Post Graduate Program in Computational Design and Pre-processing

Skill Lync

Here is a golden opportunity for those who are willing to brush up their skills and master it, join this program.




6 Months

Quick Facts

particular details
Medium of instructions English
Mode of learning Self study
Mode of Delivery Video and Text Based

Course overview

Along with technological advancements, the design methodology has changed drastically. Throughout history, humans have shaped the world with design. Computational design is now taking the advantage of mass communication power and is slowly and gradually changing the fundamental role of humans in the designing field. It has become extremely easy for humans to design new products through this. They no longer sit and do everything by themselves instead they guide the machine to do so. These technologies have augmented the designing process and have made it extremely efficient.

The Post Graduate Program in Computational Design and Pre-processing by Skill Lync is a perfect platform for the candidates to develop their knowledge and skills and become a pro in it. Get your hand on properly using the tools of computational designing and upgrade your portfolio.

The highlights

  • Six months course
  • Online sessions
  • 5 difference courses
  • 3 flexible payment plans 
  • Certification from Skill Lync

Program offerings

  • Project based learning.
  • Dedicated technical support
  • One on one support

Course and certificate fees

certificate availability


certificate providing authority

Skill Lync

Who it is for

This course is for mechanical, automotive and aerospace engineers who want to learn new things and upgrade their portfolio. 

Eligibility criteria


Candidates must have completed BTech and BE in Automotive and Mechanical Engineering 

What you will learn

Knowledge of engineering
  • Learn modelling of an Aston Martin car using ultimate solid works
  • Learn about solid modelling and surface modeling a use them effectively
  • Understand how to create their own concept sketches using Adobe Photoshop
  • Learn a different tool that is used in doing surface modelling

The syllabus

Course 1: Preprocessor for Structural Analysis using ANSA

Week 01 & 02 - Introduction to ANSA GUI and Tools
  • Introduction to FEA
  • Geometric Tools and Topology Cleanup
  • Types of CAE Process Tools for Structural CAE
  • Types of Elements
  • Different Tools used in TOPO Deck
Week 03 - Manual Mid-surfacing, 2D Meshing and Quality Criteria
  • Manual mid surfacing for sheet metal components
  • 2D meshing on sheet metal components
  • Quality checkup and taking measures to achieve quality 
  • Introduction to different tools used in mesh deck
  • Revising the basic commands
  • Basic commands used in TOPO and MESH deck
  • Practice model provided 
Week 04 - Manual Mid-surfacing - Plastic Trims and Cast Parts
  • Manual mid-surfacing for plastic trim components & cast parts
  • 2D meshing, quality checkup 
  • Different tools used in mesh deck
Week 05 - Solid Meshing(Tetra & Hexa)
  • Establishing solid (Tetra) meshing on 2 different components
    • Solid (Tetra) meshing 
    • 3D meshing quality criteria
    • Volume mesh deck
  • Introduction to solid (Hexa) meshing
    • Solid (Hexa) meshing
    • Volume mesh deck
Week 06 - Connections (Seat and Door)
  • Two Nodes RBE2
  • Cluster RBE2
  • Nut and Bolt representation
  • Seam weld data representation
  • Different operations such as:
    • Converting and realizing operations
    • Connection manager operations
    • Assigning mass to a node
Week 07 - Introduction to Batch Meshing/Casting
  • Introduction to casting & batch meshing operations
  • Auto mid-surfacing and meshing by using casting and skin methods
Week 08 - Introduction to Morphing Basics
  • Direct morphing
  • Box morphing 
  • Hatches
  • Morphing in FE model
  • Morphing in CAD geometry

