Diploma in US Technology Law and Paralegal Studies: Structuring, Contracts, Compliance, Disputes and Policy Advocacy


Law skills with a Diploma in US Technology Law and Paralegal Studies: Structuring, Contracts, Compliance, Disputes and Policy Advocacy certification by LawSikho




6 Months


₹ 66000

Inclusive of GST

Quick Facts

particular details
Medium of instructions English
Mode of learning Self study, Virtual Classroom
Mode of Delivery Video and Text Based
Learning efforts 6-8 Hours Per Week

Course overview

Diploma in US Technology Law and Paralegal Studies: Structuring, Contracts, Compliance, Disputes and Policy Advocacy certification course duration is 6 months. The certification course offers in-demand technology law skills to cater to an international clientele. The course provides a comprehensive curriculum that helps students gain important US technology-related legal skills to build a legal freelancing career.

The students will learn to draft major technology agreements, and user-facing agreements, consulting key legal issues to technology industries and companies. The Diploma in US Technology Law and Paralegal Studies: Structuring, Contracts, Compliance, Disputes and Policy Advocacy certification by LawSikho provides practical experience to face real-time scenarios with the guidance of industry experts. 

The highlights

  • 6 Months Online Course  
  • 15+ Hours Personalised Coaching 
  • 15+ Hours of Freelancing Career Training 
  • Access to 200+ High-Quality Templates 
  • 20+ Hours of Building Immaculate Track Record 
  • 45+ Hours of Live Practical Sessions with Industry Experts
  • Hard Copy Study Material Delivery to Home

Program offerings

  • Online 24/7 access to study material
  • Live doubt clearing
  • One-on-one sessions
  • 100+ hours of simulation-oriented practice
  • 50+ professional skills
  • Live online classes

Course and certificate fees

Fees information
₹ 66,000  (Inclusive of GST)

The Diploma in US Technology Law and Paralegal Studies: Structuring, Contracts, Compliance, Disputes and Policy Advocacy certification fee is Rs 66,000. If candidates are enrolling through EMI, then they will be charged Rs 3,000 per month. 

If the students are dissatisfied or don't like any benefits from the Diploma in US Technology Law and Paralegal Studies: Structuring, Contracts, Compliance, Disputes and Policy Advocacy certification course, then they can claim a 100% refund after completing the full 30 days of the course.

Diploma in US Technology Law and Paralegal Studies: Structuring, Contracts, Compliance, Disputes and Policy Advocacy Certification Fee Structure

Certification Course 


Diploma in US Technology Law and Paralegal Studies: Structuring, Contracts, Compliance, Disputes and Policy Advocacy

Rs 66,000

Diploma in US Technology Law and Paralegal Studies: Structuring, Contracts, Compliance, Disputes and Policy Advocacy (EMI) 

Rs 3,000 Per Month 

certificate availability


certificate providing authority

National Skill Development Corporation +1 more

Who it is for

The Diploma in US Technology Law and Paralegal Studies: Structuring, Contracts, Compliance, Disputes and Policy Advocacy is designed for aspiring Law students and working professionals to develop their skills. It is also beneficial for:

Eligibility criteria

Certification Qualifying Details

The candidates will receive a certificate cobranded by NSDC and Skill India upon completing the Diploma in US Technology Law and Paralegal Studies: Structuring, Contracts, Compliance, Disputes and Policy Advocacy online course. They are required to complete the assignments to receive a certificate. The hard copy of the certificate will be sent to the participants by courier.

What you will learn

Auditing skill

After completing the Diploma in US Technology Law and Paralegal Studies: Structuring, Contracts, Compliance, Disputes and Policy Advocacy certification syllabus, the students will learn the US legal system and legislation that can be applied to technology companies at state and federal levels. They will also learn different legislations like cybersecurity, data protection and other domains. 

The students will also gain a deep understanding of drafting different technology contracts, and auditing work according to the technology sector's various laws. Upon completing the Diploma in US Technology Law and Paralegal Studies: Structuring, Contracts, Compliance, Disputes and Policy Advocacy training, the participants will learn about data protection laws, licensing, and digital lending and investment management.

