HomeCareers 360 ExamsVellore Institute of Technology Research Entrance Examination

VITREE Exam 2025 - Date, January Result (Out), Cutoff, Eligibility, Syllabus, Pattern, Question Papers

Ongoing Event
VITREE Application Date : 27 Jan' 2025 - 31 Mar' 2025
Updated on 14th February, 2025 by Samridhi Mishra

About VITREE 2025

VITREE 2025 - VIT University has announced the VITREE 2025 result for the January session on the official website, vit.ac.in. Candidates have to use the application number and date of birth to check the result of VITREE 2025. The VITREE 2025 results are available in the form of a scorecard. The authority held the personal interview for VITREE 2025 on December 14, 2024 and the VITREE 2025 exam for the January session on December 7, 2024.  The VITREE 2025 registration January session concluded on November 27, 2024. 

The VITREE admit card was available on the website, vit.ac.in. The authority released the VITREE 2025 exam pattern and syllabus online. Candidates who seek admission to PhD programmes at VIT must have cleared the Vellore Institute of Technology Research Entrance Examination. VIT held the VITREE exam online for two hours featuring multiple-choice questions (MCQs), with no negative marking for incorrect answers. Admission to the VIT Ph.D. program is based on the VITREE 2025 score and performance in the personal interview round. The full form of VITREE is Vellore Institute of Technology Research Entrance Exam. Candidates can apply for PhD and Direct PhD programmes through this exam.

Doctor of Philosophy(Ph.D.): The minimum duration of study and research from the date of registration for the PhD programme to the date of submission of the thesis will be 30 months for full-time research scholars and 36 months for part-time research scholars.
Direct Ph.D. : The minimum duration of study and research from the date of registration for the Direct PhD programme to the date of submission of the thesis will be 4 years. 

Applicants can check the  VIT PhD fees here:
VIT PhD fees


Caution Deposit 

Tuition Fee per Annum 

Thesis Fee* 

Ph.D. Internal Full-Time 

Rs. 3,000 

Rs. 40,000 

Rs. 10,000

Ph.D. External Part-Time (Teachers) 

Rs. 3,000 

Rs. 60,000 

Rs. 10,000

Ph.D. External Part-Time (Industry) 

Rs. 3,000 

Rs. 75,000 

Rs. 10,000

Direct Ph.D. 

Rs. 3,000 

Rs. 40,000 

Rs. 10,000

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VITREE 2025 Highlights

Full Exam Name
Vellore Institute of Technology Research Entrance Examination
Short Exam Name
Conducting Body
Vellore Institute of Technology
Exam Level
University Level Exam
Mode Of Application
Application Fee
Online : 1200
Exam Duration
2 Hours

VITREE Important Dates

VITREE Vellore Institute of Technology Research Entrance Examination (session 2025)

27 Jan' 2025 - 31 Mar' 2025 . OnlineOn Going
Application Date
July session
20 Apr' 2025 - 24 Apr' 2025 . Online
Exam Date
July session
10 May' 2025 - 11 May' 2025 . Online
Interview Date
July session

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05 Sep' 2024 - 27 Nov' 2024 . Online
Application Date
January session
07 Dec' 2024 - 07 Dec' 2024 . Online
Exam Date
January session
14 Dec' 2024 - 14 Dec' 2024 . Online
Interview Date
January session

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VIT has announced the VITREE 2025 result for the January session. The result for VITREE 2025 has been released at vit.ac.in. Candidates need to use their login credentials to access the VITREE 2025 result. Follow the steps below to check the result.

  • Visit the VIT official website, vit.ac.in

  • Check the bulletin board for the VITREE result link 

  • Click on the link

  • Enter the application number and password

  • VITREE result will display

Candidates had to check the eligibility criteria before applying for admission. The VITREE 2025 eligibility criteria is mentioned in the information brochure. The eligible candidates had to complete the VITREE registration before the last date. Moreover, the VITREE eligibility criteria vary from course to course. Below are the detailed eligibility criteria for the VIT Research Entrance Exam 2025. 

Programme-wise VITREE 2025 eligibility criteria

Program Name

Eligibility Criteria


Master’s degree in the relevant discipline with a minimum of 60% marks (of all the years /semesters) or a CGPA 6.5 on a 10-point scale or equivalent qualifications.

Direct Ph.D.

Under graduates must have an academic record in their Bachelor’s Degree in the relevant subject in order to be eligible to apply. A minimum of 75% marks or a CGPA of 7.5 is mandatory on a 10- point scale.

10+2+4 or 5 (pattern of studies) or any equivalent degree in Engineering degree

Background wave

VIT has closed the VITREE 2025 registration process for the January session on November 27, 2024. The VITREE application form 2025 was available on the website, vit.ac.in. The authority released the application on September 5, 2024. Candidates needed to fulfil the admission conditions before registration. The VITREE application process comprised registration, form filling, uploading of documents, and payment of the application fee. Candidates had to pay Rs. 1200 as the application fee in online mode. Students can check the step-wise process to complete the VITREE application form 2025.

How to fill VITREE 2025 application form?

  • Visit the VIT official website for research programme - vit.ac.in/admissions/research

  • Now click on the tab ‘VITREE 2025 - Apply Now’ available on the screen

  • On the new page, candidates need to complete the registration process by filling their basic details such as name of the candidate, date of birth, gender, email-address, phone number and other important information as per the areas available 

  • All the details should be correct as if there is any mistake the application form gets rejected.

  • Upload the scanned signature, photograph and relevant documents in the prescribed format.

  • Pay the application fee of Rs. 1,200 in online mode

  • Candidates must take the printout of the application form for future reference.

Applicants will get all the details on their registered email id. Students must keep checking their email and official website for any further information.

Documents Required at Exam VITREE 2025

Vellore Institute of Technology Research Entrance Examination 2025

  • VITREE admit card 2025
  • Valid photo ID proof

VITREE 2025 Exam Centers

Andhra Pradesh
Madhya Pradesh
Uttar Pradesh
Tamil Nadu
West Bengal

The authority released the VITREE exam pattern online. As per the VITREE exam pattern 2025, the VITREE 2025 exam will be conducted in computer-based mode for a total time duration of 2 hours. Each question in VITREE carries one mark. There is no negative marking for wrong attempts. Candidates will be able to check the detailed programme-wise VITREE 2025 exam pattern in the table below.

VITREE exam pattern for Ph.D programme 


Number of Questions


Total Time Duration 




2 hours

English communication skills



Statistics and probability






VITREE exam pattern for Direct Ph.D programme 


Number of Questions


Total Time Duration 




2 hours

English communication skills






VITREE 2025: Marking Scheme 

  • For each correct answer: +1 mark

  • No negative marking

VITREE 2025 Syllabus

VITREE Vellore Institute of Technology Research Entrance Examination Syllabus

English communication: Unit 01

  • Verb agreement
  • Tense forms
  • Voices
  • Articles and preposition
  • Use of conjunctions
  • Subject, verb agreement

English communication: Unit 02

Writing technical instructions

    English communication: Unit 03

    Writing memos & writing minutes

      English communication: Unit 04


        English communication: Unit 05

        Preparing questionnaire

          English communication: Unit 06


            Statistics & probability: Unit 01

            • Definitions scope and limitations, sampling methods, collection of data classification and tabulation, frequency distribution, diagrammatic and graphical representation, measures of central tendency mean median
            • Mode partition values (median quartile deciles and percentiles), measures of dispersion, coefficient of variation, Skewness and Kurtosis

            Statistics & probability: Unit 02

            Correlation and regressions
            • Scatter diagram, coefficient of correlation, rank correlation, lines of linear regression, partial correlation, multiple correlation, multiple linear regressions

            Statistics & probability: Unit 03

            • Events addition law of probabilities, conditional probabilities, multiplication law of probabilities, bayes theorem, random variable, discrete continuous, cumulative distribution, function probability, mass function, probability density function
            • Mathematical expectation
            • Binomial and poisson distributions
            • Tests of hypothesis small and large samples, tests chi-square test analysis of variance (ANOVA)

            Physics: Unit 01

            Mathematical methods of physics
            • Dimensional analysis; vector algebra and vector calculus; linear algebra matrices, Cayley hamilton theorem eigenvalue problems; linear differential equations; special functions (Hermite Bessel Laguerre and legendre)
            • Fourier series, Fourier and Laplace transforms; elements of complex analysis, Laurent series poles residues and evaluation of integrals; elementary ideas about tensors; introductory group theory SU(2) O(3)
            • Elements of computational techniques, roots of functions, interpolation, extrapolation integration by trapezoidal and Simpson's rule solution of first-order differential equations using runge kutta method; finite difference methods
            • Elementary probability theory random variables binomial Poisson and normal distributions

            Physics: Unit 02

            Classical mechanics
            • Newton’s laws; phase space dynamics stability analysis; central force motion; two body collisions scattering in laboratory and centre of mass frames; rigid body dynamics moment of inertia tensor non inertial frames and pseudo forces
            • Variational principle lagrangian and hamiltonian formalisms and equations of motion; Poisson brackets and canonical transformations; symmetry invariance and conservation laws cyclic coordinates; periodic motion
            • Small oscillations and normal modes; special theory of relativity, Lorentz transformations, relativistic kinematics and mass energy equivalence

            Physics: Unit 03

            Electromagnetic theory
            • Electrostatics: Gauss’ law and its applications; Laplace and Poisson equations boundary value problems; magnetostatics Biot Savart law ampere's theorem electromagnetic induction; Maxwell's equations in free space and linear isotropic media
            • Boundary conditions on fields at interfaces; scalar and vector potentials; gauge invariance; electromagnetic waves in free space dielectrics and conductors; reflection and refraction polarization Fresnel’s law interference coherence and diffraction
            • Dispersion relations in plasma; Lorentz invariance of Maxwell’s equations; transmission lines and wave guides; dynamics of charged particles in static and uniform electromagnetic fields; radiation from moving charges dipoles and retarded potentials

            Physics: Unit 04

            Quantum mechanics
            • Wave particle duality; wave functions in coordinate and momentum representations; commutators and Heisenberg's uncertainty principle; matrix representation; Dirac's bra and ket notation; Schrodinger equation (time dependent and time independent)
            • Eigenvalue problems such as particle in a box harmonic oscillator etc; tunneling through a barrier; motion in a central potential; orbital angular momentum angular momentum algebra spin; addition of angular momenta
            • Hydrogen atom spin orbit coupling fine structure; time independent perturbation theory and applications; variational method; WKB approximation; time dependent perturbation theory and Fermi's golden rule; selection rules
            • Semi classical theory of radiation; elementary theory of scattering, phase shifts partial waves born approximation; identical particles, Pauli's exclusion principle spin, statistics connection
            • Relativistic quantum mechanics, Klein Gordon and Dirac equations

            Physics: Unit 05

            Thermodynamic and statistical physics
            • Laws of thermodynamics and their consequences; thermodynamic potentials maxwell relations; chemical potential phase equilibria; phase space micro and macrostates; microcanonical canonical and grand canonical ensembles and partition functions
            • Free energy and connection with thermodynamic quantities; first and second order phase transitions; classical and quantum statistics, Ideal Fermi and Bose gases; principle of detailed balance; blackbody radiation and Planck's distribution law
            • Bose Einstein condensation; random walk and Brownian motion; introduction to non,equilibrium processes; diffusion equation

            Physics: Unit 06

            • Semiconductor, device physics including diodes junctions, transistors, field effect devices, homo and heterojunction devices, device structure, device characteristics, frequency, dependence and applications; optoelectronic devices
            • Including solar cells, photodetectors and LEDs; high-frequency devices including generators and detectors; operational amplifiers and their applications; digital techniques and applications (registers counters comparators and similar circuits)
            • A/D and D/A converters; microprocessor and microcontroller basics
            • Data interpretation and analysis; precision and accuracy, error analysis, propagation of errors, least squares, fitting linear and nonlinear curve, fitting chi-square test; transducers (temperature pressure/vacuum magnetic field
            • Vibration optical and particle detectors) measurement and control; signal conditioning and recovery impedance matching amplification (Op-amp, based instrumentation amp feedback), filtering and noise reduction shielding and grounding
            • Fourier transforms; lock in detector boxcar integrator, modulation techniques
            • Applications of the above experimental and analytical techniques to typical undergraduate and graduate level laboratory experiments

            Physics: Unit 07

            Atomic & Molecular Physics
            • Quantum states of an electron in an atom; electron spin; Stern Gerlach experiment; spectrum of hydrogen helium and alkali atoms; relativistic corrections for energy levels of hydrogen; hyperfine structure and isotopic shift
            • Width of spectral lines; IS & JJ coupling; Zeeman Paschen back & stark effect; X-ray spectroscopy; electron spin resonance nuclear magnetic resonance chemical shift; rotational vibrational electronic and Raman spectra of diatomic molecules
            • Franck Condon, principle and selection rules; spontaneous and stimulated emission, Einstein A & B coefficients; lasers, optical pumping population, inversion rate equation; modes of resonators and coherence length

            Physics: Unit 08

            Condensed matter physics
            • Bravais lattices; reciprocal lattice diffraction and the structure factor; bonding of solids; elastic properties, phonons lattice specific heat; free electron theory and electronic specific heat; response and relaxation phenomena
            • Drude model of electrical and thermal conductivity; hall effect and thermoelectric power; diamagnetism paramagnetism and ferromagnetism; electron motion in a periodic potential, band theory of metals insulators and semiconductors
            • Superconductivity type I and type II superconductors, Josephson junctions; defects and dislocations; ordered phases of matter, translational and orientational order, kinds of liquid crystalline order; conducting polymers; quasicrystals