Course 2: HyperMesh for FEA Plastic and Sheet Metal Applications

Week 01-Basics of FEA
  • 5Ws of Finite Element Analysis
  • Types of engineering problem-solving methods
  • CAE process types
  • Model setup
Week 02-Introduction to HyperMesh GUI
  • Introduction to the Geometric Tool and the Tools Menu
  • Basic geometric tools
  • Geometry cleanups (includes auto cleanup)
  • Midsurface creation
Week 03-Key Geometric Tools
  • Geometry cleanup criteria files
  • MNode's creation & node editing
  • Point edit
  • Edge edit
Week 04-1D Meshing
  • 5Masses, Bar, Rod, Rigid, RBE3, Springs, Gaps
  • Connectors, HYPER BEAM, Linemesh, Linear 1D
  • Edit, Element, Split, Replace, and Detach
  • Order change, configuration edit, and element type
Week 05-Geometry Cleanup and Midsurface
  • Surface clean up
  • Midsurface generation
  • Handling distorted surfaces
Week 06-2D Meshing Introduction and Examples
  • Introduction to 2D meshing
  • 2D basic tools
  • Mesh flow
  • Handling tria element
Week 07-Quality Criteria
  • 1D element quality check
  • 2D element quality check
  • Understanding the quality parameters for 2D meshing
Week 08-Advance 2D Meshing
  • Manual mid-surface
  • Handling symmetric geometry
  • Free-edge checks
  • Normals check 
Week 09-3D Meshing
  • Hexa meshing
  • Tetra meshing
  • Different methods of tetra mesh generation
  • 3D element quality check
Week 10-Connectors
  • Seam weld
  • Spot weld
  • Bolt connection
  • Spring element
  • Adhesive modelling-HEXA
Week 11-Batch Meshing
  • Understand quality parameter and criteria files
  • Optimizing these files according to the requirement.
Week 12-Morphing Techniques and Macro Generation
  • Morph constraints
  • Morph volumes
  • Map to geometry
  • Basic macro generation using TCL commands

Course 3: LS-DYNA for Structural Mechanics/FEA

Week 01 - FEA Basics and Simulations
  • Introduction to FEA 
  • Type of FE Simulation 
  • Explicit and Implicit mathematical definition
Week 02 - LS-PREPOST Deep Dive
  • Brief about the Pre-Process
  • Hands-on training on the LS-DYNA User Manual
  • Running an example 
  • Post-processing the results 
  • Input and output files in LS-DYNA
  • Keywords and input text editing 
  • Multiple RUNs on the same file in the same folder
  • Hands-on with the output files (ASCII output) in the text editor.
  • Exploring binary and ASCII options in database keywords
  • Node keyword – Brief 
  • Part keyword – Brief
  • Materials
  • Section
  • Control cards – default parameters
  • Contact
  • LS-PrePost
  • Building the solver deck for a simulation (Plate Model)
  • Post-processing the results
  • Modeling the cube under pressure
  • Modeling the tensile stress of a specimen
Week 03 - Keywords, Timestep and more
  • Brief on keywords
  • Brief on *INCLUDE keyword
  • Insight of NHTSA
  • Hourglass energy
  • Materials introduction
  • Elasto-plastic material and various cards
  • Material testing
  • Calculation method for Young’s Modulus
  • Power law
  • Verification
  • Deploy
  • Timestep basics
  • Control Card
  • Control Timestep
  • Control Termination
  • Control Shell
  • Control Solid
  • Control Hourglass
  • Control Energy
  • Control Contact
  • Control Accuracy
  • Boundary Condition
  • Constrain
  • Specifying output files
  • Understanding contacts
  • Various types of contacts
Week 04 - LS-PrePost GUI and Weld Modelling
  • LS-PrePost GUI
  • LS-DYNA GUI application
  • Node and element selection
  • Application crash, metal forming
  • Element direction align
  • Post-processing
  • Node intrusion depending on the regulation
  • Introduction to Spot-Weld in LS-DYNA
  • Hands-on practice on Spot-Welds
  • Solving a simple problem to learn the Spot-Welds and then Post-Processing it.
  • Modeling Spot-Weld using Spot-Weld constraint card.
  • Modeling Spot-Weld using Spot-Weld generalize constrain card
  • Debugging Spot-Weld
  • Spot-Welds modeling using solid elements
  • Introduction to Cross-Section
  • Modeling a Cross-Section
  • Application of Cross-Section
Week 05 - Implicit Simulations
  • Introduction to implicit problems
  • Implicit and explicit comparisons
  • Memory in LS-DYNA
  • In core/out-of-core 
  • Double precision and MPP.
  • The tensile test-simple implicit problem
  • Timestep in implicit problems.
  • Convergence in implicit.
  • Implicit keywords 
  • Implicit and explicit switching 
  • Timestep adjusting 
  • Control-implicit-solver (Non-linear solver)
  • The implicit problem, hands-on with a bumper demonstration 
  • Power law plasticity 
  • MORTAR contact
  • MORTAR contact theory 
  • SOFT card - intro 
  • Implicit loading 
  • Element formulation for implicit analysis
  • In this project, you will gain hands-on experience in using the *include, *INCLUDE_TRANSFORM, and *DEFINE_TRANSFORMATION and understand how to model a pedestrian head impact simulation and calculate the HIC value. 
    • Overview of the pedestrian impact simulation
    • Understanding the HIC value 
    • HIC calculation - LS-PrePost
Week 06 - LS-DYNA Best Practices & Types of Analyses
  • Best Practices in LS-DYNA
  • Setting up the model 
  • How to decide the type of analysis (static, quasi-static, or dynamic) 
  • Dealing with the coupled problem 
  • Deciding the ELFORM for the problem
  • Solving the model types of errors and their fixes
  • MASS scaling 
  • Post-Processing-Introduction (verification and validation) 
  • Post-Processing a typical explicit model 
Week 07 - Material Modelling using LS-DYNA
  • Material introduction
  • Material testing
  • Modelling materials
  • Elastic-plastic materials
  • Material modelling from the raw data
  • Hands-on hyperelastic material ( Mat-law 77 )
  • Contact mechanics
  • Types of contacts
  • Full contact parameters
  • Contact parameter - SOFT
  • Segment projection
  • Initial penetration
  • Tied contacts
  • Contact output
Week 08 - Crash and Safety
  • Vehicle crash safety 
  • Crash mechanics
  • Design for crash 
  • The vehicle development process
  • Knowledge of simulation engineers
  • Regulation and NCAPS 
  • Score calculation 
  • Model preparation: Static vs Crashworthiness 
  • General guidelines for crash model preparation 
  • Mesh and mesh quality 
  • Model organisation and integration 
  • Parameterization
  • Forming data

