The Ultimate Excel Programmer Course


Learn the fundamental principles and functionalities of Microsoft Excel to become a professional Excel programmer.




₹ 7900

Quick Facts

particular details
Medium of instructions English
Mode of learning Self study
Mode of Delivery Video Based, Text Based

Course overview

The Ultimate Excel Programmer Course online certification is developed by Daniel Strong - Programmer & Excel Instructor and is presented by Udemy. The Ultimate Excel Programmer Course online training is intended for anyone interested in learning automation secrets in Excel VBA, whether they are complete beginners or students searching for a reference tool to pick and choose appropriate training for their projects.

The Ultimate Excel Programmer Course online classes by Udemy comprise 30.5 hours of HD video-based lectures, an article about Microsoft Excel, and 45 downloadable resources designed to teach users how to easily access, analyze, amend, or add new information to their data tables and worksheets. Participants will learn how to use numerous automation tools as well as learn about various workbook events and worksheet controls from the ground up.

The highlights

  • Certificate of completion
  • Self-paced course
  • English videos with multi-language subtitles
  • 30.5 hours of pre-recorded video content
  • 1 article
  • 45 downloadable resources
  • 30-day money-back guarantee 
  • Unlimited access
  • Accessible on mobile devices and TV

Program offerings

  • Certificate of completion
  • Self-paced course
  • English videos with multi-language subtitles
  • 30.5 hours of pre-recorded video content
  • 1 article
  • 45 downloadable resources
  • 30-day money-back guarantee
  • Unlimited access
  • Accessible on mobile devices and tv

Course and certificate fees

Fees information
₹ 7,900
certificate availability


certificate providing authority


What you will learn

After completing The Ultimate Excel Programmer Course online training, participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of the fundamental principles and techniques employed in Microsoft Excel. Participants will explore the core features and strategies for programming in Excel Visual Basic for Applications (VBA). Participants will learn about loops, variables, cell and range objects, and how to automate and modify data entry forms. Participants will also learn how to write formulas, functions, and if-then expressions, as well as how to create dynamic message boxes and input boxes.

The syllabus

The Range Object

  • Course Intro and Download Kit
  • Getting FAST Help and Other Freebies with Excel Ninjas Group
  • Get The Developer Ribbon (PC and Mac)
  • What is the Range Object and Your First Macro from Scratch
  • Adding Secondary and Subsequent Commands
  • Debugging in Excel VBA and Stepping Through Code
  • Three Easy Ways To Test Or Store A Value
  • How and When To Record a Macro (Plus Clean Up Tips)
  • Three Main Data Type Notations For Entering Into Cells
  • Several Ways of Triggering Macros (Intro To Buttons and Fun Controls)
  • Exercise 01 - Objectives Overview
  • Exercise 01 - Solution
  • Affecting Multiple Cells With One Range Command
  • Using a Named Range with the Range Object
  • Tips and Best Practices For Better Development Skills
  • Range Object Quiz

Range Properties

  • VALUE, TEXT and FORMULA Properties - Reading and Writing Functions To a Cell
  • Row and Column Properties
  • SELECT Method
  • COUNT Property
  • Exercise 02a - Objectives Overview
  • Exercise 02a - Solution
  • ADDRESS Property
  • FONT Collection - BOLD, ITALIC, UNDERLINE Properties
  • Exercise 02b - Objectives Overview
  • Exercise 02b - Solution
  • Add Color To Cells, Inside and Out (4 Ways)
  • Properties Quiz

The Cells Object

  • Intro To The Cells Object
  • Using The Cells Object and Practical Applications
  • Using Column Letters instead of Numbers
  • Using Cells Positionally within a Range
  • Affecting ALL Cells in a Worksheet
  • Exercise 03 - Objectives Overview
  • Exercise 03 - Solution
  • Using Range Object With Cells Object (To Affect Multiple Cells)
  • Cells Quiz


  • Intro to Variables
  • Math With Variables
  • Variable Declaration and Different Variable Types
  • Variable Type Demonstration
  • String Manipulation - Concatenation Examples
  • String Manipulation - Len, Left, Right Functions
  • String Manipulation - Mid Function (2 Methods)
  • String Manipulation - Replace Function
  • String Manipulation - Format Function
  • String Manipulation - InStr Function and Practice Projects
  • Date and Time Functions and Fun DateTime Math Tricks
  • CDate and DateDiff Functions
  • Exercise 04 - Objectives Overview
  • Exercise 04 - Solution
  • Scope and Heirarchy of Variables and Procedures
  • VARIABLE SCOPES - Public, Private and other Variables
  • Procedural Scopes - Public Versus Private Subs, Option Private Module
  • Using Constants
  • Passing Values to Another Procedure - ByRef vs ByVal
  • Variables Quiz