The syllabus

Introduction to American Legal System and Technology Law Sources of US Law

Sources of US Law
  • Constitution
  • Legislation - Acts, Rules, Regulations,
  • Case law
  • Common law
  • Contract law
  • Uniform Commercial Code and its adoption by the different states
US Court system and hierarchy of courts at federal and state level
  • US Federal Court System
  • US State Court System
  • District Courts, Trial Courts and Courts of Appeals
  • The US Supreme Court
  • The Jury System
  • The US Department of Justice
  • The Attorneys General
Technology laws in the US
  • Cybersecurity 
    • Homeland Security Act / Federal Information Security Management Act
    • Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act
    • Cybersecurity Enhancement Act
    • Federal Exchange Data Breach Notification Act
    • National Cybersecurity Protection Advancement Act
  • Data Protection and Privacy
    • Federal and State laws on data protection
  • Electronic Payment related legislation
    • Fair Credit Billing Act
    • Electronic Fund Transfer Act
  • Electronic records and signatures

Basic Technology Contracts

Operative clauses of technology contracts
  • Obligations and payments clauses
  • Software license-related clauses, technology services obligations or combination of license and services  
  • Representations and warranties clauses
  • Term and termination clauses
Important boilerplate clauses in tech contracts
  • Indemnification
  • Limitation of Liability
  • Governing law and jurisdiction
  • Dispute resolution
Technology contracts related to software and how to draft them
  • Software development agreement
  • Service level agreements
  • Master service agreement
  • Software as a Service agreement

Technology Licensing and Transfers

Different types of licenses in technology agreements
  • Based on the property
    • Trademark licensing
    • Patent licensing
    • Trade secret licensing
  • Based on the period of license
    • Perpetual
    • Subscription
    • Fixed duration
    • Use time / Aggregate use time
  • Depending upon number of users / manner of use
    • Floating license
    • Metered License
    • Feature license
    • Project based license
    • Academic license
  • Depending upon exclusivity
    • Exclusive
    • Non-exclusive
How to draft Licensing Agreements
  • Type of license
  • Obligations and payment clauses
  • Right to sub-license
  • Dispute resolution
  • Reporting the licenses to the USPTO
What are technology transfers and different types of technology transfers
  • Process of transferring technology
  • Types of technology transfers
    • Licensing
    • Franchising
    • Joint Venture Agreements
    • Co-branding arrangements
    • Vertical and horizontal technology transfers
How to draft technology transfer agreements
  • What is the technology being transferred
  • Scope of transfer in terms of territory and exclusivity
  • Mode of transfer
  • Payment for the transfer of technology
  • Confidentiality, non-compete, non-solicit
  • Duration or term
  • Governing law and dispute resolution

How to Assist US Lawyers with Software Patent Filing and Documentation Work

Conducting patentability searches
  • What are all the kinds of searches to ensure that a software invention is patentable 
  • What are the various tools to conduct effective patent searches? 
  • What are the various steps involved in patent searching? 
  • How to ascertain the right terms to use while searching for similar inventions? 
  • What are some other best practices to be  implemented while searching?
Drafting specifications and claims for software related inventions
  • What are the requirements that an application for a software invention should meet? 
  • How to describe the technical challenges present in the field of relevant invention 
  • How to bring out the technical merits in the invention that overcomes the technical challenges? 
  • Preparing other documents for the purpose of e-filing
Filing a software patent application through the Electronic Filing System (EFS) of the USPTO
  • What is the information to be provided for filing an application for provisional as well as non provisional applications? 
  • What are the documents to be uploaded for a non-provisional application?- description, claims, drawings and oath or declaration
  • What are the documents to be uploaded for a provisional application?
  • Filing the Utility Patent Application Transmittal Form and application data sheet 
  • Step by step screenshot guide of the filing process
  • What are the filing fees for provisional and non provisional applications? 
  • How can you Expedite The Patent Filing Process?
Patent office action process for software patents
  • An overview of the Manual of Patent Examining Procedure 
  • Substantive examination of a patent applications
  • Types of office actions- restriction requirement, non-final office action, final office action
  • What are the common objections raised by the USPTO in software applications? 
  • How can these objections be overcome? 
  • What is the first office action procedure
  • What is the second office action procedure
  • The final office action 
  • Request for continued examination
  • Appeal 
  • Abandonment

