ITI - Course, Full Form, Fees, Duration, Admissions, Eligibility, Syllabus, Career

ITI - Course, Full Form, Fees, Duration, Admissions, Eligibility, Syllabus, Career

Edited By Moksh Dheri | Updated on Feb 16, 2025 07:58 PM IST

ITI full form is Industrial Training Institutes are government-led training institutes established by the Directorate General of Employment & Training (DGET), Ministry of Labour & Employment, Government of India. These Industrial Training Institutes offer training in many technical streams and on completion, candidates will get a certificate or diploma. ITI courses focus on providing technical manpower to the fast-emerging industrial sector of the developed and developing economy.

This Story also Contains
  1. ITI Eligibility Criteria
  2. ITI Training
  3. ITI Certification and Assessment
  4. ITI Admission Procedure
  5. ITI Courses List
  6. ITI (Industrial Training Institutes) Syllabus
  7. ITI Salary
  8. Scope of ITI
  9. Careers Opportunities After ITI Course
  10. Top ITI Institutes
ITI - Course, Full Form, Fees, Duration, Admissions, Eligibility, Syllabus, Career
ITI - Course, Full Form, Fees, Duration, Admissions, Eligibility, Syllabus, Career

ITI Institute provides industrial training and technical knowledge in various trades. The courses offered by ITI include both engineering and non-engineering programmes. Candidates who have at least passed the Class 8th examination and wish to acquire some technical knowledge instead of going for conventional higher studies can apply for ITI courses according to their interests and requirements.

However, many ITI courses require Class 12th as the basic educational requirement. The duration of the ITI course is generally one to two years; it varies as per the course selected by the candidates. The fee of an ITI course can range from Rs 2,000 to Rs 71, 000 depending on the course opted for by the candidate. Candidates get job roles related to their trade after completion of ITI.

ITI Eligibility Criteria

Candidates willing to pursue ITI must satisfy the minimum eligibility criteria for admission. Following are the basic eligibility conditions one should fulfil to be eligible for admission to the course-

  • Candidates who are between 14 to 40 of age on the date of the start of the admission session are eligible for admission to ITIs and ITCs.
  • The requirement for educational qualification is subjective and varies from class 8 to class 12 depending on the course one chooses to pursue.
  • Age relaxation of five years is provided to ex-servicemen and war widows.

Also Read: ITI Colleges in Delhi

ITI Training

The authority offers a range of vocational training courses catering to the needs of different sectors of the economy/ labour market. ITI programmes are delivered under the aegis of the National Council of Vocational Training (NCVT). NCVT offers two pioneer programmes for propagating vocational training, the Craftsman Training Scheme (CTS), and the Apprenticeship Training Scheme (ATS). To successfully clear the ITI course, candidates are required to demonstrate the following tasks:

  • Candidates must be able to read and interpret technical parameters/documents, plan and organise work processes, identify necessary materials and tools.
  • Candidates must be skilled in performing tasks with due consideration to safety rules, accident prevention regulations, and environmental protection stipulations
  • They must be able to apply professional skills, knowledge, and employability skills while performing their tasks
  • Candidates must be able to document the technical parameters related to the task undertaken.

The curriculum for these courses has been designed according to the time allotted to each course. The general description of credits and credibility is described as follows:

  • Candidates are required to give 1260 National training hours (510 for 6 months course duration) for professional skills.
  • They must spend 102 national training hours in acquiring professional knowledge (trade theory).
  • Candidates are required to undergo training of 55 national training hours for employability skills.
  • Candidates are required to give 13 national training hours for the library and extracurricular activities.
  • They are required to give 280 national training hours for simulator training & live training.
  • They must spend 40 hours for both specific course content as per DGCA guidelines and revision and examination separately.

Also Read: ITI Courses After 10th

ITI Certification and Assessment

Candidates are assessed based on skill, knowledge, and attitude during the period of the course and at the end of the training programme as notified by the government of India from time to time. The trainee will be tested by the Formative Assessment Method by testing for assessment criteria listed against learning outcomes. The institutes are required to maintain an individual trainee portfolio as detailed in the assessment guideline.

The marks for internal assessment will be as per the template prescribed by the institute. The final assessment will be judged through the Summative Assessment Method. The assessment criteria and its result will be the basis for setting question papers for the final assessment. During the final examination, the examiner will also check the candidate’s portfolio as detailed in the assessment guidelines before giving marks for the practical examination.

