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The Modern JavaScript Bootcamp
Develop expertise in core principles and functionalities related to JAvascript in collaboration with ES6 and ES7 for ...Read more
₹ 599 3999
Quick Facts
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Medium of instructions
Mode of learning
Self study
Mode of Delivery
Video and Text Based
Course overview
The Modern JavaScript Bootcamp online certification was developed by Andrew Mead, a full-stack developer, and teacher, and is delivered by Udemy, which is aimed at applicants who want to learn how to create and deploy their JavaScript web applications from the ground up. The Modern JavaScript Bootcamp online course by Udemy is a comprehensive program that covers the latest cutting-edge language features utilized in the real world with modern ES6 and ES7 JavaScript.
The Modern JavaScript Bootcamp online classes provide more than 29.5 hours of extensive lectures and are supported by 128 downloadable study materials, allowing applicants to gain a practical understanding of topics such as application development, application deployment, asynchronous javascript, function, variables, libraries, data storage, and objects, among others. By the end of the course, applicants will have completed over 80 tasks that will test and reinforce their skills in developing javascript projects from the ground up.
The highlights
- Certificate of completion
- Self-paced course
- 29.5 hours of pre-recorded video content
- 128 downloadable resources
Program offerings
- Online course
- Learning resources. 30-day money-back guarantee
- Unlimited access
- Accessible on mobile devices and tv
Course and certificate fees
Fees information
certificate availability
certificate providing authority
Who it is for
What you will learn
After completing The Modern JavaScript Bootcamp certification course, applicants will gain a thorough understanding of javascript's essential principles as well as the functionalities of ES6 and ES7. Applicants will explore numerous functions, arrays, objects, variables, and flow control in javascript. Applicants will gain knowledge of the methods and methodologies used in application development and deployment. Applicants will also gain knowledge of debugging and fixing code, as well as how to use promises and async/await with asynchronous JavaScript.
The syllabus
Course Overview
Setting up Your Machine
- Section Intro: Setting up Your Computer
- Installing Visual Studio Code
- Installing Node.js
- [Windows Only] Install cmder
- Introduction to the Terminal
- Hello JavaScript!
JavaScript Basics: Variables and Flow Control
- Section Intro: JavaScript Basics
- Strings and Variables
- Numbers
- More on Variables
- Build a Temperature Converter
- Booleans and Comparison Operators
- If Statements
- Advanced If Statements
- Logical "And" and "Or" Operators
- Variable Scope: Part I
- Variable Scope: Part II
JavaScript Functions
- Section Intro: JavaScript Functions
- Function Basics
- Undefined and Null
- Multiple Arguments and Argument Defaults
- Function Scope
- Template Strings
- Build a Grade Calculator
JavaScript Objects
- Section Intro: JavaScript Objects
- Object Basics
- Using Objects with Functions
- Object References
- Build an Expense Tracker
- Methods
- Exploring String Methods
- Exploring Number Methods
- Constant Variables
- Bonus: Variables with var
JavaScript Arrays
- Section Intro: JavaScript Arrays
- Array Basics
- Manipulating Arrays with Methods
- Looping Over Arrays
- The For Loop
- Searching Arrays: Part I
- Searching Arrays: Part II
- Filtering Arrays
- Sorting Arrays
- Improve Our Expense Tracker
Javascript in the Browser
- Section Intro: Javascript in the Browser
- Setting up a Web Server
- JavaScript in the Browser
- DOM Manipulation
- DOM Challenge
- Adding Elements via the DOM
- Handling User Interaction
- Advanced Queries
- Text Inputs and Live Data Filtering
- Rendering Our Filtered Data
- Todo Filter Challenge
- Working With Forms
- Checkboxes
- Dropdowns
Data Storage, Libraries, and More
- Section Intro: Data Storage, Libraries, and More
- Saving Our Data in LocalStorage: Part I
- Saving Our Data in LocalStorage: Part II
- Splitting up Our Application Code
- Refactor Challenge
- Debugging Our Applications
- Complex DOM Rendering
- Setting up a Third-Party Library
- Targeting by UUID
- Checkbox Challenges
- The Edit Note Page: Part I
- The Edit Note Page: Part II
- Syncing Data Across Pages
- JavaScript Dates
- Moment
- Integrating Dates: Part I
- Integrating Dates: Part II
- Take a Break
Expanding Our JavaScript Knowledge
- Section Intro: Expanding Our JavaScript Knowledge
- Arrow Functions: Part I
- Arrow Functions: Part II
- Conditional (Ternary) Operator
- Truthy and Falsy Values
- Type Coercion
- Catching and Throwing Errors
- Handling Application Errors
- Working in Strict Mode
Advanced Objects and Functions
- Section Intro: Advanced Objects and Functions
- Object Oriented Programming
- Constructor Functions
- Setting up the Prototype Object
- Hangman Challenge: Part I
- Digging Into Prototypical Inheritance
- Primitives and Objects: Part I
- Primitives and Objects: Part II
- Hangman Challenge: Part II
- Hangman Challenge: Part III
- Hangman Challenge: Part IV
- The Class Syntax
- Creating Subclasses
- Getters and Setters
- Update: Fixing an Edge Case
Asynchronous JavaScript
- Section Intro: Asynchronous JavaScript
- HTTP Requests from JavaScript
- HTTP Headers and Errors
- Exploring Another API
- Callback Abstraction
- Asynchronous vs. Synchronous Execution
- Callback Abstraction Challenge
- Closures
- Exploring Promises
- Converting to Promises
- Promise Chaining
- The Fetch API
- A Fetch Challenge
- A Promise Challenge
- Async/Await
- Async/Await Challenge
- Integrating Data into the Application
App Themes
- Section Intro: App Themes
- CSS at a Glance
- Setting up the Hangman Theme
- Setting up the Notes Theme: Part I
- Setting up the Notes Theme: Part II
- Setting up the To-Do Theme: Part I
- Setting up the To-Do Theme: Part II
- Hosting Your Applications
(NEW) Cutting-Edge JavaScript with Babel and Webpack
- Section Intro: Cutting-Edge JavaScript with Babel and Webpack
- The Problem: Cross-Browser Compatibility
- Exploring Babel
- Setting up Our Boilerplate
- Avoiding Global Modules
- Exploring Webpack
- Setting up Webpack
- JavaScript Modules: Part I
- JavaScript Modules: Part II
- Adding Babel into Webpack
- Webpack Dev Server
- Environments and Source Maps
- Converting Hangman App
- Using Third-Party Libraries
- Converting Notes App: Part I
- Converting Notes App: Part II
- Converting Notes App: Part III
- Converting Notes App: Part IV
- To-Do App Conversion Setup
- Converting To-Do App: Part I
- Converting To-Do App: Part II
- The Rest Parameter
- The Spread Syntax
- The Object Spread Syntax
- Destructuring
Wrapping Up
- Section Intro: Wrapping Up
- New App Idea
- Bonus: Where do I go from here?