DMG Full Form

DMG Full Form

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Jan 05, 2023 12:16 PM IST

What is the full form of DMG?

  • DMG - Department of Mines and Geology (Government)
  • DMG - Dimethylglyoxime (Chemistry)
  • DMG - Dimethylglycine (Biology)
  • DMG - Disk Image (Computer)
This Story also Contains
  1. What is the full form of DMG?
  2. What Is The Department Of Mines And Geology?
  3. What Is Dimethylglyoxime?
  4. What Is Dimethylglycine?
  5. What Is Disk Image?
DMG Full Form
DMG Full Form

What Is The Department Of Mines And Geology?

DMG stands for ”Department of Mines and Geology”. This department consists of Mining engineers, Geo-Scientists and many more. It also consists of drilling engineers, mining divisions and chemical laboratories with experienced scientists. In India, Rajasthan is very rich in minerals in terms of quality. It has its headquarters in Udaipur, and it is one of the best DMGs in the country.

It has nearly 146 mining engineers, 114 geoscientists and 9 scientists in the laboratory. It uses the best equipment and modern techniques for the discovery of new minerals and exploitation of minerals. DMG is formed with discovery, development and administration of the mineral resources in the state.

What Is Dimethylglyoxime?


The full form of DMG is Dimehylglyoxime according to organic chemistry. It is soluble in methanol and also in sodium hydroxide solution but insoluble in water. It is a colourless and odourless solid and used for the analysis of nickel and palladium. From this many important ligands can be prepared like Dimethylglyoximato and the charge of this ligand is -1, and it is used as anionic ligand. It is a combination of nickel, cobalt and palladium.

What Is Dimethylglycine?


The full form of DMG is Dimethylglycine according to biology. It is an amino acid and also a building block for protein. A body needs this for its functioning. DMG is an essential acid for everyone because the body cannot make this on its own and it must be taken as a diet. It is mainly found in meat and grains. Di Methyl Glycine is used by people for ageing, athletic performances, to improve thinking and memory skills and for many other purposes. It is absolutely safe when it is taken for a shorter time like less than 28 days but it will cause some side effects if it is consumed regularly.

What Is Disk Image?

Disk Image is nothing but a file format which is used to distribute files and applications among Apple computers. The category of Disk Image is computing and file extension is .dmg for this. The Disk Image file can be viewed as a virtual DVD or as a hard drive.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is the role of DMG in mining?

The role of DMG in mining is as follows:

  • DMG conducts survey and research to find the new mineral deposits and their evaluation by Geological, Geophysical and drilling techniques.

  • DMG ensures mining and mineral movement based on the set of rules and procedures and prevents illegal mining.

  • DMG also enhances mineral availability in the state by promoting private and public sectors in the state.

2. What are the uses of DMG in chemistry?

The uses of DMG are given below:

  • It is used as a precipitating reagent, detecting reagent and selective reagent for the metal ions like nickel, palladium and cobalt.

  • This is also used in jewellery making and other items that come in direct contact with the skin.

  • It is used as a specific precipitate agent for nickel and also used for Nickel recovery.

3. What are the properties of DMG according to biology?

Dimethylglycine can be formed from trimethylglycine after the loss of one of its methyl groups. It has a sweet taste and it is a byproduct of choline. It is present in beans and liver and also present in many plants and animal cells.

4. What are the function of DMG in space science?

The main functions of Data Management Group are:

  • It facilitates implementation of best practices.

  • It provides data related processes for the organisation.

5. What are the uses of DMG in computers?

In computers, DMG is used to create virtual hard drives and it is also used for the implementation of virtual machines. Disk Image is also used to copy the entire contents from one machine to another machine. It is also used as a boot disk to boot the computer from another operating system.

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