The Complete Financial Analyst Course





₹ 649 4099

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Medium of instructions English
Mode of learning Self study
Mode of Delivery Video and Text Based

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The syllabus

Welcome! Course Introduction

  • What Does the Course Cover?
  • Everything We Will Learn Has a Practical Application
  • The Best Way to Take This Course
  • Download All Course Materials and FAQ

Microsoft Excel - Quick Introduction

  • Microsoft Excel: The World's #1 Office Software
  • Excel Made Easy: A Beginner's Guide to Excel Spreadsheets
  • Data Entry Techniques in Excel
  • How to Make Your Spreadsheets Look Professional
  • Data Entry Techniques in Excel
  • Inserting, Deleting, and Modifying Rows & Columns
  • Inserting, Deleting, and Modifying Rows & Columns
  • Excel Formulas for Beginners
  • Excel Formulas for Beginners
  • A Beginner's Introduction to Excel Functions
  • Format Cells
  • Work Efficiently by Using Cut, Copy, and Paste
  • Work Efficiently by Using Cut, Copy, and Paste
  • Pasting Values, Formulas and Formats with Paste Special

Microsoft Excel - Useful Tools

  • Inserting a Line Break with Alt + Enter
  • Do More with Your Sales Data with Excel's Text to Columns Feature
  • Do More with Your Sales Data with Excel's Text to Columns Feature
  • Create Easily Printable Excel Documents
  • How to Wrap Text in Excel and Adjust a Cell's Size
  • Insert Hyperlinks into Excel Spreadsheets
  • Using Excel's Freeze Panes to Handle Large Datasets
  • Find Excel Functionalities in a Quicker Way - Tell Me What You Want to Do
  • A Quick Introduction to Excel's Pivot Tables

Microsoft Excel - Best Practices That Will Make a Difference

  • Initial Formatting Is Key for Creating Professional-looking Spreadsheets
  • Macros Are a Great Timesaver! Here's Why.
  • How to Use the Same Macro On Multiple Workbooks
  • Macros Are a Great Timesaver! Here's Why.
  • The Secret to Faster Scrolling in Excel
  • Be even quicker: F5 + Enter
  • FAQ: F5 + Enter didn't work for me
  • The Secret to Faster Scrolling in Excel
  • Using Absolute and Relative Cell References
  • Using Absolute and Relative Cell References
  • Find and Select Cells That Meet Specific Conditions
  • Find and Select Cells That Meet Specific Conditions
  • How to Create Dynamic Names in Excel Spreadsheets
  • How to Create Dynamic Names in Excel Spreadsheets
  • Using Named Ranges to Make Formulas More Readable
  • Introduction to Custom Formatting in Excel
  • Custom Number Formatting
  • How to Add a Drop-down List in Excel
  • Using Custom-sort to Sort Multiple Columns Within a Table
  • Saving Time in Excel and Doing Everything Faster by Using Excel Shortcuts
  • Multiply by 1
  • Find and Replace - References
  • FAQ: Why Do We Replace External References and How Does This Help Us?
  • Find and Replace - Formatting
  • Green References
  • Beauty Saving - The Professional Way of Saving Files
  • The Power of F2
  • Conditional Formatting
  • Quiz Number 1

Microsoft Excel - Beginner, Intermediate & Advanced Functions

  • Key Excel Functions: IF
  • Enlarge the Formula Bar
  • Key Excel Functions: SUM, SUMIF, SUMIFS
  • A Helpful Consideration
  • Key Excel Functions: AVERAGE & AVERAGEIF
  • Key Excel Functions: Average & Averageif
  • Working with Text in Excel
  • Find the Highest and Lowest Values in a Range: Max & Min
  • = and + are Interchangeable When You Start Typing a Formula
  • Use ROUND in Your Financial Models
  • Excel's Lookup Functions: VLOOKUP & HLOOKUP Made Easy
  • INDEX, MATCH, and Their Combination - The Perfect Substitute of VLOOKUP
  • INDEX, MATCH, and Their Combination - The Perfect Substitute of VLOOKUP
  • XLOOKUP: a Solid Substitute of VLOOKUP (Office 365 only)
  • Using Excel's IFERROR Function to Trap Spreadsheet Errors
  • A Useful Tool for Financial Analysis - The RANK Function
  • Create Flexible Financial Models with CHOOSE
  • Goal Seek Will Help You Find the Result You Are Looking For
  • Goal Seek Will Help You Find the Result You Are Looking For
  • Perform Sensitivity Analysis with Excel's Data Tables Functionality
  • Perform Sensitivity Analysis with Excel's Data Tables Functionality
  • Quiz Number 2