Toolbars and Menus

  • File Menu Walkthrough
  • Edit Menu Walkthrough
  • View Menu Walkthrough Pt 1
  • View Menu Pt 2 - Watch Window, Locals Window and Immediate Window
  • Insert, Format and Debug Menu Walkthrough
  • Run and Tools Menu Walkthrough
  • Toolbars Quiz

Super Important Tools and Excel Logic

  • Three Ways To Access Other Sheets - Sheet Name, Index and CodeName
  • Get the Last Row of Your Data Set
  • Get the Last (Rightmost) Column of Your Data Set
  • Get the Next Row in Your Data Set - Data Entry Basics
  • Recording a Macro 101
  • Dynamically Sorting The Employee Data
  • Absolute vs Relative References and OFFSET() Function
  • R1C1 Notation and How To Use In Formulas
  • Using Worksheet Functions in the VBE
  • Random Password Generator - Objectives Overview
  • Random Password Generator - Solution
  • Using With and End With
  • If Then Statement
  • Using Is Not Equal To And The NOT Operator
  • AND, OR and NOT Operators
  • Exercise 06a - Objectives Overview
  • Exercise 06a - Solution
  • Using ELSE and ELSEIF Commands
  • Rock, Paper, Scissors Game - Objectives Overview
  • Rock, Paper, Scissors Game - Solution
  • The LIKE Operator
  • Compare Strings With Case Insensitivity Using UCase and LCase
  • Comparitive Operators With Text and Numbers (IsNumeric Function)
  • Two Ways to Use If Then Statements in a One-Liner of Code
  • Using GOTO and Labels, Common Uses, Error Routing
  • Select Case as Alternative to IF THEN Statements
  • Advanced MessageBox Features
  • User Interaction - Message Box with Yes, No Buttons
  • Exercise 06b - Objectives Overview
  • Exercise 06b - Solution
  • User Defined Functions 101
  • User Defined Functions - Optional Parameters
  • Volatile vs Non-Volatile Functions
  • Super Important Info Quiz

Loops and Report Writing Basics

  • Intro To Loops
  • The FOR NEXT Loop
  • Fun With The FOR NEXT Loop
  • Beginning Our First Report Using Loops
  • How To Loop Through Each Character In A String Or Phrase
  • Morse Code Generator - Objectives Overview
  • Morse Code Generator - Solution
  • Increment Columns And Rows - Loops Within A Loop
  • How and When To Exit A Loop, Sub Or Function
  • Intro To User Interaction With An InputBox
  • Specialized InputBox Method to Prompt for Numbers, Ranges, Etc
  • More User Interaction Demos To Follow Along
  • Name Definition Game - Objectives Overview
  • Name Definition Game - Solution
  • Printable Report Part 1 - Getting Items On Report Sheet
  • Printable Report Part 2 - Clearing Last Report
  • Printable Report Part 3 - Ensuring Visibility and Autoselect Report Sheet
  • Seven Hacks To Massively Speed Up Your Code
  • Exercise 07a - Objectives Overview
  • Exercise 07a - Solution
  • Sending Reports To the Printer or Using Automatic Print Preview
  • The FOR EACH Loop
  • Intro To DO LOOPS
  • Do Loop - While and Until Operators
  • BONUS - Loop Through Multiple Files in a Folder and Scrape Data From Each
  • Exercise 07b - Objectives Overview
  • Exercise 07b - Solution
  • Loops and Reports Quiz

Events: Worksheet Events made Easy

  • Intro To Events
  • Selection Change - Macros When You Change The Active Cell
  • Running Events Manually and Break Points
  • Worksheet Activate Event and Intro to Me Keyword
  • Worksheet Deactivate Event
  • BeforeDelete Event - for Worksheet Deletion
  • BeforeDoubleClick Event - Trigger a Macro When You Double Click
  • Excel Dialog Boxes
  • The Intersect Function - Test Whether Target Is Within a Range Of Cells
  • BeforeRightClick Event and Customizing Right Click Context Menu Pt 1
  • Customizing the Right Click Context Menu Pt 2 - Adding Custom Buttons
  • Exercise 08a - Objectives Overview
  • Exercise 08a - Solution
  • Worksheet Calculate Event
  • Worksheet Change Event and Preventing Endless Loops
  • Exercise 08b - Objectives Overview
  • Exercise 08b - Solution
  • FollowHyperlink Event
  • Final Thoughts on Worksheet Events and Review Other Events
  • Tic Tac Toe Game - Objectives Overview
  • Tic Tac Toe Game - Solution
  • Worksheet Events Quiz

