.NET Core MVC - The Complete Guide 2024 [E-commerce] [.NET8]


Acquire a practical understanding of ASP.NET Core MVC's key functionalities to create real-world applications.




₹ 3099

Quick Facts

particular details
Medium of instructions English
Mode of learning Self study
Mode of Delivery Video and Text Based

Course overview

The .NET Core MVC - The Complete Guide 2024 [E-commerce] [.NET8] is a compact, open-source, and thoroughly scalable framework designed specifically for ASP.NET Core. ASP.NET Core MVC is a pattern-based framework for building dynamic websites with a strict distinction of responsibilities. Bhrugen Patel, a passionate software architect, created the Complete Guide to ASP.NET Core MVC (.NET 6) online certification, which is presented by Udemy.

.NET Core MVC - The Complete Guide 2024 [E-commerce] [.NET8] online course is for those who wish to learn the fundamentals and advanced concepts of ASP.NET MVC Core (.NET 6) to construct large-scale projects. The Complete Guide to ASP.NET Core MVC (.NET 6) online classes include 29 hours of lectures, 10 articles, and 28 downloadable materials that cover everything from CRUS development to website deployment. Participants will be able to construct several projects using .NET 6 by the end of the program, as we will launch their applications on Microsoft Azure as well as IIS.

The highlights

  • Certificate of completion
  • Self-paced course
  • 29 hours of pre-recorded video content
  • 19 articles
  • 28 downloadable resources

Program offerings

  • Online course
  • Learning resources. 30-day money-back guarantee
  • Unlimited access
  • Accessible on mobile devices and tv

Course and certificate fees

Fees information
₹ 3,099
certificate availability


certificate providing authority


What you will learn

After completing the .NET Core MVC - The Complete Guide 2024 [E-commerce] [.NET8] certification course, participants will acquire hands-on experience with ASP.NET and ASP.NET Core MVC's features and principles for constructing simple razor applications with CRUD operations utilizing the entity framework. Participants will learn about the features of both the identity framework and the entity framework, as well as the razor class library. Participants will learn about strategies associated with the process of implementing TempData, authentication, authorization, role management, product management, order management, stripe payment integration, repository pattern, and email notifications. Participants will also learn how to use Microsoft Azure to deploy websites and migrate seed databases.

The syllabus


  • Welcome
  • Live Preview
  • Tools Needed
  • Project Resources
  • Feedback
  • Introduction to .NET Core
  • Dependency Injection
  • Create Project
  • Hot Reload
  • Project File
  • Launchsettings, wwwroot and appsettings
  • Program class file
  • MVC Arhcitecture
  • Routing Overview
  • Routing in Action
  • Default Views
  • Tag Helper
  • Action Result

MVC Basics - CRUD Operation

  • Create Category Model
  • Add Data Annotations
  • Add Connection String
  • Add ApplicationDbContext
  • Setup Program.cs to use DbContext
  • Create Database
  • Create Category Controller
  • Retrieve all Categories
  • Display all Categories
  • Bootswatch Theme
  • Bootstrap Icons
  • Create Category View
  • Demo - Create Category
  • Server side Validations
  • Custom Validation
  • Add Client Side Validation
  • Display Name and Range Validation
  • Edit Category - GET
  • Edit Category - POST
  • Delete Category
  • Tempdata
  • Partial views
  • Toastr Alerts
  • Scaffold CRUD

Razor Pages - CRUD Operation

  • Introduction
  • Create Project
  • Whats different
  • Razor Pages Introduction
  • Pages in Razor Project
  • Routing Overview
  • Create Category Model
  • Data Annotations
  • Connection String
  • ApplicationDbContext
  • Program.cs Database Settings
  • Create Database
  • Categoeis Get Action Method
  • Display all categories
  • Add Create Category Button
  • Create Category UI
  • Create Property in Page Model
  • Create Category and Bind Property
  • Bootswatch
  • Server Side Validations
  • Custom Validations
  • Display Name and Range Annotation
  • Client Side Validations
  • Links for Edit and Delete
  • Edit Category
  • Back to List
  • Delete Category
  • TempData
  • Toastr
  • Partial Views
  • Scaffold CRUD Pages
  • Back to Main Project

