Administration of Red Hat Enterprise Linux


Mastering the key principles and strategies associated with red enabled him to build a Linux 8 administration from the ground up.




₹ 3099

Quick Facts

particular details
Medium of instructions English
Mode of learning Self study
Mode of Delivery Video and Text Based

Course overview

Administration of Red Hat Enterprise Linux offers a convenient and reliable base for blended cloud technologies.  Red hat enterprise Linux is commonly used to deliver applications and essential operations more quickly while maintaining a steady experience throughout real, virtualized, personal, and public cloud implementations, as well as border deployments. Vitalii Shumylo - Professional IT Engineer & Trainer established the Administrating Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 (2022) online certification, which is available through Udemy.

Administration of Red Hat Enterprise Linux online course is aimed at participants who want to become certified systems administrators and DevOps engineers by performing core Linux administration activities such as installation, network connectivity, physical storage management, and basic security administration. The Administrating Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 (2022) online classes include 39 hours of comprehensive learning resources that cover a wide range of system administration topics, including access control, service control, networking, scheduling, managing storage, managing software packages, bash shell, bash scripts, and secure shell, and more.

The highlights

  • Certificate of completion
  • Self-paced course
  • 39.5 hours of pre-recorded video content
  • Learning resources

Program offerings

  • Online course
  • Learning resources. 30-day money-back guarantee
  • Unlimited access
  • Accessible on mobile devices and tv

Course and certificate fees

Fees information
₹ 3,099
certificate availability


certificate providing authority


What you will learn

After completing the Administration of Red Hat Enterprise Linux certification course, participants will obtain a thorough understanding of the fundamental ideas of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 as well as methodologies for administering Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Participants will learn about system administration tactics and how to automate repetitive activities. Participants will learn about the methodologies associated with the bash shell, secure shell, bash script, analyze logs, store logs, access control, service control, networking, scheduling, managing software packages, and managing storage. Participants will also learn about the fundamentals of VIM editor, Ansible, Vagrant, Git, and Daemons for system administration operations.

The syllabus

Essential Linux Tools. Part 1

  • Logging to the system remotely with ssh and listing the directories
  • Changing the directories, inspecting the system, examining user's info, logins
  • Displaying and setting time and date. Part 1
  • Displaying and setting time and date. Part 2
  • Getting device information and using compression/archiving tools
  • Getting help and wildcards
  • Getting help (continued)
  • Quiz

Working with Files. Part 1

  • Path and file types
  • Creating files or directories and listing files or directories
  • Copying, moving, renaming, removing files and directories
  • File and directory control attributes
  • Finding files. Part 1
  • Finding files. Part 2
  • Finding files. Part 3
  • Finding files. Part 4
  • File permissions. Part 1
  • File permissions. Part 2
  • Quiz
  • Permissions for group collaboration

VIM Editor

  • VIM. Part 1
  • VIM. Part 2
  • VIM. Part 3
  • VIM. Part 4
  • VIM. Part 5
  • VIM. Part 6
  • VIM. Part 7
  • VIM. Part 8

Bash Shell. Processes and Scheduling. Essential Linux Tools. Part 2.

  • Searching the needed info with grep&wc
  • Cat and output redirection
  • Using pipes
  • Processes revealed
  • Processes and jobs
  • Exploring all running processes with top command
  • Understanding process states
  • Changing process priority with nice
  • Controlling processes with signals
  • Changing password with passwd and working withPATH
  • Special characters and command-line keystrokes
  • Chaining operators
  • Sed and awk
  • Sed and awk. Part 2
  • Performing exit, reboot or shutdown on the system
  • Using BASH history
  • Using aliases to create your own commands
  • Watching files and how they're changing live with watch command
  • Gaining administrative privileges with sudo command
  • Understanding Job Scheduling with cron and at commnds
  • Quiz