A total weightage of 100 per cent is applied for six-month and one-year course duration courses and 50 per cent of weightage is applied to each examination for two-year courses, to determine the overall result. Candidates are required to score a minimum of 60 per cent in practicals and 40 per cent in theory.

Assessment Guidelines for the ITI Exam

The assessment will be evidence-based consisting of the following:

  • Job carried out in labs/workshop
  • Record book/ daily diary
  • Answer sheet of assessment
  • Viva-voce
  • Progress chart
  • Attendance and punctuality
  • Assignment
  • Project work

Also Read: ITI Courses After 12th

ITI Admission Procedure

If candidates are interested in pursuing ITI courses, they need to follow certain steps for admission. Each college can have different ITI admission criteria, but generally, it includes the following:

  • Admission to ITI is made purely on a merit basis which means that the marks obtained by the student in required education (Class 8th, Class 10th, or Class 12th)- as per the minimum qualification prescribed by the institute.
  • No such national-level entrance examination is administered for ITI admission.
  • Some colleges can conduct their written examination for admission.
  • In the counseling round, seats are provided to students based on their marks in required education and the course they have applied for.
  • If candidates get their target ITI trade, they can finalise their seats by paying the course fees.

ITI Courses List

There are many ITI trades that candidates can choose to specialise. Each trade targets a different area of study and candidates should choose the trade based on their interest. Listed below are some of the ITI courses pursued widely.

  • Computer operator and programming assistant
  • Craftsman food production general
  • Carpenter
  • Draughtsman civil
  • Electrician
  • Electronic mechanic
  • Fashion technology
  • Fitter
  • Hair and skincare
  • Health sanitary inspector
  • Information technology and electronics system maintenance
  • Library and information science
  • Machinist
  • Mechanic diesel
  • Mechanic Radio and television
  • Painter general
  • Photographer
  • Radiology technician
  • Surveyor
  • Tool and die maker dies and moulds
  • Urner
  • Wireman

Also Read: ITI Courses After 12th Science

ITI (Industrial Training Institutes) Syllabus

The syllabus of ITI will vary as per the course selected by the candidate. Various ITI courses such as Computer Operator and Programming Assistant, Carpenter, Electrician, Wireman will have different syllabus as per the requirement. ITI syllabus for some of the courses is given below-

Computer Operator and Programming Assistant ITI Course Syllabus

The curriculum and subjects taught to students in the ITI Computer Operator and Programming Assistant course can vary across colleges, depending on the affiliation and governing body. But, typically the syllabus includes the following:

Semester 1

Trade Theory

Trade Practical

Introduction to Computers and Windows Operating System

Computer components and Windows Operating System

Computer Hardware basics and Software Installation

Computer Hardware basics and Software Installation

Introduction to DOS Command Line Interface & Linux Operating System.

Familiarization with DOS CLI & Linux Operating Systems.

Word Processing

Using Word Processing Software

Spreadsheet Application

Using Spreadsheet Application

Image editing, Creating presentations & Using Open Office

Image editing, Creating presentations & Using Open Office

Database Management Systems

Database Management

Networking Concepts

Configuring and Using Networks

Internet Concepts

Internet Concepts

Web Design Concepts

Designing Static Web Pages

Project Work


Semester 2

Trade Theory

Trade Practical

Java Script

Java Script

Introduction to VBA, Features and Applications

Programming with VBA

Smart Accounting

Using Accounting Software



Cyber Security

Typing practice

Project Work


Carpenter ITI Course Syllabus

ITI in carpentry trade is another popular course that many candidates opt for. Check the table below to know its syllabus.

