Oracle PL SQL Certification and Training


Your search for the best online learning programme for grasping concepts like DML ends with Oracle PL/SQL Training and Certification course by Intellipaat.




₹ 5529

Quick Facts

particular details
Medium of instructions English
Mode of learning Self study, Virtual Classroom
Mode of Delivery Video and Text Based
Frequency of Classes Weekends

Course overview

Oracle PL/SQL is indeed a high-performance, transaction-processing language which can be programmed for decoding complex business logic and rules to get the desired output. This course by Intellipaat has been designed for candidates seeking to qualify the Oracle PL/SQL Developer Certified Associate exam and open their avenues in this industry. The course modules have been structured in a manner that students learn PL/SQL conducive to the requirements of the industry.

This Oracle PL/SQL Training and Certification course online training course provides course-takers with basic to advanced skills which prove necessary to create, manage and implement robust database applications with the use of Oracle Database tools. The major topics covered in the course module - Basic Procedural Language/Structured Query Language, and section and syntax query are found to be in line with the Oracle PL/SQL certification. This comprehensive training is made all the more flexible in its online mode and will enable students to experiment and work diligently with large database applications.

The highlights

  • Highly interactive instructor-led training
  • Curriculum spanning over 24 hours
  • Self-paced online learning with lifetime access to modules
  • 28 hours of project work after every module
  • 24*7 technical support 
  • Leverage of attending multiple batches for lifetime

Program offerings

  • Online learning
  • Instructor-led training
  • Project work
  • Classroom teaching

Course and certificate fees

Fees information
₹ 5,529
  • The fee for self-paced training is Rs. 5,529.
  • The fee for an online Classroom programme is Rs. 13,509.
  • A discount of 10% can be availed on the classroom training option for 23 hours hence.
  • GST of 18% is payable on both mediums of learning.

Oracle PL/SQL Training and Certification course Fees

Fee Category

Amount in Rupees

Base Fee

5,529 (self-paced)

13,509 (online classroom-discounted price)




Total fees



certificate availability


certificate providing authority


Who it is for

This course is an ideal online training programme for the following individuals-

  • Oracle PL/SQL aspirants
  • Software Developers
  • SQL and Analytics Professionals
  • Database Administrators
  • BI and Data Warehousing Professionals

Eligibility criteria

Work Experience

No specific work experience is required for taking up the Oracle PL/SQL Training and Certification course.


Prior knowledge of SQL programming language shall prove to be beneficial for pursuing this course.

Certification Qualifying Details

Intellipaat’s ‘Certificate of Completion’ shall be provided to candidates whose real-time projects and assignments are completed and reviewed. They shall also be required to take a quiz post-training whose score will decide if they fall eligible to get the certificate. In addition to this, most importantly it is compulsory for candidates to secure a minimum 60% in the qualifying exams.

What you will learn

Database management

After the successful completion of the programme, candidates shall gain a holistic knowledge of PL/SQL language in Oracle database, especially pertaining to-

  • Overall handling of Oracle 12c database applications.
  • Application of PL/SQL coding in stored procedures, triggers and packages
  • Enhancing data security, performance and integrity
  • Utilising SQL Developer for efficient manipulation and retrieval of data.
  • Insights on concepts relating to PL/SQL sections including Exception Handling
  • Knowledge of SQL command major groups like DDL and DML.

The syllabus

Introduction to Oracle SQL

  • What is RDBMS?
  • Oracle versions
  • The architecture of Oracle Database Server
  • Installation of Oracle 12c
Hands-on exercises
  • Install Oracle 12c

Using DDL Statements to Create and Manage Tables

  • Categorize the main database objects
  • Review the table structure, List the data types that are available for columns
  • Create a simple table
  • Explain how constraints are created at the time of table creation
  • Describe how schema objects work
Hands-on exercises
  • Create a database table Person with two column (Name, Age) with a constraint on age not greater than 100, Insert records using an insertquery

Retrieving Data Using the SQL SELECT Statement

  • List the capabilities of SQL SELECT statements
  • Execute a basic SELECT statement
Handson exercise
  • Use a basic select statement to retrieve all the records in the Person table

Restricting and Sorting Data

  • Limit the rows that are retrieved by a query
  • Sort the rows that are retrieved by a query
  • Ampersand substitution to restrict and sort output at runtime
Hands on exercises
  • Write a select query to retrieve records where age is more than 60 yrs Write a select query to sort the records by name
  • Write a select query to sort the records by age in descending order
  • Use ampersand substitution to restrict and sort output at runtime

General Functions

  • The general functions in SQL
  • Working with any data type and handling Null values, using COALESCE() and Null function
  • Constructing and executing SQL query that applies the NUL, NUL1, NUL2 and COALESCE()
Hands on exercise
  • Use the NULLfunction to deal with null values in data

Using Single-Row Functions to Customize Output

  • Describe various types of functions (character, number, date, string etc.) available in SQL
Hands on exercise
  • Create a table with columns of type char, number,and date
  • Use character, number, and date functions in SELECT statements

