DNS Full Form

DNS Full Form

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on May 19, 2023 04:44 PM IST

What is the full form of DNS?

DNS stands for “Domain Name System”. Unlike Humans, computer understands everything by number, not by name. Every website is stored in servers and that servers find and communicate with one another by using these numbers and these number are called IP address. The Domain name system is an essential component of internet that converts Human readable website names (for ex www.careers360.com) to machine-readable format of IP addresses (for example,

This Story also Contains
  1. What is the full form of DNS?
  2. DNS History
  3. Working of DNS
  4. Structure of DNS
  5. DNS Resolution
DNS Full Form
DNS Full Form

DNS History

The foundation of DNS is related to the time of ARPANET which was first introduced in 1966 and was just like internet but not scalable. It took number of years for research and innovation and that finally leads to the introduction of DNS.

DNS was created in 1983 and after creation of Internet Engineering Tasks Force (IETF), DNS become a part of the original internet standards in 1986. Initially, two documents marked the start of DNS services, which were RFC1034 and RFC 1035.

There were major upgrades took place after its introduction and the remarkable one was when to Notify mechanism and Incremental Zone Transfer IXFR came into action. With the introduction of this, servers were able to update dynamically.

Working of DNS

It translates human-readable names into machine-readable IP addresses. If we say more specifically then it resolves the domain name into numbers(because computer understands only numbers) that is known as IP address. For example, if we type entrance360.com on a web browser then the DNS server will search the matching IP address related to it and then provide us the desired result. To be more clear take the example of your phone where you type the name of the individual and the phone provides the number of that person.

Structure of DNS

DNS uses a particular hierarchy to manage its database system and that hierarchy is called domain name space is in the form of the tree structure. The tree structure has a single domain at the top of structure and that domain is known as root domain.

Examples of top domains are .com, .org, .net etc. The domain is further divided into sub domains. The types of domains are generic domains that contain commercial, educational, and country-based domain like .in, .us, inverse domain, etc.

DNS Resolution

The process of conversion of URLs and Domain names into the IP address is called Domain Resolution. The DNS resolve in various steps when the user enters the domain name into the browser then the browser sends a message to match the IP address that the domain name corresponds to. The process of sending message by the browser to match the IP address is called a recursive DNS query. This query further goes to recursive DNS server that is managed by the service provider, if the recursive solver has an address then it will go back to the user and the web page will load.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is DNS?

DNS is a system that convert human readable language into machine readable in the form of IP address.

2. What are major DNS records types?

The major DNS records types are A record, AAAA  record, CNAME record, Nameserver (NS) record and Mail Exchange (MX) records.

3. What are common DNS issues?

Sometimes it takes time to load which means it has high latency.

4. Which DNS is faster?

Cloudflare is one of the fastest DNS services.

5. What are types of DNS servers?

There are three main kinds of DNS servers namely Primary servers, Secondary servers and Caching servers.

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