Certified ReactJS Developer


Enrol in the Certified ReactJS Developer by Vskills to learn about building useful and functional user interfaces using the React library.




₹ 3499

Quick Facts

particular details
Medium of instructions English
Mode of learning Self study
Mode of Delivery Video and Text Based

Course overview

React is a front-end and open-source JavaScript library for building UI components or user interfaces. The Certified ReactJS Developer course has been designed to teach students how to implement user interfaces and features using react as well as react-native. 

Furthermore, the certification aims to help candidates become experts in React and build native apps for Android and iOS using the same language. The Certified ReactJS Developer by Vskills will help professionals from the web development field and those who wish to develop user interfaces using Flux, React and as well as React native which is Javascript framework. 

Job seekers who are looking for employment in the web development, software and IT sectors will also benefit from the certification. Additionally, students will get a chance to earn a government certificate by qualifying an online exam held by VSkills. Also, they will receive a ‘VSkills certified’ tag on their recruitment portal profiles like Monster India and Shine. 

The highlights

  • Online professional course
  • Video lectures and tutorials
  • Government certification
  • Call-back facility
  • Online assessment
  • Sample questions
  • Lifetime access to learning material
  • No expiry date of the certificate 
  • ‘V skills certified’ tag on Resumes
  • Free mock tests

Program offerings

  • Video course
  • Learning material access
  • Mock tests
  • Course certificate
  • Vskills certified tag
  • Sample questions
  • Government certification

Course and certificate fees

Fees information
₹ 3,499

The Certified ReactJS Developer fees is as follows:

Certified ReactJS developer fee structure.

Course Name

Fee Range

Certified ReactJS Developer Course

Rs. 3,499

certificate availability


certificate providing authority


Who it is for

The Certified ReactJS Developer online course is best suited for

  • IT Professionals (Web Developer, Computer Programmer) Programmers who wish to build efficient UIs and conduct unidirectional data flow via Flux and React.
  • Job Seekers who are seeking employment in software or IT departments of companies like Yahoo, Netflix, WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook, etc.
  • Working professionals who are looking to upgrade their skill set and avail better income packages.

Eligibility criteria

Candidates must know the basics of JavaScriptCSS and HTML to enrol in the Certified ReactJS Developer certification.

Also, to be eligible for the course completion certificate, candidates must qualify the online test with a score of more than 25 marks (50%). No negative marking is involved in this test. 

What you will learn

Web application development skills

The Certified ReactJS Developer course by V Skills helps candidates create applications using React library. On completion of this course, students will know the following:

After the completion of the Certified ReactJS Developer syllabus, the candidates will be able to:

  • How to create an app using React
  • Build multiple components using React 
  • Understand the core concepts and lifecycle methods with examples
  • Comprehend native development using React
  • Infer In-depth understanding of Redux
  • Fetch dynamic data
  • Handle authentication and navigation of native React

The syllabus

JavaScript Refresher

  • Understanding "let" and "const"
  • Arrow Functions
  • Exports and Imports
  • Understanding Classes
  • Classes, Properties, and Methods
  • The Spread and Rest Operator
  • Destructuring
  • Reference and Primitive Types Refresher
  • Refreshing Array Functions

React Basics and Working with Components

  • What are Components? And Why is React All About Them?
  • React Code is Written in a Declarative Way
  • Creating a New React Project
  • Analyzing a Standard React Project
  • Introducing JSX
  • How React Works
  • Building a First Custom Component
  • Writing More Complex JSX Code
  • Adding Basic CSS Styling
  • Outputting Dynamic Data and Working with Expressions in JSX
  • Passing Data Via "props"
  • Adding "normal" JavaScript Logic to Components
  • Splitting Components into Multiple Components
  • Time to Practice: React and Component Basics - Problem
  • Time to Practice: React and Component Basics - Solution
  • The Concept of "Composition" ("children props")
  • A First Summary
  • A r Look at JSX
  • Organizing Component Files
  • An Alternative Function Syntax