Electronic Signatures

Law relating to Electronic Signatures in the US
  • Electronic Signature in Global and National Commerce Act
  • Uniform Electronic Transactions Act
    • Validity of Electronic signatures
    • Where can Electronic signatures not be used
  • How to get contracts executed in accordance with the law
Different types of electronic signatures and their uses
  • E-tokens
  • Em-signer / DocuSign / other software
  • Scanned or Pdf signatures
  • Managing E-signed contracts

Data Protection and Privacy Laws

Federal data protection laws in the US
  • The Privacy Act of 1974
  • The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act
  • The Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA)
  • The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
  • The Video Privacy Protection Act (VPPA)
  • The Telephone Consumer Protection Act
  • The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
State level data protection laws in the US
  • California: California Consumer Privacy Act
    • New law: California Privacy Rights Act
    • Annual Cybersecurity Audits
  • Virginia: Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act (VCDPA)
  • New York: New York Privacy Act, The New York SHIELD Act
  • Massachusetts: Massachusetts General Laws
Major requirements under US State laws
  • Notice requirements
  • Access to records and data
  • Uses and disclosures
Data protection authorities and regulators in the US
  • Federal Trade Commission
  • The Department of State’s Privacy Office
  • Privacy Unit of the Department of Justice

Regulation of Blockchain and Cryptocurrency in US

Introduction to Blockchain & Cryptocurrency
  • How are cryptocurrency regulated in the United States?
    • SEC
    • CFTC
    • IRS
    • OCC
    • FinCEN
  • How do laws and compliances vary at state and federal level?
    • New York
    • Delaware
  • How are cryptocurrency taxed?
  • What are the different licensing and ownership requirements for businesses and individuals respectively involved in transactions?
Blockchain Regulations & Compliances
  • What are the different kind of compliances to be undertaken by businesses
    • To trade in cryptocurrency
    • To accept payment in different crypto currencies.
  • What are the implications of non-compliance with federal and state regulations?
  • What are the different licensing requirements for cryptocurrencies?
  • What is the legal structure of tokens and how are they different from other securities?
  • How to draft AML/KYC/CFT Policy and ensure compliance with regulations?
  • Agreements with developers, designers, freelancers, advisors and business partners.
  • How to draft & negotiate a Token sale agreement?
  • Bounty Agreements
    • How to structure a Bounty Program
    • How to draft a Bounty Agreement
    • How to ensure compliance with SEC’s guidelines.
  • Blockchain token audit
  • Security Token Offering
    • Structuring & restructuring an STO
    • Investment Agreement for STO
  • Compliance Risk Management and Audit
How to assist businesses setting up a crypto exchange, crypto wallets or offering coins or tokens
  • What does a crypto exchange or crypto trading business do?
  • How does a crypto business make money
  • How to start a crypto business
    • Opening a legal entity and registering for taxes
    • Opening banking account
    • Obtaining business licenses: Delaware division of revenue
    • Using Delaware’s One Stop Business Licensing and Registration Service
    • Getting office and insurance
    • Creating a website
Litigation and disputes for a crypto company
  • Regulatory actions for non-compliance
  • Disputes in relation to securities
  • Contractual breaches
  • Intellectual property infringements
  • Tax disputes
  • Anti-money laundering disputes

Cybercrimes and Cybersecurity

Types of cybercrimes
  • Hacking
  • Virus / Malware attacks
  • Phishing
  • Identity theft
  • Theft and sale of data
  • Cryptojacking
  • Website spoofing
  • DDoS Attacks
Mechanisms used to deal with cybercrimes
  • Beacons
  • Honeypots
  • Sinkholes
  • Firewalls and encryption
Legislation in the US dealing with cybercrimes and cybersecurity and compliance required
  • Computer Fraud and Abuse Act
  • Electronic Communications Protection Act
  • Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act
  • Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act
  • Reporting requirements of cyber attacks or cybercrime incidents to state authorities
  • Requirement to report data breaches
  • Corporate Governance requirements - information on cybersecurity at board level

How is Use of Artificial Intelligence Regulated in the US

Use cases of Artificial Intelligence in businesses
  • Smart Assistants
  • Voice recognition software
  • Chatbots
  • Predictive analytics
  • Dynamic pricing
  • Fraud detection
  • Biometric recognition tools
Laws applicable to businesses using AI and compliance required
  • Bills in progress at a federal and state level
    • Algorithmic Accountability Act
    • Commercial Facial Recognition Act
    • California: Automated Decision Systems Accountability Act
    • New York: Future of Work Act
    • Antitrust Issues in AI: Algorithmic Collusion

How do Cloud Computing Companies Work?

