print the Down Triangle having Border Pattern
Thirteenth Set (121-130 Programs)
- Print diamond border star pattern
- Print the number pattern
- Print Floyd's Triangle
- Print Pascal Triangle
- Print Number Pattern 55555 4444 333 22 1
- Print Number Pattern 5 54 543 5432 54321
- Print Number Pattern 1 21 321 4321 54321
- Print Number Pattern 1 10 101 1010 10101
- Print Number Pattern 10101 01010
Fourteenth Set (131-140 Programs)
- Print the Sandglass Number Pattern
- Print Diamond Number Pattern
- Print the Right Triangle Alphabet Pattern
- Print Alphabet Pattern A BB CCC DDDD EEEEE
- Print Triangle Alphabet Pattern
- Print K Shaped Alphabet Pattern
- Print Diamond Border Alphabet Pattern
- Convert a String to Date
- Check whether the given number is a perfect number
- Sort an Array in Ascending order using built-in functions
Fifteenth Set (141-150 Programs)
- Sort an Array in descending order using built-in functions
- Sort an ArrayList in Ascending and Descending order
- Implementing Binary Search
- Implement Bubble Sort Algorithm
- Implement Selection Sort Algorithm
- Implement Insertion Sort Algorithm
- Implement Merge Sort Algorithm
- Implement Quick Sort Algorithm
- Implementing Heap Sort Algorithm
- Implementing Linear Search Algorithm