Large Object Functions

  • Large object functions –BFILENAME, EMPTY_BLOB, EMPTY_CLOB
  • Aggregate or Group functions –COUNT, COUNT(*),MIN,MAX,SUM,AVG, and more
  • Group BY Clause, HAVING Clause
Hands on exercise
  • Count records based on a condition, Use Count(*) to know the count of all records, Find Max, Min, Sum, Avg

OLAP Functions

  • The various OLAP functions, cube, model clause, roll up and grouping functions
Hands on experience
  • Working with OLAP commands –Cube, Roll Up, etc

Using Conversion Functions and Conditional Expressions

  • Describe various types of conversion functions that are available in SQL
  • Conditional expressions in a SELECT statement
Hands on exercise
  • Group data by using the GROUP BY clause, Include or exclude grouped rows by using the HAVING clause

Displaying Data from Multiple Tables

  • Joins, Inner Join, Outer Join, Left Join, Right Join, Equijoins and Non-equijoins
Hands on exercise
  • Write SELECT statements to access data from more than one table using equijoins and non-equi joins, Join a table to itself by using a self-join, View data that generally does not meet a join condition by using outer joins, Generate a Cartesian product of all rows from two or more tables

Using Subqueries to Solve Queries

  • Define subqueries
  • Describe the types of problems that the subqueries can solve
  • List the types of subqueries
Hands on exercise
  • Write single-row and multiple-row subqueries

Using the set of Operators

  • Describe set operators, UNION [ALL], INTERSECT, MINUS Operators
Hands on exercise
  • Use a set operator to combine multiple queries into a single queryControl the order of rows returned

Manipulating Data using SQL

  • Describe data manipulation language (DML) statement, Insert, Update, Delete Statements, Control transactions
Hands on exercise
  • Insert rows into a table, Update rows in a table, Delete rows from a table

Database Transactions

  • What is a database transaction?
  • Properties of a transaction (Atomic, Consistent, Isolated, Durable –ACID)
  • Avoiding error/fault in manipulating database records using transaction
Hands on exercise
  • Begin a transaction, Execute queries to update or insert or delete records, If no error, commit the transaction Else to rollback the transaction and end it

Creating Other Schema Objects

  • Views –simple and complex, Sequences, Index, Synonym
Hands on exercise
  • Create simple and complex views, Retrieve data from views, Create, maintain, and use sequences, Create and maintain indexes, Create private and public synonyms

Writing Cursor and Conditional Statement

  • SQL Cursor, SQL Cursor Attributes
  • Controlling PL/SQL flow of executions
  • IF Statement, Simple IF Statement, IF-THAN-ELSE Statement Execution Flow, IF-THAN-ELSE Statement, IF-THAN-ELSIF Statement
  • Logic Tables, Boolean Conditions
  • Iterative controlling loop statement, Nested Loops andLabels
Hands on exercise
  • Use Boolean condition on a select query, Use logic table, Create nested loops and labels

Introduction to Explicit Cursor

  • Writing Explicit cursors, About cursors
  • Explicit cursor functions, Controlling explicit cursor, Opening the cursor
  • Fetching Data cursor, Cursor,and records, Cursor for loop using sub queries
Hands on exercise
  • Write an explicit cursor, Use cursor function, Fetch data cursor

Advance Concept of explicit cursor

  • Advance Explicit cursor
  • A cursor with parameters, For update Clause
  • Where current of Clause, Cursor with sub queries
  • Use cursor with a subquery, Use Where Current Clause to retrieve data

Exception Handling

  • Handling Exception, Handling Exception with PL/SQLPredefined Exceptions
  • User Defined Exceptions, Non-Predefined Error, Function for trapping Exception
  • Trapping user-defined Exception
  • Raise Application Error Procedure
Hands on experience
  • Use Predefined exception, Write user-defined exception, Generate and handle the exception, Use a function for trapping an exception

Writing Subprogram, Procedure and passing parameters

  • Overview of subprograms, PL/SQL Subprograms
  • What is Procedure?
  • The syntax for creating Procedure
  • Creating Procedure with a parameter, Example of Passing parameters
  • Referencing a public variable from a standalone procedure
  • Declaring Subprogram
Hands on experience
  • Create a parameterized procedure, Passparameters in a procedure call
  • Access a public variable from a standalone procedure

Creating PL/SQL Package

  • PL/SQL records, Using Pl/SQL Table method and example
  • Creating PL/SQL Table
  • Packages –Objective, overview, component, developing, removing, advantages
  • Creating the package specification/example
  • Declaring Public construct, Public and private construct, Invoking package construct
  • Guidelines for deploying packages
Hands on experience
  • Create a package, Deploy the created package

Advance Package Concepts and functions

  • Overloading, Using forward declaration, One time only procedure, Package functions
  • User define package function, Persistent state of package function, Persistent state of a package variable
  • Controlling the persistent state of package cursor
  • Purity end, Using supplied package
  • Using native dynamic SQL, Execution flow
  • Using DBMS-SQL package, Using DBMS-DDL package, Submitting jobs
  • Interacting with operating system links
Hands on experience
  • Use supplied package, Use native dynamic SQL, Use DBMS-SQL package
  • Use DBMS-DDL package, Submit a job