            Physics: Unit 09

            Nuclear and particle physics
            • Basic nuclear properties: Size shape charge distribution, spin and parity; binding energy semi,empirical mass formula; liquid drop model; fission and fusion; nature of the nuclear force form of nucleon,nucleon potential
            • Charge independence and charge,symmetry of nuclear forces; isospin; deuteron problem; evidence of shell structure, single particle shell model, its validity and limitations; rotational spectra; elementary ideas of alpha
            • Beta and gamma decays and their selection rules; nuclear reactions, reaction mechanisms, compound, nuclei and direct reactions; classification of fundamental forces; elementary particles (Quarks, Baryons, Mesons, Leptons)
            • Spin and parity assignments, isospin strangeness; Gell mann Nishijima formula; C P and T invariance and applications of symmetry arguments to particle reactions parity non, conservation in weak interaction; relativistic kinematics

            Chemistry: Unit 01

            Physical chemistry
            • Hydrogen atom, angular momentum
            • Vibrational and perturbational methods
            • Basics of atomic structure electronic configuration, shapes of orbitals, hydrogen atom spectra, theoretical treatment of atomic structures and chemical bonding
            • Chemical applications of group theory, basic principles and application of spectroscopy rotational, vibrational electronic, Raman, MESR, NMR, chemical thermodynamic, phase equilibria statistical thermodynamics, chemical equilibria
            • Electrochemistry,Nernst equation, electrode kinetics, electrical double layer debye Hückel theory, chemical kinetics, empirical rate laws, Arrhenius equation theories of reaction rates determination of reaction mechanisms
            • Experimental techniques for fast reactions concepts of catalysis polymer chemistry
            • Molecular weights and their determinations
            • Kinetics of chain polymerization solids structural, classification of binary and ternary compounds, diffraction techniques, bonding thermal, electrical and magnetic properties, colloids and surface, phenomena, data analysis

            Chemistry: Unit 02

            Inorganic chemistry
            • Chemical periodicity, structure and bonding in homo and heteronuclear, molecules including shapes of molecules concepts of acids and bases chemistry of the main group elements and their compounds
            • Allotropy synthesis, bonding and structure chemistry of transition elements and coordination compounds, bonding theories spectral and magnetic properties, reaction mechanisms, inner transition elements, spectral and magnetic properties
            • Analytical applications, organometallic compounds, synthesis bonding and structure and reactivity, organometallics in homogeneous, catalysis cages and metal clusters, analytical chemistry separation techniques
            • Spectroscopic electro and thermoanalytical methods, bioinorganic chemistry, photosystems, porphyries, metalloenzymes, oxygen transport, electron transfer reactions, nitrogen fixation, physical characterization of inorganic compounds by IR
            • Raman, NMR EPR, Mössbauer UV,visible, NQR, MS electron spectroscopy and microscopic techniques, nuclear chemistry,nuclear reactions, fission and fusion, radioanalytical techniques and activation analysis

            Chemistry: Unit 03

            Organic chemistry
            • IUPAC nomenclature of organic compounds, principles of stereochemistry, conformational analysis, isomerism and chirality, reactive intermediates and organic reaction mechanisms, concepts of aromaticity pericyclic reactions
            • Named reactions, transformations and rearrangements, principles and applications of organic photochemistry
            • Free radical reactions, reactions involving, nucleophilic, carbon intermediates, oxidation, and reduction of functional groups, common reagents (organic inorganic and organometallic) in organic synthesis, chemistry of natural products such as steroids
            • Alkaloids, terpenes, peptides, carbohydrates, nucleic acids and lipids, selective organic transformations, chemoselectivity, regioselectivity, stereoselectivity, enantioselectivity
            • Protecting groups, chemistry of aromatic and aliphatic heterocyclic compounds, physical characterization of organic compounds by IR, UV, visible mass, and NMR

            Chemistry: Unit 04

            Interdisciplinary topics
            • Chemistry in nanoscience and technology, catalysis and green chemistry, medicinal chemistry, supramolecular chemistry environmental chemistry

            Mathematics: Unit 01

            • Permutations, combinations, pigeon,hole principle, inclusion exclusion principle, derangements
            • Fundamental theorem of arithmetic, divisibility in Z, congruence, Chinese Remainder theorem, Euler’s function, primitive roots
            • Groups, subgroups, normal subgroups, quotient groups, homeomorphisms, cyclic groups, permutation groups
            • Matrices, rank and determinant of matrices, linear equations
            • Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors, Cayley, Hamilton theorem
            • Matrix representation of linear transformations
            • Canonical forms, diagonal forms, triangular forms, quadratic forms, reduction and classification of quadratic forms

            Mathematics: Unit 02

            • Sequences and series of functions, uniform convergence, Riemann sums and Riemann integral, improper integrals
            • Monotonic functions, types of discontinuity, functions of bounded variation, Lebesgue measure, Lebesgue integral
            • Functions of several variables, directional derivative, partial derivative, derivative as a linear transformation Metric spaces, compactness, connectedness
            • Analytic functions, Cauchy, Riemann equations, harmonic functions, Taylor series, Laurent series, Poles, singularities, residues, Contour integral, Cauchy’s theorem, Cauchy’s Integral formula evaluation of definite real integrals, conformal mappings
            • Mobius transformations

            Mathematics: Unit 03

            Differential and difference equations
            • Linear ordinary differential equations (ODES) variation of parameters sturm liouville problem
            • Partial differential equations (PDES), classification of second order, PDES general solution of higher, order PDES with constant, coefficients difference equations

            Mathematics: Unit 04

            Transformation techniques
            • Laplace transformation, Fourier series, harmonics, Fourier transforms transformation

            Mathematics: Unit 05

            Numerical methods
            • Numerical solutions of algebraic and transcendental equations, iteration methods, solution of systems of linear, algebraic equations, using gauss elimination and gauss seidel methods, numerical differentiation and integration
            • Numerical solutions of ODEs and PDEs

            Mathematics: Unit 06

            Descriptive statistics
            • Numerical solutions of algebraic and transcendental equations, iteration methods, solution of systems of linear algebraic equations using Gauss elimination and Gauss, Seidel methods numerical differentiation and integration
            • Numerical solutions of ODEs and PDEs
            • Sample space, discrete probability, independent events, bayes theorem
            • Random variables and distribution functions (univariate and multivariate), expectation and moments
            • Independent random variables, marginal and conditional distributions
            • Characteristic function
            • Standard discrete and continuous, univariate distributions
            • Correlation and simple and multiple linear regressions

            Mathematics: Unit 07

            Sampling theory
            • Testing of hypotheses, large and small sample tests, confidence intervals
            • Chi Square test, goodness of fit
            • Simple nonparametric tests for one and two sample problems, rank correlation and test for independence
            • Anova

            Mathematics: Unit 08

            Linear programming
            • Formation of LPP, simplex methods, duality
            • Elementary queuing and inventory models
            • Steady,state solutions of Markovian queuing models: M/M/1, M/M/1 with limited waiting space, M/M/C, M/M/C with limited waiting space, M/G/1g

            Geology: Unit 01

            The earth and the solar system
            • Milky way and the solar system
            • Modern theories on the origin of the earth and other planetary bodies
            • earth’s orbital parameters, Kepler’s laws of planetary motion, geological time scale; space and time scales of processes in the solid earth, atmosphere and oceans
            • Radioactive isotopes and their applications
            • Meteorites chemical composition and the primary differentiation of the earth
            • Basic principles of stratigraphy
            • Theories about the origin of life and the nature of fossil record
            • Earth’s gravity and magnetic fields and its thermal structure, concept of Geoid and, spheroid; Isostasy

            Geology: Unit 02

            Interior of the earth, deformation and tectonics
            • Basic concepts of seismology and internal structure of the earth
            • Physico, chemical and seismic properties of earth’s interior
            • Concepts of stress and strain
            • Behaviour of rocks under stress; folds, joints and faults
            • earthquakes, their causes and measurement
            • Interplate and intraplate seismicity
            • Paleomagnetism, sea floor spreading and plate tectonics

            Geology: Unit 03

            Earth materials, surface features and processes
            • Gross composition and physical properties of important minerals and rocks; properties and processes responsible for mineral concentrations; nature and distribution of rocks and minerals in different units of the earth and different parts of India
            • Physiography of the earth; weathering, erosion, transportation and deposition of earth’s material; formation of soil, sediments and sedimentary rocks; energy balance of the earth’s surface processes; physiographic features and river basins in India

            Geology: Unit 04

            Oceans and atmosphere
            • Hypsography of the continents and ocean floor, continental shelf, slope, rise and abyssal plains
            • Physical and chemical properties of sea water and their spatial variations
            • Residence times of elements in seawater
            • Ocean currents, waves and tides, important current systems, thermohaline circulation and the oceanic conveyor belt
            • Major water masses of the world’s oceans
            • Biological productivity in the oceans
            • Motion of fluids, waves in atmospheric and oceanic systems
            • Atmospheric turbulence and boundary layer
            • Structure and chemical composition of the atmosphere, lapse rate and stability, scale height, geopotential, greenhouse gases and global warming
            • Cloud formation and precipitation processes, air, sea interactions on different space and time scales
            • Insolation and heat budget, radiation balance, general circulation of the atmosphere and ocean
            • Climatic and sea level changes on different time scales
            • Coupled ocean, atmosphere system, El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO)
            • General weather systems of India, monsoon systems, cyclone and jet stream, western disturbances and severe local convective systems, distribution of precipitation over India
            • Marine and atmospheric pollution, ozone depletion

            Geology: Unit 05

            Environmental earth sciences
            • Properties of water; hydrological cycle; water resources and management
            • Energy resources, uses, degradation, alternatives and management; ecology and biodiversity
            • Impact of use of energy and land on the environment
            • Exploitation and conservation of mineral and other natural resources
            • Natural hazards
            • Elements of remote sensing

            Geology: Unit 06

            Paleontology and its applications
            • Theories on origin of life
            • Organic evolution, punctuated equilibrium and phyletic gradualism models
            • Mass extinctions and their causes
            • Application of fossils in age determination and correlation
            • Paleoecology, life habitats and various ecosystems, paleobiogeography
            • Modes of preservation of fossils and taphonomic considerations
            • Types of microfossils
            • Environmental significance of fossils and trace fossils
            • Use of microfossils in interpretation of seafloor tectonism
            • Application of micropaleontology in hydrocarbon exploration
            • Oxygen and carbon isotope studies of microfossils and their use in paleoceanographic and paleoclimatic interpretation
            • Important invertebrate fossils, vertebrate fossils, plant fossils and microfossils in Indian stratigraphy

            Geology: Unit 07

            Sedimentology and stratigraphy
            • Classification of sediments and sedimentary rocks; elastic, volcaniclastic and chemical
            • Elastic, volcaniclastic and chemically
            • Classification of elastic rocks
            • Flow regimes and processes of sediment transport
            • Sedimentary textures and structures
            • Sedimentary facies and environments, reconstruction of paleoenvironments
            • Formation and evolution of sedimentary basins
            • Lithostratigraphic, chronostratigraphic and biostratigraphic subdivisions
            • Methods of stratigraphic correlation including Shaw’s graphic correlation
            • Concept of sequence stratigraphy
            • Rates of sediment accumulation, unconformities
            • Facies concept in stratigraphy, Walther’s law
            • Methods for paleogeographic reconstruction
            • Earth’s climatic history
            • Phanerozoic stratigraphy of India with reference to the type areas, their correlation with equivalent formations in other regions
            • Boundary problems in indian phanerozoic stratigraphy

            Geology: Unit 08

            Remote sensing and GIS
            • Elements of photogrammetry, elements of photo,interpretation, electromagnetic spectrum, emission range, film and imagery, sensors, geological interpretations of air photos and imageries
            • Global positioning systems
            • GIS, data structure, attribute data, thematic layers and query analysis

            Geology: Unit 09

            Engineering geology
            • Engineering properties of rocks and physical characteristics of building stones, concretes and other aggregates
            • Geological investigations for construction of dams, bridges, highways and tunnels
            • Remedial measures
            • Mass movements with special emphasis on landslides and causes of hillslope instability
            • Seismic design of buildings

            Geology: Unit 10

            • Groundwater, Darcy’s law, hydrological characteristics of aquifers, hydrological cycle
            • Precipitation, evapotranspiration and infiltration processes
            • Hydrological classification of water, bearing formations
            • Fresh and saltwater relationships in coastal and inland areas
            • Groundwater exploration and water pollution
            • Groundwater regimes in india

            Geology: Unit 11

            • Concepts in geomorphology
            • Historical and process, geomorphology
            • Landforms in relation to climate, rock type, structure and tectonics
            • Processes,weathering, pedogenesis, mass movement, erosion, transportation and deposition
            • Geomorphic processes and landforms, Fluvial, Glacial, Eolian, Coastal and Karst
            • River forms and processes, stream flow, stage-discharge relationship; hydrographs and flood frequency analysis
            • Submarine relief
            • Geomorphology and topographic analysis including DEM, environmental change, causes, effects on processes and landforms
            • Extra,terrestrial geomorphology