React State and Working with Events

  • Listening to Events and Working with Event Handlers
  • How Component Functions are Executed
  • Working with "State"
  • A r Look at the "useState" Hook
  • Adding Form Inputs
  • Listening to User Input
  • Working with Multiple States
  • Using One State Instead (and What's Better)
  • Updating State that Depends on the Previous State
  • Handling Form Submission
  • Adding Two-Way Binding
  • Child-to-Parent Component Communication
  • Lifting the State Up
  • Time to Practice: Working with Events and State - Problem
  • Time to Practice: Working with Events and State - Solution
  • Controlled Versus Uncontrolled Components and Stateless Versus Stateful Components

Rendering Lists and Conditional Content

  • Rendering Lists of Data
  • Using Stateful Lists
  • Understanding "Keys"
  • Time to Practice: Working with Lists - Problem
  • Time to Practice: Working with Lists - Solution
  • Outputting Conditional Content
  • Adding Conditional Return Statements
  • Time to Practice: Conditional Content - Problem
  • Time to Practice: Conditional Content - Solution
  • Demo App: Adding a Chart
  • Adding Dynamic Styles

Styling React Components

  • Setting Dynamic Inline Styles
  • Setting CSS Classes Dynamically
  • Introducing Styled Components
  • Styled Components and Dynamic Props
  • Styled Components and Media Queries
  • Using CSS Modules
  • Dynamic Styles with CSS Modules

Debugging React Apps

  • Understanding React Error Messages
  • Analyzing Code Flow and Warnings
  • Working with Breakpoints
  • Using the React DevTools

A Complete Practice Project

  • Adding a "User" Component
  • Adding a Reusable "Card" Component
  • Adding a Reusable "Button" Component
  • Managing the User Input State
  • Adding Validation and Resetting Logic
  • Adding a User List Component
  • Managing a List of Users Through State
  • Adding the "ErrorModal" Component
  • Managing the Error State

Working with Fragments, Portals, and "Refs"

  • JSX Limitations and Workarounds
  • Creating a Wrapper Component
  • React Fragments
  • Introducing React Portals
  • Working with Portals
  • Working with "refs"
  • Controlled Versus Uncontrolled Components

Handling Side Effects, Using Reducers, and Using the Context API

  • What are "Side Effects" and Introducing useEffect()
  • Using the useEffect() Hook
  • useEffect() and Dependencies
  • Using the useEffect() Cleanup Function
  • useEffect() Summary
  • Introducing useReducer() and Reducers in General
  • Using the useReducer() Hook
  • useReducer() and useEffect()
  • useReducer() Versus useState() for State Management
  • Introducing React Context
  • Using the React Context API
  • Tapping into Context with the useContext() Hook
  • Making Context Dynamic
  • Building and Using a Custom Context Provider Component
  • React Context Limitations
  • Learning the "Rules of Hooks"
  • Refactoring an Input Component
  • Diving into "Forward Refs"

Building a Food Order App

  • Starting Setup
  • Adding a "Header" Component
  • Adding the "Cart" Button Component
  • Adding a "Meals" Component
  • Adding Individual Meal Items and Displaying Them
  • Adding a Form
  • Working on the "Shopping Cart" Component
  • Adding a Modal via a React Portal
  • Managing Cart and Modal State
  • Adding a Cart Context
  • Using the Context
  • Adding a Cart Reducer
  • Working with Refs and Forward Refs
  • Outputting Cart Items
  • Working on a More Complex Reducer Logic
  • Making Items Removable
  • Using the useEffect() Hook

React and Optimization Techniques

  • How React Really Works
  • Component Updates in Action
  • A r Look at Child Component Re-Evaluation
  • Preventing Unnecessary Re-Evaluations with React.memo()
  • Preventing Function Recreation with useCallback()
  • useCallback() and its Dependencies
  • A First Summary
  • A r Look at State and Components
  • Understanding State Scheduling and Batching
  • Optimizing with useMemo()

Class-Based Components

  • What and Why
  • Adding the First Class-Based Component
  • Working with State and Events
  • The Component Lifecycle (Class-Based Components Only)
  • Lifecycle Methods in Action
  • Class-Based Components and Context
  • Class-based versus Functional Components: A Summary
  • Introducing Error Boundaries

