Selenium 4 WebDriver with Java(Basics + Advance + Architect)


Learn the fundamentals as well as advanced concepts of Selenium Webdriver for automating web application testing processes.




₹ 4099

Quick Facts

particular details
Medium of instructions English
Mode of learning Self study
Mode of Delivery Video and Text Based

Course overview

Selenium 4 WebDriver with Java(Basics + Advance + Architect) online certification is designed by Rahul Arora - Director of Way2Automation & Professional Instructor which is presented by Udemy. Selenium WebDriver Training with Java & Many Live Frameworks online course is a hands-on training program designed to teach individuals to test automation for web applications using Selenium and implement frameworks such as Hybrid, Page factories, Cucumber BDD, and many more.

Selenium 4 WebDriver with Java(Basics + Advance + Architect) online classes focus on individuals gaining in-depth knowledge of both Java and Core Java that covers basics such as basic OOPS - inheritance, polymorphism, interfaces, Log4j, and JavaMail API. Individuals will have the opportunity to work on seven distinct live projects that will provide real knowledge of methodologies such as parallel execution, java generics, and multithreading. Individuals who want to participate in the course must enroll by registering to benefit from the content and enhance their skills and experience.

The highlights

  • Certificate of completion
  • Self-paced course
  • English videos with multi-language subtitles
  • 140.5 hours of pre-recorded video content
  • 122 articles
  • 81 downloadable resources
  • 30-day money-back guarantee 
  • Unlimited access
  • Accessible on mobile devices and TV

Program offerings

  • Certificate of completion
  • Self-paced course
  • English videos with multi-language subtitles
  • 138.5 hours of pre-recorded video content
  • 96 articles
  • 81 downloadable resources
  • 30-day money-back guarantee
  • Unlimited access

Course and certificate fees

Fees information
₹ 4,099
certificate availability


certificate providing authority


What you will learn


After completing the Selenium 4 WebDriver with Java(Basics + Advance + Architect) certification course, individuals will learn the fundamentals of Selenium and Java. Individuals will explore the capabilities of Selenium WebDriver. Individuals will learn about web application automation testing, as well as how to use Xpath, CSS, Ashot API, Jenkins, SVN, and Appium in their testing operations. Individuals will also learn how to interact with numerous frameworks, such as the Github repository, the SauceLab cloud network, the version control system, handling SVG graphs, the LOG4J API, the JavaMail API, and Dockers.

The syllabus

Introduction to the Course

  • Introduction and Important Points to know
  • Fixing the Blurred Video Screen

Selenium 4.0 Latest Features update

  • Selenium 4.0 Latest Features update

What is Selenium?

  • What is Selenium?
  • Update - New Website walkthrough
  • What is an API?
  • Understanding Selenium as an API
  • Running Test through Selenium IDE
  • Difference in RC, WebDriver and Grid
  • Scope and Conclusion