            Geology: Unit 12

            Geography of India
            • Physiography, drainage, climate, soils and natural resources, the Himalaya, Ganga Brahmaputra Plains, and peninsular India Precambrian shield, the Gondwana rift basins, Deccan Plateau
            • Indian climatology with special reference to seasonal distribution and variation of temperature, humidity, wind and precipitation; climate zones of India
            • Agricultural geography of india
            • Population,its distribution and characteristics
            • Urbanization and migration
            • Environmental problems and issues

            Geography: Unit 01

            • Continental drift, plate tectonics; physical and chemical weathering; geomorphic cycle (davis and penck); earth movements (seismicity, folding, faulting and vulcanicity)
            • Landform occurrence and causes of geomorphic hazards (earthquakes, volcanoes, landslides and avalanches)

            Geography: Unit 02

            • Composition and structure of atmosphere; insolation, energy budget; temperature; pressure and winds; atmospheric circulation (air,masses, fronts and upper air circulation, cyclones and anticyclones (tropical and temperate)
            • Climatic classification of Koppen & Thornthwaite; ENSO events (El Nino, La Nina and Southern Oscillations); meteorological hazards and disasters (cyclones, thunderstorms, tornadoes, heat and cold waves drought, Glacial Lake Outburst (GLOF)
            • Climate change: evidences and causes of climatic change in the past, human impact on global climate

            Geography: Unit 03

            • Relief of oceans; composition: Temperature, density and salinity, circulation; warm and cold currents; waves, tides, sea level changes; hazards,tsunami, cyclones

            Geography: Unit 04

            Environmental geography
            • Concept of ecosystem, ecosystem structure, (components, trophic structure, ecological; pyramid, food chain, food web, ecological pyramid, and keystone species); ecosystem function (energy flow in ecosystem
            • Biogeochemical cycles such as carbon nitrogen and oxygen cycle, gross and net productivity); environmental ethics and deep ecology; environmental hazards and disasters (global warming, urban heat island, atmospheric pollution,goals, paris agreement)
            • Water pollution, land degradation); national programmes and policies: Legal framework, environmental policy, international treaties, international programmes and policies (brundtland commission, kyoto protocol, agenda 21, sustainable development

            Geography: Unit 05

            Settlement geography
            • Rural settlements (types, patterns and distribution); contemporary problems of rural settlements (rural,urban migration; land use changes; land acquisition and transactions); theories of origin of towns (Gordon Childe, Henri Pirenne, Lewis Mumford)
            • Characteristics and processes of urbanization in developed and developing countries (factors of urban growth, trends of urbanisation, size, structure and functions of urban areas); urban systems (the law of the primate city and rank size rule)
            • Central place theories (Christaller and Losch); models of urban land use (Burgess, Harris and Ullman and Hoyt); concepts of megacities, global cities and edge cities
            • Changing urban forms (peri,urban areas, rural,urban fringe, suburban, ring and satellite towns); social segregation in the city; manifestation of poverty in the city (slums, informal sector growth, crime and social exclusion)

            Geography: Unit 06

            Population geography
            • Demographic transition; theories of population growth (Malthus, Sadler, and Ricardo); fertility and mortality analysis(indices, determinants and world patterns); migration (types, causes and consequences
            • Ravenstein’s laws of migration, models); population composition and characteristics (age, sex, rural,urban, occupational structure and educational levels); population policies in developed and developing countries

            Geography: Unit 07

            Geography of India
            • India’s location and its frontiers; India's political divisions; physiographic divisions, Northern Mountains, Northern Plains, Peninsular plateau, Coastal Plains, and Islands; drainage system (Himalayan and Peninsular)
            • climate: Seasonal weather characteristics, climatic divisions, Indian monsoon (mechanism and characteristics), jet streams and Himalayan cryosphere; types and distribution of natural resources: soil, vegetation, water, mineral and marine resources
            • Population characteristics (spatial patterns of distribution), growth and composition (rural,urban, age, sex, occupational, educational, ethnic and religious), determinants of population, population policies in India
            • Agriculture (production, productivity and yield of major food crops), major crop regions, regional variations in agricultural development, environmental, technological and institutional factors affecting Indian agriculture
            • Agro,climatic zones, green revolution, security and right to food; industrial development since independence, industrial regions and their characteristics, industrial policies in India; development and patterns of transport networks (railways, roadways
            • Waterways, airways and pipelines); internal and external trade (trend, composition and directions); regional development planning in India, globalisation and its impact on Indian economy
            • Natural disasters in India (earthquakes, drought, flood, cyclones, tsunami, Himalayan highland hazards and disasters)

            Geography: Unit 08

            Geographic thought
            • Contributions of Greek, Roman, Arab, Chinese and Indian scholars; contributions of geographers (Bernhardus Varenius, Immanuel Kant, Alexander von Humboldt, Carl Ritter, Schaefer & Hartshorne)
            • Impact of Darwinian theory on geographical thought; contemporary trends in Indian geography, cartography, thematic and methodological contributions; major geographic traditions (earth science, man, environment relationship, studies and spatial analysis)
            • Dualisms in geographic studies (physical vs human, regional vs systematic, qualitative vs quantitative, idiographic vs nomothetic); paradigm shift; perspectives in geography (positivism, behaviouralism, humanism, structuralism
            • Feminism and postmodernism

            Geography: Unit 09

            Cultural and social geography
            • Concept of culture, cultural complexes, areas and region, cultural heritage, cultural ecology
            • Cultural convergence; social structure and processes; social well, being and quality of life; social exclusion, spatial distribution of social groups in India (tribe, caste, religion and language); environment and human health, diseases ecology,
            • Nutritional status (etiological conditions, classification and spatial and seasonal distributional patterns with special reference to India); health care planning and policies in India, medical tourism in India

            Geography: Unit 10

            Geographical Techniques
            • Sources of geographic information and data (spatial and non, spatial); types of maps, techniques of map-making (choropleth, logarithmic, dasymetric, chorochromatic, flow maps); data representation on maps (pie diagrams, bar diagrams and line graph
            • GIS database (raster and vector data formats and attribute data formats); functions of GIS (conversion, editing and analysis); digital elevation model (dem), georeferencing (coordinate system and map projections and datum)
            • GIS applications (thematic cartography, spatial decision support system); basics of remote sensing (electromagnetic spectrum, sensors and platforms, resolution and types, elements of air photo and satellite image interpretation and photogrammetry)
            • Types of aerial photographs, digital image processing: Developments in remote sensing technology and big data sharing and its applications in natural resources management in India; GPS components (ground control and receiver segments) and applications

            Biosciences and biotechnology: Unit 01

            Biophysics and biochemistry
            • Structural elucidation of biological macromolecules (carbohydrates and lipids)
            • Forces that determine protein and nucleic acid structure, prediction of proteins structure, nucleic acids, properties of lipid bilayers, biochemical kinetics studies
            • Unimolecular reactions, methods of determining macromolecular structures inclusive of the spectroscopic techniques like UV,VIS absorption, IR absorption, circular dichroism fluorescence NMR and X-ray and neutron diffraction techniques
            • Structure and properties amino acids, peptides, proteins and conjugated proteins, protein hydration, coagulation, de, maturation, gelation, protein, protein interactions, cytosolic and membrane properties, purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides, nucleotides
            • Polynucleotides, ribonucleic acids and deoxyribonucleic acids, TCA cycle, glycolysis, pentose phosphate pathway, urea cycle, metabolic regulation, respiratory chain, upcycle, energy,rich compounds, integrated metabolism,
            • Carbohydrates, linear and branched carbohydrates, n containing carbohydrates, cell wall carbohydrates, metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and oils, structure, properties of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids
            • Glycerolipids, phospholipids, sphingolipids, glycolipids, steroids, vitamins and minerals types, structure and functional properties of vitamins, utility of essential minerals sources and trace elements
            • Structure and properties, amino acids, peptides, proteins and conjugated proteins, protein hydration, coagulation, de, naturation, gelation, protein,protein interactions, cytosolic and membrane properties, purines, pyrimidines
            • Nucleo, sides, nucleotides, polynucleotides, Ribonucleic acids and deoxyribonucleic acids, TCA cycle, glycolysis, pentose phos, phate pathway, urea cycle, metabolic regulation, respiratory chain, TPcycle, energy rich compounds, integrated metabolism,
            • Carbohydrates, linear and branched carbohydrates, containing carbohydrates, cell wall carbohydrates, metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and oils, structure, properties of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, glycerolipids, phospholipids
            • Sphingolipids, glycolipids, steroids, vitamins and minerals types, structure and functional properties of vitamins, utility of essential minerals sources and trace elements

            Biosciences and biotechnology: Unit 02

            • Industrial biotechnology,isolation; preservation and strain improvement for the overproduction of primary and secondary metabolites
            • Medium formulation, optimization and sterilization; biological waste treatment processes
            • Bioprocess, types of reactors; volumetric oxygen mass transfer coefficient and its estimation; models for ideal and non,ideal flow
            • Downstream processing,unit operations in downstream processing, cell, disruptions method, solid liquid separation methods, precipitation methods, extraction methods, membrane,based separation methods
            • Different types of purification and chromatographic techniques

            Biosciences and biotechnology: Unit 03

            Culture of animal cells
            • Primary culture: Isolation of mouse and chick embryos, human biopsies, methods for primary culture, nomenclature of cell lines, sub culture and propagation and routine maintenance
            • Cell characterization: Cytotoxicity assays, cell quantitation, cell culture contamination,monitoring and eradication, cryopreservation, confocal microscopy
            • Stem cell culture and its applications

            Biosciences and biotechnology: Unit 04

            Molecular biology and cell structure & function of the organelles
            • Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic cells, cell division, mitosis & meiosis cell cycle and molecules that control cell cycle, endocytosis and Exocytosis
            • Ultrastructure of cellular organelles, viz Mitochondria, ER, Golgi, chloroplast, plasma membrane, centriole, nuclear and membrane bound receptors, signal transduction, techniques of propagation of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells
            • Autocrine, paracrine and endocrine models of action, cell line, generation of cell lines
            • Structure of DNA and histone molecules, replication of eukaryotic chromosomes, nucleoid the complex replication apparatus, process of transcription and, structure of tRNA, mRNA, rRNA, deciphering of the genetic code, translation, mutation
            • Reverse transcription, methods for analysis of gene expression at RNA and protein level, microarray, DNA chips
            • PCR, RFLP, Southern and Northern blotting, AFLP techniques, Real, time PCR
            • In situ localization, FISH and GISH

            Biosciences and biotechnology: Unit 05

            Genetics and recombinant DNA
            • Mendelian genetics
            • Types of genetic disorders, chromosomal disorders, single gene disorders, multifactorial disorders, mitochondrial disorders, pedigree analysis, Human chromosomal syndromes, variation in chromosome number, variation in chromosome structure
            • Molecular basis of inborn error of metabolism, molecular basis of cancer
            • Prenatal diagnosis and genetic counseling
            • Eugenics
            • Population genetics
            • General principles of cloning, genetic elements that control gene expression, method of creating recombinant DNA molecules creating transgenic animals, plants microbes, safety guidelines of creating recombinant DNA research
            • Restriction enzymes and mapping of DNA, plasmid and phage and other vectors
            • Construction of genomic and cDNA libraries, methods of nucleic acid extraction
            • Transformation, patents and methods of application of patents

            Biosciences and biotechnology: Unit 06

            Environmental sciences
            • Ecosystems, energy flow, ecological succession, pollution
            • Bioremediation, conventional and non, conventional sources of energy
            • Biogeochemical cycles
            • Biodiversity and wildlife conservation
            • Social issues and the environment

            Biosciences and biotechnology: Unit 07

            • Innate immunity, adaptive immunity, cell, mediated immunity, phagocyte, cells B and T cells, structure and function of antibody molecules, antigen processing and presentation, monoclonal antibody, autoimmunity and hypersensitivity

            Biosciences and biotechnology: Unit 08

            • Basic concepts of microbiology and classification, bacteriology, virology, mycology, parasitological, recombination

            Biosciences and biotechnology: Unit 09

            • Biological databases, file formats, sequence alignment, database searches, phylogenetic tree construction and validation, homology modeling, drug discovery, dna mapping and sequencing, sequence assembly and gene prediction
            • Molecular predictions with DNA strings, visualization tools

            Life sciences: Unit 01

            • Biophysics fundamentals and principles, prediction of proteins and nucleic acid structures, biochemical kinetics, methods in biophysics (spectroscopy, UV, vis, IR, circular dichroism, fluorescence and NMR, and diffraction, X,ray and neutron diffraction)

            Life sciences: Unit 02

            • Structural properties, metabolism and biological importance of nucleic acids, proteins, lipids, carbohydrates and vitamins, metabolic pathways and regulation (TCA cycle, glycolysis, pentose phosphate pathway, urea cycle, respiratory chain, ATP cycle)

            Life sciences: Unit 03

            • Fundamentals of Industrial biotechnology, bioprocess technology, upstream & downstream processing (unit operations, separation and purification techniques), instrumentation and process control, IPR in biotechnology

            Life sciences: Unit 04

            • Biological databases, file formats, sequence alignment, phylogenetic tree construction and validation, homology modeling, drug discovery, different visualization tools

            Life sciences: Unit 05

            Cell structure and function of the organelles
            • Eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells, cell membrane structure and functions, cell division, cell cycles (mitosis & meiosis), endocytosis and exocytosis, ultrastructure of cellular organelles, receptors and signal transduction pathways