Managing Software Packages

  • Packages overview
  • Managing packages with rpm command
  • Installing and modifying packages with rpm command
  • Viewing pgp keys and verifying package attributes
  • YUM package manager. Part 1
  • YUM package manager. Part 2
  • YUM package manager. Part 3
  • RPM Software Packages

Networking Basics

  • Configuring hostname
  • IPv4 concepts and traceroute command usage
  • Using 'ip' command
  • Validating and Troubleshooting Network Configuration
  • Practice Lab: Examining Network Configuration
  • Configuring Networking with nmcli
  • Validating Network Configuration (with Guided Exercise)(
  • Editing Network Configuration Files (with Guided Exercise)
  • Lab: Managing Networking

PART II. Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 System Administration. Manage Local users

  • Users: Intro, id command, /etc/passwd file
  • Users: Gaining Superuser Access. su and sudo commands
  • Users: Configuring sudo
  • Users: Guided Exercise Using sudo
  • Users: Using useradd, userdel and usermod
  • Users: Practice excersise with useradd, userdel and usermod
  • Groups: groupadd, groupdel and groupmod
  • Groups: adding users to groups
  • Users: working with passwords
  • Users: Practice. Working with passwords
  • Lab: Managing Users and Groups
  • Describing User and Group Concepts

PART II: Linux File System Permisions

  • File permissions
  • Changing Permissions for Files and Directories
  • Changing Ownership for Files and Directories
  • Guided Exercise: Managing File System Permissions from the Command LIne
  • Umask and Managing Default Permissions and File Access
  • Guided Exercise: Umask and Managing Default Permissions
  • Lab: Controlling Access to Files

PART II: Monitoring and Managing Linux Processes

  • Listing Processes and Process States. PS command options
  • Controlling Jobs
  • Guided Exercise: Controlling Jobs
  • Killing Processes
  • Monitoring process activity
  • Lab: Monitoring and Managing Processes

PART II: Controlling Services and Daemons

  • Controlling Services and Daemons
  • Controlling Services and Daemons: Guided Exercises

PART II: Configuring and Securing SSH

  • Accessing Comand Line with SSH
  • Configuring SSH key-based authentication
  • Configuring and securing SSH

PART II: Analyzing and Storing Logs

  • Describing System Log Architechture
  • Reviewing Syslog Files
  • Reviewing System Journal Entries
  • Preserving the System Journal
  • Maintaining Accurate Time
  • Lab: Analyzing and Storing Logs

PART II: Archiving and Transfering Files

  • Archiving and Compressing Files
  • Transferring Files Between Systems Securely

PART III: Scheduling Future Tasks

  • Using 'at' Package
  • Scheduling Recurring Tasks with 'crontab'
  • Scheduling Recurring System Jobs
  • Guided Exercise: Scheduling Recurring System Jobs
  • Managing Temporary Files
  • Guided Exercise: Managing Temporary Files

Part III: Tuning System Performance

  • Adjusting Tuning Profiles
  • Adjusting Process Scheduling
  • Guided Exercise: Changing Process Scheduling

Part III: Controlling Access to Files with ACLs

  • Interpreting File ACLs
  • Securing Files with ACLs
  • Guided Exercise: Securing Files with ACLs

Part III: Managing Storage

  • Adding Partitions, File Systems, and Persistent Mounts
  • Guided Exercise: Adding Partitions, File Systems, and Persistent Mounts
  • Managing Swap Space
  • Lab: Managing Basic Storage
  • Managing Logical Volumes
  • Extending Logical Volumes
  • Guided Exercise: Extending Logical Volumes
  • Lab: Managing Logical Volumes
  • Managing Layered Storage with Stratis
  • Guided Exercise: Managing Layered Storage with Stratis
  • Compresson and Deduplicating Storage with VDO
  • Lab: Implementing Advanced Stirage Features
  • Accessing Network-Attached Storage
  • Guided Exercise: Accessing Network-Attached Storage

