Java Programming Masterclass covering Java 11 & Java 17


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₹ 699 4099

Quick Facts

particular details
Medium of instructions English
Mode of learning Self study
Mode of Delivery Video and Text Based

Course overview

Java Programming Masterclass covering Java 11 & Java 17 course is an online short programme created by Tim Buchalka's Learn Programming Academy. The course will enable the students to acquire the potentials of Java and make a thorough understanding of theoretical concepts enough to come up with their own Java applications and build a career as Java programmers

Java Programming Masterclass covering Java 11 & Java 17 online course, provided by Udemy, could be pursued by Java aspirants who got a computer with either Windows, Mac, or Linux and strong passion to learn Java. The curriculum takes the participants through all the must-have Java knowledge such as Java keywords, operators, statements, and expressions. 

Java Programming Masterclass covering Java 11 & Java 17 certification also offers the programme covering both Java 11 and  Java 17 in complete online mode. The participants also will have access to the course materials throughout their lifetime and could access both on TV and mobile. The interested folk can choose the programme by making the payment.

The highlights

  • Online course 
  • Downloadable resource
  • Coding exercises
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of completion
  • English videos with multi-language subtitles
  • 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

Program offerings

  • 80 hours on-demand video
  • 3 articles
  • 1 downloadable resource
  • 52 coding exercises
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and tv
  • Certificate of completion
  • English videos
  • Multi-language subtitles

Course and certificate fees

Fees information
₹ 699  ₹4,099
certificate availability


certificate providing authority


What you will learn


At the end of the Java Programming Masterclass covering Java 11 & Java 17 online certification, the learner can gain knowledge on various aspects of the Java API, the tools to build applications, and object-oriented programming that facilitates the learner to do coding in all available platforms. In addition, the participants also will develop skills to write fully functional Java applications by using the powerful Integrated Development. 

The syllabus

Course Introduction

  • Introduction To The Course
  • Remaster in Progress
  • Video Quality
  • Subtitles
  • How to Get Help
  • Important Tip - Source Code

Software Tools Setup

  • Biggest Tip to Succeed as a Java Programmer
  • Being Persistent and the Four Stages of Becoming a Programmer videos
  • Software Tools Introduction
  • Java Development Kit Installation Overview
  • Install JDK 11 for Windows
  • Installing Intellij IDEA for Windows
  • ** IMPORTANT ** - Configuring IntelliJ IDEA
  • Install JDK 11 for Mac
  • Installing Intellij IDEA for Mac
  • Install JDK 11 for Linux
  • Installing Intellij IDEA for Linux
  • Configuring IntelliJ IDEA - WINDOWS, MAC, and LINUX

First Steps

  • Introduction
  • Hello World Project
  • Defining the Main Method
  • Hello World Challenge and Common Errors
  • Variables
  • Starting out with Expressions
  • Primitive Types
  • byte, short, long and width
  • Casting in Java
  • Primitive Types Challenge
  • float and double Primitive Types
  • Floating Point Precision and a Challenge
  • The char and boolean Primitive Data Types
  • Primitive Types Recap and the String Data Type
  • Operators, Operands, and Expressions
  • Abbreviating Operators
  • if-then Statement
  • Logical and Operator
  • Logical OR Operator
  • Assignment Operator VS Equals to Operator
  • Ternary Operator
  • Operator Precedence and Operator Challenge
  • First Steps Summary
  • End of Remaster

Java Tutorial: Expression, Statements, Code blocks, Methods and more

  • Introduction
  • Keywords And Expressions
  • Statements, Whitespace, and Indentation (Code Organization)
  • Code Blocks And The If Then Else Control Statements
  • if then else Recap
  • Methods In Java
  • More On Methods And A Challenge
  • Method Challenge - Final Code Changes
  • DiffMerge Tool Introduction
  • Install DiffMerge
  • Using DiffMerge
  • Coding Exercises
  • Coding Exercises Example Part 1
  • Coding Exercises Example Part 2
  • Coding Exercises Example Part 3
  • Speed Converter
  • MegaBytes Converter
  • Barking Dog
  • Leap Year Calculator
  • DecimalComparator
  • Equal Sum Checker
  • Teen Number Checker
  • Method Overloading
  • Method Overloading Recap
  • Seconds and Minutes Challenge
  • Bonus Challenge Solution
  • Area Calculator
  • Minutes To Years and Days Calculator
  • Equality Printer
  • Playing Cat