            Life sciences: Unit 06

            Molecular biology
            • Structure of DNA and histones, replication of prokaryotic and eukaryotic chromosomes, DNA damage and repair, mutation, transcription, translation and post, translational modifications, processes, mechanism and biological significance

            Life sciences: Unit 07

            Recombinant DNA technology
            • Genetic elements that control gene expression, methods of creating recombinant DNA molecules (transgenic plants, animals, and genetically engineered microbes), safety guidelines for recombinant DNA technology, principles
            • Applications and techniques in gene isolation, cloning, and expression

            Life sciences: Unit 08

            • Classical genetics, Mendelian genetics, crossing over, linkage, chromosome maps, chromosomal theory of heredity, cytoplasmic inheritance, sex determination, sex,linked inheritance, epigenetics and RNA silencing, microbial genetics, and population genetics

            Life sciences: Unit 09

            • Basic concepts of microbiology, classification, morphology, physiology of microorganisms and microbial ecology, microbes of various plant and animal diseases, food microbiology
            • Immunology: Basic concepts of immunology, clonal selection theory, hypersensitivity, hybridoma technology, vaccine development, epitope mapping and immunomics, immunological tolerance and transplantation immunology

            Life sciences: Unit 10

            Plant and environmental sciences
            • Taxonomy and systematic botany, plant structure and development, morphology and anatomy, embryogenesis of monocots and dicots
            • Phytohormones, photosynthesis and respiration, nutrition, transpiration, plant tissue culture, fundamentals and principles
            • Molecular markers and gene editing tools (TALEN, ZFN, CRISPR/Cas9)
            • Bio, geochemical cycles, ecosystems, energy flow, ecological succession, global environmental issues, bioremediation, environmental auditing, environmental impact assessment alternative energy, environmental carbon footprint, climate events
            • Legislations on environment, forest and wildlife, biodiversity and conservation biology

            Life sciences: Unit 11

            Zoology and physiology
            • Blood and circulatory system, cardiovascular system, respiratory and nervous system, animal physiology

            Civil engineering: Unit 01

            Strength of materials
            • Analysis of determinate trusses, arches, beams, cables and frames, displacements in statically determinate structures and analysis of statically indeterminate structures by force/ energy methods
            • Analysis by displacement methods (slope deflection method), influence lines for determinate and indeterminate structures
            • Bending moment and shear force in statically determinate beams
            • Simple stress and strain relationship, stress and strain in two dimensions, principal stresses, stress transformation, Mohr’s circle
            • Simple bending theory, flexural and shear stresses, unsymmetrical bending, shear centre
            • Simple st ess and strain relationship stress and strain in two dimensions, principal stresses, stress transformation, Mohr’s circle simple bending theory, flexural and shear stresses, unsymmetrical bending, shear centre
            • Thin walled pressure vessels, uniform torsion, buckling of column, combined and direct bending stresses
            • Structural analysis: Analysis of statically determinate trusses, arches, beams, cables and frames, displacements in statically determinate structures and analysis of statically indeterminate structures by force / energy methods
            • Basic concepts of matrix methods of structural analysis

            Civil engineering: Unit 02

            Reinforced concrete structures
            • Concrete technology, properties of concrete, basics of mix design
            • Concrete design, basic working stress and limit state design concepts, analysis of ultimate load capacity and design of members subjected to flexure, shear, compression and torsion by limit state methods
            • Basic elements of pre, stressed concrete, analysis of beam sections at transfer and service loads
            • Basic elements of prestressed concrete, analysis of beam sections at transfer and service loads
            • Steel structures analysis and design of tension and compression members, beams and beam-columns, column bases
            • Connections simple and eccentric, beam, column connections, plate girders and trusses
            • Plastic analysis of beams and frames

            Civil engineering: Unit 03

            Steel structures
            • Analysis and design of tension and compression members, beams and beam columns, column bases
            • Connections simple and eccentric, beam, column connections, plate girders and trusses
            • Plastic analysis of beams and frames

            Civil engineering: Unit 04

            Geotechnical engineering
            • Soil classification, three, phase system, fundamental definitions, relationship and interrelationships, permeability and seepage, effective stress principle, consolidation, compaction, shear strength
            • Subsurface investigations scope, drilling bore holes, sampling, penetration tests, plate load test
            • earth pressure theories, effect of water table, layered soils, foundation types foundation design requirements
            • Shallow foundations bearing capacity, effect of shape, water table and other factors, stress distribution, settlement analysis in sands and clays
            • Deep foundations, pile types, dynamic and static formulae, load capacity of piles in sands and clays, negative skin friction

            Civil engineering: Unit 05

            Water resources engineering
            • Properties of fluids, principle of conservation of mass, momentum, energy and corresponding equations, potential flow, applications of momentum and Bernoulli’s equation, laminar and turbulent flow, flow in pipes, pipe networks
            • Concept of boundary layer and its growth
            • Uniform flow, critical flow and gradually varied flow in channels, specific energy concept, hydraulic jump
            • Forces on immersed bodies, flow measurements in channels, tanks and pipes
            • Dimensional analysis and hydraulic modeling
            • Kinematics of flow, velocity triangles and specific speed of pumps and turbines
            • Hydrologic cycle, rainfall, evaporation, infiltration, stage discharge relationships, unit hydrographs, flood estimation, reservoir capacity, reservoir and channel routing
            • Well hydraulics
            • Duty, delta, estimation of evapotranspiration
            • Crop water requirements
            • Types of irrigation system, irrigation methods

            Civil engineering: Unit 06

            Environmental engineering
            • Quality standards, basic unit processes and operations for water treatment
            • Primary, secondary and tertiary treatment of wastewater, sludge disposal, effluent discharge standards
            • Air pollutants, types, their sources and impacts
            • Air pollution meteorology, air pollution control, air quality standards and limits
            • Municipal solid wastes, characteristics, generation, collection and transportation of solid wastes, engineered systems for solid waste management
            • Noise pollution, impacts of noise, permissible limits of noise pollution, measurement of noise and control of noise pollution

            Civil engineering: Unit 07

            Transportation engineering
            • Highway planning, geometric design of highways, testing and specifications of paving materials, design of flexible and rigid pavements
            • Traffic engineering, traffic characteristics, theory of traffic flow, intersection design, traffic signs and signal design, highway capacity

            Civil engineering: Unit 08

            Soil mechanics
            • Origin of soils, soil classification, three, phase system, fundamental definitions, relationship and interrelationships, permeability and seepage, effective stress principle, consolidation, compaction, shear strength

            Civil engineering: Unit 09

            Foundation engineering
            • Sub, surface investigations, scope, drilling bore holes, sampling, penetration tests, plate load test
            • Earth pressure theories, effect of water table, layered soils
            • Stability of slopes, infinite slopes, finite slopes
            • Foundation types foundation design requirements
            • Shallow foundations bearing capacity, effect of shape, water table and other factors, stress distribution, settlement analysis in sands and clays
            • Deep foundations, pile types, dynamic and static formulae, load capacity of piles in sands and clays, negative skin friction

            Civil engineering: Unit 10

            Fluid mechanics and hydraulics
            • Properties of fluids, principle of conservation of mass, momentum, energy and corresponding equations, potential flow, applications of momentum and Bernoulli’s equation, laminar and turbulent flow, flow in pipes, pipe networks
            • Concept of boundary layer and its growth
            • Uniform flow, critical flow and gradually varied flow in channels, specific energy concept, hydraulic jump
            • Forces on immersed bodies, flow measurements in channels, tanks and pipes
            • Dimensional analysis and hydraulic modeling
            • Kinematics of flow, velocity triangles and specific speed of pumps and turbines

            Civil engineering: Unit 11

            • Hydrologic cycle, rainfall, evaporation, infiltration, stage discharge relationships, unit hydrographs, flood estimation, reservoir capacity, reservoir and channel routing well hydraulics

            Civil engineering: Unit 12

            • Duty, delta, estimation of evapotranspiration
            • Crop water requirements
            • Design of lined and unlined canals, waterways, head works, gravity dams and spillways
            • Design of weirs on permeable foundation
            • Types of irrigation system, irrigation methods
            • Water logging and drainage, sodic soils

            Civil engineering: Unit 13

            Water requirements
            • Quality standards, basic unit processes and operations for water treatment
            • Drinking water standards, water requirements, basic unit operations and unit processes for surface water treatment, distribution of water
            • Sewage and sewerage treatment, quantity and characteristics of wastewater
            • Primary, secondary and tertiary treatment of wastewater, sludge disposal, effluent discharge standards
            • Domestic wastewater treatment, quantity of characteristics of domestic wastewater, primary and secondary treatment unit operations and unit processes of domestic wastewater, sludge disposal

            Civil engineering: Unit 14

            Air pollution
            • Types of pollutants, their sources and impacts, air pollution meteorology, air pollution control, air quality standards and limits

            Civil engineering: Unit 15

            Municipal solid wastes
            • Characteristics, generation, collection and transportation of solid wastes, engineered systems for solid waste management (reuse/ recycle, energy recovery, treatment and disposal)
            • Noise pollution: Impacts of noise, permissible limits of noise pollution, measurement of noise and control of noise pollution

            Civil engineering: Unit 16

            Highway planning
            • Geometric design of highways, testing and specifications of paving materials, design of flexible and rigid pavements
            • Traffic engineering: Traffic characteristics, theory of traffic flow, intersection design, traffic signs and signal design, highway capacity

            Chemical engineering: Unit 01

            Process calculations and thermodynamics
            • Laws of conservation of mass and energy; use of tie components; recycle, bypass and purge calculations; degree of freedom analysis
            • First and second laws of thermodynamics
            • First law application to close and open systems
            • Second law and entropy
            • Thermodynamic properties of pure substances: Equation of state and departure function, properties of mixtures, partial molar properties, fugacity, excess properties and activity coefficients
            • Phase equilibria: Predicting VLE of systems; chemical reaction equilibria

            Chemical engineering: Unit 02

            Fluid mechanics and mechanical operations
            • Fluid statics, Newtonian and non, Newtonian fluids, Bernoulli equation, macroscopic friction factors, energy balance, dimensional analysis, shell balances, flow through pipeline systems, flow meters, pumps and compressors, packed and fluidized beds
            • Elementary boundary layer theory, size reduction and size separation; free and hindered settling; centrifuge and cyclones; thickening and classification, filtration, mixing and agitation; conveying of solids

            Chemical engineering: Unit 03

            Heat transfer
            • Conduction, convection and radiation, heat transfer coefficients, steady and unsteady heat conduction, boiling, condensation and evaporation; types of heat exchangers and evaporators and their design

            Chemical engineering: Unit 04

            Mass transfer
            • Fick’s laws, molecular diffusion in fluids, mass transfer coefficients, theories of mass transfer; stage wise and continuous contacting and stage efficiencies; HTU & NTU concepts design and operation of equipment for distillation, absorption, leaching,
            • Liquid, liquid extraction, drying, humidification, dehumidification and adsorption
            • Diffusion in liquids, development of rate equation for mass transfer, contracting devices for improving mass transfer characteristics, humidification, drying and crystallization, distillation, continuous rectification operation, absorption
            • Liquid, liquid extraction and leaching, fundamental principles and design of the pressure, reaction vessels and related equipments in the above process

            Chemical engineering: Unit 05

            Chemical reaction engineering
            • Theories of reaction rates; kinetics of homogeneous reactions, interpretation of kinetic data, single and multiple reactions in ideal reactors, non ideal reactors; residence time distribution, single parameter model; nonisothermal reactors
            • Kinetics of heterogeneous, catalytic reactions; diffusion effects in catalysis

            Chemical engineering: Unit 06

            Instrumentation and process control
            • Measurement of process variables; sensors, transducers and their dynamics, transfer functions and dynamic responses of simple systems, process reaction curve, controller modes (P, PI, and PID); control valves
            • Analysis of closed loop systems including stability, frequency response and controller tuning, cascade, feed,forward control

            Chemical engineering: Unit 07

            Plant design and economics
            • Process design and sizing of chemical engineering equipment such as compressors, heat exchangers, multistage contactors; principles of process economics and cost estimation including total annualized cost, cost indexes, rate of return
            • Payback period, discounted cash flow, optimization in design

            Chemical engineering: Unit 08

            Chemical technology
            • Inorganic chemical industries; sulfuric acid, NaOH, fertilizers (Ammonia, Urea, SSP and TSP); natural products industries (pulp and paper, sugar, oil, and fats); petroleum refining and petrochemicals; polymerization industries; polyethylene, polypropylene
            • PVC and polyester synthetic fibers
            • Basic principles of unit operation and unit process, schematic representations of unit operations, manufacture of sulfur, hydrochloric acid, cement, glass, products used in photography, ceramics and refractory, industrial gases
            • Paints, pigments, fertilizers, fermentation process for the production of ethanol, manufacture of citric acid, antibiotics, penicillin, soaps, detergents, petroleum refining process, process for the production of petrochemical precursors
            • Production of resins, nature and synthetic rubber

            Chemical engineering: Unit 09

            Process calculation and thermodynamics
            • Laws of thermodynamics, reversible and irreversible process, concept of ideal gas and real gas, equations of states, Maxwell relations, adiabatic and isothermal compression, phase equilibrium, Gibbs phase rule, system of variable composition
            • Van't Hoff's equation, applications of Gibbs, Duhem equation
            • Law of conservation of mass and energy, material balance energy balance and their applications, unit operation and unit process, psychrometry, combustion calculations