Sending HTTP Requests

  • How to Connect to a Database
  • Our Starting App and Backend
  • Sending a GET Request
  • Using async/await
  • Handling Loading and Data States
  • Handling HTTP Errors
  • Using useEffect() for Requests
  • Preparing the Project for the Next Steps
  • Sending a POST Request

Building Custom React Hooks

  • What are "Custom Hooks"?
  • Creating a Custom React Hook Function
  • Using Custom Hooks
  • Configuring Custom Hooks
  • Onwards to a More Realistic Example
  • Building a Custom HTTP Hook
  • Using the Custom HTTP Hook
  • Adjusting the Custom Hook Logic
  • Using the Custom Hook in More Components

Working with Forms and User Input

  • Our Starting Setup
  • What's so Complex about Forms?
  • Dealing with Form Submission and Getting User Input Values
  • Adding Basic Validation
  • Providing Validation Feedback
  • Handling the "was touched" State
  • React to Lost Focus
  • Refactoring and Deriving States
  • Managing the Overall Form Validity
  • Time to Practice: Forms - Problem
  • Time to Practice: Forms - Solution
  • Adding a Custom Input Hook
  • Reusing the Custom Hook
  • Applying Our Hook and Knowledge to a New Form
  • Using useReducer()

Adding HTTP and Forms to the Food Order App

  • Moving "Meals" Data to the Backend
  • Fetching Meals via HTTP
  • Handling the Loading State
  • Handling Errors
  • Adding A Checkout Form
  • Reading Form Values
  • Adding Form Validation
  • Submitting and Sending Cart Data
  • Adding Better User Feedback

Diving into Redux

  • Another Look at State in React Apps
  • Redux versus React Context
  • How Redux Works
  • Exploring the Core Redux Concepts
  • More Redux Basics
  • Preparing a New Project
  • Creating a Redux Store for React
  • Providing the Store
  • Using Redux Data in React Components
  • Dispatching Actions from Inside Components
  • Redux with Class-Based Components
  • Attaching Payloads to Actions
  • Working with Multiple State Properties
  • How to Work with Redux State Correctly
  • Redux Challenges and Introducing Redux Toolkit
  • Adding State Slices
  • Connecting Redux Toolkit State
  • Migrating Everything to Redux Toolkit
  • Working with Multiple Slices
  • Reading and Dispatching from a New Slice
  • Splitting Our Code

Advanced Redux

  • Redux and Side Effects (and Asynchronous Code)
  • Refresher/Practice: Part 1
  • Refresher/Practice: Part 2
  • Redux and Async Code
  • Frontend Code Versus Backend Code
  • Where to Put Our Logic
  • Using useEffect() with Redux
  • Handling HTTP States and Feedback with Redux
  • Using an Action Creator Thunk
  • Getting Started with Fetching Data
  • Finalizing the Fetching Logic
  • Exploring the Redux DevTools

Building a Multi-Page SPA with React Router

  • What is Routing and Why?
  • Installing React Router
  • Defining and Using Routes
  • Working with Links
  • Using NavLinks
  • Adding Dynamic Routes with Params
  • Extracting Route Params
  • Using "Switch" and "exact" for Configuring Routes
  • Working with Nested Routes
  • Redirecting the User
  • Time to Practice: Onwards to a New Project
  • Practice Redirecting and Extracting Params
  • Practicing Nested Routes
  • Adding a Layout Wrapper Component
  • Adding Dummy Data and More Content
  • Outputting Data on the "Details" Page
  • Adding a "Not Found" Page
  • Implementing Programmatic (Imperative) Navigation
  • Preventing Possibly Unwanted Route Transitions with the "Prompt" Component
  • Working with Query Parameters
  • Getting Creative with Nested Routes
  • Writing More Flexible Routing Code
  • Sending and Getting Quote Data via HTTP
  • Adding the "Comments" Feature
  • Upgrading to React Router v6

Deploying React Apps

  • Deployment Steps
  • Adding Lazy Loading
  • Building the Code for Production
  • Getting Started with Deployment (Uploading Files)
  • Exploring Routing Issues and Finishing Deployment


