DPT Full Form

DPT Full Form

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on May 19, 2023 05:02 PM IST

What is the full form of DPT?

DPT is the Diphtheria-Pertussis-Tetanus vaccine. It is a vaccination designed to protect against Diphtheria, Pertussis, and Tetanus and also to build immunity against these three bacterial infections. If not treated with immunisation, the contagious diseases diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus can result in several health issues in young children. To ensure that the baby receives all necessary vaccinations, it is important to schedule regular physician check-ups.

This Story also Contains
  1. What is the full form of DPT?
  2. Diphtheria
  3. Pertussis
  4. Tetanus
  5. DPT VACCINE: Why is it Important?
DPT Full Form
DPT Full Form


The disease of diphtheria is quite serious. It kills one in every ten patients. Diphtheria causes nose damage, nerve damage, heart failure, skin infections, throat irritation, difficulty breathing, and paralysis.


Whooping cough, commonly known as pertussis, has cold-like symptoms and, in severe cases, can result in convulsions, pneumonia, seizures, and brain damage.


Tetanus, often known as lockjaw, is a neurological condition that causes the muscles to contract. Muscle spasms, uncomfortable breathing, and swallowing are the results.

DPT VACCINE: Why is it Important?

Because it is the most effective method of preventing diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus, the DPT vaccine is crucial. It is a trivalent vaccine that protects against tetanus, pertussis, and diphtheria. If necessary, each of these immunisations is also offered separately.

Correct Dosage for DPT Vaccine

Children should receive three shots in the first year. A child receives their first dose at the age of two months, their second dose at four months, and their third dose at six months. A fourth injection should be given to infants when they are 18 months old. Before they start school at ages four to six, a fifth shot or booster is administered. Tetanus and diphtheria booster shots are administered to older children and adults every ten years. After the age of seven, the pertussis vaccination is not given.

Side Effects of The DPT Vaccination

Compared to the possibility of side effects, the advantages of the DPT vaccine are far larger.

Minor side effects are experienced by the children who receive the DPT immunisation.

  • Redness, swelling, and discomfort where the injection was administered are a few of these side effects. At the injection site, a lump may occasionally persist for a few weeks.

  • Fidgeting, impatience, weeping, hunger loss, or vomiting.

  • Fever that is below 40°C (104°F).

  • Allergic responses including hives, wheezing, breathing difficulties, and face- or mouth-swelling (extremely rare).

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