Core Java in Depth for Manual Testers and Beginners

  • Introduction to Core Java
  • Download ALL Java PDF Lectures
  • MAC OS X - Installing Java & configuring environment variables
  • Basic Java Programming and Features - Part 1
  • Basic Java Programming and Features - Part 2
  • Java Methods - Part 1
  • Java Methods - Part 2
  • Java Methods - Part 3
  • Java Methods Part 4
  • Java Methods Part 5 - PreDefined Methods and Math.Random()
  • Java Methods Part 6 - Static and Non Static Methods
  • IF and Else Statements
  • Switch Case statement
  • Code and PPTs for Download from Methods and IFandElse
  • Loops - While Loop
  • Loops - Do While Loop
  • Loops - For Loop
  • Loops - Nested Loops
  • Loops - Break and Continue statements
  • Download the Loops code and PPT files
  • Arrays - 1D Array
  • Arrays - 2D Array
  • Arrays - 3D Array
  • Download the code and PDF lecture
  • Exception Handling - Part 1
  • Exception Handling - Part 2
  • Packages and Access Modifiers
  • OOPS - Encapsulation
  • OOPS - Inheritance
  • OOPS - Polymorphism - OverLoading
  • OOPS - Polymorphism - Overriding
  • OOPS - Polymorphism - Overriding benefits and drawbacks
  • OOPS - Abstract classes
  • OOPS - Interfaces
  • Constructors and This Keyword
  • Super Keyword
  • Reading Properties files
  • Java Streams - Writing in TXT and CSV files
  • Java Stream - Writing HTML Files and Reading files
  • Java Stream - Apache POI Creating and Writing Excel Files
  • Java Stream - Apache POI Reading Excel Files, Extended Loops
  • Reading Notepad file
  • Reading and Writing Notepad and Properties file - code
  • Collections - Wrapper Classes, Autoboxing and Unboxing
  • Collections - ArrayList
  • Collections - HashSet
  • Collections - HashMap
  • Reflection API
  • Code from Access Modifiers, OOPS, Collection API, Reflection API lectures
  • Difference between == & equal to operator and Singleton design pattern
  • Apache Log4J API - Console & File Appenders
  • Apache Log4J API - SMTPAppender
  • Apache Log4J API HTMLAppender
  • Apache Log4j API - Project code

Core Java Updates from Live training sessions

  • Important to know before you start with the Automation Part

New Lectures from Selenium 3 - Getting start with Latest Selenium Configuration

  • Prerequsite and configuring Java
  • Downloading and Configuring latest Eclipse IDE
  • Configuring Latest Selenium API
  • Getting started with Selenium and configure Firefox browser
  • Configuring Chrome Browser
  • Configuring IE and Edge browser
  • Installing Edge browser executable via elevated cmd
  • Configuring Safari and Opera browser
  • Download and Configure Maven
  • Managing Dependencies
  • Managing Executable files through WebDriverManager Class

Detailed configuration on MAC OSX

  • Configuring Java and setting up environment variables
  • Downloading and Configuring latest Eclipse IDE
  • Configuring Maven and Downloading Selenium dependencies
  • Configuring Browsers - Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera etc

Updates - Latest Updates from the New APIs

  • ExcelReader Utility - APACHE POI 4.1.0
  • Log4J API
  • Download the code from above 2 lectures
  • Download the MAIL API Code
  • JDBC Database Connection
  • JDBC Database Connection - Code

Selenium 3.0 WebDriver Basics

  • WebDriver Basics and Reading Javadocs
  • Understanding the WebDriver Architecture
  • Finding Elements
  • Quiz on Selenium basics

Syncronization - ImplicitWait, ExplicitWait & FluentWait

  • Syncronization - Implicit Wait
  • Syncronization - Explicit Wait
  • Syncronization - Fluent Wait
  • Syncronization - Fluent Wait - Removing Deprecation warnings
  • Synchronization: Waits in Selenium

Finding Multiple and Complex Elements strategies

  • Select Class - Handling Dropdown list
  • Handling Multiple Elements from the Dropdown list
  • Printing All links from the Webpage
  • isElementPresent, isDisplayed, isEnabled, isSelected
  • Handling Checkboxes and Multiple Elements
  • Handling WebTables
  • Assignment 1
  • Assignment 2
  • Assignment 3
  • Code from Above Lectures

XPATH VS CSS locators in Depth

  • Learn Xpath and CSS in Depth Part 1
  • Learn Xpath and CSS in Depth Part 2
  • Learn Xpath and CSS in Depth Part 3
  • Plugin to Auto generate complex Xpath and CSS Selectors
  • Xpath and CSS Documents / Cheat sheets