Microsoft Excel - Financial Functions in Excel

  • Discounting Cash Flows in Microsoft Excel
  • Calculating Internal Rate of Return (IRR) in Excel
  • Using the PMT Function to Create a Complete Loan Schedule
  • Date Functions in Excel

Microsoft Excel - Practical Exercise "Build a P&L From Scratch"

  • Introduction to the Case Study
  • What You Will See Next
  • Understand Your Data Source Before You Start Working on It
  • Ordering the Source Worksheet
  • Creating a Code: The Best Way to Organize Your Data and Work Efficiently with It
  • Learn How to Create a Database
  • Using Lookup Functions (VLOOKUP) to Fill the Database Sheet
  • Using SUMIF to Complete the Database Sheet
  • FAQ: Why Net income should be 0?
  • Using INDEX & MATCH as a Substitute for VLOOKUP
  • XLOOKUP as a Substitute for VLOOKUP and INDEX&MATCH
  • The Mapping Exercise
  • Mapping the Rows in the Database Sheet
  • Building the Structure of the P&L Sheet
  • A Practical Example of Professional Formatting in Excel
  • Populating the P&L Sheet with SUMIF
  • Learn How to Find Mistakes with COUNTIF
  • Calculating Growth Rates in Excel
  • Quiz Number 3

Practical Exercise - SUMIFS

  • Practical Exercise - SUMIFS

Microsoft Excel - Building Professional Charts in Excel

  • Introduction to Excel Charts
  • Beginner's Guide to Inserting Charts in Excel
  • Modifying Excel Charts - The Easy Way
  • Making Your Excel Charts Sexier - Proven Tips
  • Creating a Bridge Chart in Excel 2016 - As Easy as It Gets
  • New Ways to Visualize Your Data - Treemap Charts
  • How to Represent Trends with Sparklines

Microsoft Excel - Creating Complete Professional Charts from Scratch

  • Introduction
  • Stacked Column Chart with a Secondary Axis
  • Doughnut Chart
  • Area Chart
  • Bridge Chart

Microsoft Excel - Working with Pivot Tables in Excel

  • Pivot Tables - Excel's Dynamic and Interactive Tables
  • Creating a Pivot Table: Choosing Row and Column Parameters
  • Design the Layout and Format of Your Pivot Tables
  • Additional Techniques That Will Ease Your Work with Pivot Tables
  • One of the Most Useful Excel Functions - GETPIVOTDATA
  • Welcome to the Future - Pivot Table Slicers
  • Introduction to the Course Challenge
  • Corse Challenge - Part 1

Microsoft Excel - Pivot Tables & Slicers - World-Class Financial Reporting

  • Introduction to the Case Study
  • Working with an SAP Data Extraction
  • Preliminary Mapping of the Data Extraction
  • Creating an Output Structure of the FMCG Model
  • Improving the Layout and Appearance of the FMCG Report
  • Inserting Formulas and Automating Calculations
  • Creating a Master Pivot Table: The Main Data Source for the FMCG Report
  • GETPIVOTDATA is Great! Extracting Data from the Master Pivot Table
  • FAQ: My GETPIVOTDATA Function Doesn't Work
  • Combining Slicers and GETPIVOTDATA: The Key to Our Success
  • Getting Fancy with Excel Slicers
  • This is How the Report Can be Used in Practice by High-level Executives

Modeling in Excel - Building a Complete 3-statement Model

  • Introduction to the Exercise
  • Let's Create a Mapping of Financials
  • Building an Output P&L Sheet
  • Filling in the Output P&L Sheet with Historical Financials
  • Calculating Percentage Variances and Applying Conditional Formatting
  • Building an Output Balance Sheet
  • Using INDEX, MATCH, MATCH to Fill in the Output Balance Sheet
  • Adding the Forecast Period