            Chemical engineering: Unit 10

            Momentum transfer
            • Classification of fluids, fluid statics, basic equations of fluid flow, Bernoulli’s equation, laminar flow, friction in flow through beds of solids, packed beds, fluid moving machinery, classification of pumps and its characteristics

            Chemical engineering: Unit 11

            Particle technology
            • Introduction to particulate solids, particle separation, size reduction, motion of a particle through fluid, classification of particulate solids, centrifugal classifier, sedimentation techniques, flotation, filtration equipments
            • Agitation and mixing of liquids

            Chemical engineering: Unit 12

            Heat transfer and chemical reaction engineering
            • Fourier’s law of heat conduction, concept of thermal conductivity, heat transfer through fins, convective heat transfer, transfer of heat in flowing fluids, laminar and turbulent flow, heat transfer with and without phase change
            • Types of evaporators, multiple effect evaporators
            • Differential and integral method of analysis of rate data, ideal reactor design, residence time distribution, C, E and F curves

            Chemical engineering: Unit 13

            Biochemical engineering
            • Overview of industrial biochemical processes, industrially important microbial strains, enzymes used in industry, medicine and food, industrial production, purification and immobilization of enzymes
            • Reactors types, characteristics and design, growth characteristics of microbial cells, free cell and immobilized cell reactors, downstream processing and effluent treatment

            Computer science and engineering / information technology: Unit 01

            Computer science and engineering / information technology
            • Mathematical logic: Syntax of first,order logic, semantics of first, order logic, a sequent calculus, the completeness theorem, the limitations of first,order logic
            • Differential and integral calculus: Limit, continuity, differentiability, Leibniz theorem, mean value theorems, Taylor's theorem, integrals, improper integrals, total differentiation, partial derivatives, maxima and minima, vector calculus
            • Linear differential equations

            Computer science and engineering / information technology: Unit 02

            Probability and Statistics
            • Probability, conditional probability, Bayes theorem, means, median, mode, moments, standard deviation
            • Random variables, uniform, binomial, poisson, normal distributions, correlation and regression, sampling and tests of significance

            Computer science and engineering / information technology: Unit 03

            Numerical methods
            • Solutions to algebraic and transcendental equations (bisection and newton Raphson’s methods), simultaneous linear algebraic equations (Gauss elimination, Crout’s, Gauss Seidel and relaxation), interpolation methods (forward, backward and central)
            • Numerical integration (Trapezoidal, Simpson’s and Weddle’s) eigenvalues and eigenvectors, numerical solutions to ordinary (Euler, modified Euler, runge kutta 4th order) and partial differential (parabolic, elliptic and hyperbolic) equations

            Computer science and engineering / information technology: Unit 04

            Linear algebra and transforms
            • Linear vector space, determinants, matrices, eigenvalues, eigen vectors, elements of complex analysis, Laplace transforms, Fourier analysis

            Computer science and engineering / information technology: Unit 05

            Algebra and complex analysis
            • Algebra of matrices, rank and determinant of matrices, linear equations
            • Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors, Cayley, Hamilton theorem
            • Matrix representation of linear transformations
            • Canonical forms, diagonal forms, triangular forms, quadratic forms, reduction and classification of quadratic forms analytic functions, Cauchy, Riemann equations
            • Contour integral, Cauchy’s theorem, Cauchy’s integral formula, Taylor series, Laurent series, calculus of residues
            • Conformal mappings, Mobius transformation, Fourier serie, harmonics

            Computer science and engineering / information technology: Unit 06

            Calculus and its applications
            • Linear ordinary differential equations (ODEs), variation of parameters, Sturm Liouville problem
            • Partial differential equations (PDEs), classification of second order PDEs, general solution of higher order PDEs with constant coefficients, method of separation of variables for laplace, Heat and Wave equations
            • Transformation techniques, Laplace transformation, Fourier transforms, z, transformation to solve differential and difference equations

            Computer science and engineering / information technology: Unit 07

            Numerical method
            • Numerical solutions of algebraic and transcendental equations, iteration methods and Newton, Raphson method, solution of systems of linear algebraic equations using, Gauss elimination and Gauss Seidel methods, numerical differentiation and integration
            • Numerical solutions of ODEs and PDEs
            • Descriptive statistics, exploratory data analysis: Sample space, discrete probability, independent events, Bayes theorem
            • Random variables and distribution functions (univariate and multivariate), expectation and moments
            • Independent random variables, marginal and conditional distributions
            • Characteristic functions
            • Standard discrete and continuous univariate distributions
            • Correlation and simple and multiple linear regression
            • Test of hypotheses, large and small sample tests confidence intervals
            • Chi, square test goodness of fit simple non parametric tests for one and two sample problems, rank correlation and test for independence
            • Anova

            Computer science and engineering / information technology: Unit 08

            Discrete mathematics
            • Sets, relations and functions, algebra of matrices and determinants, algebraic structures, Boolean algebra and applications, order relations and structures, graph theory, logic and combinatorics

            Computer science and engineering / information technology: Unit 09

            Theory of computation
            • Regular languages and finite automata, context free languages and pushdown automata, recursively enumerable sets and turing machines, undecidability

            Computer science and engineering / information technology: Unit 10

            Programming language processors
            • Compiler, Interpreter, assembler, Linker, loader, macro processors, phases of compilers, Lexical analysis, parsing, top, down parsing and bottom up parsing, syntax directed translation, runtime environment, symbol table, type checking
            • Intermediate code generation, code optimization, code generation

            Computer science and engineering / information technology: Unit 11

            Analysis of algorithms and computational complexity
            • Asymptotic analysis (best, worst, average case) of time and space, upper and lower bounds on the complexity of specific problems, NP, completeness, code and query tuning techniques, numerical analysis, power analysis & resiliency, intractable problems

            Computer science and engineering / information technology: Unit 12

            Algorithms for problem solving
            • Tree and graph traversal, connected components, spanning trees, shortest paths, hashing, sorting,searching, design paradigms (Greedy, dynamic programming, divide and conquer)

            Computer science and engineering / information technology: Unit 13

            Data structures
            • Notion of abstract data types, stack, queue, list, set, string, tree, binary search trees, heap, graph

            Computer science and engineering / information technology: Unit 14

            • Network analysis, semiconductor devices, bipolar transistors, FET’s, power supplies, amplifier, oscillators, operational amplifiers, elements of digital electronics, logic circuits

            Computer science and engineering / information technology: Unit 15

            Digital logic
            • Number systems and codes, gates, TTL circuits, Boolean algebra and Karnaugh maps, arithmetic logic units, flip flops, registers and counters, memories, combinational and sequential logic circuits

            Computer science and engineering / information technology: Unit 16

            Computer architecture and organization
            • Machine instructions and addressing modes, ALU and data path, register transfer language, hardware and micro programmed control, memory interface, RAM, ROM I/O interface ( Interrupt and DMA modes), serial communication interface,
            • Instruction pipe, lining, cache, main and secondary memory storage, organization and structure of disk drives, RAID architectures, microprocessors-8085, 8086, interfacing and memory addressing

            Computer science and engineering / information technology: Unit 17

            Operating systems
            • Memory management, page faults, overlay, processor management, device management, deadlocks, process, thread and inter process communication, CPU scheduling, file systems, I/O systems, protection and security

            Computer science and engineering / information technology: Unit 18

            System & program development methodology
            • Software paradigms, principles of programming in any language, documentation, system analysis and design methodologies, User Interface Design (UID), software construction, software testing, software quality,
            • Object Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD), concepts

            Computer science and engineering / information technology: Unit 19

            Programming methodology
            • Introduction to programming, pointers, arrays, control structures, Iteration control structures, functions, recursion, testing, debugging, code review,structures, files (C, C++, JAVA)

            Computer science and engineering / information technology: Unit 20

            Computer networks & data communications
            • Analog versus, digital communication, modems, multiplexers, and concentrators, serial versus parallel communication, simplex, duplex, and half duplex communication, synchronous and asynchronous communication
            • Error detection/correction methods, data link control protocols, balanced and unbalanced interfaces, communication media, ISO/OSI stack, sliding window protocol, LAN technologies (ethernet, token ring), TCP/UDP, IP, switches, gateways, and routers

            Computer science and engineering / information technology: Unit 21

            Computing technologies
            • Client server computing, logical layers in client server architecture, two, tier versus three, tier, distributed computing, middle, ware, mobile computing, cloud computing

            Computer science and engineering / information technology: Unit 22

            Databases management systems
            • Data, database and DBMS, Data dictionary/directory, schema, description of database structure, forms of DBMS systems, Hierarchical, network and RDBMS, DDL, DML, stored data structure language and query language
            • Recent Trends In database management systems, memory management techniques used in computers, query languages (SQL), file structures (sequential files, indexing, B* trees) transactions and concurrency control
            • Basic concepts of transaction processing, ACID properties of transactions, serializability of transactions, concurrency control, recovery, OLAP

            Electrical and electronics engineering: Unit 01

            Linear algebra
            • Matrix algebra, systems of linear equations, eigenvalues and eigenvectors
            • Calculus: Mean value theorems, theorems of integral calculus, evaluation of definite and improper integrals, partial derivatives, maxima and minima, multiple integrals, Fourier series
            • Vector identities, directional derivatives, line, surface and volume integrals, Stokes, Gauss and Green’s theorems
            • Differential equations: First order equation (linear and nonlinear), higher order linear differential equations with constant coefficients, method of variation of parameters, Cauchy’s and Euler’s equations, Initial and boundary value problems
            • Partial Differential Equations and variable separable method
            • Complex variables: Analytic functions, Cauchy’s integral theorem and integral formula, Taylor’s and Laurent’ series, Residue theorem, solution integrals
            • Probability and statistics: Sampling theorems, conditional probability, mean, median, mode and standard deviation, random variables, discrete and continuous distributions, Poisson, normal and binomial distribution, correlation and regression analysis

            Electrical and electronics engineering: Unit 02

            Numerical methods
            • Solutions of non, linear algebraic equations, single and multi, step methods for differential equations
            • Transform theory: Fourier transform, Laplace transform, Z, transform, electric circuits, network graph, KCL, KVL, node and mesh analysis, transient response of dc and ac networks; sinusoidal steady,state analysis
            • Resonance, basic filter concepts; ideal current and voltage sources, Thevenin’s, Norton’s and Superposition and maximum, power transfer theorems, two, port networks, three phase circuits
            • Matrix inversion,solutions of nonlinear algebraic equations, iterative methods for solving differential equations, numerical integration, regression and correlation analysis

            Electrical and electronics engineering: Unit 03

            Electrical machines
            • Single phase transformer, equivalent circuit, phasor diagram, tests, regulation and efficiency; three phase transformers, connections, parallel operation; autotransformer; energy conversion principles
            • DC machines, types, windings, generator characteristics, armature reaction and commutation, starting and speed control of motors; three phase induction motors, principles
            • Types, performance characteristics, starting and speed control; single phase induction motors; synchronous machines, performance, regulation and parallel operation of generators, motor starting, characteristics and applications; servo and stepper motors
            • Single phase transformer: Equivalent circuit, phasor diagram, open circuit and short circuit tests, regulation and efficiency; Three phase transformers-connections, parallel operation; auto, transformer, electromechanical energy conversion principles
            • DC machines: Separately excited, series and shunt, motoring and generating mode of operation and their characteristics, starting and speed control of dc motors; three phase induction motors: principle of operation, types, performance
            • Torque, speed characteristics, no,load and blocked rotor tests, equivalent circuit, starting and speed control; operating principle of single phase induction motors
            • Synchronous machines: Cylindrical and salient pole machines, performance, regulation and parallel operation of generators, starting of synchronous motor, characteristics; types of losses and efficiency calculations of electric machines

            Electrical and electronics engineering: Unit 04

            Control systems and instrumentation
            • Principles of feedback; transfer function; block diagrams; steady, state errors; Routh and Nyquist techniques; Bode plots; root loci; lag, lead and lead, lag compensation; state space model; state transition matrix, controllability and observability
            • Classification of instruments, moving iron, moving coil, permanent magnet, and dynamometer types
            • Thermal, electrostatic rectifier instruments, instrument transformers, CT, PT, power measuring instruments, power factor, frequency meters and synchroscope
            • Measurement of low, medium and high resistances, AC and DC measuring bridges, magnetic measurement
            • General Transducers voltage, current, phase angle, optical, hall effect and Industrial transducers

            Electrical and electronics engineering: Unit 05

            Analog and digital electronics
            • Characteristics of diodes, BJT, FET; amplifiers, biasing, equivalent circuit and frequency response; oscillators and feedback amplifiers; operational amplifiers, characteristics and applications; simple active filters
            • VCOs and timers; combinational and sequential logic circuits; multiplexer; Schmitt trigger; multivibrators; sample and hold circuits; A/D and D/A converters; 8,bit microprocessor basics, architecture, programming and interfacing
            • Characteristics of diodes, BJT, MOSFET; simple diode circuits-clipping, clamping, rectifiers; amplifiers-biasing, equivalent circuit and frequency response; oscillators and feedback amplifiers
            • Operational amplifiers: Characteristics and applications; simple active filters, VCOs and timers, combinational and sequential logic circuits, multiplexer, demultiplexer, Schmitt trigger, sample and hold circuits, A/D and D/A converters
            • 8085 microprocessor: Architecture, programming and interfacing