N-Tier Architecture

  • Creating more Projects
  • N Tier Architecture
  • HelpTip 1 - How to handle corrupted migrations
  • Bootswatch Theme

Repository Pattern

  • Introduction to Repository
  • Repository Overview
  • Repository Pattern Detailed Flow
  • Repository Pattern Architecture
  • IRepository Interface
  • Implement IRepository
  • Category Repository Interface
  • Implement Category Repository
  • Replace DbContext with Category Repository
  • Implementing Unit of Work
  • UnitOfWork in Action
  • Assignment 1 - Cover Type Repository
  • Assignment 1 Solution - Cover Type Repository
  • Areas in .NET Core
  • Areas in Action
  • Assignment 2 - Cover Type Controller and Views
  • Assignment 2 Solution - Cover Type Controller and Views
  • Dropdown in Navigation

Product Management

  • Create Product Model
  • Create Product Table
  • Product Repository
  • Create Product Controller
  • Product Get Action UI
  • Projections using Select
  • View Bag in .NET Core
  • ViewData in .NET Core
  • View Models
  • Add File Upload
  • Sweetalerts
  • Create First Product
  • Add API EndPoint for DataTable
  • Loading Datatables
  • Include Properties
  • Render Html in datatables
  • Load Product on Upsert Get
  • Update Product
  • Update Book Images
  • Delete API Endpoint
  • Delete Product
  • Tinymce Editor

Home Page

  • Home Page
  • Lux theme.
  • Details Action Method
  • Details UI

Identity Management

  • Scaffold Identity
  • What got Added with Identity
  • Add Identity Tables
  • Identity Bugs with Scaffolded Pages
  • Register and Login in Action
  • Add More fileds to Identity Table
  • Assignment 3 - Company CRUD
  • Assignment 3 - Solution Company CRUD
  • Add Roles to Application
  • Create Roles for Website
  • Add more fields on Register UI
  • Display all Roles in Dropdown
  • Register User with Roles
  • Company Dropdown
  • Toggle Company Dropdown
  • Register Company User

Shopping Cart

  • Add Shopping Cart Table to Database
  • Add Shopping Cart and Application User Repository
  • Add Items to Shopping Cart
  • Add items to existing cart
  • Configure Application Cookie
  • Shopping Cart UI
  • Load Shopping Cart List in Get Action
  • Price calculation based on quantity
  • Cart Total
  • Updating Quantity in Shopping Cart
  • Cart Summary UI

Order Creation

  • Create Order Header and Details Model
  • Add Order Header and Detail to UnitOfWork
  • Summary GET Action Method
  • Load Summary UI with data
  • Summary POST Action Method
  • Create Order
  • Create Stripe Account
  • Stripe Secrets Configuration
  • Call Stripe from Summary Page
  • Save Stripe Session ID and Payment Intent ID
  • Order Confirmation
  • Payments in Action

Order Management

  • Flow for company user
  • Place Order for Company User
  • OrderVM and Retrieve all Orders
  • Display all Orders
  • Add Status Filter on Order List
  • Toggle UI For Status based on Selection
  • Demo - Filters in Order List
  • Role based order display
  • Order Details Get Action
  • Loading Order Details Header
  • Display Order Details
  • Order Processing Buttons Logic
  • Update Order Details and EF Core Tracking
  • Ship Order
  • Cancel Order
  • Delayed Payment

MVC Advance Concepts

  • Authorization
  • Email Sender using MimeKit and MailKit
  • Test Email Sender
  • SendGrid
  • Session in Action
  • Remove From Session
  • View Component Code
  • View Component in Action
  • FaceBook Login
  • Demo - Facebook Login
  • Hide Roles from Registration
  • Session Bug

Seed Database and Azure Deployment

  • DbInitializer Interface
  • Implement DbInitializer
  • Azure Database
  • Azure Deployment