Course 4: Crashworthiness Analysis using HyperMesh and Radioss

Week 01 - Basics of Crashworthiness Physics, FEA Concepts and CAE Process
  • Meaning of crash safety for a vehicle.
  • The Law of conservation of energy is applied to a car crash.
  • Basic concepts of FEA, such as linear-nonlinear, static-dynamic, implicit-explicit analysis, their differences, and the guidelines on how to choose a method for a given FEA problem are explained.
Week 02 - Introduction to HyperMesh
  • Overview of Pre-Processors and their importance in FEA Processes
  • Primary introduction to GUI of HyperMesh, toolbars, and basic operations
Week 03 - Geometry Editing in HyperMesh
  • Using an edited geometry to generate a mid-surface and an appropriate 2D mesh with regards to mesh flow, trias, and mesh size, by various methods.
  • Using the geometry tools to clean up the distorted geometry.
Week 04 - Meshing – 1D, 2D & 3D and Mesh Quality Check
  • Using an edited geometry to generate a mid-surface and an appropriate 2D mesh with regards to mesh flow, trias, and mesh size, by various methods
  • Using the geometry to create a 3D mesh using various methods.
  • Meaning of mesh quality and ways to control and improve it
  • Types of 1D elements, their specifications, and creation
  • Exporting a meshed model from HyperMesh in the specified solver format
Week 05 - Introduction to Radioss
  • Overview of Radioss: An Explicit FEA Solver for Crashworthiness
  • Essential Radioss input files, their significance, and format
  • An overview of output files and their significance
Week 06 - Element Properties and Materials
  • Application of thickness and dimensional properties, integration points for 1D, 2D, and 3D elements
  • Study and application of concepts such as material intrinsic properties, failure criteria, non-linearity, plasticity, and hyper-elasticity into a material model.
Week 07 - HyperCrash, HyperView and HyperGraph
  • An Introduction to HyperCrash, a specialized preprocessor for Radioss
  • Introduction to HyperView and HyperGraph as post-processing tools in the FEA process
Week 08 - Interface (Contact) Modelling
  • Concepts of an interface between given components, penalty formulation method, contact stiffness, gap, penetration, interference, and tied interfaces
  • Creation of various types of interfaces and removing any errors or interferences
Week 09 - Boundary Conditions Setup
  • Setup of static and dynamic loading conditions such as velocity, acceleration, a constraint on degree of freedom, rigid walls, spot welds, and seam welds.
Week 10 - Simulation Control
  • Control of simulation in terms of the time step, accuracy, run time, types of outputs
Week 11 - Checks and Debugs
  • Using diagnostic methods, check for and debug any errors in the model.
Week 12 - Airbag and its Modelling in FEA
  • The concept of an airbag in FEA, its modeling methods and challenges with an example
Week 13 - Occupant Injury Criteria
  • Various occupant injury criteria are currently being considered while determining the crashworthiness and safety performance of a car.
Week 14 - Crashworthiness Standards
  • The basic elements of the most popular crashworthiness standards, the criteria used to determine crashworthiness performance, and methods to measure this in the FEA model are all studied.