Introduction and writing Triggers

  • Triggers –Definition, objective and its event type, Application & database triggers
  • Business application scenarios for implementing triggers
  • Define DML triggers, Define Non –DML triggers, Triggers event type & body
  • Creating DML triggers using the create triggers statement
  • Define statement level triggers v/s low-level triggers
  • Triggers firing sequence: single row manipulation
  • Creating a DML statement triggers
  • Using old and new qualifiers
  • Old and new qualifiers, Instead of triggers
  • Managing triggers using the alter & drop SQL statement, Testing triggers
Hands on experience
  • Create a DML statement trigger, Use old and new qualifiers, Manage a trigger using the alter & drop SQL statement, Test the created triggers

Compound Triggers

  • Viewing trigger information
  • Describe user triggers
  • What is a compound trigger and working with it?
  • Compound trigger structure for tables, Timing-point sections of a table compound trigger
  • Compound trigger structure for views
  • Trigger restrictions on mutating tables
  • Compound trigger restrictions, Using a compound trigger to resolve the mutating table error
  • Creating triggers on system events, LOGON and LOGOFF triggers example
  • Call statements in triggers
  • Benefits of database-event triggers
  • System privileges required to manage triggers
Hands on experience
  • View a trigger’s information, Use a compound trigger structure for views
  • Use a compound trigger to resolve the mutating table error
  • Create triggers on system events, Use LOGON and LOGOFF triggers, Call statements in triggers

Working with Dynamic SQL

  • Dynamic SQL-objectives
  • Describe execution flow of SQL statements
  • Dynamic SQL with a DDL statement-example
  • Working with dynamic SQL
  • Native Dynamic SQL(NDS), Using the executive immediate statement-example,Using native dynamic SQL to compile PL/SQL code, Using DBMS-SQL with a DML statement, Using the DBMS-SQL package subprograms, Parameterized DML statement
Hands on experience
  • Use the executive immediate statement
  • Use native dynamic SQL to compile PL/SQL code
  • Create DBMS-SQL with a DML statement, Create a DBMS-SQL package subprograms

Advance Level Scripting

  • Managing Dependencies, Objectives, overview of schema object dependencies, Direct local dependencies
  • Querying direct object dependencies, Displaying direct and indirect dependencies
  • Fine-Grained dependency management, Changes to synonym dependencies
  • Maintaining valid PL/SQL program units and views, Object re-validation
  • Concepts of remote dependencies 
  • Setting the remote dependencies mode parameter
  • Recompiling PL/SQL program unit
  • Packages and Dependencies, Successfuland unsuccessful recompilation
  • Recompiling procedures
Hands on experience
  • Query direct object dependencies
  • Display direct and indirect dependencies, Set the remote dependencies mode parameter
  • Recompile PL/SQL program unit, Edit a procedure and recompile it

Admission details

Candidates willing to take up this course must follow the given steps for registering in the Oracle PL/SQL Training and Certification programme-

Step 1: Visit and select ‘Enroll Now’ at the top of the webpage.

Step 2: Choose between a self-paced and classroom teaching programme. 

Step 3: Review your cart details and proceed to checkout.

Step 4: Enter the discount coupon, in case you have. Else, just go through your transaction details.

Step 5: Connect your Intellipaat, Google, or Facebook account to validate your identity before payment.

Step 6: Next, enter your billing details.

Step 7: Choose a payment method from the given options, and you are done.

How it helps

This PL SQL Bootcamp Training is an experience in itself. It expands the horizons of candidates in respect of the desired technical know-how surrounding the present domain and its sister concepts. The exposure to work in challenging industry requirements prepare the candidates for the professional world. The certification training would help candidates secure good jobs in various companies. A sincere learning of course curriculum will prove to be highly advantageous for candidates.

Companies hiring Oracle professionals include Microsoft, Facebook, Walmart, and IBM. This makes the current industry much sought after for the expertise companies look for. The course has been crafted to provide both the candidates and companies with their needs.


What prior industry experience is needed for getting an interview call?

Generally, there is no such requirement for this. Since the certification itself is equal to an experience of 6 months. Hence this is very advantageous from an interview point of view.

What is the fee for Intellipaat placement assistance?

Intellipaat’s placement assistance program is absolutely complimentary. It is inclusive of the online training course curriculum.

Is there any limit on the number of job interviews?

No, the resume stored in the database shall be shared with Intellipaat’s MNC partners until the candidate secures a job.

What kind of projects will candidates work on?

These projects cover the domains relevant to the respective industry. These are highly industry-oriented tasks with real-world implications that strengthen the conceptual knowledge of candidates.

Do trainers have any experience in this field?

Generally, all our trainers have more than a decade of relevant industry experience. Moreover, their active contribution as consultants in the same domain has made them subject matter experts.


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