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- Why learn SAP MM
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- B2B vs B2C - Change your perspective
- Install SAP GUI + Notes
SAP MM Training - in Plain English
Quick Facts
particular | details | |||
Medium of instructions
Mode of learning
Self study
Mode of Delivery
Video and Text Based
Course overview
SAP MM (Materials Management) is a module of SAP ERP Central Component (ECC) that enables businesses to manage their materials, inventory, and warehouses. SAP MM's key objective is to ensure that materials are constantly preserved in sufficient quantities and that supply chain gaps are eliminated. In addition, it enables the supply chain manager and other SAP users to complete the acquisition of goods in a timely and cost-efficient manner and to adapt to daily changes in these procedures. SAP MM Training - in Plain English certification is made available by Udemy and seeks to appreciate the fundamental SAP MM business operations.
SAP MM Training - in Plain English online training includes a digital certificate of completion and 26 hours of video content, one article, and 27 downloadable materials.
SAP MM Training - in Plain English online syllabus consists of SAP MM, pronounce to pay, purchase, enterprise structure, master data, material master, vendor master, records, nonstock materials, services, agreements, procurement process, stock transfer, STO, automatic PO creation, reservations, valuation, physical inventory, negative Stocks, CBP, MRP run for internal production, forecasting, processing key, configuration, vendor sub-range, info records, and document types.
The highlights
- Full Lifetime Access
- 26 Hours of Video
- One Article
- 27 Downloadable Resources
- Access on Mobile and TV
- Certificate of Completion
Program offerings
- Online course
- Learning resources
- 30-day money-back guarantee
- Unlimited access
Course and certificate fees
Fees information
certificate availability
certificate providing authority
Who it is for
What you will learn
SAP MM Training - in Plain English certification course, the aspirant will be able to understand the primary SAP MM business processes and how to finish the SAP MM business processes. In addition to business processes, procure-to-pay, purchase order life cycle, enterprise structure, and master data, the applicant will obtain a comprehensive understanding of essential technical concepts. The participant will get an understanding of buy info records, returns, outline agreements, purchase requisitions, reservations, stock transfer, and automatic PO creation, which are crucial SAP MM business activities. Individuals will get knowledge of CBP, MRP, forecasting, processing key, configuration, material group, buy info records, document kinds, item categories, account assignments, and item categories.
The syllabus
Getting started with SAP MM
P2P (Procure to Pay ) lifecycle - The business process
- Purchasing Life cycle overview
- Procurement cycle in a small company
- Problems with expansion
- SAP to the rescue
- Summary + Notes so far
Purchase Order Life cycle - Hands on in SAP
- First Steps
- PO Creation
- Issue PO Output
- PO Creation Exercise
- Purchase Order - Solutions
- Goods Receipt in SAP
- Check Stock after Goods Receipt
- Goods Receipt Summary and exercise
- Goods Receipt solution
- Invoice Receipt - I/R
- Invoice Receipt - Solutions
- Vendor Payments
- Vendor Payment - Solution
- PO Cycle Summary + Notes
Enterprise Structure
- Company Code
- Plant
- Storage Location
- Purchase Org
- Purchase Group
- Assign the Enterprise Structure elements
- Enterprise Structure - Exercise
- Enterprise Structure - Solutions
- Verify Configuration - some preparatory steps
- Verify Configuration - PO Creation
- Verify Configuration - G/R and I/R
- Verify Configuration - Exercise
- Verify Configuration - Solution + Notes
Master Data - Introduction
- What is Master Data ?
- Exercise
- Solution
Material Master
- Material Master
- Exercise
- Solution
Vendor Master
- Vendor Master
- Exericise
- Solution
Purchase Info Records & Texts
- Purchase Info Record
- Texts
Master Data Summary
- Summary - Master Data + Notes for all Master Data sections
Procuring Non-Stock Materials
- What are non-stock materials
- How is stock valuated in SAP - Part 1
- How is stock valuated in SAP - Part 2
- How to order non-stock materials
- Distributing Costs between Departments
- Exercise
- Solution
- Summary + notes
Procuring Services
- What are Services ?
- How to create Service Materials - Service Master
- Record the services rendered - Service Entry Sheet
- Service Pricing
- Summarize Differences - Standard vs Service Procurement
- Exercise
- Solution
- Summary + notes
- What are Returns
- Returns - Hands on
- How to close-out POs
- What is delivery tolerance ?
