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Aligarh Muslim University Entrance Exam

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Angel Carmel mont H SS Lucknow

Tanya Gupta 28th Feb, 2024


Angel Carmel Montessori Higher Secondary School (ACMHSS) is a reputed educational institution located in Lucknow, India. It offers Montessori education up to higher secondary level. The school focuses on providing quality education and development to its students, emphasizing both academic excellence and character building.

Hope this helps,

Thank you


is there any other to get admission in AMU because I havent registered yet cuet form and time is out

shivamtrivedi0005 25th Feb, 2024

Hello aspirant,

To enroll in AMU, one must first fulfill the eligibility requirements and then complete the application. Next, take the AMU department exam or, if necessary, apply for admission through CUET. To access the entrance form, counseling, and admission, register on the AMU website.

To know the complete admission process, please visit the following link;

Thank you

Hope it helps you.


i want to take admission in class 11th in amu college... is this psossible for me or not? i am from a village... but i dont think so that my name will come in the entrance exam because i am not that much perfect but i want to be perfect for me and for my hard it wuld be to pass the exam

Kalpana Sharma 1st Feb, 2024


You have not mentioned the course for which you want to take the AMU Exam. However, be it any subject or course for which you want to apply, the only key to clear any entrance exam is your preparation and clarity of basics.

Entrance exams usually test how much clarity you have in the basics of your subject. It would help if you practised a lot by solving previous year's papers, model papers, and mock question papers to know your weak areas. It doesn't matter whether you belong to any village/city, you can clear any entrance exam with hard work and sheer determination.

You can know more detailed information about the AMU exam over this page:


i got 59 rank in general selected list in amu 11th emtrance 2022 for science stream and rank 18 in special category list but it shows chance memo in special category rank. does that mean i am selected or not?

Upasana Barman 24th Aug, 2022


The selected candidates list in AMU are for those who are selected for the particular course and have a confirmed seat and special category list contains the names of both who's names are there in selected candidates list as well as the chance memo list. Your chance will come only when you make the cut but for now you just have to wait. However it does not mean that you are not selected.


AMUEEE entrance exam date and result

Nisha yadav 22nd Jul, 2022

Hello aspirant,

The authorities will conduct the AMUEEE Exam Date 2022 entrance exam on 31 July 2022 Last date to apply with a late fee is May 28, 2022. AMUEEE form correction 2022 will be from 29 May to 31 May 2022. The results and Answer key dates are yet to be notified. They will provide further information on the official website. It is said that result be declared online in October 2022. The result will come in the form of a scorecard containing marks and ranks in the entrance exam.

Thank you


Now i am given jee mains exam we found 88% can i take addmission

mhsteja 11th Jul, 2022

Hi aspirant...!

Hope you're doing great...!

So, with regard of you're query. Enrolling in B.TECH and taking the JEE Main are two separate things because you may simply enroll in B.TECH without taking the JEE Main. Although not terrible, your percentile of 88 is insufficient to even be considered for JEE Advance.

There are further examinations you can take to get into higher universities, or if you merely want to study B.TECH, you can use the management quota at any reputable private engineering school.

Hope this will helps you...!



hame enterance kaha dene jana pdega? hamara roll number hall kese pata chalega?

tapasya trehan 8th Jul, 2022

Everything is specified in the hall ticket or admit card that you will receive for your examinations. your roll number, the center of examination, and even the date will be mentioned on the admit card. so don't worry you will know everything once you will receive your admit card.

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