Version Control with Git


Learn to manage, track and control changes in version with this certificate course on Version Control with Git by ...Read more






4 Weeks



Quick Facts

particular details
Medium of instructions English
Mode of learning Self study
Mode of Delivery Video and Text Based

Course overview

The Version Control with Git training is a 4-week course planned as a beginner-level program and will cover all the essentials of the GIT version control system. The candidates enrolled will be able to create GIT repos, commit necessary changes and also review the existing repo’s commit history. In Version Control with Git by Udacity, the candidate will learn to preserve organized commits from tags and branches with the art of crushing merge conflicts through changes. The candidate will also learn how to make changes as well as edit or even delete commits. The Version Control with Git certification is taught by industry professionals at the self-paced mode of learning, free of cost and rich in learning content.

The highlights

  • Free of cost course 
  • 4-week program duration
  • Self-paced type of learning
  • Rich in learning content
  • Course medium offered by Udacity
  • Beginner level in difficulty level

Program offerings

  • Videos
  • Quiz
  • Exercises
  • Self paced
  • Online learning

Course and certificate fees

Type of course


  • The online course is free by nature and hence the Version Control with Git fee is not given.



Program fee


certificate availability


Who it is for

The Version Control with Git online course will help professionals such as 

  • Developers

Eligibility criteria


The Version Control with Git program course does not describe any particular eligibility and is planned for developers of all skill levels but it is recommended that the candidate has experience in command-line programming.

Certification Qualification Details

The candidates are required to complete the entire program successfully to get a certificate of completion.

What you will learn

Software development skills

The Version Control with Git online course will enable candidates to learn the following: 

  • Participants will understand why developers utilise version control in day-to-day life. 
  • The candidates will understand the essentials of Git vocabulary and configure them using the command line. 
  • The candidates will get to create their own first Git repository and copy an existing one along with a review of the repository with Git status. 
  • The candidates will learn to review commit history and report it in a catalogue and use command lines for customizing the output of the catalogue. 
  • The Version Control with Git certification syllabus will teach to use Git show command to display and learn to master workflow of kit with an example
  • The candidate will learn to use Git to identify changes in a commit and use it for marking untracked files. 
  • The candidate will learn the organization of commits using branch and tags 
  • The candidate will learn merging of changes in branches and solve merge conflicts. 
  • The candidate will learn to delete and edit existing commits, use amend flag to change the last commit and use Git revert and reset for erasing and undoing commits.

The syllabus

Lesson 1: What is Version Control?

  • Get an overview of essential Git vocabulary
  • Configure Git using the command line
  • Learn why developers use version control and discover ways you use version control in your daily life

Lesson 2: Create a Git Repo

  • Copy an existing Git repository with Git clone
  • Review the current state of a repository with the powerful Git status
  • Create your first Git repository with Git init

Lesson 3: Review a Repo's History

  • Review a repo's commit history Git log
  • Customize Git log's output using command line flags in order to reveal more (or less) information about each commit
  • Use the Git show command to display just one commit

Lesson 4: Add Commits to a Repo

  • Use Git diff to identify what parts of a file have been changed in a commit
  • Learn how to mark files as "untracked" using .gitignore
  • Master the Git workflow and make commits to an example project

Lesson 5: Tagging, Branching, and Merging

  • Jump to particular tags and branches using Git checkout
  • Learn how to merge together changes on different branches and crush those pesky merge conflicts
  • Organize your commits with tags and branches

Lesson 6: Undoing Changes

  • Learn how and when to edit or delete an existing commit
  • Use Git commit --amend flag to alter the last commit
  • Use Git reset and Git revert to undo and erase commits

Admission details

Filling the form

Students have to adhere to the process mentioned below so as to get admission in Version Control with Git certification course.

Step 1: The following link to the online program is visited as mentioned below   

Step 2: The candidates should be able to create an account on the Udacity website.

Step 3: After entering the pertinent details, the candidate must log in to the program for enrollment

Step 4: The candidate should be able to navigate through the series of lectures for learning. 

Scholarship Details

No particular information is given since it is a free course but Udacity is committed to providing financial assistance to people for ensuring lifelong learning and skill enhancement and candidates will need to contact the officials of Udacity for those details.

How it helps

The Version Control with Git certification benefits the candidates in the Git system since it is one of the most important version control systems available. For developers working together solo as freelancers or in a team in a company, they will be able to track the history of the project they are working on and keep a record of progress and hassle to avoid errors and blunders on the way. This course helps developers since a majority of them will work on the same code and two-thirds of them usually go and check changes in the code. 

The Version Control with Git certification program is well taught by instructor Richard Kalehoff who is an expert and well renowned in the area of study. The course program is well certified on the Udacity platform making it a well-sought credential among the recruiter network in professional networking sites such as Linkedin. The candidates will also be able to connect with like-minded professionals and developers in this sector.

The Version Control with Git online course also helps the candidates improve job prospects with potential promotions and/or higher pay opportunities either in the same company or in a news organization. In terms of profile. the candidate will also be able to get an edge over his peers for consideration in existing organisations or potentially new places of work.


Mr Richard Kalehoff

Mr Richard Kalehoff
Software Engineer

Other Bachelors


What are the requirements for starting the course?

Students must have the most updated version of the operating system, internet browser, Youtube software, and Google account before enrolling in the program.

How long will the lessons last?

The Version Control with Git online course will be taught over the span of four weeks online.

How do the students register for the programme online?

Students interested in applying may do so by clicking on the given website link:

What is this Udacity programme's mode of instruction?

The program's learning style is self-paced and completed according to the student's availability.

Where will the student be able to find the program's syllabus?

On Udacity's website, the candidate can find the Version Control with Git certification syllabus.

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