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Kerala Engineering Architecture & Medical Examination

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Can I get admission in any engineering college in kerala with 335 mark in keam 2022 under obc category

Aditya kumar 2nd Sep, 2022

hlwo aspirant

hope you are doing well

see the marks you get in keam 2022 exam is considered as a low marks.

Total Marks600

Very Good Score - 550+

Good Score  - 450+

Average Score - 350+

Low Score  - 250 or below

see the marks category whome we can say good marks, very good or average.

The KEAM ranks are calculated based on 50:50 criteria where equal weight-age will be given to both your KEAM score and the marks obtained by you in Mathematics,Physics and Chemistry as aggregate in your class 12th.

As we know KEAM score which is generally out of 960 is standardized and made out of 300. Similarly the board marks of 12th is standardized based on the overall performance of the students appearing for the exam are also out of 300. So basically your performance is calculated out of 60

As your score is 300 in KEAM so for rank Calculation your marks will be 93.75 out of 300 & your 12th class marks for rank calculation is 285 out of 30

so may be you'll not get any seat in good government college but you can apply for private engineering colleges

hope this is helpful for you

all the very best for your upcoming future

As We cannot predicate the Rank as it vary yearly on performance of students. 0.0.dents.


If I got 130 marks in keam exam and have 94% mark in +2 state board exam then what rank will I get in keam exam?

Aditi Singh 23rd Jul, 2022

Hey student!

As per the notification issued by authority, official KEAM rank list will be released by Commissioner of Examination on August 15, 2022 on the official website. You need to login using your credentials to check the rank list for qualified candidates. The rank list is prepared based on the marks obtained in KEAM entrance test and your board examination marks in ratio 50:50.

However , It is difficult to predict your exact rank as it depends on various factors according to :

>> No. of students appearing in the exam

>> No. of qualifying candidates

>> marks they secure

>>difficulty level of paper, etc.

If we analyze previous years rank pattern, your KEAM score is 130 out of 960 and your state board exam percentage is 94%. So, based on your data provided, your predicted rank can be ~20k. Also, note that this rank is only based on previous years 2019 rank pattern and it could vary with the original rank list as the number of students differ in number.

Predict your admission in colleges through KEAM:

Hope you get the idea!


I am getting 641/960 marks as per keam 2022 answer key and 269/300 in cbse 2022. what is my predicted keam rank?

Aditi Singh 22nd Jul, 2022

Hello !

As per the notification, KEAM rank list will be released by CEE on August 15, 2022 at the official website. You need to login with your credentials to check the rank of qualified candidates. The rank list is prepared based on the marks obtained in KEAM entrance test and your board marks in ratio 1:1.

It is difficult to predict your rank as it depends on various factors like : No. of students appearing and qualifying the exam, marks students secure, difficulty level of paper, etc. If we analyze previous years rank pattern, your KEAM score is 641/960 and considering your boards percentage as ~90%, your rank can be nearly ~1200. Please note that this rank is solely based on previous years rank fashion and it could vary with the original score.

Hope you get the idea.


If I got 130 mark in keam exam and have 94% in +2 ,then what rank will I get in keam ? and Im in general caste so can i get admission in government colleges?

Aditi Singh 22nd Jul, 2022

Hello !

As per the notification, KEAM rank list will be released by Commissioner of Examination on August 15, 2022 on the official website. You need to login with your credentials to check the rank list for qualified candidates. The rank list is prepared based on the marks obtained in KEAM entrance test and your board marks in ratio 1:1.

It is difficult to predict your rank as it depends on various factors like :

>> No. of students appearing and qualifying the exam

>> marks students secure

>>difficulty level of paper, etc.

If we analyze previous years rank pattern, your KEAM score is 130/960 and considering your boards percentage as 94% but you have not mentioned your board of education , so I'm considering it as CBSE, your rank can be nearly ~13k. Please note that this rank is solely based on previous years rank fashion and it could vary with the original score.

Considering admission through management quota, you can get a seat in following colleges :

  • Government model engineering college
  • College of engineering, Thalassery
  • College of engineering, Chengannur


Hope you get the idea.


my keam marks is 204 and 12th pcm 92.6% what rank and the govt colleges can i expect. will i get Information technology in barton hill?

Aditi Singh 22nd Jul, 2022

Hello !

As per the notification, KEAM rank list will be released by Commissioner of Examination on August 15, 2022 on the official website. You need to login with your credentials to check the rank list for qualified candidates. The rank list is prepared based on the marks obtained in KEAM entrance test and your board marks in ratio 1:1.

It is difficult to predict your exact rank as it depends on various factors like :

>> No. of students appearing and qualifying the exam and the marks they secure

>>difficulty level of paper, etc.

If we analyze previous years rank pattern for KEAM with the boards marks, your KEAM score is 204/960 and 12th PCM percentage as 92.6% but you have not mentioned your board of education , considering it as CBSE, your rank can be nearly ~16k. Please note that this rank is based on previous years rank fashion and it could vary with the original score.

You might not get a seat in GEC, barton hill as, if we see previous year cutoffs for IT for general category it was ~ 3.7k and ~7.8k for home state.

Know more about GEC BARTON HILL Cutoff:

Considering admission through management quota, you can get a seat in following colleges :

  • Government model engineering college
  • College of engineering, Thalassery
  • Sri chitra thirunal college of engineering
  • College of engineering, Chengannur


Hope this helps


Will I get into bpharm collage if I didnt attend keam

prasithagourisankar 20th Jul, 2022

Actually the admission to BPharm course  in govt colleges of Kerala is based on the rank obtained in KEAM and also some of the private colleges provides admission to Bpharm thru keam score.


I got 350 out of 600 in keam and general category. what should be the rank i can expect in 2022 keam

Vishwathiga J 19th Jul, 2022

Dear aspirant,

We can't predict the rank accurately as it depends on the number of students attempting the exam, the difficulty level of the paper etc. Based on the previous year trends we can say that you have a good chance of getting a rabk of about 20 - 25 k which is a decent rank.

Hope this helps.


i scored 605 out of 960 in keam 2022 what will be my approximate rank

Piyush 18th Jul, 2022

hello aspirant,

It is difficult to predict exactly and precisely the Rank secured on the basis of the Marks obtained in KEAM exam 2022. This is because the KEAM cutoff keeps varying every year and the KEAM Cutoff depends on various factors like : Difficulty level of the paper, previous year cutoff trends, number of aspirants appearing, etc.

However, looking at the previous year KEAM Cutoff trends, your overall predicted rank in KEAM can be around 4000-5500.

Please note that this is a predicted rank based on the previous year Cutoff trends, and the actual rank may vary.

Further, to know more about the KEAM cutoff for previous year, you can follow the below mentioned link to know more :

I hope that this will help.


what should be the minimum score out 600 in keam to get a rank below 25k?

Vishwathiga J 18th Jul, 2022

Dear aspirant,

Based on previous year cut-offs we can say that if you have score of above 350, you have a decent chance of getting a rank below 25 k. This data is just a prediction based on observation and is subject to change depending in the number of students attempting the exam, the difficulty level of the paper, and the preferences of the students.

Hope this helps.

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