Articles for Download on WebDriver Examples and Major Locators

  • Article 1 - Selenium WebDriver configuration and Architecture
  • Article 2 - How to inspect elements in web browsers
  • Article 3 - Working with various browsers
  • Article 4 - WebDriver Interface
  • Article 5 - Bid Adieu to driver.exe and Welcome WebDriverManager API
  • Article 6 - Xpath VS CSS Locators - Part 1
  • Article 7 - Xpath VS CSS Locators - Part 2
  • Article 8 - Xpath VS CSS Locator - Part 3
  • Article 9 - Xpath VS CSS Locator - Part 4
  • Article 10 - Xpath VS CSS Locator - Part 5
  • Article 11 - Handling Checkboxes, Radio Buttons and Links
  • Article 12 - Exceptions in Selenium WebDriver
  • Download PDF lectures for below Articles
  • Article 13 - How to Handle Tab, New Windows and Pop-ups
  • Article 14 - How to Handle Dropdowns
  • Article 15 - Handling Javascript alerts & Notifications
  • Article  16 - Actions - Mouse Over
  • Article  17 - Capturing Screenshots
  • Article 18 - Handling Frames
  • Article 19 - Handling WebTables
  • Article 20 - Handling Ajax Dropdowns/Fields
  • Article 21 - JavascriptExecutor
  • Article 22 - Handling Calendars
  • Article23 - Handling Syncronization issues, ImplicitWaits
  • Article24 - ExplicitWaits
  • Article 25 - Handling Combo Boxes
  • Article 26 - POI API - Excel Data Driven Testing

Selenium 3 - WebDriver Advance Features

  • Actions API - Handling MouseOver events
  • Actions API - Handling JQuery Sliders
  • Actions API - Handling Resizable Elements
  • Assignment 4
  • Actions API - Handling Drag and Drop Elements
  • Actions API - Right clicking an Element
  • Actions API - Handling KeyBoard Events
  • SwitchTo - Javascript Alerts
  • SwitchTo - Iframes
  • SwitchTo - New Windows - Handling Tabs and Popups
  • JavaScriptExecutor - Calling and Injecting Javascript functions
  • CODE from Above lectures

Handling SVG Graphs and Shadow DOM Elements

  • Handling SVG Graphs
  • Handling SVG Graphs - CODE
  • Handling Shadow DOM Elements
  • Handling Shadow DOM Elements - CODE

Screenshot Utility - Using WebDriver and AShot API

  • Capture Screenshot with TimeStamp
  • Capturing Particular Element Screenshot
  • Using AShot API to Capture FullScreen and Particular Element Screenshot
  • CODE from Above lectures

Handling JQUERY Calendars

  • Getting the current and target dates
  • Jumping to the Target month
  • Finding and clicking the Target day
  • Project Code

Event Listeners, Event Firing Mouse, Coordinates - OLD Lecture

  • Event Listeners, Event Firing Mouse, Coordinates
  • Event Listeners, Event Firing Mouse, Coordinates - Code

TesTNG Framework - Basics

  • Introduction to TestNG and Configuring Eclipse plugin
  • Creating the First Test Case
  • Adding Assertions and Reporting Failures
  • SoftAssertions and Reporting Multiple failures
  • Creating Test Dependencies
  • Creating Test Suite
  • Managing Multiple Test Suites
  • Test Groups
  • TestNG Listeners
  • Forcefully Skipping a Test Case
  • Adding Before and After Suite annotations
  • Download the code from above lectures
  • Article on TestNG Framework

TesTNG Framework - Creating Interactive Reports

  • TestNG Report
  • ReportNG
  • Article on ReportNG
  • Download the code from above lectures

TesTNG Framework - Parameterization

  • Understanding Parameterization through DataProviders
  • TestNG Parameterization Excel Reading
  • TestNG Parameterization Excel Reading with Hashtable
  • Handling Multiple Data Providers
  • Reading Parameters from TestNG.xml file
  • Download the code from above lectures

TesTNG Framework - Advance Topics

  • Running Parallel Test using TestNG.xml file
  • Running Parallel Test using DataProvider
  • InvocationCount and ThreadPoolSize
  • OnTestFailure - CaptureScreenshots
  • OnFinish - Zip file and send Automated mails
  • Zip Utility Code
  • Retry Listener to Re-Run Failed Test Cases
  • Retry Listener to Re-Run Failed Test Cases - Code
  • Retry Listener to Re-Run Failed Test Cases - Code with WebDriver Example
  • Download the code from above lectures

