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Kerala Engineering Architecture & Medical Examination

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sir i got 69 marks in paper 1 in keam exm and 87% in +2 board exm am a repeater is there any chamce for qualifying keam and get seat in any govt college

Sakshi 12th Jul, 2022

Hey Aspirant,

As you score 69 marks in paper 1 in KEAM Exam and 87% in +2 board exam . Yes, there are a lot of chances but it is little bit difficult to get seat in any government college. KEAM rank is calculated as per the average of the KEAM mark and +2 mark in the ratio of 50:50.

For further information visit the link given below:-

Thank You!


My keam mark is 118 and my plus two board exam has 96%. Will i get a good collage having computer science branch?

Sakshi 8th Jul, 2022


KEAM score which generally out of 960 is standardized and made out of 300. KEAM Score and board marks are taken in 50:50 ratio to calculate the aggregate marks in KEAM. Similarly the board marks of plus 2 (whether state board or CBSE or ISCE) is standardized based on the overall performance of the students appearing for the exam (also out of 300). The total score out of 600 is used in determining our rank.

You got an decent mark in KEAM . You may be get seat in CSE branch or may be not. There is also 50-50 possibilities. To check the number of colleges or names of college that you will get at this marks visit the link given below:-

Thank you!

Hope this help you!


i got 203 out of 960 in keam and i have scored 117 out 120 in phy 98 out of 100 in maths 96 out of 120 in chem what will be my ranking in keam 2022

Sakshi 12th Jul, 2022

Hey Aspirant,

As per your information, you got 203 out of 960 in KEAM and you have scored 117 out 120 in physics 98 out of 100 in math 96 out of 120 in chemistry . According to the criteria of the KEAM Calculation KEAM rank is calculated as the average of the KEAM Marks and +2 marks in the 50:50 ratio. This score is not counted as decent one if we look at the trends of last few years. And with these marks your rank will be nearly or more than 50,000. So chances of getting a seat with these marks are tough.

For further information about the KEAM college predictor visit the link given below:-

Thank You!


I scored 65 marks in KEAM 2022 and also scored 91% in +2 board exam. What will be my mark after adding the marks of +2 board exam in KEAM 2022?

Sakshi 12th Jul, 2022

Hey Aspirant,

As per your information you score 65 marks in KEAM Exam 2022 and also scored 91% in +2 board exam . The KEAM rank calculation criteria is based on the average of the KEAM marks and the +2 marks as the ratio of 50:50 . I think there is a mistake in the question as you want to know about the rank not the marks because marks you already know and the rank will be approximately around 24k -30k. There are little bit tough chances to get a best college on this rank in KEAM.

For further information about the college and rank visit the link given below:-

Thank You!


i got 203 mark out of 960 in keam and 250.5 mark out of 300 in +2 what will be my keam ranking

Sakshi 9th Jul, 2022

Hey Aspirant,

KEAM Rank is calculated as per your KEAM marks and your plus 2 grade marks in a 50:50 ratio. As you say that you got 203 marks out of 960 in KEAM and 250.5 marks out of 300 in +2 in this KEAM rank is calculated as 50:50 ratio of both.

To know more about KEAM rank and how it is predicted, how to check your 2021 KEAM rank, Previous year ranks, you can visit the link given below:-

Cutoff rank in all government engineering college for different categories:-

Hope this helps you!


I am expecting 333 marks out of 600 in keam 2022. what could be my rank?

Aditi Singh 5th Jul, 2022

Hello student!

Your expected marks in KERELA ENGINEERING ARCHITECHTURE MEDICAL (KEAM ) ENTRANCE EXAM is 333 out of 600 which is just approximately 50% of total marks. This is below average score and you can expect a rank of ~51k for B.Tech admission according to previous year analysis.

You can use our college predictor for a clear view of your query:


I got 269 mark in keam and 99%in PCM board will get admission in government collage?

Sakshi 9th Jul, 2022

Hey Aspirant,

Congratulations, as you score 269 marks in KEAM. And a great score of 99% in PCM, you can easily get admission into a government Engineering College. Few of the colleges are enlisted below:-

  • College of Engineering, Adoor
  • College of Engineering, Trikaripur
  • Institute of Engineering and Technology, Mallapuram

And many other good colleges. Because KEAM calculated as 50:50 ratio of both the KEAM rank and +2 scores.

For college prediction visit the link given below:-

Thank you!


I got 197 in keam and 96.4% in plus two can i get into a government college

Sakshi 9th Jul, 2022

Hey Aspirant,

As you say that you got 197 in KEAM and 96.4% in +2. It will be little bit difficult to get good government colleges. It will depend upon which category you belong to, availability of seats, cutoff which varies every year .

To predict your rank and colleges visit the link given below:-

For further details visit the link given below:-

Thank you!


i got 197 in keam and 96.4% in plus this enough to get into a government college in kerala

Sakshi 9th Jul, 2022

Hello Aspirant,

As you say that you got 197 marks in KEAM and 96.4% in +2. It's not enough to get admission into a government college in Kerala because you marks less than the required marks for the eligibility criteria. KEAM rank is calculated as per the rule:- 50:50 ratio Marks in KEAM and Marks in +2 standard. But you have some chances to get seat in some colleges in kerala according to your eligibility criteria.

For the college and rank prediction visit the link given below:-

Thank You!


I got 125 marks in keam and i have 94% in +2 . which rank should I get in keam?

Sakshi 9th Jul, 2022

Hello Aspirant,

As you say that you have 125 marks in KEAM and you have 94% in +2 your rank will lie between the range of 15000-20000 approximately. Institute will prepare the rank list by calculating the average marks secured in KEAM entrance test and in class 12 in the ratio of 50:50, which means that equal weight age will be given to both the score.

For the college and rank prediction visit the link given below:-

Thank you!

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