- Quick Intro to the course
- Lesson 1: Directional terms and body planes
- Directional terms and body planes
- Lesson 2: Dorsal vs Ventral
- Lesson 3: Rostral vs Caudal
- Dorsal, ventral, rostral and caudal
- Lesson 4: Distal vs Proximal
- Lesson 5: Medial vs Lateral
- Distal, proximal, medial and lateral
- Planes, directions and relations: Level 1
- Planes, directions and relations: Level 2
- Anatomical directions and planes: Recap
Quick Facts
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Medium of instructions
Mode of learning
Self study
Mode of Delivery
Video and Text Based
Course and certificate fees
Fees information
₹ 799
certificate availability
certificate providing authority
The syllabus
Anatomical directions and planes
Main types of anatomical structures
- Lesson 5: What is an artery?
- Lesson 6: What is a vein?
- Lesson 7: What is a nerve?
- Arteries, veins and nerves
- Lesson 8: What is a gland?
- Lesson 1: Types of bones
- Lesson 4: What is a ligament?
- Glands, bones and ligaments
- Lesson 2: What is a cartilage?
- Lesson 3: What is a muscle?
- Lesson 9: What is a lymph node?
- Cartilage, muscles and lymph nodes
- Anatomical structures: Level 1
- Anatomical structures: Level 2
Main types of anatomical structures: Recap
Tackling anatomy
- Lesson 1: How to study anatomy
- Lesson 2: How to memorize anatomy terms
- Lesson 3: How to pronounce anatomy terms
- Lesson 4: Common anatomy abbreviations
- Lesson 5: How to memorize bony landmarks?
- Lesson 6: How to pass your final exam on anatomy and physiology
- Tackling anatomy: Recap
Further learning resources
- Overview
- Learning tips and strategies
- Atlases
- Further anatomy knowledge
- Quizzes
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