EASY Full Form

EASY Full Form

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on May 25, 2023 10:41 AM IST

What is the full form of EASY ?

The full form of EASY includes:
E stands for eat
A stands for activity
S stands for sleep
Y stands for you

This is usually developed for new born babies as when a woman becomes a mother for the first time it becomes difficult for her to take proper care of the child. So this schedule is developed for those so that proper routine is followed every day in the same order.Through this routine babies are able to grow in a good way and are seen to be more active than those who didn't follow EASY routine.

This Story also Contains
  1. What is the full form of EASY ?
  2. Details of E for eat
  3. Discussion of a for activity
  4. Brief details of s for sleep
  5. Detail of y for you
  6. Age of baby when EASY routine can be followed?
EASY Full Form
EASY Full Form

This schedule helps your baby in overall development a good mind a good physique and good social health will be developed by following this routine .This routine is very easy to follow and it also makes some time for you you will get some free time for you too.This schedule will not let you in any of the confusion that what is good for your baby and what is bad for your baby you can easily choose best for your baby.

Details of E for eat

Usually babies are fed on a liquid diet for many months after birth. When they reach 6 months of age some solid food is usually given to the baby. Some strategies have been developed for feeding the baby for overall development.

Diet of baby is usually divided into two diets namely : Cluster feed and Dream feed

  1. Cluster feed :-

This feed is usually started when the baby is 2 months old and then back in 4rth month if baby growth is good following this diet.

This feed is usually done 2 hours before bed time. It occurs in two stages: when the first feeding is done the baby is allowed to do little activity like tummy playing and then after the second feeding the baby is directly advised to go to bed.

  1. Dream feed :-

when we talk about dream feed we mean that when the baby is sleeping then we feed the baby without waking them up. This is done so that the baby should not wake up in between his or her sleep and he should sleep well. This food should not be done between 10:00 p.m. and in between midnight.

Discussion of a for activity

After feeding the baby some activities should be done to them so that the overall development of a baby is good and his mind grows well. Some activities that can be included include tummy playing, toys to play with , taking them outside on a walk, or giving them a toy mobile to play with. Many parents also prefer singing and reading for children. Some activities may include jumping them over your head and then catching them back. These activities will help in the overall development of a child.

Brief details of s for sleep

Sleep is a very essential part for a baby. It helps in the development of the brain of a baby and helps in the overall growth of babies. Sleep can be for about 20 minutes also called the cat nap and it can range for about 2 hours of a time but when the baby sleeps more than this range then disturbance occurs during sleeping in the night. So if a baby is napping for 2 hours then he or she should wake up before bedtime.

Detail of y for you

Y now means it's your time when you have done so much for the baby. After the baby sleeps, it's your time to do anything or any activity you want . You can watch movies, you can go for a walk, you can call a friend for food.

Age of baby when EASY routine can be followed?

You can start the EASY routine as early as possible when your baby comes home from the hospital . You can start the easy routine at that time but the best time to start the EASY routine is when your baby is 1 month old so that the baby does not sweep into any other routine and it also makes it possible for you to go through that routine.

Once you know that how much breastfeeding your baby needs you can start EASY routine

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Why is it best advised to go for an EASY routine?

 It is best advised to go for an EASY routine so that your baby should have a particular schedule and the growth of the baby is particular and up to the point. This schedule will help you in the overall development of your baby.

2. At what time EASY routine should be stopped?

EASY routine should be stopped when a child attains 9 months of age. It does not make any sense to follow this routine as now a child needs a maximum of three meals and 5 hours of Gap in between the main meal.

3. Can sometimes EASY routine go wrong?

Yes this routine can go wrong as it depends on the vaccination and teething status of the child. Sometimes it also depends on the medical history of a child. So no need to worry, just stop this routine right there.

4. In what way does EASY routine work?

This routine Works in the best way. By following this routine your baby eats and is also active and then sleep in a quiet good way.

5. Is it necessary to make any schedule for a child?

We as human beings walk on a definite schedule and we thrive on a definite schedule so yes babies themselves also need a schedule. If you don't make a schedule for them there will not be any right time for them to sleep or to eat.

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