PART III: Controlling and Troubleshooting the Boot Process

  • Describing the Boot Process
  • Guided Exercise: Selecting the Boot Target
  • Guided Exercise:Resetting the Root Password. Using Debug Mode and Logs.
  • Lab: Controlling the Boot Process

PART III: Managing Networking. Part 2

  • Describing Networking Concepts
  • IPv4 settings. Defining subnets
  • IPv4 Guided Exercises. Public and Private Adresses
  • Lab: Planning an IPv4 network

PART III: Hands-On Scripting Step-by-Step

  • Writing Simple Bash Scripts
  • Guided Exercise: Writing Your First Script
  • Using Loops
  • Guided Exercise: Using Loops
  • Describing a Simple Regular Expression
  • Guided Exercise: Using grep with RegEx
  • Using grep with RegEx
  • Lab: Your First Script
  • Building Scripts: Using Variables and Redirecting Input/Output
  • Building Scripts: the if-then statements
  • Building Scripts: Trying the Test command. Using Comparisons
  • Building Scripts: Using File Comparison
  • Compound Testing. Working wit Advanced If-Then Statements
  • A Practical Example
  • Looping with the 'for' statement
  • Looping with the 'for' statement. Part 2
  • Using 'while' and 'until' commands. Using Loops
  • Using Loops. Part 2
  • Practical Examples Using Loops
  • Passing Parameters
  • Using Special Parameter Variables
  • Working with Options
  • Using Read Command
  • A Practical Example
  • Understanding Input and Output
  • Redirecting Output in Scripts
  • Read/Write file descriptors
  • Supressing Command Output. Using temp files. Logging Messages
  • A practical example: using input and output
  • Signaling the Bash shell
  • Using traps
  • Running scripts in background

Part IV: Building Lab with Vagrant

  • Intro to Vagrant
  • Getting Installed
  • Using Vagrant
  • Using Vagrant. Part 2
  • Using Vagrant. Part 3
  • Using Vagrant. Part 4
  • Using Vagrant. Part 5
  • Using Vagrant. Part 6
  • Using Vagrant. Part 7
  • Using Vagrant. Part 8

Part IV: Starting with Ansible

  • Intro to Ansible
  • Getting Installed
  • Configuring SSH
  • Getting inventory
  • Using modules
  • Starting with Playbooks
  • Starting with Playbooks. Part 2
  • Starting with Playbooks. Part 3
  • Starting with Playbooks. Part 4

Part IV: Red Hat Linux Automation with Ansible

  • Building Ansible Lab Environment
  • Describing Ansible Inventory Files
  • Guided Exercise: Ansible Inventory Files
  • Managing Ansible Configuaration Files
  • Managing Connectivity and Configuaration Files
  • Guided Exercise: Managing Ansible Configuaration Files
  • Running Ad Hoc Commands
  • Guided Exercise: Running Ad Hoc Commands
  • Lab: Deploying Ansible
  • Implementing Playbooks
  • Guided Exercise: Implementing Playbooks
  • Multiple Plays
  • Guided Exercise: Multiple Plays
  • Lab: Implementing Playbooks
  • Managing Variables
  • Guided Exercise: Managing Variables
  • Managing Secrets
  • Guided Exercise: Managing Secrets
  • Managing Facts
  • Guided Exercise: Managing Facts
  • Lab: Managing Variables and Facts
  • Lab: Managing Variables and Facts
  • Writing Loops and Conditional Tasks
  • Guided Exercise: Writing Loops and Conditional Tasks
  • Implementing Handlers
  • Handling Task Failure
  • Guided Exercise: Handling Task Failure
  • Guided Lab:Implementing Task Control

Part IV: Starting with Git

  • Intro
  • Getting Installed
  • Configuring Git
  • Your First Commit
  • Using Push
  • Clone and Pull
  • Use Ignore
  • History
  • Use Branches

