Social Media and Text Analytics

TCS iON Digital Learning Hub , 361 DM

Learn about the primary concepts of modern technologies involved in the analytical processing of texts with their ...Read more




5 Months


₹ 20000

Inclusive of GST

Quick Facts

particular details
Collaborators TCS
Medium of instructions English
Mode of learning Self study, Virtual Classroom
Mode of Delivery Video and Text Based
number of course credit 5

Course overview

The Social Media and Text Analytics certification course is focused on delivering insights associated with technologies involved in text analytics and the strategies of topic modeling and clustering. This certification is provided by TCS iON digital learning hub for a period of five to six months. The students of this course can learn about the real-life applications of text analytics emphasizing its role in social data configurations.

The course curriculum is provided to the students through a virtual learning mode aided by lectures, online tutorials, and other practical sessions. The TCS iON industry honors certification is offered for the students to gain perspectives on text analytics and its applications in social media data to derive insights. The Social Media and Text Analytics online certification course enables students to get digital certificates based on their eligibility and five credit points after completing the course study.

The highlights

  • Online course
  • Course mentors
  • Career guidance
  • Internships
  • English medium of instruction
  • Five credits
  • Digital certificates

Program offerings

  • Online resources
  • Digital lectures
  • Tutorials
  • Practical sessions
  • Academic connect community
  • Industry connect community
  • Industry assignments
  • Practice assessments
  • Summative assessments
  • Digital certificates

Course and certificate fees

Fees information
₹ 20,000  (Inclusive of GST)

The ‘Social Media and Text Analytics’ certification fee is paid online through the TCS iON website to join the classes.

Social Media and Text Analytics fee structure

Course Fee

Rs 20,000

certificate availability


certificate providing authority


Who it is for

The Social Media and Text Analytics online certification course is offered for the students who are pursuing their engineering degree in the field of computer science engineering and information technology. It enables the industry professionals such as data scientistsdata analysts, and research associates to enhance their statistical skills and analytical skills for development.

Eligibility criteria

The students interested in applying for the ‘Social Media and Text Analytics’ online course are required to have a basic knowledge and understanding of machine learning fundamentals, programming, Python, artificial intelligence, deep learning, database, linear algebra, statistics, and SQL.

Certificate qualifying details

The candidates  of the ‘Social Media and Text Analytics’  training will receive the certificate based on the following criteria,

Certificate of achievement - In the summative assessment, the candidate should have a score of a minimum of 40% in part A, 50% in part B, and an overall average of 50%.

Certificate of participation - Should complete the course study, industrial assignments, and practice assessments.

What you will learn

Statistical skills Social media skills Knowledge of nlp modelling

The Social Media and Text Analytics certification curriculum is framed for the students to gain knowledge of the scope of text analytics in the social media domain. The students of this program will help students gain perspectives on text analytics and the strategies involved in implementing them on social data to derive various results.

The syllabus

Introduction to Course

  • Introduction to information retrieval
  • Inverted indices and Boolean queries
  • Processing unstructured and semi-structured data
  • Example queries using Apache Solr

Text Processing - I

  • Text encoding, tokenization, lemmatization and stop words
  • Proximity and phrase queries
  • Positional indices
  • Examples using common Python libraries
  • Index compression, lexicon compressing and posting list compression
  • Gap encoding, gamma codes, Zipf's law

Text Processing - II

  • Query expansion
  • Query processing fundamentals
  • Automatic thesaurus generation
  • Spelling correction and synonyms
  • N-gram
  • Edit distance
  • Practical experiments with query expansion

Text Analytics

  • Text classification techniques
  • Topic model fundamentals
  • Document-term matrix
  • Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI)
  • Other topic modelling algorithms
  • Practical aspects of topic model tuning

Social Media Data Processing

  • Social media data basics
  • Classification of social data
  • Modelling of social data
  • How to collect data - with case studies
  • Social media as big data
  • Database for modelling

Social Media Analytics

  • Fact finding from social data
  • Sentiment and opinion analysis
  • Sampling data using database
  • Sample case study with publicly available data
  • Python tools for text classification
  • Summary of the course

Admission details

Candidates can get admission for the ‘Social Media and Text Analytics’ online certification by TCS iON digital learning by registering through the website.

Step 1: Find the course page using the following link,

Step 2: Click on the ‘Activate Now’ link.

Step 3: Fill in the required information.

Step 4: Sign in to the course account to join the course.

Filling the form

The students registering for the ‘Social Media and Text Analytics’ certification program are required to enter their name, email address, and phone number to create the course account.

Evaluation process

The students will have to write the summative assessment at the end of the exam and pass the test fulfilling the eligibility standards to receive the ‘Social Media and Text Analytics’ certificate of achievement.

How it helps

The Social Media and Text Analytics certification benefits the students by enhancing their skills and technical knowledge of text analytics to improve their expertise in managing the data for social media. This certification equips the students to develop their industry knowledge for gaining job visibility and internship opportunities.


Mr Pawan Goyal

Mr Pawan Goyal
Assistant Professor
IIT Kharagpur

B.E /B.Tech, PGD in Engineering, Ph.D


Do I need any background knowledge to attend the ‘Social Media and Text Analytics’ online classes?

Yes, you will need knowledge of machine learning, artificial intelligence, linear algebra, database, programming, Python, SQL, and statistics.

Which education platform offers the ‘Social Media and Text Analytics’ certification?

This course is provided by the TCS iON digital learning hub.

How many credits will I get for the ‘Social Media and Text Analytics’ online certification?

You can earn five credit points.

How are the students evaluated during the ‘Social Media and Text Analytics’ online course?

The students are assessed with the industry assignments, practice tests, and the final assessment.

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