WorkBook Events

  • Workbook Events Intro
  • Workbook Open and Environ Function
  • Useful Workbook-Level Commands - Opening, Saving and Closing
  • Login Program - Objectives Overview
  • Login Program - Solution
  • Workbook Activate Event
  • Workbook BeforeSave Event
  • Workbook AfterSave Event - Make Backup Copy Upon Successful Save
  • BeforeClose and BeforePrint Events
  • Workbook Deactivate Event
  • NewChart Event
  • NewSheet Event
  • Exercise 09 - Objectives Overview
  • Exercise 09 - Solution
  • SheetActivate Event - 3 Ways to Specify Which Sheets To Trigger Macro
  • SheetDeactivate Event
  • Comparing Workbook to Worksheet Events, Delete, Double-click, Right-click, Calcu
  • PivotTable Auto Update Exercise - Objectives Overview
  • PivotTable Auto Update Exercise - Solution
  • WindowActivate and WindowDeactivate - Windows vs Workbooks vs Sheets
  • WindowResize Event - Force A Minimum Width For Your App

Worksheet Controls

  • Intro To Controls
  • CommandButtons on Windows and Mac - Wage Calculator
  • Adding An Image and Formatting Button (ActiveX and Form)
  • CommandButton Properties Overview (ActiveX and Form)
  • Populate Calendar Project - Objectives Overview
  • Populate Calendar Project - Solution Pt 1
  • Populate Calendar Project - Solution Pt 2
  • Intro to ActiveX Key-Press Listeners
  • KeyDown Event
  • Capturing Shift, Alt, Ctrl (or some combination) Using the Shift Variable
  • KeyPress Event on a CommandButton
  • MouseMove Event and Using Statusbar for Notifications
  • Manipulate Worksheet Form Control Label Text (PC,Mac)
  • Simulating a MouseLeave Like Event with an Invisible Label
  • MouseUp and MouseDown Events - Left, Middle, and Rightclick, Shift, Alt and Ctrl
  • TextBox Properties Overview (ActiveX)
  • TextBox Shapes as Form Controls
  • TextBox Change() Event and Tips
  • TextBox Change() Event Pt 2
  • Controlling Tab Order With Worksheet ActiveX Controls
  • Restrict User Input With KeyDown Event
  • GotFocus and LostFocus Events
  • Selecting All Text When Receiving Focus
  • Ensure User Input Exercise (Overview)
  • Ensure User Input Exercise (ActiveX Solution for PC)
  • Ensure User Input Exercise (Form Control Solution for Mac,PC)
  • Automating Report Options With A Checkbox
  • TripleState and LinkedCell Properties with a Checkbox
  • OptionButton Overview, Grouping and Alignment
  • Homemade Quiz using Option Buttons, CommandButton and Compliance Checking
  • Compliance Checking With Dynamic Button Visibility and Bonus OB Exercise
  • Intro to SpinButtons (ActiveX and Form Control)
  • SpinButtons with Textboxes and Numbers
  • SpinButton - Changing Size, Position and Other Properties, Not Just Value
  • SpinButton with Dates in a Textbox
  • Four Neat Uses for ActiveX Labels
  • ActiveX Labels Pt 2
  • Intro To ComboBoxes, Dropdowns and Properties - Updating a List
  • Intro To Form Control ComboBoxes, Index Function
  • Two Methods For Dynamic Ranges For Your Lists (ActiveX and Form ComboBox)
  • Get Specific Items in Your Combobox List, Clear All (ActiveX and Form Control)
  • Adding Customized Multiple Columns Using .AddItem Method (ActiveX)
  • ListBox Basics and Properties Overview (ActiveX and Form Control)
  • ListBox Practice: Dynamic Cell Manipulation, ListIndex, List (ActiveX & Form)
  • Additional Ways To Fill A List Quickly, Remove & Change Entries (ActiveX & Form)
  • Using and Manipulating MultiSelect Items in a Listbox (ActiveX and Form)
  • Dynamic ListBoxes Using .ADDITEM and More (ActiveX and Form Controls)
  • Creating Headers For Your ListBox Creatively
  • Make and Utilize INVISIBLE Columns - Special Trick (ActiveX)
  • ScrollBar Control On A Worksheet And Lookup Practice
  • Image Control - 2 Ways to Assign a Picture (ActiveX)
  • Toggle Button Basics and Load Webpage On Image Banner Ad Click
  • Inserting a Shape Object as Picture and Why Not To Use Pictures.Insert
  • A Note On Third Party Enhanced Amazing ActiveX Controls

Userforms - the best thing. EVER.