Control Flow Statements

  • Introduction
  • The switch statement (+Challenge Exercise)
  • Day of the Week Challenge
  • Number In Word
  • Number Of Days In Month
  • The for Statement (+Challenge Exercise)
  • For Loop Recap
  • Sum 3 and 5 Challenge
  • Sum Odd
  • The while and do-while statements (+Challenge Exercise)
  • While and Do While Recap
  • Digit Sum Challenge
  • Number Palindrome
  • First And Last Digit Sum
  • Even Digit Sum
  • Shared Digit
  • Last Digit Checker
  • Greatest Common Divisor
  • All Factors
  • Perfect Number
  • Number To Words
  • Parsing Values from a String
  • Flour Pack Problem
  • Largest Prime
  • Diagonal Star
  • Reading User Input
  • Problems and Solutions
  • Reading User Input Challenge
  • Min and Max Challenge
  • Input Calculator
  • Paint Job

OOP Part 1 - Classes, Constructors and Inheritance

  • Introduction
  • Classes Part 1 
  • Classes Part 2
  • Sum Calculator
  • Person
  • Constructors - Part 1 (+Challenge Exercise)
  • Constructors - Part 2 (+Challenge Exercise)
  • Wall Area
  • Point
  • Carpet Cost Calculator
  • Complex Operations
  • Inheritance - Part 1
  • Inheritance - Part 2
  • Reference vs Object vs Instance vs Class
  • this vs super
  • Method Overloading vs Overriding Recap
  • Static vs Instance Methods
  • Static vs Instance Variables
  • Inheritance Challenge Part 1 (+Challenge Exercise)
  • Inheritance Challenge Part 2
  • Cylinder
  • Pool Area

OOP Part 2 - Composition, Encapsulation, and Polymorphism

  • Introduction
  • Composition
  • Composition Part 2 (+Challenge Exercise)
  • Composition
  • Encapsulation
  • Encapsulation (+Challenge Exercise)
  • Encapsulation
  • Polymorphism
  • Polymorphism (+Challenge Exercise)
  • Polymorphism
  • OOP Master Challenge Exercise
  • OOP Challenge - Solution
  • Bill's Burgers

Arrays, Java inbuilt Lists, Autoboxing and Unboxing

  • Arrays
  • Arrays (Challenge Exercise)
  • Sorted Array
  • Arrays Recap
  • References Types vs Value Types
  • Minimum Element Challenge
  • Minimum Element
  • Reverse Array Challenge
  • Reverse Array
  • List and ArrayList Part 1
  • ArrayList Part 2
  • ArrayList Part 3
  • ArrayList Challenge Part 1
  • ArrayList Challenge Part 2
  • ArrayList Challenge Part 3
  • Bug Fix for ArrayList Challenge
  • Mobile Phone
  • Autoboxing and Unboxing
  • Autoboxing & Unboxing (Challenge Exercise) - Part 1
  • Autoboxing & Unboxing (Challenge Exercise) - Part 2
  • Autoboxing & Unboxing (Challenge Exercise) - Part 3
  • Banking
  • LinkList Part 1
  • LinkedList Part 2
  • LinkedList Part 3
  • LinkedList Challenge Part 1
  • Bug Fix for "Track 1" Error
  • LinkedList Challenge Part 2
  • LinkedList Challenge Part 3 (Final video)
  • Playlist

Inner and Abstract Classes & Interfaces

  • Interfaces
  • Interfaces Part 2
  • Interfaces Challenge Part 1
  • Interfaces Challenge Part 2
  • Interface
  • Inner classes Part 1
  • Inner Classes Part 2
  • Inner Classes Challenge
  • Playlist - Inner Class
  • Abstract Classes Part 1
  • Abstract Classes Part 2
  • Interface vs Abstract Class
  • Abstract Class Challenge Part 1
  • Abstract Class Challenge Part 2
  • Abstract Class Challenge Part 3 (includes recursion).
  • Abstract Class

Java Generics

  • Generics Information
  • Our Generics Class
  • Our Generics Class Part 2
  • Our Generics Class Part 3
  • Generics Challenge

Naming Conventions and Package. static and final keywords

  • Naming Conventions
  • Packages
  • Packages Part 2
  • Packages Part 3
  • Packages (Challenge Exercise)
  • Scope
  • Scope Part 2 and Visibility
  • Scope +(Challenge Exercise)
  • Access Modifiers
  • The static statement
  • The final statement
  • Final Part 2 and Static Initializers