Business models for cloud companies and applicable regulations in the US
  • Software as a Service
  • Platform as a Service
  • Infrastructure as a Service
  • ‘Cloud first’ or ‘Cloud Smart’ initiatives
  • NIST and FedRAMP
  • Data Security Laws
How do cloud companies make money
  • Subscriptions
  • Consumption based payments
  • Periodic / Perpetual licenses
  • Tiered pricing
Relevant contracts for cloud service providers
  • Terms and conditions of use
  • Privacy and cookie policies
  • Licensing agreements

How do Data Centres Work?

What are Data Centres and how are they used?
  • Why are data centres needed?
  • Which types of companies have data centres?
  • What are the tiers or levels of data centres?
  • Do companies have their own data centres or are these hired?
How are data centres and data centre service providers regulated?
  • Data activities regulated by most data protection and privacy laws
    • Collection of data
    • Storage of data
    • Processing of data
    • Transfer of data
  • Requirements for maintaining continuity of business operations for certain regulated entities
  • Data centre service level agreements
  • Colocation service agreements

Fintech Regulation in the US

What are the different types of FinTech businesses operating in the US
  • Trading 
  • Money transfers
  • Investment management
  • Fundraising and Investor reporting
  • Information transfer using blockchain
  • Mobile banks
  • Lending and debt collection
  • Credit card management
  • Payment cycle management
  • Managing employee equity
  • Financing purchases
How are fintech businesses regulated in the US and what are the compliance requirements?
  • Applicability of consumer protection laws to fintech companies
  • Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard
  • Securities laws
  • Banking Secrecy Act and AML laws and regulations
  • Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA)
  • Regulators
    • Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
    • Securities and Exchange Commission
    • Commodity Futures Trading Commission
    • Financial Crimes Enforcement Network
    • Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
  • KYC / CDD related compliance
  • AML / CFT compliance and sanctions checks
  • Compliance under specific regulatory requirements - securities or commodities regulations, insurance regulations or banking regulations
  • Compliance required depending upon the form of business entity

Legaltech Sector in the US

Areas in which LegalTech can be used
  • Marketplace model - platforms connecting Attorneys and clients 
  • Litigation funding and platforms providing crowdfunding for class actions
  • Practice management software 
  • Case management software
  • Contract Review and Management
  • Managing contract execution and digital signatures
  • Obtaining information and evidence in litigation - discovery
  • Document analysis and management for litigation
  • Document storage
  • E-Notary and legalisation services
  • Auto summary and data extraction
How can lawyers assist legal tech companies
  • Product development
    • Creating templates, versions and workflows 
    • Gathering data and adding to databases
    • Contributing to review and analysis features
    • Developing content
  • Contracts
  • Content marketing
    • Blogs
    • Emails
    • Videos

How Does the Gaming Sector Work and What Are the Regulations Applicable To It?

Legal work required for gaming companies
  • Types of companies in the gaming sector: video game companies, online casinos, betting sites and other card games websites
  • Regulation of online gaming, casinos and online card games in the US
  • Federal and State licenses required for online gaming companies
  • What are the regulations applicable to video game companies
    • Entertainment Software Association
    • Ratings - Entertainment Software Ratings Board
    • Intellectual property
    • Brown Vs. Entertainment Merchants Association
Contracts required by gaming companies
  • Video game licensing agreements
  • Game development agreements
  • Game porting agreements
  • Work for hire agreements
  • Option agreements
  • Clauses in such contracts which can be heavily negotiated
    • Scope of license of intellectual property
    • Obligations of the parties, especially in work / services agreements
    • Payment mechanisms
    • Governing law and jurisdiction
Litigation and disputes for a gaming company
  • Intellectual property infringement
  • Contractual breaches
  • Content and rating related litigation
  • Employment related litigation