  • Userforms Overview
  • Show, Hide and Unload Userforms
  • Modal vs Modeless Forms
  • Initialize Event
  • UserForm Properties Explanation Pt1
  • UserForm Properties Explanation Pt2
  • Basic Data Entry Userform Pt 1
  • Basic Data Entry Userform Pt 2
  • Customizing Tab Order (3 Ways)
  • Image Secrets To Make Pictures Look Great (Using Enhanced Metafiles)
  • New ActiveX Controls - TabStrip (2 Methods)
  • New ActiveX Controls - MultiPage (Make A 'Wizard' Tool)
  • New ActiveX Controls - MultiPage - Backcolors and Color Workaround
  • New ActiveX Controls - Frame
  • Centering A Userform On A Window (Even With Multiple Monitors)
  • Conversion Userform Tool Exercise - Objectives Overview
  • Conversion Userform Tool Exercise - Solutions Video
  • Data Entry In Excel vs Access Or Other Sources
  • Data Entry Userform Project - Employee Form Setup Tab 1
  • Data Entry Userform Project - Filling ComboBoxes and Planning (2 Ways)
  • Data Entry Userform Project - Adding A 'Save New' Button For 'Personal' Tab
  • Data Entry Userform Project - Get Next Available Employee ID Custom Function (UD
  • Data Entry Userform Project - Tab Order and Data Cleanup Tricks
  • Data Entry Userform Project - Set Up Employment Tab and Planning
  • Data Entry Userform Project - Coding Employment Tab and Automation
  • Data Entry Userform Project - Resetting The Form Upon Submission
  • Data Entry Userform Project - Adding User Photos and Using GetOpenFilePath() Fun
  • Data Entry Userform Project - Creating A Function To Validate Required Fields
  • Edit Mode for Employee Database - Part 1
  • Edit Mode for Employee Database - Part 2 - Custom Function to Find Row of Emp ID
  • Edit Mode for Employee Database - Part 3 - Loading The Form Based On Selection
  • Edit Mode for Employee DataSet - Part 4 - Load & Select ListBox Entry from Data
  • Edit Mode for Employee DataSet - Part 5 - Load Picture From DataSet File Name
  • Edit Mode Part 6 - Switch Search Mode To ID, Name, LastName, etc
  • Edit Mode for Employee DataSet - Part 7 - Saving Existing Records In Edit Mode
  • Troubleshooting Tips For ListBox With Empty String
  • Refreshing the Rowsource After Updating Data On Dynamic ComboBoxes
  • UserForm Final Cleanup and Tips
  • Easy Way To Copy A UserForm or Module (2 Methods)
  • Advanced MultiColumn Search Tools - Custom Lookup by Name, ID, and More!
  • How Usernames and Passwords Work - Encryption, Hashing, Salt Basics
  • Log In Program Exercise 2.0 - Userform With UserName and Password (Overview)
  • Log In Program Exercise 2.0 - Solution
  • Userform Employee Report - Set Up Dynamic Column Variables (Easy Hack)
  • Applying Dynamic Custom Filters To Reports (2 Ways)
  • Offering Users Different Sort Options For Reporting
  • Report Generation and Aesthetics, Headers, Footers, Repeat Rows etc
  • Programmatically Update Page Headers and Footers - Plus Special Formatting Code
  • Alternating Row Colors or Lines Using Conditional Formatting (Zebra)
  • EEOC Report For Employee Stats (VBA Efficiency Tricks)
  • Advanced Exercise - Objectives Overview
  • Advanced Exercise 01 - Solution
  • Advanced Exercise 02 - Solution
  • Advanced Exercise 03 and 04 - Solutions
  • Advanced Exercise BONUS A and B - Solutions
  • Advanced Exercise BONUS C Automate the Workflow for Efficiency - Solutions
  • Concluding Thoughts. . .

Bonus Section - VBA Functions

  • InStr Function - Search for Text Within Other Text
  • The EVALUATE Function - MAC- Daddy of all functions
  • Sum Function in Excel VBA - Easy!
  • Count Function in VBA
  • Bonus Lecture


Mr Daniel Strong

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