- [EBOOK] Bookkeeping & Accounting Basics
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Bookkeeping Basics Explained (Bookkeeping & Accounting)
Quick Facts
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Medium of instructions
Mode of learning
Self study
Mode of Delivery
Video and Text Based
Course and certificate fees
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The syllabus
Basic Bookkeeping Skills
- Debit or credit (Part 1)? Assets, liabilities, revenues, and expenses
- Debit or credit (Part 2)? Assets, liabilities, revenues, and expenses
- How much money do I REALLY have in the bank (Part 1)? Bank reconciliation
- How much money do I REALLY have in the bank (Part 2)? Bank reconciliation
- Why should you do a bank reconciliation?
Bookkeeping Terms & Practice Exercises
- Basic bookkeeping vocabulary (Part 1)
- Basic bookkeeping vocabulary (Part 2)
- Basic bookkeeping vocabulary quiz
- Debits and credits Practice & exercise
- Bookkeeping practice exercises
More Bookkeeping Basic Skills
- How much money am I making? Balance Sheet and Income Statement (Part 1)
- How much money am I making? Balance Sheet and Income Statement (Part 2)
- Don't forget to accrue! Month-end and year-end accruals
- Making monthly accruals is an example of which method of accounting?
- Getting money from the bank (Part 1): mortgage / loan amortization
- Getting money from the bank (Part 2): mortgage / loan amortization
- Making mortgage payments
- I bought a computer. How do I record it? Amortization of capital assets
- Term deposits & buying stocks: Investments and investment income income
- Why do we amortize capital assets?
- Making money by investing: return on capital and adjusting to fair market value
- I want money for my investment: Dividends to shareholders
- Dividends to shareholders quiz
- Customers not paying me: determining bad debts (Part 1)
- Customers not paying me: determining bad debts (Part 2)
- This customer won't pay: writing off bad debts
- Bad debts quiz
- What do you like about this course?
- Bookkeeping practice exercises #2
Using Bookkeeping or Accounting Software
- Bookkeeping or Accounting Software
- QuickBooks Online Review
- Setting up a bookkeeping or accounting software
- My accountant asked for a Trial Balance. What's that?
Examples of everyday bookkeeping: Computer Store
- Introduction: Bookkeeping for starting a business
- QuickBooks: issuing shares to shareholder
- Selling to your customers: purchasing inventory
- QuickBooks: Purchase of Inventory
- Making sales to customers
- QuickBooks: Sales to Customers
- Getting more customers: Advertising your business
- QuickBooks: recording advertising expense
- Business is booming! Balance sheet and income statement updates
- QuickBooks: sale to customer and partial payment from customer
- Paying down debts: paying down accounts payable
- QuickBooks: payment on accounts payable
- Sales of inventory: decreasing inventory and recording Cost of Goods Sold
- QuickBooks: recording cost of goods sold (COGS)
- Getting paid in cash: collecting accounts receivable
- QuickBooks: receiving payment on accounts receivable
- Investing more cash into the company: shareholder loan
- QuickBooks: recording shareholder loan
- Purchase of a building: capital assets
- QuickBooks: purchase of a building
- Which lessons were most useful to you?
- Test your knowledge of bookkeeping
Comprehensive Bookkeeping Example: Amazing Bookkeepers Inc.
- Comprehensive example (journal entries)
- Comprehensive example (trial balance preparation)
- Comprehensive example (balance sheet & income statement preparation)
- Comprehensive example (bank reconciliation)
- Which lesson(s) was the most interesting?
More Bookkeeping Basic Topics
- Start a bookkeeping business or freelancing
- Start a bookkeeping business or freelancing quiz
- Common bookkeeping mistakes
- Keep business finances and personal finances separate
- Types of business structures (sole proprietorship vs corporation)
- Sole proprietor and partnership
- Corporation and Limited Liability Company (LLC)
- Accrual vs cash accounting methods
- Bookkeeping & accounting records (supporting documentation)
Additional Resources
- Bonus lecture: additional resources to learn bookkeeping
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