            Electrical and electronics engineering: Unit 06

            Power electronics and drives
            • Characteristics and ratings of different thyristor family devices, their turn on and turn off methods with their protection, series and parallel connection of SCRs and their derating
            • Controlled single-phase and three-phase rectifiers for different types of load viz R, R, L, R, L, E, single-phase and three-phase voltage source and current source inverter, cyclo converter, chopper
            • PWM techniques, characteristics and principle of AC and DC machines, methods of conventional controls and application of static controls and microprocessor based controls for AC and DC machines
            • Basic concepts of adjustable speed dc and ac drives

            Electrical and electronics engineering: Unit 07

            Power system
            • Transmission line parameters; representation of short, medium, and long transmission lines, ABCD parameters; circle diagram; per unit representation; 3, system; short circuit studies; sequence networks; load, flow studies, Gauss Seidel method
            • Newton, Raphson Method; automatic generation control; load, frequency control; automatic, voltage regulator; power system stability, equal area criteria; swing equation; optimal load dispatch in power system
            • Protection schemes for transformer, generators and transmission lines

            Electrical and electronics engineering: Unit 08

            • MOSFET, double and multigate MOSFETs, device/IC, fabrication processes, low power VLSI design, VLSI interconnects, lithography processes, ALD, CVD and anodization techniques, optical processes, ultrafast Lasers, noise, temperature
            • Stress, delay and power calculations in device and circuits, photonics and optoelectronics

            Electrical and electronics engineering: Unit 09

            Sensors & signal conditioning
            • Resistive, capacitive, inductive, hall effect, magnetostrictive, MEMS sensors, self generating, electromagnetic, optical, digital biosensors, and intelligent sensors associated with signal conditioning units

            Electrical and electronics engineering: Unit 10

            Transducers for industrial instrumentation
            • Low & high pressure, flow, level, temperature, ph, viscosity, velocity, acceleration, force and torque measurements control system: feedback principles, transient and steady

            Electrical and electronics engineering: Unit 11

            Control system
            • Feedback principles, transient and steady state, Bode plot, Routh and Nyquist criteria, state space representation, P, PI, PID, Cascade feed-forward and Ratio controllers, DCS, PLC & SCADA
            • Linear and nonlinear process control, model predictive controls and intelligent controllers

            Electrical and electronics engineering: Unit 12

            Circuits and VLSI
            • Circuit analysis, fundamental of logic designs, MOS transistor principles and CMOS inverter, basic analog & digital CMOS circuits, sequential logic circuits, arithmetic building blocks and memory architectures, interconnect and clocking strategies

            Electrical and electronics engineering: Unit 13

            • Crystal structure basis, basic quantum mechanics, electrons in solids, energy band theory, charge carriers in semiconductors, drift, diffusion theory, p,n junctions, MOS capacitors, effect transistors, bipolar junction transistors, LEDs and solar cells

            Electrical and electronics engineering: Unit 14

            Communication and signal processing
            • Analog and digital communications, modulation techniques, signal representation, quantization, power and bandwidth considerations, data compression techniques, probability of error in digital communications
            • Signal processing, representation of signals on orthogonal basis, discrete systems, attributes, z, transform, analysis of ISI systems, frequency analysis, inverse systems, discrete fourier transform (DFT), fast fourier transform algorithm
            • Design of FIR digital filters, design of IIR digital filters

            Electrical and electronics engineering: Unit 15

            • Mean value theorems, theorems of integral calculus, evaluation of definite and improper integrals, partial derivatives, maxima and minima, multiple integrals, fourier series vector identities, directional derivatives, line
            • Surface and volume integrals, Stokes, Gauss and Green’s theorems

            Electrical and electronics engineering: Unit 16

            Differential equations
            • First order equation (linear and nonlinear), higher order linear differential equations with constant coefficients, method of variation of parameters, Cauchy’s and Euler’s equations, initial and boundary value problems
            • Partial differential equations, method of separation of variables

            Electrical and electronics engineering: Unit 17

            Analysis of complex variables
            • Analytic functions, Cauchy's integral theorem and integral formula, Taylor’s and Laurent’ series, Residue theorem, solution of integrals

            Electrical and electronics engineering: Unit 18

            Probability and Statistics
            • Sampling theorems, conditional probability, mean, median, mode and standard deviation, random variables, discrete and continuous distributions, poisson, normal and binomial distributions, correlation and regression analysis

            Electrical and electronics engineering: Unit 19

            Transform theory
            • Fourier transform, Laplace transform, Z,transform

            Electrical and electronics engineering: Unit 20

            Electric circuits
            • Voltage and current sources: Independent, dependent, ideal and practical; v, I relationships of resistor, inductor, mutual inductor and capacitor; transient analysis of RLC circuits with dc excitation
            • Kirchoff’s laws, mesh and nodal analysis, superposition, Thevenin, Norton, maximum power transfer and reciprocity theorems
            • Peak, average,and RMS values of AC quantities; apparent, active,and reactive powers; phasor analysis, impedance and admittance; series and parallel resonance, locus diagrams, realization of basic filters with R, L and C elements
            • One,port and two, port networks

            Electrical and electronics engineering: Unit 21

            Signals and systems
            • Representation of continuous and discrete, time signals, shifting and scaling operations, linear time-invariant and causal systems, fourier series representation of continuous periodic signals
            • Sampling theorem, applications of Fourier transform, Laplace transform and z, transform

            Electrical and electronics engineering: Unit 22

            Electromagnetic fields
            • Coulomb's law, electric field intensity, electric flux density, Gauss's law, divergence, electric field and potential due to point, line, plane and spherical charge distributions, effect of dielectric medium
            • Capacitance of simple configurations, Biot, Savart’s law, Ampere’s law, Curl, Faraday’s law, Lorentz force, inductance, magnetomotive force, reluctance, magnetic circuits, self and mutual inductance of simple configurations

            Electrical and electronics engineering: Unit 23

            Power systems
            • Power generation concepts, AC and dc transmission concepts, models and performance of transmission lines and cables, series and shunt compensation, electric field distribution and insulators, distribution systems
            • Per,unit quantities, Bus admittance matrix, Gauss, Seidel and Newton, Raphson load flow methods, voltage and frequency control, power factor correction, symmetrical components, symmetrical and unsymmetrical fault analysis
            • Principles of over, current, differential and distance protection; circuit breakers, system stability concepts, equal area criterion

            Electrical and electronics engineering: Unit 24

            Control systems
            • Mathematical modeling and representation of systems, feedback principles, transfer function, block diagrams and signal flow graphs, transient response, steady, state, errors, bode plot, phase and gain margins, routh and Nyquist criteria
            • Root loci, design of lead, lag and lead, lag compensators, state, space representation of systems, mechanical, hydraulic and pneumatic system component, synchro pair, servo and stepper motors, servo valves; on, off, P, P, I, P, I, D, cascade
            • Feed forward, and ratio controllers

            Electrical and electronics engineering: Unit 25

            Electrical and electronic measurements
            • Bridges and potentiometers, measurement of voltage, current, power, energy and power factor; instrument transformers, digital voltmeters and multimeters, phase, time and frequency measurement; oscilloscopes, error analysis

            Electrical and electronics engineering: Unit 26

            Power electronics and drive
            • Characteristics of semiconductor power devices: Diode, Thyristor, Triac, GTO, MOSFET, IGBT; DC to DC conversion-Buck, Boost and Buck, Boost converters; single and three phase configuration of uncontrolled rectifiers
            • Line commutated thyristor-based converters, bidirectional AC to DC voltage source converters, issues of line current harmonics, power factor, distortion factor of AC to DC converters, single-phase and three-phase inverters
            • Sinusoidal pulse width modulation

            Electronics and communication engineering: Unit 01

            Engineering mathematics
            • Linear algebra: Matrix algebra, systems of linear equations, eigenvalues and eigenvectors
            • Calculus: Mean value theorems, theorems of integral calculus, evaluation of definite and improper integrals, partial derivatives, maxima and minima, multiple integrals, fourier series vector identities, directional derivatives, line
            • Calculus: Surface and volume integrals, Stokes, Gauss and Green’s theorems
            • Differential equations: First order equation (linear and nonlinear), higher order linear differential equations with constant coefficient, method of variation of parameters, Cauchy’s and Euler’s equations, initial and boundary value problems
            • Differential equations: Partial differential equations and variable separable method
            • Complex variables: Analytic functions, Cauchy's integral theorem and integral formula, Taylor’s and Laurent’ series, Residue theorem, solution integrals
            • Numerical Methods: Numerical differentiation and integration using interpolation polynomials and Trapezoidal, single and multi, step methods for ordinary differential equations

            Electronics and communication engineering: Unit 02

            Probability and Statistics
            • Basic counting techniques, definitions of probability, conditional probability, Bayes’ theorem, random variables, special distributions, joint and sampling distributions, transformations, descriptive statistics, estimation and testing of hypothesis

            Electronics and communication engineering: Unit 03

            Network theory
            • Network graphs: Matrices associated with graphs; incidence, fundamental cut set and fundamental circuit matrices
            • Network graphs: Solution methods; nodal and mesh analysis network theorems; superposition, Thevenin and Norton’s, maximum power transfer, wye,delta transformation, steady state sinusoidal analysis using phasors, fourier series
            • Network graphs: Linear constant coefficient differential and difference equations; time domain analysis of simple RLC circuits
            • Network graphs: Laplace and Z transforms, frequency domain analysis of RLC circuits, convolution, 2, vport network parameters, driving point and transfer functions, state equation for networks

            Electronics and communication engineering: Unit 04

            Electronic devices and circuits
            • Electronic devices: Intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors, energy band diagram, direct and indirect semiconductors, carrier transport, semiconductor diodes, bipolar junction transistors (PNP and NPN)
            • Electronic devices: Early effect, hybrid π and h parameter model, multi, emitter transistor, field effect transistors (JFET and MOSFET), channel length modulation, special semiconductor devices (FINFET, PINFET, CNTFET)
            • Electronic devices: Power and display devices (UJT, SCR, Diac, Triac, LED, LCD, CCD)
            • Analog circuits: Characteristics and equivalent circuits (large and small signal) of diodes, BJT, JFETs and MOSFET simple diode circuits: clipping, clamping, rectifier, biasing and bias stability of transistor and FET amplifier
            • Analog circuits: Amplifier-single and multi, stage, differential, operational, feedback and power analysis of amplifiers; frequency response of amplifiers simple op,amp circuits filters sinusoidal oscillators-criterion for oscillation
            • Analog circuits: Single, transistor and op, AMP configurations, function generators and waveshaping circuits, power supplies
            • Digital circuits: Boolean algebra; minimization of Boolean functions; logic gates; digital IC families (DTL, TTL, ECL, MOS, CMOS) combinational circuits-arithmetic circuits, code converters, multiplexers and decoders
            • Digital circuits: Sequential circuits-latches and flip,flops, counters and shift, registers comparators, timers, multivibrators sample and hold circuits, ADCs and DACs semiconductor memories microprocessor (8085)-architecture
            • Digital circuits: Programming, memory and I/O interfacing

            Electronics and communication engineering: Unit 05

            Control systems
            • Basic control system components; block diagrammatic description, reduction of block diagrams, properties of systems-linearity, time, invariance, stability, causality
            • Open loop and closed loop (feedback) systems
            • Special properties of linear time,invariant (LTI) systems, transfer function, impulse response, poles, zeros, their significance and stability analysis of these systems
            • Signal flow graphs and their use in determining transfer functions of systems; transient and steady state analysis of LTI system and frequency response
            • Tools and techniques for LTI control system analysis: Root, loci, Routh_Hurwitz criterion, Bode and Nyquist plots; control system compensators-elements of lead and lag compensators, elements of proportional, integral derivative (PID) control
            • State variable representation and solution of state equation for LTI systems
            • Signal flow graphs and their use in determining transfer functions of systems; transient and steady-state analysis of LTI system and frequency response
            • Tools and techniques for LTI control system analysis: Root, loci, Routh, Hurwitz criterion, Bode and Nyquist plots; control system compensators-elements of lead and lag compensators, elements of proportional-integral, derivative (PID) control

            Electronics and communication engineering: Unit 06

            Communication systems
            • Signals and systems: Continuous, time and discrete time classification of signals and systems, Laplace transform analysis of signals and systems, time, invariant systems (difference and differential equations, block diagrams, system functions
            • Poles and zeros, convolution, impulse and step responses, frequency responses), discrete time Fourier transform, Z, transform analysis of recursive and non, recursive systems, Digital filter design techniques
            • Fourier analysis of signals, amplitude, phase and power spectrum, auto, correlation and cross, correlation and their Fourier trans, forms signal transmission through linear time, invariant (LTI) systems, impulse response and frequency response
            • Group delay, phase delay
            • Analog modulation systems,amplitude and angle modulation and demodulation systems, spectral analysis of these operations, super, heterodyne receivers, elements of hardware realizations of analog communication systems
            • Basic sampling theorems
            • Pulse code modulation (PCM), differential pulse code modulation (DPCM), delta modulation (DM)
            • Digital modulation schemes: Amplitude, phase and frequency shift keying schemes (ASK, PSK, FSK)
            • Multiplexing, time division and frequency division
            • Additive Gaussian noise; characterization using correlation, probability density function (PDF), power spectral density (PSD)
            • Signal To,noise ratio (SNR) calculations for amplitude modulation (AM) and frequency modulation (FM) for low noise conditions amplitude, phase and power spectrum, autocorrelation and cross,correlation and their Fourier transforms
            • Signal transmission through linear time,invariant (LTI) systems, impulse response and frequency response, group delay, phase delay
            • Analog modulation systems,amplitude and angle modulation and demodulation systems, spectral analysis of these operations, super,heterodyne receivers, elements of hardware realizations of analog communication systems
            • Digital modulation schemes: Amplitude, phase and frequency shift keying schemes (ASK, PSK, FSK) multiplexing, time division and frequency division
            • Additive Gaussian noise; characterization using correlation, probability density function (PDF), power spectral density (PSD
            • Signalto, noise ratio (SNR) calculations for amplitude modulation (AM) and frequency modulation (FM) for low noise conditions
            • Fourier analysis of signals, amplitude, phase and power spectrum, autocorrelation and cross,correlation and their Fourier transforms
            • Signal transmission through linear time-invariant (LTI) systems, impulse response and frequency response, group delay phase delay
            • Analog modulation systems, amplitude and angle modulation and demodulation systems, spectral analysis of these operations, super, heterodyne receivers, elements of hardware realizations of analog communication systems
            • Signal to, noise ratio (SNR) calculations for amplitude modulation (AM) and frequency modulation (FM) for low noise conditions