Modeling in Excel - Let's Build a Flexible Model with Multiple Scenarios

  • Calculating Historical Percentage Ratios and Use OFFSET and MATCH for Scenarios
  • Building a Flexible Model with CHOOSE & MATCH
  • Building a Flexible Model with VLOOKUP & COLUMNS
  • Calculating Historical DSO, DPO, DIO, Other Assets %, and Other Liabilities %
  • Forecasting DSO, DPO, DIO, Other Assets and Other Liabilities

Modeling in Excel - We Are Almost There! Completing the 3-Statement Model

  • Building a Fixed Asset Roll Forward
  • Building a Financial Liabilities Schedule
  • Building an Equity Schedule
  • Preparing a Cash Flow Structure
  • Calculating Cash Flows and Completing the Model

Accounting - Introduction to Accounting & Bookkeeping

  • Accounting: The Science Behind Financial Figures
  • What is Accounting and Why Do You Need It
  • The Importance of Bookkeeping - Good Accounting Records Are Essential
  • An Introduction to Financial Accounting
  • Quiz Number 3

Accounting - Types of Revenues, Costs, Assets, and Liabilities

  • The Different Types of Accounting Standards
  • The Three Financial Statements
  • Types of Revenues
  • Types of Revenues - Exercise
  • Types of Expenses
  • Income Taxes
  • Depreciation & Amortization
  • Balance Sheet Items
  • Types of Assets
  • Asset Categories - Practical Example
  • Types of Liabilities
  • Liability Categories - Practical Example
  • Equity
  • Quiz Number 4

Accounting - Revenue Recognition

  • Accrual Accounting
  • Revenue Recognition Criteria - Technical
  • Potential Conflicts of Interest When Recognizing Revenue
  • A Practical Example
  • FAQ: Doubts Regarding Calculation

Accounting - Cost Recognition

  • Technical Aspects of Cost Recognition
  • The Two Types of Income Statement Formats

Accounting - Understanding the Big Picture: Why, What, When, and How Much

  • The Revenue Recognition Principle - Why Is It So Important?
  • The Expense Recognition Principle - When to Recognize Expenses

Accounting - The Core Principles of Accounting

  • The Accounting Equation and Its Importance
  • Elements of the Accounting System: General Ledger
  • T-Accounts: The Best Way to Understand Debits and Credits
  • P&L T-Accounts
  • The Double-Entry Principle - The Core Principle of Bookkeeping
  • Quiz Number 5

Accounting - Practical Exercise: The Accounting Transactions of a Lemonade Stand

  • Case Study - The Accounting Transactions of a Lemonade Stand (1/4)
  • Case Study - The Accounting Transactions of a Lemonade Stand (2/4)
  • Case Study - The Accounting Transactions of a Lemonade Stand (3/4)
  • Case Study - The Accounting Transactions of a Lemonade Stand (4/4)

Accounting - The Importance of Timing

  • Timing of Cash Flows and Why It Plays an Important Role in a Business
  • Timing of Income: Principles of Revenue Recognition
  • Timing of Expenses: Principles of Cost Recognition
  • The Four Type of Accruals Arising in Accounting Transactions
  • Quiz Number 6

Accounting - Preparing a Cash Flow Statement: Understanding Cash Flow Analysis

  • Calculating Cash Flows - Understand If a Business Makes or Burns Cash
  • The Three Parts of Cash Flow Statements Explained
  • Cash Flow Computations - The Direct Method
  • Cash Flow Computations - The Indirect Method
  • Calculating Cash Flow in Practice: A Complete Example
  • FAQ: Why D&A Has Been Added in Capex?

Advanced Accounting - Trade Receivables

  • Why a Company Needs to Pay Attention to Trade Receivables?
  • What If Clients Do Not Pay on Time?
  • How to Handle Non-paying Customers? A Case-study
  • A Technique to Collect Trade Receivables Sooner

Advanced Accounting - Inventory

  • The Different Types of Inventory We Can Have
  • The Connection Between Cost of Goods Sold and Inventory
  • Cost Flow Methods
  • Cost Flow Methods - a Practical Exercise
  • FAQ: How to Apply the Weighted Average Cost Method?

Advanced Accounting - Fixed Assets

  • The Different Types of Fixed Assets
  • Capitalizing Interest Expenses
  • Fair Value Accounting
  • Intangible Assets with Finite Life vs. Intangible Assets with Infinite Life
  • The Revaluation Model
  • The Revaluation Model - Practical Exercise
  • Intangible Assets Created Internally

Advanced Accounting - Trade Payables

  • How We Account for Trade Payables
  • What Is the Difference Between Accounts Payable and Notes Payable?
  • Why Use E-invoicing?