Introduction (OLD COURSE)

  • Introduction
  • Live Preview
  • Demo Project 1 (Razor)
  • Udemy Review
  • Demo Project 2 (MVC) Part 1
  • Demo Project 2 (MVC) Part 2
  • Tools Needed
  • Resources
  • Evolution of ASP.NET Core

Razor Projects in ASP.NET Core (OLD COURSE)

  • Introduction
  • Create Project
  • Razor Pages
  • csproj
  • Launchsettings
  • wwwroot
  • Pages Folder
  • Routing in Razor Pages
  • Tag helpers
  • Main method
  • Startup 1
  • Startup 2
  • Middleware
  • AppSettings
  • Dependency Injection

Book List Razor Project (OLD COURSE)

  • Introduction
  • Runtime Razor Package
  • Create Book Model
  • Add Connection String and Packages
  • Add Book Table to Database
  • Book Index Get Handler
  • Designing Book Index Page
  • Designing Book Index Page Part 2
  • Create Book Page Model
  • Create Book Page UI
  • Create Book and Validations
  • Client Side Validations
  • Edit Book Get Handler
  • Edit Book UI
  • Edit Post Handler
  • Delete Book
  • Book Get API
  • DataTables
  • Delete API Call
  • Delete Book
  • Upsert Page Handlers
  • Upsert Page UI

Bulky Book Project - ASP.NET Core MVC (OLD COURSE)

  • Introduction
  • Create Project
  • Add Project to Github
  • MVC Architecture
  • File Overview
  • MVC Folders and overview of individual folders
  • Routing in MVC
  • Routing with Areas

Setting up Project - Bulky Book (OLD COURSE)

  • Introduction
  • Creating Projects inside BulkyBook
  • Seperating out Data Layer
  • Seperating out Models and add References
  • Creating Customer Areas
  • Creating Admin Area and configuring View Import and View Start
  • Bootswatch
  • Bootswatch Header and Footer
  • Third Party Tools
  • Push Initial Migration to DB
  • Add Dropdown to NavBar
  • Add Category Model and push to DB

Repository Pattern (OLD COURSE)

  • Introduction
  • Introduction to Repository
  • Repository Overview
  • Repository Pattern Detailed Flow
  • Repository Detailed Architecture
  • Repository Interface
  • Implement Repository Interface
  • Category Repository and Interface
  • Implement Stored Proc Repository
  • Stored Proc Class
  • Unit of Work
  • Repository Pattern - Source Code


  • Introduction
  • Create Category Controller
  • Category Index and Get All Actions
  • Category Index View
  • Category js
  • Category Upsert Get Action
  • Partial Views
  • Category Upsert View
  • Category Upsert Post Action
  • Category Delete API Call
  • Category Delete Js
  • Category CRUD - Source Code
  • Reviews


  • Introduction
  • Assignment - Add Cover Type Model and Repository Setup
  • Solution - Add Cover Type Model and Repository
  • Assignment - Cover Type Controller, View, Js and _layout
  • Solution - Cover Type Controller, View, Js and _layout
  • Add Stored Procedure for Cover Type
  • Convert Cover Type to use Stored Proc
  • Cover Type CRUD - Source Code


  • Introduction
  • Add Product Model and push to Db
  • Add Product Repository
  • Add Product Controller
  • Product Controller Part 2
  • Project JS and Index View
  • Product Upsert View Part 1
  • Product Upsert View Part 2
  • Product Upsert Post Action
  • Product Upsert Action Part 2
  • Common Error and Delete Product
  • Home Page
  • Product CRUD - Source Code

Company and User (OLD COURSE)

  • Introduction
  • Add More Properties to Existing Users Table
  • Assignment - Company and Application User Models
  • Solution - Company and Application User Models
  • Assignment - Company JS Controller and Repository
  • Solution - Company JS Controller and Repository
  • Assignment - Index and Upsert View
  • Solution - Assignment Company Index and Upsert View
  • Assignment - Add Application User to Repository
  • Solution - Add Application User to Repository
  • Company & User - Source Code