            Electronics and communication engineering: Unit 07

            • Elements of vector calculus: Gradient, divergence and curl; Gauss and stokes theorems, Maxwell's equation-differential and integral forms
            • Wave equation
            • Poynting vector
            • Plane waves: Propagation through various media; reflection and refraction; phase and group velocity; skin depth transmission lines-characteristic impedance; impedance transformation; smith chart; impedance matching pulse excitation
            • Wave guides: Modes in rectangular waveguides; boundary conditions; cut,off frequencies; dispersion relations
            • Antennas; dipole antennas; antenna arrays; radiation pattern; reciprocity theorem, antenna gain
            • Wave guides: Modes in rectangular waveguides; boundary conditions; cut, off frequencies; dispersion relations

            Electronics and communication engineering: Unit 08

            Linear algebra
            • Mean value theorems, theorems of integral calculus, evaluation of definite and improper integrals, partial derivatives, maxima and minima, multiple integrals, fourier series vector identities

            Electronics and communication engineering: Unit 09

            • Directional derivatives, line, surface and volume integrals, Stokes, Gauss and Green’s theorems
            • First order equation (linear and nonlinear), higher order linear differential equations with constant coefficients, method of variation of parameters, Cauchy's and Euler's equations, initial and boundary value problems

            Electronics and communication engineering: Unit 10

            Differential equations
            • Partial Differential Equations and variable separable method
            • Analytic functions, Cauchy's integral theorem and integral formula, Taylor's and Laurent series, residue theorem, solution integrals

            Electronics and communication engineering: Unit 11

            Complex variables
            • Solutions of nonlinear algebraic equations, single and multi, step methods for differential equations

            Electronics and communication engineering: Unit 12

            Numerical method
            • Fourier transform, laplace transform, Z, transform

            Electronics and communication engineering: Unit 13

            Transform theory
            • Matrices associated with graphs; incidence, fundamental cut set and fundamental circuit matrices

            Electronics and communication engineering: Unit 14

            Network graphs
            • Solution methods; nodal and mesh analysis
            • Network theorems; superposition, Thevenin and Norton’s, maximum power transfer, wye, delta transformation, steady state sinusoidal analysis using phasors, fourier series, linear constant coefficient differential and difference equations
            • Time domain analysis of simple RLC circuits
            • Laplace and z transforms: Frequency domain analysis of RLC circuits, convolution, 2, port network parameters, driving point and transfer functions, state equation for networks
            • characteristics and equivalent circuits (large and small signal) of diodes, bjt, jfets and mosfet simple diode circuits: clipping, clamping, rectifier, biasing and bias stability of transistor and fet amplifiers

            Electronics and communication engineering: Unit 15

            Analog circuits
            • Characteristics and equivalent circuits (large and small signal) of diodes, BJT, JFETs and MOSFET simple diode circuit-clipping, clamping, rectifier, biasing and bias stability of transistor and FET amplifiers
            • Amplifiers: single and multi, stage, differential, operational, feedback and power
            • Analysis of amplifiers; frequency response of amplifiers
            • Simple op, amp circuits
            • Filters
            • Sinusoidal oscillators: Criterion for oscillation; single, transistor and op, amp configurations
            • Function generators and waveshaping circuits, power supplies

            Electronics and communication engineering: Unit 16

            Digital circuits
            • Boolean algebra; minimization of Boolean functions; logic gates; digital IC families (DTL, TTL, ECL, MOS, CMOS)
            • Combinational circuits: Arithmetic circuits, code converters, multiplexers and decoders
            • Sequential circuits: Latches and flip, flops, counters and shift, registers
            • Comparators, timers, multi vibrators
            • Sample and hold circuits, ADCs and DACs
            • Semiconductor memories
            • Microprocessor (8085): Architecture, programming, memory and I/O interfacing

            Biomedical engineering: Unit 01

            Basics of circuits
            • Kirchoff's laws, mesh and nodal analysis
            • Circuit theorems
            • One port and two, port network functions
            • Static and dynamic characteristics of Measurement Systems
            • Error and uncertainty analysis
            • Statistical analysis of data and curve fitting

            Biomedical engineering: Unit 02

            Transducers and measurement
            • Resistive, capacitive, inductive and piezoelectric transducers
            • Measurement of displacement, velocity and acceleration (translational and rotational), force, torque, vibration and shock

            Biomedical engineering: Unit 03

            Analog electronics
            • Characteristics of diode, BJT, JFET and MOSFET
            • Diode circuits
            • Transistors at low and high frequencies, amplifiers, single and multi, stage
            • Feedback amplifiers
            • Operational amplifiers, characteristics and circuit configurations
            • Instrumentation amplifier
            • Precision rectifier V, to, I and I, to, V converter
            • Op, Amp based active filters
            • Oscillators and signal generators
            • Transistors at low and high frequencies, amplifiers, single and multi, stage feedback amplifiers
            • Combinational logic circuits, minimization of boolean functions
            • IC families, TTL, MOS and CMOS
            • Arithmetic circuits
            • Comparators, Schmitt Trigger, timers and mono, stable multi, vibrator

            Biomedical engineering: Unit 04

            Digital electronics
            • Combinational logic circuits, minimization of boolean functions
            • IC families, TTL, MOS and CMOS
            • Arithmetic circuits
            • Comparators, Schmitt Trigger, timers and mono, stable multi, vibrator
            • Sequential circuits, flip, flops, counters, shift registers
            • Multiplexer, S/H circuit
            • Analog,to, digital and digital, to, analog converters
            • Basics of number system
            • Microprocessor applications, memory and input, output interfacing
            • Microcontrollers
            • Multiplexer, S/H circuit analog, to, digital and digital, to, analog converters

            Biomedical engineering: Unit 05

            Signals, systems and communications
            • Periodic and aperiodic signals
            • Impulse response, transfer function and frequency response of first, and second order systems
            • Convolution, correlation and characteristics of linear time invariant systems
            • Discrete time system, impulse and frequency response
            • Pulse transfer function IIR and FIR filters
            • Amplitude and frequency modulation and demodulation
            • Sampling theorem, pulse code modulation
            • Frequency and time division multiplexing
            • Amplitude shift keying, frequency shift keying and pulse shift keying for digital modulation
            • Impulse response, transfer function and frequency response of first and second order systems

            Biomedical engineering: Unit 06

            Electrical and electronic measurements
            • Bridges and potentiometers, measurement of R, L and C measurements of voltage, current, power, power factor and energy AC & DC current probes
            • Extension of instrument ranges
            • Q,meter and waveform analyzer
            • Digital voltmeter and multimeter
            • Time, phase and frequency measurements
            • Cathode ray oscilloscope
            • Serial and parallel communication
            • Shielding and grounding

            Biomedical engineering: Unit 07

            Analytical, optical and biomedical instrumentation
            • Mass spectrometry
            • UV, visible and IR spectrometry
            • X-ray and nuclear radiation measurements
            • Optical sources and detectors, LED, laser, photo,diode, photo, resistor and their characteristics
            • Interferometers, applications in metrology
            • Basics of fiber optics
            • EEG, ECG and EMG, clinical measurements, ultrasonic transducers and ultrasonography
            • Principles of Computer Assisted Tomography
            • Mass spectrometry UV, visible and IR spectrometry

            Biomedical engineering: Unit 08

            • Linear algebra, calculus, differential equations, numerical methods, probability theory

            Biomedical engineering: Unit 09

            Basics of circuit
            • Kirchoff's laws, mesh and nodal analysis
            • Circuit theorems
            • One port and two, port network functions
            • Static and dynamic characteristics of Measurement Systems
            • Error and uncertainty analysis
            • Statistical analysis of data and curve fitting

            Biomedical engineering: Unit 10

            Electrical and electronic measurement
            • Bridges and potentiometers, measurement of R, L and C
            • Measurements of voltage, current, power, power factor and energy AC & DC current probes
            • Extension of instrument ranges
            • Q, meter and waveform analyzer
            • Digital voltmeter and multimeter
            • Time, phase and frequency measurements
            • Cathode ray oscilloscope
            • Serial and parallel communication
            • Shielding and grounding

            Mechanical engineering: Unit 01

            Engineering mathematics
            • Geometry equations of straight line, common normal between straight lines in space; equations of circles, ellipse, etc; parametric representation

            Mechanical engineering: Unit 02

            Linear algebra
            • Matrix algebra, systems of linear equations, eigenvalues and eigenvectors

            Mechanical engineering: Unit 03

            • Functions of single variable, limit, continuity and differentiability, mean value theorems, evaluation of definite and improper integrals, partial derivatives, total derivative, maxima and minima
            • Gradient, divergence and curl, vector identities, directional derivatives

            Mechanical engineering: Unit 04

            Differential equation
            • First order equations (linear and nonlinear), higher order linear differential equations with constant coefficients, Cauchy's and Euler's equations, initial and boundary value problems, Laplace transforms
            • Solutions of one dimensional heat and wave equations and Laplace equation

            Mechanical engineering: Unit 05

            Control theory
            • Open and closed loop systems; Laplace transforms; transfer function; block diagram analysis; concepts of stability; input signals and system response; Nyquist stability criterion; bode plot

            Mechanical engineering: Unit 06

            Probability and Statistics
            • Definitions of probability and sampling theorems, conditional probability, mean, median, mode and standard deviation, permutations and combinations, random variables, Poisson, normal and binomial distributions
            • Properties of normal curve; statistical quality control

            Mechanical engineering: Unit 07

            Engineering mechanics
            • Free body diagrams and equilibrium; trusses and frames; virtual work; kinematics and dynamics of particles and of rigid bodies in plane motion, including impulse and momentum (linear and angular) and energy formulations; impact

            Mechanical engineering: Unit 08

            Strength of materials
            • Stress and strain, stress, strain relationship and elastic constants, Mohr’s circle for plane stress and plane strain, thin cylinders; shear force and bending moment diagrams; bending and shear stresses; deflection of beams; thermal stresses
            • Stress and strain, stress,strain relationship and elastic constants, Mohr's circle for plane stress and plane strain, thin cylinders; shear force and bending moment diagrams; bending and shear stresses; deflection of beams; thermal stresses
            • Stress concentration factor; Fatigue strength and S, N curve; failure theories
            • Theory of machines displacement, velocity and acceleration analysis of plane mechanisms; dynamic analysis of slider,crank mechanism; flywheels

            Mechanical engineering: Unit 09

            Theory of machines
            • Displacement, velocity and acceleration analysis of plane mechanisms; dynamic analysis of slider, crank mechanism; flywheels

            Mechanical engineering: Unit 10

            • Free and forced vibration of single degree of freedom systems; effect of damping; vibration isolation; resonance, critical speeds of shafts

            Mechanical engineering: Unit 11

            Technical drafting
            • Engineering drawing practice; Indian standards for technical drawing
            • Machine elements basic concepts of machine elements and their design; stress concentration factor; fatigue strength and S, N curve; failure theories
            • Engineering drawing practice; Indian standards for technical drawing machine elements basic concepts of machine elements and their design

            Mechanical engineering: Unit 12

            Fluid mechanics
            • Fluid properties; viscous flow of incompressible fluids; fluid statics, manometry, buoyancy; control,volume analysis of mass, momentum and energy; fluid acceleration; differential equations of continuity and momentum; Bernoulli’s equation
            • Flow through pipes, head losses in pipes, bends etc
            • Fluid properties; viscous flow of incompressible fluids; fluid statics, manometry, buoyancy; control, volume analysis of mass, momentum and energy; fluid acceleration; differential equations of continuity and momentum
            • Bernoulli’s equation; flow through pipes, head losses in pipes, bends etc
            • Heat, transfer modes of heat transfer; one-dimensional heat conduction, fins; dimensionless parameters in free and forced convective heat transfer, radiative heat transfer, black and grey surfaces, shape factors; heat exchanger performance,
            • LMTD and NTU methods

            Mechanical engineering: Unit 13

            • Modes of heat transfer; one dimensional heat conduction, fins; dimensionless parameters in free and forced convective heat transfer, radiative heat transfer, black and grey surfaces, shape factors; heat exchanger performance, LMTD and NTU methods