Advanced Accounting - Financial Liabilities

  • The Difference Between Debt and Equity
  • Amortizing a Loan
  • Debt Covenants
  • Debt Covenants - A Practical Example

Advanced Accounting - Leasing Liabilities

  • The Reason Companies Lease Assets
  • Solving a Complete Leasing Exercise

Advanced Accounting - Using Leverage

  • What is Leverage and Why Companies Use Financial Leverage?
  • The Implications of Using Excessive Leverage

Advanced Accounting - Raising Equity, Types of Equity, and Dividend Payments

  • The Different Types of Equity
  • Raising Equity in Different Stages of a Company's Lifecycle
  • The Types of Dividends Companies Pay to Shareholders
  • Dividend Payments - a Timeline
  • What Are Share Repurchases and Why Companies Do Them
  • The Idea Behind Stock Splits

Financial Statement Analysis - An Introduction

  • What is a 10-K Report and Why Is It important for Investors?
  • Finding, Downloading and Going Through the Annual Report of P&G
  • What Is the Role of Auditing Firms and What Are the Benefits of an Audit?
  • Indispensable Tools for Financial Statement Analysis
  • Quiz Number 7

Financial Statement Analysis - Subtleties

  • Financial Statement Analysis - A Natural Continuation of Financial Accounting
  • First Steps in Financial Statement Analysis
  • Horizontal vs. Vertical Financial Statement Analysis
  • Calculating Days Payable (DPO), Days Receivable (DSO) and Days Inventory (DIO)
  • Using Accounting Ratios to Assess Business Performance
  • Quiz Number 8

Financial Statement Analysis - Practical Case Study "Analyzing P&G's Financials"

  • Financial Statement Analysis - A Natural Continuation of Financial Accounting
  • First Steps in Financial Statement Analysis
  • Horizontal vs. Vertical Financial Statement Analysis
  • Calculating Days Payable (DPO), Days Receivable (DSO) and Days Inventory (DIO)
  • Using Accounting Ratios to Assess Business Performance
  • Quiz Number 8
  • Case Study - Calculating Ratios and Analyzing P&G's Financials (1/2)
  • Case Study - Calculating Ratios and Analyzing P&G's Financials (2/2)
  • Course Challenge - Part 2

Financial Statement Analysis - Tesla Exercise

  • What You Will See Next In This Section
  • How to Download Tesla's Historical Financials
  • Calculating and Analyzing Growth and Profitability Ratios
  • Calculating and Analyzing Liquidity Ratios
  • Calculating and Analyzing Solvency Ratios

Working Capital Management

  • Introduction
  • The Importance of Working Capital Optimization: Case Study
  • Overtrading vs. Excessive Investment
  • Trade Receivables Management
  • Re-order Level
  • Economic Order Quantity (EOQ)
  • Inventory Optimization Techniques
  • Trade Payables Management
  • Working Capital Optimization - a Roadmap
  • Symptoms of Inefficient Working Capital - Trade Payables
  • Symptoms of Inefficient Working Capital - Trade Receivables

Fundamentals of Business & Financial Analysis

  • Fundamentals of Business & Financial Analysis

Business Analysis in Excel

  • Trend analysis - theory
  • Trend analysis
  • Comparative analysis - theory
  • Comparative analysis
  • Value-based analysis - theory
  • Value-based analysis
  • Correlation analysis - theory
  • Correlation analysis
  • Time series analysis - theory
  • Time series analysis
  • Regression analysis - theory
  • Regression analysis

Finance 101 - The Time Value of Money and Interest Rate Components

  • Finance 101: Important Financial Principles That You Will Need
  • Understanding the Time Value of Money
  • How Interest Rates Play an Important Role in the Economy?
  • The Components Forming Interest Rates in Real Life
  • What Is Libor and What Purpose Does It Serve?
  • The Difference Between Fixed and Variable Interest Rates
  • What Is Default Risk and How Does a Bank Account For It?
  • Corporate Loan Specifics

Finance 101 - The Value of Cash Flows with Different Timing

  • Calculating the Present Value of Future Cash Flows
  • A Tool That Helps Us Decide Whether a Project Is Feasible: Net Present Value