  • What, How, and Why?
  • Starting Setup and First Steps
  • Adding User Signup
  • Showing Feedback to the User
  • Adding User Login
  • Managing the Auth State with Context
  • Using the Token for Requests to Protected Resources
  • Redirecting the User
  • Adding Logout
  • Protecting Frontend Pages
  • Persisting the User Authentication Status
  • Adding Auto-Logout
  • Finishing Steps

An Introduction to Next.js

  • What is NextJS?
  • Key Feature 1: Built-In Server-Side Rendering (Improved SEO)
  • Key Feature 2: Simplified Routing with File-Based Routing
  • Key Feature 3: Build Fullstack Apps
  • Creating a New Next.js Project and App
  • Analyzing the Created Project
  • Adding First Pages
  • Adding Nested Paths and Pages (Nested Routes)
  • Creating Dynamic Pages (with Parameters)
  • Extracting Dynamic Parameter Values
  • Linking Between Pages
  • Onwards to a Bigger Project
  • Preparing the Project Pages
  • Outputting a List of Meetups
  • Adding the New Meetup Form
  • The "_app.js" File and Layout Wrapper
  • Using Programmatic (Imperative) Navigation
  • Adding Custom Components and CSS Modules
  • How Pre-Rendering Works and Which Problem We Face
  • Data Fetching for Static Pages
  • Static Site Generation (SSG)
  • Exploring Server-side Rendering (SSR) with "getServerSideProps"
  • Working with Params for SSG Data Fetching
  • Preparing Paths with "getStaticPaths" and Working with Fallback Pages
  • Introducing API Routes
  • Working with MongoDB
  • Sending HTTP Requests to Our API Routes
  • Getting Data from the Database
  • Getting Meetup Details Data and Preparing Pages
  • Adding "head" Metadata
  • Deploying Next.js Projects
  • Using Fallback Pages and Redeploying

Animating React Apps

  • Preparing the Demo Project
  • Using CSS Transitions
  • Using CSS Animations
  • CSS Transition and Animations Limitations
  • Using ReactTransitionGroup
  • Using the Transition Component
  • Wrapping the Transition Component
  • Animation Timings
  • Transition Events
  • The CSSTransition Component
  • Customizing CSS Classnames
  • Animating Lists
  • Alternative Animation Packages

Replacing Redux with React Hooks

  • Starting Project and Why You Would Replace Redux
  • Alternative: Using the Context API
  • Toggling Favorites with the Context API
  • Context API Summary
  • Getting Started with a Custom Hook as a Store
  • Finishing the Store Hook
  • Creating a Concrete Store
  • Using the Custom Store
  • Custom Hook Store Summary
  • Optimizing the Custom Hook Store

Testing React Apps

  • What and Why?
  • Understanding Different Kinds of Tests
  • What to Test and How to Test
  • Understanding the Technical Setup and Involved Tools
  • Running the First Test
  • Writing Our First Test
  • Grouping Tests Together with Test Suites
  • Testing User Interaction and State
  • Testing Connected Components
  • Testing Asynchronous Code
  • Working with Mocks

React and TypeScript

  • What and Why?
  • Installing and Using TypeScript
  • Exploring the Base Types
  • Working with Array and Object Types
  • Understanding Type Inference
  • Using Union Types
  • Understanding Type Aliases
  • Functions and Function Types
  • Diving into Generics
  • Creating a React + TypeScript Project
  • Working with Components and TypeScript
  • Working with Props and TypeScript
  • Adding a Data Model
  • Time to Practice: Exercise Time!
  • Form Submissions in TypeScript Projects
  • Working with refs and useRef()
  • Working with "Function Props"
  • Managing State and TypeScript
  • Adding Styling
  • Time to Practice: Removing a Todo
  • The Context API and TypeScript
  • Exploring tsconfig.json