Java Collections

  • Collections Overview
  • Binary Search
  • Collections List Methods
  • Comparable and Comparator
  • Maps
  • Map Continued and Adventure Game
  • Adding Exits to the Adventure game
  • Adventure Game challenge
  • Adventure Game
  • Immutable Classes
  • Immutable Class Challenge
  • Immutable Class
  • Sets & HashSet
  • HashSet - equals() and hashCode()
  • Finish off equals() and hashcode()
  • A potential issue with equals () and sub-classing
  • Sets - Symmetric & Asymmetric
  • Finishing Off Sets
  • Sets Challenge Part 1
  • Sets Challenge Part 2
  • Sets Challenge Part 3
  • Sets
  • Sorted Collections
  • StockList Class With Maps
  • Add a Basket
  • TreeMap and Unmodifiable Maps
  • Challenge Part 1
  • Challenge Part 2
  • Challenge Part 3
  • Challenge Part 4 (Final)


  • JDK11 Global Library Configuration
  • Create Your First JavaFX Project
  • JavaFX Overview
  • JavaFX Hello World Program
  • GridPane Layout
  • HBox Layout
  • BorderPane Layout
  • Other Layouts
  • Controls
  • RadioButton and CheckBox
  • ComboBox and ChoiceBox
  • Slider, Spinner, ColorPicker & DatePicker Controls
  • TitledPane
  • Events and Events Handlers
  • Events Continued
  • UI Thread
  • Threads and Runnable
  • Setup Sample Todo List Application
  • Base Interface
  • Add Change Listener
  • Formatting Dates
  • Singletons
  • Load and Save ToDo Items from/to Disk
  • Add DialogPane
  • Show Dialog and Add Controller Code
  • Bug Fix and Update List View
  • Data Binding and Observable
  • Cell Factories
  • Context Menu
  • KeyEvents and Toolbars
  • SortedList
  • FilteredList
  • CSS With JavaFX
  • Transforming Nodes and Choosers
  • More on Choosers and Web Pages
  • SceneBuilder
  • Installing SceneBuilder for Windows
  • Installing SceneBuilder for Mac
  • Overview of SceneBuilder
  • Building a UI with SceneBuilder
  • More on SceneBuilder
  • JavaFX Challenge
  • JavaFX Challenge Part 2
  • JavaFX Challenge Part 3
  • JavaFX Challenge Part 4
  • JavaFX Challenge Wrap up

BAsic Input & Output including java.util

  • Exceptions
  • Stack Trace and Call Stack
  • Catching and throwing Exceptions
  • Multi Catch Exceptions
  • Introduction to I/O
  • Writing content - Filewriter class and Finally block
  • Try with Resources
  • FileReader and Closeable
  • BufferedReader
  • Load Big Location and Exits Files
  • Challenge
  • Buffered Writer and Challenge
  • Byte Streams
  • Reading Binary Data and End of File Exceptions
  • Object Input-Output including Serialization
  • Finish Object I/O and RandomAccessFile class
  • Create Random Access File
  • Update Static Initializer Block With Random File Access
  • Update Adventure Game to Read Random Access File
  • Java NIO
  • Writing Objects With Java NIO
  • Reading and Writing with Java NIO
  • Writing Binary Files with Java NIO
  • Reading Files with NIO
  • Absolute and Relative Reads
  • Chained Put Methods
  • Writing Sequentially
  • FileChannel to Copy Files and Pipes with Threads
  • Filesystem
  • More on Paths
  • Exists and CopyFile
  • Move, Rename and Delete
  • File Attributes
  • Read Existing Directory Contents
  • Separators Temp Files and File Stores
  • Walk File Tree
  • Copy Entire Tree
  • Mapping IO and NIO Methods

Concurrency in Java

  • Concurrency and Threads Introduction
  • Threads
  • Runnable and Thread
  • Interrupt and Join
  • Multiple Threads
  • Thread Variables
  • Synchronization
  • Producer and Consumer
  • Deadlocks, wait, notify, and notifyAll methods
  • The Java Util Concurrent package
  • Thread Interference
  • Reentrant Lock and Unlock
  • Using Try Finally With Threads
  • Thread Pools
  • ArrayBlockingQueue Class
  • Deadlocks
  • More on deadlocks
  • Thread Starvation
  • Fair Locks and Live Locks
  • Live Lock Example and Slipped Conditions
  • Other Thread Issues
  • JavaFX Background Tasks
  • Data Binding
  • Service
  • Challenge 1 and 2
  • Challenge 3,4 and 5
  • Challenge 6 and 7
  • Challenge 8
  • Challenge 9