Overview of Work in the US E-Commerce Industry

Popular e-commerce business models in the US
  • B2C - direct sales, online intermediaries, advertisement based, community based or fee based
  • B2B - wholesale e-commerce
  • B2G - suppliers to government agencies
  • B2B2C - Manufacturer + Distributor + Consumer
Regulatory framework for e-commerce companies
Compliance work for e-commerce companies in the US
Agreements related to e-commerce websites
  • Terms of use / Terms of service for ecommerce websites
  • Privacy policies and cookie policies for e-commerce websites
  • Returns, refunds and cancellation policies
  • Payment gateway services agreements
Agreements related to operations of e-commerce companies
  • Marketplace agreements
  • E-commerce services agreements
  • Order fulfillment agreements
  • Vendor agreements
  • Reseller and distribution agreements
Dispute settlement in e-commerce
  • Disputes with customers
  • Disputes with vendors and suppliers
  • IP disputes with third parties
  • E-commerce fraud

Business Models, Agreements and Other Work in the Foodtech Industry

Different business models used in the FoodTech industry
  • Grocery and organic food or food substitute e-commerce
  • Robotic restaurants or fast food joints
  • On-demand food delivery
  • Cloud kitchens
  • Point of Sale support for restaurants, bars, etc.
Agreements used by FoodTech companies and typical clauses
  • Agreements by online food delivery companies with restaurants
    • Commissions
    • Discounts
  • Agreements with delivery service providers
  • Service agreements / Order fulfillment agreements
    • Obligations
    • Mechanism of payment
    • Disputes
  • Agreements with website developers
    • Intellectual property
    • Timing of delivery of website
    • Payment
  • Agreements with payment gateways
  • Agreements by restaurants with material suppliers
    • Meeting quality and quantity requirements
  • Agreements with POS service providers
Regulation of Food Tech Industry in the US
  • Regulation of food industry per se - Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act
  • Compliance programs carried out by the US Food and Drug Administration
  • Notification of ‘adverse events’ by consumers and healthcare professionals on the CFSAN Adverse Event Reporting System
  • FDA’s approach to smarter food safety by using technology for digital traceable food system
  • Application of ISO Standards (ISO 22000) to Food Safety Management
Disputes or legal issues faced by the FoodTech industry
  • Consumer litigation
  • Contractual breaches
  • Regulatory violations

Business Models, Agreements, and Other Work in the Healthcare Industry

Business models used in the HealthTech sector
  • Hospital - patient management solutions
  • Insurance verification solutions
  • Employee healthcare management solutions
  • Diagnostic solutions - providing medical test and laboratory related solutions
  • Medicine delivery providers
  • Telemedicine - medical consulting
  • E-commerce of medical equipments
  • Directory or aggregation services to find doctors, clinics, hospitals or laboratories
Agreements used in the HealthTech sector and typical clauses
  • Agreements with Healthcare Professionals i.e. Doctors, Nurses
  • Agreements with delivery service providers
  • Agreements with Insurance Companies, Third Party Administrators
  • Employment agreements where medical insurance is an employment benefit
  • Agreements with suppliers of medical equipments or medicines
  • Agreements related to e-commerce of medicines or medical equipments
  • Website and software development agreements
Interface of healthtech with Laws relating to healthcare service providers in the US
  • International Healthcare Regulations for WHO members
  • US: Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
Disputes or issues faced by HealthTech companies
  • Consumer litigation (medical negligence)
  • Contractual breaches
  • Patent related litigation for medical formulations