Extent Reports Version

  • Configuring Latest Extent Reports Step by Step
  • Generating extent reports through Customized Listeners
  • Code

Allure Reporting

  • Configuring Latest Allure reports - Step by Step
  • Customizing and attaching Screenshots on failure
  • Code from Above Lectures

Selenium Grid - Parallel Execution

  • Introduction to Selenium Grid
  • Configuring nodes & hub
  • Running Test on Multiple browsers & Nodes
  • Grid Json configuration
  • Latest Selenium GRID 3 Configuration and Updates
  • Latest Selenium Grid 3 - Running Parallel Test through TestNG XML Parameters
  • Latest Selenium Grid 3 - Running Parallel Test through Data Provider
  • Latest Selenium Grid 3 - Fixing the Parallel test execution by MultiThreading
  • Grid files for download

Latest Selenium 4.0 - Alpha 3 Updates

  • Selenium 4.0 New features and updates
  • Handling New Tabs and Popups
  • New Locator strategies through Relative Locators
  • Selenium Grid 4
  • Download the code

Jenkins - CI

  • Jenkins Detailed Configuration

GIT / GITHUB and Continuous Integration using Jenkins

  • Introduction to Version control system
  • Installing Git on Windows
  • Git Commands
  • Introduction to GitHub - remote repository
  • Creating Account on GitHub & Pushing code to the remote repository
  • Download the PPT file

Continuous Integration - Jenkins CI

  • Introduction to Continuous Integration and configuring Jenkins
  • Creating a free style Jenkins project
  • Download the PPT file

Articles for Download on Git and Jenkins

  • Introduction to Git and Jenkins
  • Continuous Integration through Jenkins and GitHUB

SauceLabs Integration

  • Integrating the Test Cases to execute on SauceLabs cloud network

Live Project 1 -Hybrid - Data + Keyword Driven Automation Framework with Jenkins

  • Introduction to the Project
  • Live Project 1 Code with Updated and Latest Dependencies
  • Creating a new Maven Project
  • Creating Base Class
  • Calling Properties and creating the very first test case
  • Initializing logs
  • Adding Assertions
  • Adding Data Provider and Creating the second test
  • Implementing ReportNG
  • Adding Listeners
  • Capturing Unique screenshots and report customization part 1
  • Capturing Unique screenshots and report customization part 2
  • Generating Extent Report
  • Adding steps to test cases in Extent Report
  • Creating a common data provider
  • Adding Multiple Failure to the test
  • Adding parameterization and automating the third test
  • Setting up run modes for test suites
  • Setting up run modes for test data and implementing parameterization
  • Jenkins build generation
  • Jenkins - Configuring HTML Publisher plugin for Extent Reports
  • Jenkins - Parameterizing the build for browser and environment
  • Jenkins - Configuring MAIL API to send test results in an automated email

Update Extent Reports and Latest Data Driven Framework Dependencies

  • Latest Extent Reports Generation - END to END
  • Data + Keyword Driven Framework using Latest Selenium 4.0 Dependencies
  • Download the Code for Extent Reports and Data Driven Framework

Live Project 2 - Page Object Model with Git/GitHub and CI - Jenkins

  • Page Object Model - Introduction to the framework basics
  • Page Object Model - Designing Layout and creating the first business page
  • Page Object Model - Creating business Pages - Part 2
  • Page Object Model - Creating business Pages - Part 3
  • Page Object Model - Creating Business Pages - Part 4
  • Page Object Model - Implementing Page Objects
  • Page Object Model - Implementing Base class for Pages - Part 1
  • Page Object Model - Implementing Base class for Pages - Part 2
  • Page Object Model - Implementing Base class for Pages - Part 3
  • Page Object Model - Adding Test cases and common Data Providers
  • Page Object Model - Learning Git, Github and Continuous Integration
  • Page Object Model - Introduction to Version control system
  • Page Object Model - Installing Git on Windows
  • Page Object Model - Git Commands
  • Page Object Model - Introduction to GitHub - remote repository
  • Page Object Model - Creating Account on GitHub & Pushing code to the remote repo
  • Page Object Model - Introduction to Continuous Integration and config Jenkins
  • Page Object Model - Continuous Integration Part 1
  • Page Object Model - Continuous Integration Part 2
  • Project Code

