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Quick Facts
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Medium of instructions
Mode of learning
Self study
Mode of Delivery
Video and Text Based
Course and certificate fees
Fees information
₹ 3,699
certificate availability
certificate providing authority
The syllabus
Setting up R Studio and R Crash Course
- Installing R and R studio
- This is a milestone!
- Basics of R and R studio
- Packages in R
- Inputting data part 1: Inbuilt datasets of R
- Inputting data part 2: Manual data entry
- Inputting data part 3: Importing from CSV or Text files
- Creating Barplots in R
- Creating Histograms in R
Machine Learning Basics
- Introduction, Key concepts and Examples
- Steps in building an ML model
Simple Decision trees
- Basics of Decision Trees
- Understanding a Regression Tree
- The stopping criteria for controlling tree growth
- The Data set for the Course
- Importing the Data set into R
- Splitting Data into Test and Train Set in R
- More about test-train split
- Building a Regression Tree in R
- Pruning a tree
- Pruning a Tree in R
Simple Classification Tree
- Classification Trees
- The Data set for Classification problem
- Building a classification Tree in R
- Advantages and Disadvantages of Decision Trees
Ensemble technique 1 - Bagging
- Bagging
- Bagging in R
Ensemble technique 2 - Random Forest
- Random Forest technique
- Random Forest in R
Ensemble technique 3 - Boosting
- Boosting techniques
- Quiz
- Gradient Boosting in R
- AdaBoosting in R
- XGBoosting in R
- Quiz
Add-on 1: Preprocessing and Preparing Data before making any model
- Gathering Business Knowledge
- Data Exploration
- The Data and the Data Dictionary
- Importing the dataset into R
- Univariate Analysis and EDD
- EDD in R
- Outlier Treatment
- Outlier Treatment in R
- Missing Value imputation
- Missing Value imputation in R
- Seasonality in Data
- Bi-variate Analysis and Variable Transformation
- Variable transformation in R
- Non Usable Variables
- Dummy variable creation: Handling qualitative data
- Dummy variable creation in R
- Correlation Matrix and cause-effect relationship
- Correlation Matrix in R
- Quiz
Bonus Section
- The final milestone!
- Bonus Lecture
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