Finance 101 - Loan Calculations

  • Using Annuities
  • Calculating a Complete Loan Schedule
  • Course Challenge - Part 3

Capital Budgeting - Basic Notions

  • What is Capital Budgeting?
  • When Do We Use Capital Budgeting?
  • The Time Value of Money in a Capital Budgeting Setting
  • Calculating Present and Future Value
  • Cost of Equity
  • Project-specific Beta
  • The Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC)
  • The Different Cash Flow Types in a Capital Budgeting Exercise
  • Modeling Future Cash Flows

Capital Budgeting - A Complete Case Study

  • An Introduction to the Case Study
  • Organizing Inputs In the "Drivers" Sheet
  • Modeling Expected Savings - Building Cars In Italy vs. Building Cars In Vietnam
  • Preparing a Fixed Asset Rollforward Schedule
  • Calculating the Cash Impact of Extra Working Capital Required
  • Debt Repayment and Interest Expenses Calculation
  • The Project's P&L Sheet
  • The Project's Cash Flow Calculation
  • Calculating WACC (Weighted Average Cost of Capital)
  • Estimating Cost of Equity
  • Discounting Project Cash Flows
  • Performing Sensitivity Analysis and Wrapping Up the Case Study
  • FAQ: Data Does Not Change in the DCF Sheet, It Changes From the Drivers Sheet

Tesla Practical Case Study - Building a Financial Planning Model

  • Organizing External Inputs in a 'Drivers' Sheet
  • Forecasting Tesla's Expected Deliveries
  • Comparing Delivery Figures with the Ones of industry Peers
  • Estimating an Average Selling Price of Tesla Vehicles
  • Calculating Automotive Revenue
  • Peer Comparison: Gross Profit %
  • Calculating Automotive Gross Profit
  • Calculating Automotive Cost of Sales
  • Forecasting 'Energy' and 'Services' Revenue
  • Calculating 'Energy' and 'Services' Gross Profit and Cost of Sales
  • Forecasting Operating Expenses
  • Building a Fixed Asset Roll Forward: PP&E
  • Building a Fixed Asset Roll Forward: Estimating Capex
  • Building a Fixed Asset Roll Forward: D&A Schedule
  • Calculating DSO, DIO, DPO
  • Producing a Clean P&L Output Sheet
  • Calculating Investments in Working Capital
  • Forecasting Unlevered Free Cash Flow
  • Forecasting Other Assets
  • Forecasting Other Liabilities
  • Completing Unlevered Free Cash Flow
  • Modeling Tesla's Financing Needs in the Forecast Period
  • Calculating Net Income
  • Bridging Unlevered Free Cash Flow to Net Cash Flow
  • Balancing the Balance Sheet

PowerPoint - Introduction to PowerPoint

  • Microsoft PowerPoint: The Most Popular Presentation Software for the Office
  • The Structure of the PowerPoint Ribbon
  • General Considerations About Slide Structure
  • Learn How to Insert Objects in PowerPoint
  • Shortcuts Allow Us To Be Much Faster When Working in PowerPoint
  • Add Frequently Used Buttons to the Quick Access Toolbar
  • How to Easily Align Objects in PowerPoint
  • How to Edit Shapes in Your Presentation
  • How to Format Text Boxes in a PowerPoint Presentation
  • Practical Learning - Exercise 1
  • Changing an Object's Size and Rotation
  • Using Slide Masters
  • Bring to Front and Send to Back - An Important PowerPoint Technique
  • Learn How to Create, Edit, Resize and Format PowerPoint Tables

PowerPoint - Tips & Tricks That Will Transform You Into An Advanced User

  • An Introduction to PowerPoint Animations
  • Modifying the Beginning and Ending of a Line Object
  • Join Shapes Together By Using Connector Lines
  • Edit Points - Learn How to Customize PowerPoint Shapes
  • Group or Ungroup Shapes, Pictures or Other Objects
  • This is How You Can Fit Text When It Is Larger Than a Shape
  • Nudge Objects
  • PowerPoint's Smart Art Feature Offers Great Return for Your Time
  • Creating Eye-Catching Text Effects in PowerPoint
  • Practical Exercise - Creating an Organisational Chart
  • Course Challenge - Part 4

Who Does What in the World of Finance?

  • Who Does What in the World of Finance?

Next Steps

  • Next Steps

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