Registration (OLD COURSE)

  • Introduction
  • Add More Fields to Registeration
  • Update to .NET 5 (For students who are using .net core 3.1/3.0)
  • Admin Registration
  • Configuring Email Sender Class
  • Working on Registration Page with Roles
  • 5 Registration Page Model Code Changes
  • Registration - Source Code

User Management (OLD COURSE)

  • Introduction
  • User Controller
  • Display User List
  • User Lock Unlock JS
  • Lock Unlock Action Method
  • Final Lock Unlock API Call
  • User Management - Source Code

Authorization (OLD COURSE)

  • Introduction
  • Authorization in Project
  • Display Links based on Role
  • Sign in with Facebook
  • Register Facebook User
  • Register with google
  • Authorization - Source Code


  • Introduction
  • SengGrid Issue
  • Signup for SendGrid
  • Send Grid Sender Verification Fix
  • Setup Email Options
  • Send Email
  • Emails - Source Code

Models and Repository (OLD COURSE)

  • Introduction
  • Shopping Cart Model
  • Order Header Model
  • Order Details Model
  • Add Repository for Models
  • Models and Repository - Source Code

Details & Shopping Cart (OLD COURSE)

  • Introduction
  • Product Details
  • Add Product to Shopping Cart Part 1
  • Add Product to Shopping Cart Part 2
  • Configure Session in the Project
  • Default Session Implementation
  • Shopping Cart Refresh
  • Details & Shopping Cart - Source Code

Shopping Cart Management (OLD COURSE)

  • Introduction
  • Shopping Cart Index Action Get
  • Cart UI Part 1
  • Cart UI Part 2
  • Confirm Email for Authorized Company User
  • Error Debugging
  • Increment Item in Shopping Cart
  • Shopping Cart Minus and Remove
  • Shopping Cart Management - Source Code

Summary and Payments (OLD COURSE)

  • Introduction
  • Summary Get Action
  • Summary UI View
  • Adding and Configuring Stripe
  • Adding Stripe to Summary Page
  • Summary Post Action Method
  • Place Order without Payment
  • Place Order with Stripe Payment
  • Process Payments for Authorized Company
  • Validations for Summary
  • Summary & Payments - Source Code
  • Free Content - BrainTree Payments and Email Templates

Order Management (OLD COURSE)

  • Introduction
  • Order Controller Index API
  • Order List Index View Part 1
  • Order List Index View Part 2
  • Order Controller Modification
  • Order Javascript API Call
  • Order Details View Model and Get Action
  • Order Details View Part 1
  • Order Summary In Order Details
  • Buttons to Process Order
  • Order Status Change Action Method
  • Ship Order and Cancel Order
  • Take Payments for Authorized Company
  • Process Delayed Payments
  • Change Navbar Title for Order

Advance Concepts (OLD COURSE)

  • Introduction
  • Redesign Register Page
  • Login UI Change
  • Debugging Errors
  • Two Factor Authentication
  • Setup Twilio
  • Send SMS
  • View Component Action
  • Consume View Component
  • Async Repository Pattern
  • Consume Async Repository
  • Custom Tag Helper Model
  • Build Custom Tag Helper
  • Changing Category Index Action for Custom Tag Helper
  • Consuming Custom Tag Helper
  • Delete Category
  • Temp Data Alerts
  • Setup BrainTree Account
  • Configure Brain Tree Keys
  • Add Brain Tree to DI
  • Add Brain Tree Get Action
  • BrainTree UI and Js
  • Process Brain Tree Payment
  • Paypal with Brain Tree
  • Using Email Templates
  • Employee Registeration Fix
  • Advance Concepts - Source Code

Deployment (OLD COURSE)

  • Introduction
  • DbInitializer - Deployment Setup
  • Deploy to Azure
  • Assignment - Order Details Update


Mr Bhrugen Patel

Mr Bhrugen Patel

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