Lamda Expressions

  • Lambda Expressions Introduction
  • Lambda Expression Continued
  • Lambda Expressions Nested Blocks
  • Scope and Functional Programming
  • Functional Interfaces & Predicates
  • More on Predicates & Suppliers
  • Functions
  • Chaining java.util.function Functions
  • Streams
  • Streams - Intermediate and Terminal Operations
  • Streams - Flat map & Lambda Best Practices
  • Lambda Challenge Part 1
  • Lambda Challenge Part 2

Regular Expression

  • Regular Expressions Introduction
  • Character classes and Boundary Matchers
  • Quantifiers and the Pattern and Matcher classes
  • Matcher find and Group Methods
  • And, Or & Not
  • Regular Expressions Challenge Part 1
  • Regular Expressions Challenge Part 2
  • Regular Expressions Challenge Part 3

Debugging and Unit Testing

  • Introduction to Debugging
  • More on Debugging
  • Field Watch Points
  • Advanced Debugging
  • Introduction to Unit Testing with JUnit
  • Asserts in Junit
  • More Asserts and Exception Handling
  • Parameterized Testing
  • JUnit Challenge #1 and #2
  • JUnit Challenges #3 to #7
  • JUnit Challenges #8 to #10


  • Section Introduction
  • Database Terminology
  • Install and Setup SQLite for Windows
  • Install and Setup SQLite for Mac
  • Install and Setup SQLite for Linux
  • Introduction to SQLite
  • More with SQLite
  • Querying Data With SQL
  • SQL Order by and Joins
  • More Complex Joins
  • Wildcards in Queries and Views
  • Housekeeping and Final SQL Challenge
  • JDBC and SQLite GUI Browser
  • Creating Databases With JDBC in Java
  • JDBC Insert, Update, Delete
  • .executeQuery() and using Constants
  • The Music SQLite Database
  • Write Java Query for Artists
  • Executing SQL in DB Browser
  • Query Albums by Artist Method
  • Query Artists for Song method
  • ResultSet Meta Data
  • Functions and Views
  • Write the Method to Query View
  • SQL Injection Attacks and Prepared Statements
  • Transactions
  • Inserting Records With JDBC
  • Insert Albums, Artists, and Songs
  • Test Insert JDBC Code
  • JDBC with a GUI Program
  • Add Artists
  • Fix Artist and Preload Records
  • Implement Artist Query
  • Add ProgressBar
  • Handling Updates

Java Networking Programming

  • Networking Overview
  • First Client and Server Apps
  • Multi-Threaded Server
  • Multi-Threading and Timeouts
  • UDP Server and Client
  • High-Level APIS
  • URL Connections and Input Stream Reader
  • HTTPUrlConnection
  • Alternatives to HTTPUrlConnection

Java 9 Module System

  • Introduction to Modules
  • Module Declarations and Statements
  • Module Types

Migrating Java Projects to Java 9

  • Project Setup and Test
  • Structuring the new project
  • Creating the first module (Common)
  • Creating the Module Descriptor file
  • Creating the 2nd module (Database)
  • Challenge - Create the final module (UI)
  • Transitive Dependencies

Course Remaster in Prgress

  • Work in Progress
  • Keywords and Naming Conventions
  • Naming Conventions Challenge
  • Operator Associativity
  • Declaration and Expression Statements
  • Expression Statements, Prefix and Postfix
  • Whitespace
  • Code Blocks and Indentation
  • Code Blocks and if, then, and else
  • Boolean, Naming Conventions and Scope
  • Challenge and Code Duplication
  • Defining Methods
  • Executing Methods
  • Method Parameters Overview
  • Removing Code Duplication
  • Returning Data from a Method
  • Using Data from a Method Call
  • Method Recap and Challenge
  • Method Challenge Solution

Archived Videos

  • Old JavaFX Introduction Video for JDK 8
  • Old JavaFX Code Ys FXml for JDK 8

Extra Information - Sourse code, and other stuff

  • Source code for all Programs
  • Bonus Lecture and Information


Mr Tim Buchalka

Mr Tim Buchalka
Software Developer


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