Semester 1

Trade Practical

Trade Theory

Familiarization with the workshop

Common Safety precautions

Identification and familiarization of hand tools

Safety precaution of hand tools and Introduction to timber

Sawing practice , Hand Tools and portable power tools – curve cutting saws

Saws and Plane Special saws

Planning practice

Different types of Plane Special planes

Chiselling Practice and multiple chiselling practice: Holding tools

Hand tools; Striking tools Workshop appliances

Joint practice:- Demonstration and making framing joints

Classification of joint framing Joints

Demonstration and making Dovetail joints

Angle joint- seasoning of Timber

Broadening joints

Broadening joints

Lengthening joints demonstration and making

Lengthening joints: Different types of scarf joints

A frame of using different type of joints

Preservation of timber: Files

Application of boring tools

Boring tools

Layout of different furnitures

Description of timbers used in furniture-making work; Conversion of timber

Making a table (small)

Plywood and by-product of plywood

Nailing screwing on job

Nails and screw

Exercises of Wood carving

Properties of wood; Preparation of bill of materials and simple estimation

Varnishing on finished surface

Sand paper staining

Polishing of furniture

French polish, Estimation of timber

Semester 2

Trade Practical

Trade Theory

Introduction & demonstration, operational techniques of woodworking machines.

Woodworking machines; Market form of timber

Demonstration and use of Drilling Machines, Grinding Machines, Mortiser Machines and Universal woodworking Machines.

Description, types, sizes, parts, functions, operations, safety precautions, care and maintenance of machines.

Exercises of pattern making

Introduction to pattern making

Making Core and core prints

Core and core prints

Allied Training: Simple Fitting Work

General safety in fitting shop

Sheet Metal Work

Sheet Metal tools

Carpentry Building Work

Introduction to carpentry work involved in building construction, Familiarization with the materials which is used in industries as a substitute of wood.

Marking and making window frame and window shutters

Types of window frame and window shutters

Exercises on simple floor construction and joints used.

Basic principle of repairing work and repairing technique of furniture, door, window, rack; Economical factors and material estimates.

ITI Salary

The salary of the candidates after ITI will vary as per the trade selected by them. For example, a fitter can earn Rs. 2 LPA while a surveyor after ITI can earn Rs. 3 LPA. The following table can be referred to know the average annual salary of some of the trades after ITI-

Job Role

Average Annual Salary


Rs. 2.6 LPA


Rs. 2.4 LPA


Rs. 2.6 LPA


Rs. 3.3 LPA

Computer Operator

Rs 2.2 LPA

Source: Ambition Box

Scope of ITI

Candidates pursuing ITI courses have a wide scope of opportunities. Candidates can directly get jobs in their respective fields after completion of the course. Also, the government is starting various schemes to utilise the skills of such candidates with ITI courses. One of the most popular schemes is Skill India Mission, under which various ITI holders can get jobs as per their skills.

Other than this, candidates also have the option to study further such as doing a diploma or a short-term course in the same field. After ITI, candidates can jobs in both the public and private sectors.

Careers Opportunities After ITI Course

Candidates can get various jobs after completing the ITI course depending on the trade selected by them. Some of the job roles are-

  • Surveyor
  • Computer Operator & Programming Assistant
  • Mechanic Radio & T.V. Engineer
  • Electrician
  • Refrigeration Engineer
  • Machinist Engineer
  • Mechanic Motor Vehicle Engineer
  • Carpentry Engineer
  • Welder
  • Sheet Metal Working Engineer
  • Pump Operator
  • Plumber
  • Confectioner and baker
  • Cutting & Sewing specialist
  • Pattern Maker
  • Draughtsman
  • Stenographer
  • Secretary
  • Book Binder
  • Commercial Artist
  • Foot Wear Manufacturer
  • Hair & Skin Care Specialist

Top ITI Institutes

ITI institutes (Both private and public) are available in most cities and towns of the country. Both urban and rural India host ITI institutes offering several trades. Listed below are some of the top ITI institutes in India.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is ITI full form?

ITI full form is Industrial Training Institutes (ITI) and it is a certificate course that is offered in various trades and has a course duration ranging from one year to two years depending upon the trade.

2. Who can do an ITI course?

Candidates who have passed at least class 8th are eligible to pursue an ITI course. However, various courses require candidates to pass at least Class 12th, so the educational qualification varies from Class 8th to 12th as per the course. Also, candidates between the age of 14-40 years are only eligible for ITI.

3. What are the various ITI courses available?

Various ITI courses available for candidates are- Computer Operator and Programming Assistant, Craftsman, Food Production, Carpenter, Draughtsman Civil, Electrician, Electronic Mechanic, Fashion Technology, Fitter, Hair and skincare, Health Sanitary Inspector, Wireman, Photographer, and many more.

4. What is the average annual salary after ITI?

The average annual salary of the candidates after ITI ranges from Rs. 1 lac to 3 lacs depending upon the course.


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