Emerging Technologies and Their Regulation

Where are drones used?
  • Emergency response - imaging camera helps identification of victims
  • Weather Forecast - helps in data collection
  • Healthcare - speedy delivery of medicine
  • Media and film industry - used in photography and videography
  • Urban planning and infrastructure development
  • Delivery of consumer goods
  • Aerial surveillance for security
  • Monitoring agricultural and forest areas
Regulations and legal work for using drones
  • Federal Aviation Administration of the US has issued 2 sets of rules:
    • Remote Identification of Unmanned Aircraft
    • Operation of Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems Over People
  • The UK Civil Aviation Authority has issued Rules for Unmanned Aircrafts and Drones
  • Legal work and disputes
    • Filing applications to governments for usage approval of Unmanned Aircraft Systems(UAS)
    • Drafting UAS policies, practices and procedures for corporate entities and governmental agencies
    • Drafting UAS services contracts and other technology contracts
    • Identifying and protecting intellectual property related to UAS 
    • Litigation work connected to infringement of personal rights, UAS accidents and insurance claims
    • Advising regarding UAS restrictions related to private property, privacy rights and defending potential privacy violations
Where is SpaceTech used?
  • Remote sensing-  gathering data about objects or areas from a distance 
  • Space internet - internet access through satellites
  • Space tourism -  space travel for recreational purposes
  • Asteroid mining - exploitation of materials from asteroids and other minor planets
  • Communication - satellite signals are used for communication technologies
Applicable regulations and legal work in SpaceTech
  • The U.S. Commercial Space Launch Competitiveness Act, 2015
  • Space Research Exploration and Utilization Act, 2015
  • Legal work and disputes
    • Drafting proposals and policies for governments
    • Work on trade secrets, patent claims, registration and infringements
    • Work on litigation and arbitration matters, such as disputes over space and satellite assets.
    • Work on various commercial contracts for satellites such as satellite procurement and service contracts
    • Advise on the financing of satellites
    • Advise cable and telecommunications clients on legal matters
Focus industries for Augmented Reality
  • Education - for immersive learning experience
  • Entertainment - better experience while during consumption and gaming
  • Retail shopping - helps to experience the look and feel of a product. 
  • Healthcare - provides digital images and information for surgeons 
  • Interior designing and construction
  • Tourism - travellers can experience their destination
Applicability of laws to AR / VR service providers and legal work
  • Applicability of intellectual property laws to AR / VR service providers
  • Applicability of tortious liability laws to AR / VR service providers
  • Legal work and disputes
    • Drafting technology contracts such as technology transfer agreements, software development agreements, video-game development and licensing agreements
    • Work around IP registration and licensing
    • IP infringement and litigation work
    • Advising best practices for data privacy and protection
Regulation of Autonomous Vehicles
  • Benefits of autonomous vehicles
  • California Automated Vehicles Regulations
  • Litigation matters around accident, liability and insurance claims
  • Work around filing, licensing and infringement of patents
  • Advising clients on cybersecurity and data privacy matters

Navigating Different Platforms to Secure Technology Law and Contract

  • Creation of Fiverr account- video
  • Optimization of Fiverr account - video
  • How to register on People Per Hour and UpWork - video
  • Optimization of People Per Hour account - video
  • Optimization of Upwork Account - video
  • How to use Linked In and Facebook for freelancing opportunities - video
  • How to build your web page for freelancing - video
  • How to create proposals and pitch for work on freelancing platforms
  • How to approach US law firms / companies for remote freelancing work

Admission details

To join the Diploma in US Technology Law and Paralegal Studies: Structuring, Contracts, Compliance, Disputes and Policy Advocacy classes, follow the below-given steps:

Step 1: Browse the link mentioned below:


Step 2: Candidates must click on the “Enroll Now” button and fill in the required details. 

Step 3: Then click the “Proceed for Plan and Payment” button, fill in the details and pay the course fee and submit. 


What is the duration of the Diploma in US Technology Law and Paralegal Studies: Structuring, Contracts, Compliance, Disputes and Policy Advocacy online course?

The duration of this course is 6 months or 6 to 8 hours per week. The certification course provides students with the essential in-demand technology skills to establish a freelancing career.

Who can apply Diploma in US Technology Law and Paralegal Studies: Structuring, Contracts, Compliance, Disputes and Policy Advocacy Certification Course?

Students wanting to build a legal career, Tech-savvy, lawyers, litigators, lawyers who want to assist Indian SAAS startup expansion to the US, Law students, and In-house counsels wanting to work for global technology companies.

What is the training methodology for Diploma in US Technology Law and Paralegal Studies: Structuring, Contracts, Compliance, Disputes and Policy Advocacy online course?

The course offers online 24/7 access to the study materials, practical exercises every week, classes on Sundays or after 8 PM on weekdays, live online classes, live doubt clearing and one-on-one sessions with mentors.

Who are the potential employers for the Diploma in US Technology Law and Paralegal Studies: Structuring, Contracts, Compliance, Disputes and Policy Advocacy training?

The potential employers for this course are Law firms, technology companies, government agencies, corporate legal departments, non-profit organisations, financial institutions, health tech and biotech companies, startups and cybersecurity firms.

What are the timings of the Diploma in US Technology Law and Paralegal Studies: Structuring, Contracts, Compliance, Disputes and Policy Advocacy Online Course?

The certification course classes will be held on Sundays or after 8 PM on weekdays, helping students to attend at their convenience.

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