React Hooks Introduction and Summary

  • What are React Hooks?
  • The Starting Project
  • Getting Started with useState()
  • More on useState() and State Updating
  • Array Destructuring
  • Multiple States
  • Rules of Hooks
  • Passing State Data Across Components
  • Time to Practice: Hooks Basics - Problem
  • Time to Practice: Hooks Basics - Solution
  • Sending HTTP Requests
  • useEffect() and Loading Data
  • Understanding useEffect() Dependencies
  • More on useEffect()
  • What's useCallback()?
  • Working with Refs and useRef()
  • Cleaning Up with useEffect()
  • Deleting Ingredients
  • Loading Errors and State Batching
  • Understanding useReducer()
  • Using useReducer() for the HTTP State
  • Working with useContext()
  • Performance Optimizations with useMemo()
  • Getting Started with Custom Hooks
  • Sharing Data Between Custom Hooks and Components
  • Using the Custom Hook

React Summary and Core Feature Walkthrough

  • What is React?
  • Why React?
  • Building SPAs (Single-Page Applications)
  • React Alternatives
  • Creating a React Project
  • Setting Up a Code Editor
  • Diving into the Created Project
  • How React Works and Understanding Components
  • More Component Work and Styling with CSS Classes
  • Building and Reusing Another Component
  • Working with "props" and Dynamic Content
  • Handling Events
  • Adding More Components
  • Introducing State
  • Working with "Event Props" (Passing Function as Props)
  • Adding Routing
  • Adding Links and Navigation
  • Styling with CSS Modules
  • Outputting Lists of Data
  • Adding More React Components
  • Building Wrapper Components with props.children
  • Adding a Form
  • Getting User Input and Handling Form Submission
  • Preparing the App for HTTP
  • Sending a POST Request
  • Navigating Programmatically
  • Getting Started with Fetching Data
  • Using the useEffect() Hook
  • Introducing React Context
  • Context Logic and Different Ways of Updating State
  • Using Context in Components
  • More Context Usage

Admission details

Look at the following steps to find out how to join the V Skills Certified ReactJS Developer programme:

 Step 1: Open the official website of V Skills: https://www.vskills.in/certification/

Step 2:  Click on the ‘Certifications’ menu and pick the ‘Web Development’ category. 

Step 3: Now, select the ‘Certified ReactJS Developer’ course.

Step 4: Click on the ‘Buy Now’ option.

Step 5: Make an account on VSkills to register and pay the total fee to join the course. If you already have one, use those credentials to proceed and complete payment.

Filling the form

Students can enrol in the Certified ReactJS Developer course by registering on the official website of VSkills. Just enter your personal contact information, including telephone number, email, state, country, etc. Next, log in through your email ID to apply to the course.

Evaluation process

VSkills conducts an online assessment for the Certified ReactJS Developer course. The students must score a minimum of 25 out of 50 marks to pass the exam. The duration is one hour, and negative marking is not applicable in the test. 

Students can appear for this assessment any month but must take it within a year of them ordering the course.

How it helps

Now let’s take a look at some of the Certified ReactJS Developer benefits. The course helps you learn web development with the assistance of a JavaScript library called React. React makes it easier to create interactive user interfaces, used and maintained by Facebook among other companies. Leading companies and organizations like Netflix, Yahoo, Facebook, Sberbank, and WhatsApp use ReactJS for web development.

Moreover, students who want to enter the industry of web development can gain a lot from this certification and get hired as ReactJS developers in top organizations. With this certificate, they will also stand apart among the sea of job seekers. The government certification will help learners to display advanced skills and build their dream career in the IT industry. 


Are there any similar courses I can take after the the Certified ReactJS Developer training course?

Candidates can join ‘Angular 2 developer’ as well as ‘Angular 4 developer’ courses after this certification.

Is any prerequisite knowledge necessary for the Certified ReactJS Developer online course?

Yes, students must have a good knowledge of JavaScript, CSS and HTML to enrol in this course.

In what form will I get the study material for the Certified ReactJS Developer training course?

The Certified ReactJS Developer course is available to students in the form of videos. Hard copies are not available for this course.

Which companies can I pursue employment in, after completing the Certified ReactJS Developer online course?

Successful companies and giants like Netflix, Facebook, Yahoo, WhatsApp as well as Instagram are frequently on the lookout for ReactJS developers. Hence, this certification will enable you to apply to such organizations with high earning potential.

What is the advantage of getting the certificate? How do I get it?

The is approved by the government and will allow a student to display the skill set that could help them get employed in good companies. Students must qualify an online exam which is held every month to earn the certificate. 


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