- Delivery tolerance in action
- Return POs
- Credit and Debit Memos + notes
Outline Agreements
- What are outline agreements
- Quantity Contracts
- Value Contracts
- Scheduling Agreements + notes
Purchase Requisitions
- What is Purchase Requisition ?
- Purchase Requisition - Hands on + notes
- Quotations
- Create RFQ
- Accept or reject quotations
- Source of supply
- Source of supply - hands on
What next ?
- P2P story so far
- What next ?
Special Procurement Processes
- Blanket PO - What is it ?
- Blanket PO hands-on
- Blanket PO vs Standard PO
- Consignment - What is it ?
- Consignment - Hands-on
- Consignment - Summary
- Sub-contracting - What is it ?
- Sub-Contracting - Hands-on
- Sub-Contracting - Summary + notes
Introduction on Inventory Management
- What is Inventory Management
- One-Step Posting
- Why two-step Posting
- 2-Step Transfer Posting
- What are Stock Types - Part 1
- What are Stock Types - Part 2 + notes
Stock Transfer
- Plant to Plant Stock Transfer - Part 1
- Plant to Plant Stock Transfer - Part 2 + notes
Stock Transport Order - STO
- STO - Theory and hands on
- Difference between STO and Stock Transfer + notes
Miscellenous Goods Movements
- Goods Receipts
- QA Sampling
- Convert Stock - Material to Material
- Scrapping
- Consumption Updates
- Goods Issues
- Receipts against Issues
- Non-destructive Sampling
- Split goods receipt
- Post to Inspection Stock
- Effect of Goods Movement
- Cancel Goods Receipt + notes
Automatic PO Creation
- What is Automatic PO Creation Process ?
- Auto PO Config
- Summary + notes
- What are Reservations ?
- Reservations in action
- Why are reservations created ?
- Picklists
- Managing reservations
- Summary + notes
Split Valuation
- What is Valuation ?
- Valuation Controls
- What is Split Valuation
- Split Valuation Config
- Split Valuation - Mater Data Prep
- Split Valuation in Action
- Summary + notes
Physical Inventory
- Physical Inventory vs. Book Inventory
- Why the difference ?
- Do a Physical Inv. Count
- Block Goods Movement
- Freezing Book Inventory - Theory
- Freezing Book Inventory - Hands on + notes
- Negative Stocks + notes
Consumption based Planning - CBP
- What is CBP ?
- What is Re-order Point Based Planning ?
- Manual Re-order Point Based Planning in action
- Summary + notes
MRP for Internal Production
- MRP run for Internal Production
- Planned Order
- Planning file
- Key MRP Parameters + notes
- What is Forecasting
- Forecasting Models
- Forecasting and MRP Run
- Forecasting - Summary + notes
Processing Key
- What is Processing Key
- Processing Key Config
- Summary
Configuration in SAP
- What is Configuration ?
- What is Configuration
- Basic elements of SAP Customization
- Steep Learning Curve
- Summary + notes
Configuration - Material Master
- Material Group - Part 1
- Material Group - Part 2
- x-plant Material Status
- EAN / UPC Codes
- Purchasing Value Keys
- Material Type - Part 1
- Material Type - Part 2
- Material Type - Part 3
- Field Level Customization
- Number Format
- Summary + notes
Configuration - Vendor Master
- General Structure
- Fields and Screens
- Significance of important fields
- Delete & Mass Change Vendor Master
- Vendor Sub-Range ( VSR ) - Theory
- Vendor Sub-Range - Hands-on
- Vendor Sub-Range - Design
- Deletion and Mass Maintenance
- One-time Vendor
- Purchase Org specific Field Customization
- Summary + notes
Configuration - Info Records
- What are Purchase Info Records
- Vendor Material Number
- Configuration
Document Types, Item Categories & Acct. Assig. Categories
- Document Types, Item Categories and Account Assignments
- Modeling Business Processes - Part 1
- Modeling Business Processes - Part 2
- Number Ranges and Field Selection Groups
- Document Type Summary & handwritten notes
Item Categories and Account Assignment Categories
- What is Item Category ?
- Material Required or optional ?
- Item Category - "T" - Text Items
- Item Category - "S" - Third Party
- Item Category - "W" - Material Group
- Item Category - "K" - Consignment
- Item Category - "L" - Sub contracting
- Copy of Data between different Documents
- Summary of Item Category Configuration
- Account Assignment Category + notes
- How to get access to an IDES system