Page Object End to End Framework from the Live Projects

  • New - Page Object Model with Page Factory - End to End (Live Batch Recordings)
  • New - Page Object Model with Page Factory - End to End (Part 2)
  • Download the code

Live Project 3 - Page Object Model with Page Factories (End to End Testing)

  • Page Factories - Introduction
  • Page Factories - Implementing Base class and understanding factory annotations
  • Page Factories - Implementing Business classes Part 1
  • Page Factories - Implementing Business classes Part 2
  • Page Factories - Implementing Business classes Part 3
  • Page Factories - Implementing Business classes Part 4
  • Page Factories - Soft Assertions and Finding Multiple Elements
  • Page Factories - FindBys and FindAll annotations
  • Page Factories - Adding Extent Reports
  • Page Factories - Adding Keywords and Implementing logs
  • Page Factories - Implementing Parameterization and Runmodes to the test case
  • Page Factories - Configuring Jenkins and sending Automated Emails
  • Complete Project Code

Articles on Latest Cucumber version 6

  • Important to watch this lecture before reading the articles
  • BDD Introduction
  • Setting up cucumber in eclipse
  • Create feature and Step definition file
  • Create runner file
  • Cucumber Tags
  • Background keyword in Cucumber
  • Hooks in Cucumber
  • DataTable (asLists) in Cucumber
  • DataTable (asMaps) in Cucumber
  • Data Driven Testing in Cucumber

Live Project 4 - Cucumber BDD Framework with Page Object Model and PageFactories

  • Download the updated framework code - latest 6.10 cucumber and latest Reporting
  • Cucumber Basics - Introduction to the Project
  • Cucumber Basics - Introduction to Cucumber BDD
  • Important - Getting the Latest Dependencies from Cucumber version 6.10.4
  • Cucumber Basics - Creating a Feature File
  • Cucumber Basics - Creating Step definition and runner files
  • Cucumber Basics - Adding Multiple scenarios in a Feature
  • Cucumber Basics - Adding Parameterization
  • Cucumber Basics - Creating Multiple Features and Step files
  • Cucumber Basics - Adding List and Datatables
  • Cucumber Basics - Adding Background
  • Cucumber Options - Features, Glue and Monochrome
  • Cucumber Options - Adding Tags
  • Cucumber Options - Adding Hooks
  • Cucumber Options - Adding tagged Hooks
  • Cucumber Options - Pretty Format Feature
  • Cucumber TestNG - Adding TestNG Runner
  • Cucumber Reporting - Generating Cucumber Reports
  • Cucumber Reporting - Integrating Cucumber Extent Report Plugin
  • Cucumber WebDriver - Adding Selenium APIs
  • Cucumber WebDriver - Creating the feature file
  • Cucumber WebDriver - Creating automation steps
  • Cucumber WebDriver - Fixing sync issues and adding validations
  • Cucumber WebDriver - Adding screenshots in case of failure
  • CucumberFramework - Part1 - Designing Architecture
  • CucumberFramework - Part2 - Creating a feature file
  • CucumberFramework - Part3 - Creating Step definition and defining base class
  • CucumberFramework - Part4 - Creating Page Objects Actions and locators
  • CucumberFramework - Part5 - Creating more business actions
  • CucumberFramework - Part6 - Creating step definitions
  • CucumberFramework - Part7 - Creating Cucumber runner hooks and generating extent
  • CucumberFramework - Part8 - Adding more steps and integrating maven
  • CucumberFramework - Part9 - Running Multiple features through Maven - Part 1
  • CucumberFramework - Part10 - Running Multiple features through Maven part 2
  • CucumberFramework - Part 11 - Integrating Jenkins and Interactive Reports
  • Framework Code- Cucumber with Page Objects and factories using TestNG