Part V: Hands-on Demonstrations, Recaps and Extras

  • Using YUM or DNF
  • Checking Your RHEL Subscription
  • Understanding the Basics of the RHEL Package Manager
  • Understanding Package Repositories
  • Creating a Local Repository
  • Creating Your Own Web Based Repository
  • Working with Security Updates
  • Working with Modules
  • Configuring Timezones in Linux
  • Managing Linux Services Including Chronyd
  • Editing Configurations Using sed
  • Editing the chrony.conf
  • Using Chronyc Tools
  • Understanding Systemd Targets
  • Using Default Targets
  • Working with Kernel Arguments
  • The 3 Job Schedulers in RHEL 8
  • Working with At
  • Understanding Cron
  • Working with Cron
  • Using SystemD Timer Units
  • How Does This System Reboot
  • Working with Shutdown and Options
  • Restricting User Login
  • Rebooting and Poweroff
  • Resetting Lost Root Passwords
  • Understanding SELinux Context
  • Editing the Boot Process
  • Recovering a Lost Root Password
  • Systemd and Systemctl
  • The Basics of Systemctl
  • Working with Socket Units
  • Understanding Editing and Masking of Units
  • Working at the CLI to List, Edit, and Mask Services
  • Working with Systemd Targets
  • How Uptime Shows System Load
  • Working with Top and Uptime
  • Understanding Process Priority
  • Tuning Process Using Nice and Renice
  • Understanding Process Status and Tuning Profiles
  • Working with Ps and Tuned-adm
  • Introducing System Logs
  • Simple Log Actions
  • Understanding Rsyslogd
  • Demo: Rsyslogd
  • Using Logrotate at the CLI
  • Working with the Journal Log
  • Secure Copy with SCP
  • Managing Local Storage: Block Devices
  • Listing Block Devices and Drivers
  • What are Loop Devices
  • Mounting ISO Files
  • Adding Disks to Systems
  • Creating Disk Files
  • Using dd and fallocate from the CLI
  • Understanding Disk Partitioning
  • Partitioning with fdisk
  • Partitioning with parted
  • Working with Filesystem UUIDs
  • Persisting the setup
  • Working with Systemd to Persist Loop Devices
  • Creating LVM Partitions
  • Using LVM Tools
  • Managing LVM2
  • Creating LVM2 systems from the Command Line
  • Dynamic Volumes
  • Extending Volume Groups and Volumes
  • 239. Managing Swap Logical Volumes
  • Managing File Systems in RHEL 8
  • Managing XFS File Systems
  • Understanding EXT4 File Systems
  • Working with EXT4 File Systems
  • Securing Mount Points Correctly
  • Extending File Systems and Logical Volumes
  • Managing Filesystem Collaboration
  • Working with Special Permissions and Find
  • Managing Linux Groups
  • Working with the Sticky Bit
  • Working with the SGID Bit on Directories
  • Setting up Two Lab Systems
  • Understanding NFSv4
  • Firewalling and Exporting NFS
  • Understanding NFS. Part2
  • NFS. Part 3
  • NFT. Part 4
  • Using the NFS Client
  • Using Autofs
  • SELinux and NFS
  • What Is VDO
  • Installing and Using VDO
  • Mounting and Monitoring VDO Devices
  • Managing Volume Size
  • Welcome to Layered Storage and Stratis
  • Creating Stratis Pools
  • Creating Filesystems in Stratis
  • Snapshotting Filesystems in Stratis
  • What Are Shell Scripts
  • Using Script Syntax at the CLI
  • Understanding Script Logic
  • Using Simple Logic at the CLI
  • What Is a Shebang and Why Do I Want to Know
  • Implementing the Shebang
  • Working with vim Abbreviations
  • Working with PATH and Execute Permissions
  • Special Variables
  • Using Special Variables in Scripts
  • Testing User Input
  • Ensure User Is Not Already Present
  • Using Read During Script Execution
  • Creating User Accounts
  • Creating Better Scripts
  • Comparing All Arguments
  • Using while Loops.mp4
  • Implementing Functions within Scripts


Mr Vitalii Shumylo

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