Course 5: Ultimate SOLIDWORKS Course

Week 01 - Creating your own Concept Sketches
  • Create professional mood boards and initial ideation sketches in Adobe Photoshop.
  • How to import & blend images, add watermarks and colour.
  • How to design an American Chopper and how to render this design in Photoshop.
Week 02 - Introduction to SOLIDWORKS and Mastering SOLIDWORKS User Interface
  • Introduction to SOLIDWORKS and will learn how to customize the shortcuts.
  • Solid modelling techniques in SOLIDWORKS while modelling the Transmission belt, Kickstand, and Fenders of an American Chopper.
  • How to add appearance to the parts of the bike.
Week 03 - Advanced Sketching and Solid Modeling
  • How to create advanced sketches using curved driven patterns and patterns such as sketches, projected, and composite curves.
  • How to create complex shapes while modelling the wheels, chassis, and engine.
Week 04 - Assembly Techniques
  • Use of mates to provide relationships between parts in an assembly.
  • How and why advanced mates such as angle mates are provided to limit the rotation of parts.
Week 05 - Rendering
  • How to add decals, lights, and cameras as a pre-processing step before the final rendering.
  • The complete rendering process with PhotoView 360 and SOLIDWORKS Visualize using which you will be creating high-quality images during the final rendering.
Week 06 - Surface Modelling
  • The surface modelling feature in SOLIDWORKS.
  • How to create a part using a reference surface.
  • Advanced surface modelling features while creating various parts of the Yacht such as the Hull, the Superstructure, and the Seats.
  • How to add decals and appearance for the parts and assembly.

Admission details

Filling the form

Here are the following steps to apply for Master's Certification in Computational Design and Pre-processing by skill Lync:

Step1: to enrol go to the course webpage 

Step2: to the bottom of the page there are 3 options 

Step3: choose the one that suits the requirements by clicking the ‘ENROLL NOW’ button

step 4: to unlock the permission access fill in the details asked and click on the ‘ENROLL NOW’ button

How it helps

 This course is for those who have an interest in the design domain and aim to have a bright career in it. The course is finely made into 6 topics with each one helping the candidate to construct their skills at the industry level and gain mastery. The course has 15 projects that use the tools which the candidate will learn till the completion of the course. The fee payment process has been divided into three parts so that the candidate can choose which one is favorable to them. Each one has benefits according to the upgraded level

At the end of the course, the candidate will be able to build their portfolio in a professional way. They will also receive E- a verified profile that can be shared on shared with dedicated technical support 


What is the mode of certification?

The mode of certification will be online along with two types of certificates as per the candidates’ merit.

How long will it take for me to complete the entire course?

The course is for 6 months. The time depends upon the type, of course, the candidate chooses to learn from.

How will I clear my doubts?

The candidate can get access to the skilled engineer through WhatsApp telephone support individual video support and clear their doubts easily.

Is there any job opportunity given by the institute?

The candidate after the completion of the course will get an internship of three months through the institute. But we do not promise a job opportunity

When will the course start?

As soon as the candidate will pay the enrolment fee, they will be ready to join the course. Participants will also be informed about the same as soon as they pay the fee.

Is there any age limit for the Master’s certification in the computational design course?

We believe there is no age limit to gain knowledge, so there are no age limits for the candidate to enroll.

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