Cucumber 4 with Latest Extent Report version 4 and Maven Reporting plugin

  • Cucumber 4 with Latest Extent Report version 4 and Maven Reporting plugin
  • Download the code
  • Code with Latest 6.10.0 Cucumber dependencies

Commonly Asked Core Java and Selenium interview Questions

  • Commonly Asked Java and Selenium interview Questions

Latest Selenium 4.0 API - Live Session recordings from Dec 2021 Batch

  • Entire Code for Download
  • Skip These Lectures if Already Gone Through Above Sections Successfully
  • Introduction to Selenium 4 and Other integrated components
  • Download code from Core JAVA lectures
  • Core Java Day 1 - Introduction to Core Java
  • Core Java Day 2 - Classes and Objects
  • Core Java Day 3 - Data Types, Heap, Garbage collection etc
  • Core Java Day 4 - Garbage Collection, Object Creation, Data Types, String
  • Core Java Day 5 - String Class, Concatenation, Operators
  • Core Java Day 6 - More on Operators
  • Core Java Day 7 - Conditional and Ternary operators, Methods etc
  • Core Java Day 8 - More on Methods and scanner class
  • Core Java Day 9 - Type of Variables, Methods and Return types
  • Core Java Day 10 - Static and Non Static
  • Core Java Day 11 - IfElse, SwitchCase, For Loops
  • Core Java Day 12 - ForLoop, DoWhile Loop, While Loop and Arrays
  • Core Java Day 13 - Arrays
  • Core Java Day 14 - 2D/3D Arrays, Packages
  • Core Java Day 15 - OOPS - Inheritance
  • Core Java Day 16 - OOPS - Inheritance and Polymorphism
  • Core Java Day 17 - OOPS - Method Overloading
  • Core Java Day 18 - OOPS - Method Overriding, Polymorphism etc
  • Core Java Day 19 - OOPS - Abstract Classes and Interface
  • Core Java Day 20 - Constructor, This, Super, Constructor Chaining
  • Core Java Day 21 - Constructor chaining and Exception Handling
  • Core Java Day 22 - Exception Handling and Apache POI
  • Core Java Day 23 - Collections API
  • Selenium WebDriver - Day 1 - Difference in Selenium versions & Configuring Maven
  • Selenium WebDriver - Day 2 - Handling Elements and Implicit/ExplicitWaits
  • Selenium WebDriver - Day 3 - Finding Multiple Elements, Checkboxes, links etc
  • Selenium WebDriver - Day 4 - Relative Locators, Screenshots (FullPage / Element)
  • Selenium WebDriver - Day 5 - New window, tab, Basic Auth, Alerts, Iframes etc
  • Selenium WebDriver - Day 6 - Chrome DevTools Protocol, CSS Selector, JS etc
  • Selenium WebDriver Day 7 - Properties, Log4j, JDBC, Keywords etc
  • Selenium WebDriver Day 8 - TestNG Framework, ReportNG etc
  • Selenium WebDriver Day 9 - Generating Extent Reports
  • Selenium WebDriver Day 10 - TestNG Parameterization and Data Driven Framework
  • Selenium WebDriver Day 11 - Data Driven Framework and Jenkins
  • Code till date
  • Selenium WebDriver Day 12 - Page Object Model with Page Factories Part 1
  • Selenium WebDriver Day 13 - Page Object Model with Page Factories Part 2
  • Selenium WebDriver Day 14 - Grid/Parallel Test Execution and Appium Mobile
  • Code from Page Object Model and Page Factories
  • Download the Code from Appium and Selenium Grid

Database Testing

  • Introduction to Database Testing
  • Database JDBC Connectivity

SVN - Configuration Management

  • Introduction to SVN

Appium Installation

  • Introduction to Appium
  • Appium installation on Windows
  • Appium installation on MAC OSX
  • Adding Appium Dependencies
  • Tapping an Element on a Real Device
  • Swipe - Searching Phonebook Contacts
  • Deploying IOS Apps on Real device

Bonus Lecture

  • Bonus Lecture


Mr Rahul Arora

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