            Mechanical engineering: Unit 14

            • Zeroth, first and second laws of thermodynamics; thermodynamic system and processes; carnot cycle irreversibility and availability; behaviour of ideal and real gases, properties of pure substances, calculation of work and heat in ideal processes
            • Analysis of thermodynamic cycles related to energy conversion
            • Zeroth, first and second laws of thermodynamics; thermodynamic system and processes; carnot cycle
            • Irreversibility and availability; behavior of ideal and real gases, properties of pure substances, calculation of work and heat in ideal processes; analysis of thermodynamic cycles related to energy conversion

            Mechanical engineering: Unit 15

            Applications power engineering
            • Steam tables, Rankine, Brayton cycles with regeneration and reheat IC engines air,standard Otto, diesel cycles
            • Stirling cycle

            Mechanical engineering: Unit 16

            Refrigeration and air-conditioning
            • Vapour refrigeration cycle, heat pumps, gas refrigeration, reverse Brayton cycle; moist air psychrometric chart, basic psychrometric processes

            Mechanical engineering: Unit 17

            Turbo machinery
            • Pelton, wheel, Francis and Kaplan turbines, impulse and reaction principles, velocity diagrams

            Mechanical engineering: Unit 18

            Engineering materials
            • Structure and properties of engineering materials, heat treatment, stress, strain diagrams for engineering materials
            • Structure and properties of engineering materials, heat treatment, stress,strain diagrams for engineering materials

            Mechanical engineering: Unit 19

            Metal casting
            • Design of patterns, moulds and cores; solidification and cooling; riser and gating design, design considerations

            Mechanical engineering: Unit 20

            • Load estimation for bulk (forging, rolling, extrusion, drawing) and sheet (shearing, deep drawing, bending) metal forming processes; principles of powder metallurgy
            • Load estimation for bulk (forging, rolling, extrusion, drawing) and sheet (shearing, deep drawing, bending) metal forming processes; principles of powder metallurgy joining-physics of welding, brazing and soldering; adhesive bonding

            Mechanical engineering: Unit 21

            • Physics of welding, brazing and soldering; adhesive bonding

            Mechanical engineering: Unit 22

            Machining and machine tool operations
            • Mechanics of machining, single and multi, point cutting tool, tool geometry and materials, tool life and wear; economics of machining; principles of non, traditional machining processes; principles of work holding, principles of design of jig and fixtures
            • Mechanics of machining, single and multi, point cutting tools, tool geometry and materials, tool life and wear; economics of machining; principles of non,traditional machining processes
            • Principles of work holding, principles of design of jigs and fixtures

            Mechanical engineering: Unit 23

            Metrology and inspection
            • Limits, fits and tolerances; linear and angular measurements; comparators; gauge design; interferometry; form and finish measurement; alignment and testing methods; tolerance analysis in manufacturing and assembly
            • Production planning and control: Forecasting models, aggregate production planning, scheduling, materials requirement planning

            Mechanical engineering: Unit 24

            Production planning and control
            • Forecasting models, aggregate production planning, scheduling, materials requirement planning

            Mechanical engineering: Unit 25

            Inventory control
            • Deterministic and probabilistic models; safety stock inventory control systems
            • Operations research: Linear programming, simplex and duplex method, transportation, assignment, network flow models, simple queuing models, PERT and CPM

            Mechanical engineering: Unit 26

            Operations research
            • Linear programming, simplex and duplex method, transportation, assignment, network flow models, simple queuing models, PERT and CPM

            Mechanical engineering: Unit 27

            Mechatronics system design
            • Pneumatic and hydraulic systems; eletro, pneumatic and electro, hydraulic systems; Pneumatic, hydraulic and electric motors and actuators; concepts of microcontrollers, feedback devices; point, to, point, continuous, path and servo control
            • Types of CNC machines and robots
            • Programmable logic controllers; CNC and robot programming
            • Some current developments in modern machine tools, robotics, mechatronics; basic topics related to micro,electro-mechanical systems (MEMS)
            • Pneumatic and hydraulic systems; Eletro, pneumatic and electro, hydraulic systems; Pneumatic, hydraulic and electric motors and actuators; concepts of microcontrollers, feedback device
            • Point, to, point, continuous, path and servo control; types of CNC machines and robots programmable logic controllers; CNC and robot programming
            • Some current developments in modern machine tools, robotics, mechatronics; basic topics related to micro, electro-mechanical systems (MEMS)

            Mechanical engineering: Unit 28

            Computer integrated manufacturing
            • Basic concepts of CAD/CAM and their integration tools
            • Exchange of product design and manufacturing data; CNC and robot programming methods
            • CAD/CAM software and virtual product development; rapid manufacturing technologies; concepts of machine vision and Jigless manufacturing

            Mechanical engineering: Unit 29

            Computer aided engineering
            • Finite element methods; computational fluid dynamics; mechanical systems simulation; tools for conventional mechanisms and mems design

            Mechanical engineering: Unit 30

            Automotive engineering
            • Development in bio, fuels, other alternative fuels and hydrogen as future fuel; emission standards; electronic injection systems; passenger comfort and safety devices; Indian auto industry and automotive vehicles in Indian market"
            • Development in Bio, fuels, other alternative fuels and hydrogen as future fuel; emission standards; electronic injection systems; passenger comfort and safety devices; Indian auto industry and automotive vehicles in Indian market

            Mechanical engineering: Unit 31

            Algebra and complex analysis
            • Algebra of matrices, rank and determinant of matrices, linear equations
            • Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors, Cayley, Hamilton theorem
            • Matrix representation of linear transformations
            • Canonical forms, diagonal forms, triangular forms, quadratic forms, reduction and classification of quadratic forms analytic functions, Cauchy, Riemann equations
            • Contour integral, Cauchy’s theorem, Cauchy’s integral formula, Taylor series, Laurent series, calculus of residues
            • Conformal mappings, Mobius transformations, Fourier series, harmonics

            Mechanical engineering: Unit 32

            Calculus and its applications
            • Linear ordinary differential equations (ODEs), variation of parameters, Sturm Liouville problem
            • Partial differential equations (PDEs), classification of second order PDEs, general solution of higher order PDEs with constant coefficients, method of separation of variables for laplace, Heat and Wave equations
            • Transformation techniques, Laplace transformation, Fourier transforms, z, transformation to solve differential and difference equations

            Mechanical engineering: Unit 33

            Numerical methods
            • Numerical solutions of algebraic and transcendental equations iteration methods and newton, Raphson method, solution of systems of linear algebraic equations using gauss elimination and Gauss Seidel methods
            • Numerical differentiation and integration, numerical solutions of ODEs and PDEs

            Mechanical engineering: Unit 34

            Descriptive statistics, exploratory data analysis
            • Sample space, discrete probability, independent events, bayes theorem
            • Random variables and distribution functions (univariate and multivariate), expectation and moments Independent random variables, marginal and conditional distributions
            • Characteristic functions
            • Standard discrete and continuous univariate distributions
            • Correlation and simple and multiple linear regression
            • Test of hypotheses, large and small sample tests confidence intervals
            • Chi, square test goodness of fit
            • Simple non parametric tests for one and two sample problems, rank correlation and test for independence
            • Anova

            Mechanical engineering: Unit 35

            Power engineering
            • Steam tables, Rankine, Brayton cycles with regeneration and reheat IC engines, air standard otto, diesel cycles
            • Stirling cycle refrigeration and air, conditioning: Vapour refrigeration cycle, heat pumps, gas refrigeration, Reverse Brayton cycle; moist air, psychrometric chart, basic psychrometric processes
            • Turbo machinery: Pelton, wheel, Francis and Kaplan turbines, impulse and reaction principles, velocity diagrams

            Mechanical engineering: Unit 36

            Computer integrated manufacturing:
            • Basic concepts of CAD/CAM and their integration tools
            • Exchange of product design and manufacturing data; CNC and robot programming methods
            • CAD/CAM software and virtual product development; rapid manufacturing technologies; concepts of machine vision and Jigless manufacturing; computer aided engineering-finite element methods
            • Computational fluid dynamics; mechanical systems simulation; tools for conventional mechanisms and MEMS design

            English: Unit 01

            • Keats, (Nightingale, Grecian Urn), Tennyson (Ulysses, Lotos Eaters), Eliot (Waste Land), Emily Dickinson (Because I Could Not Stop for Death, Success is Counted Sweetest), Kamala Das(My Grandmother’s House)

            English: Unit 02

            • Theatre and political struggle: Trends in Apartheid South African Drama, Athol Fugard (The Blood Knot, Master Harold and the Boys)

            English: Unit 03

            • RK Narayan (The Guide), Amitav Ghosh, (The Shadow Lines), Science Fiction, HG Wells (The Time Machine, The Invisible Man), Fantasy Fiction, JK Rowling (Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's’ Stone)

            English: Unit 04

            Literary criticism
            • Matthew Arnold (Study of Poetry), TS Eliot (Tradition and Individual Talent), Literary Forms, Literary Terms (A Glossary of Literary Terms, MH Abrams), Literary Forms and Literary Movements

            English: Unit 05

            • Grammar, history of English language (FTWood), ELT, approaches and methods, language acquisition and learning, basic concepts of testing and assessment, computer-assisted language learning (CALL), communicative language teaching (CLT)

            Commerce & accountancy: Unit 01

            Accounting for financial decisions
            • Managerial accounting, analysis of financial statements, ratio analysis, budgetary control, marginal costing, inventory valuation

            Commerce & accountancy: Unit 02

            Business research methodology
            • Business research methods, development of research methodology, research plan, data collection, sampling techniques, qualitative research, quantitative analysis, report writing

            Commerce & accountancy: Unit 03

            Banking and insurance
            • Central banking, commercial banks, development banks, non, banking financial institutions, modern banking, development of insurance, risk management and role of insurance, legal aspects, types of insurance products
            • Customers services, marketing and distribution

            Commerce & accountancy: Unit 04

            Marketing management
            • Foundations of marketing, selection of markets, product decisions, pricing decisions, distribution decisions, communication decisions, impact of competition on strategy, reaching consumers directly, analyzing markets

            Commerce & accountancy: Unit 05

            Human resource and organizational behaviour
            • Human resource planning, training development and career management, motivation perspectives, managing ethical issues in HRM, organizational behaviour, individual perspective, group dynamics, dynamics of organization

            Psychology: Unit 01

            Introduction to psychology
            • Definition, nature and scope of psychology; historical perspective; sub, fields and applications, methods of psychology; schools of psychology

            Psychology: Unit 02

            Sensation and perception
            • Learning, memory building, cognition process, intelligence, motivation and emotion, personality and its types, individual differences and the impact of the process of socialization, environmental influences and counseling therapy

            Psychology: Unit 03

            Psychological theories
            • Learning theories, models of memory, cognitive strategies, motivation theories, current theories of emotion, existential and humanistic theories of personality, stress and coping strategies

            Psychology: Unit 04

            Research methodology
            • Meaning, aims, characteristics and types, research process, types of research design, sampling, types and uses, research hypothesis, methods of data collection, tools and techniques of data collection, psychological scaling
            • Sources of bias in psychological testing, data analysis and report writing

            Psychology: Unit 05

            • Introduction, importance, scope, function and limitations
            • Research designs: Correlational, factorial, randomized block, matched group, quasi-experimental, time series design, ANOVA-randomized and repeated, measures of central tendency, measures of dispersion
            • Correlational analysis-partial, multiple and regression analysis, factor analysis and chi-square analysis

            Sociology: Unit 01

            Introduction to sociology
            • Origin and development of sociology, meaning of sociology, nature and scope, sociology as a science, relationship with other social sciences

            Sociology: Unit 02

            Basic concepts
            • Group, association, organization, community, society, institution, socialization, social processes, social structure, social control, social stratification, social mobility, and social change

            Sociology: Unit 03

            Sociological perspectives
            • Evolutionalism, structuralism, functionalism, marxism, interactionism, phenomenology and ethnomethodology, postmodernism, neo marxism, neo structuralism

            Sociology: Unit 04

            Research methodology
            • Social research and its types, research process, types of research design, sampling, types and uses, research hypothesis, methods of data collection, tools and techniques of data collection, data analysis and report writing

            Sociology: Unit 05

            Social statistics
            • Importance, function and limitations, measures of central tendency-mean, median, mod
            • Measures of dispersion: Range, quartile deviation, mean deviation and standard deviation
            • Correlation: Karl Pearson’s coefficient of correlation and rank correlation
            • Association of attributes, regression and chi-square

            Social work: Unit 01

            Students who pursue a doctorate in social work are prepared to work in the fields of social work research
            • Education, social policy, planning, and administration
            • Through practice,based research and field action projects, it identifies new areas for social work practise and develops creative solutions
            • A mixed methods foundation, grounding in social work ideals and a social justice lens, and training in teaching excellence are all required in the core curriculum

            Social work: Unit 02

            Thematic areas
            • Social work education and practices
            • Child rights and child welfare
            • Education and social welfare
            • Mental health and wellbeing
            • Gender and sexuality studies
            • Violence against women, children, elderly, migrants, refuges, differently abled, scheduled caste and scheduled tribes
            • Issues of adolescent and youth
            • Gerontology
            • Rural and urban development
            • Livelihood and social innovations
            • Community and sustainable development
            • Human rights and social justice

            Economics: Unit 01

            Micro economic analysis
            • Utility analysis, law of diminishing marginal utility, law of equi, marginal utility, theory of demand, law of demand, indifference curve analysis, marginal rate of substitution, consumers equilibrium, income effect
            • Price effect and substitution effect (Hicks Allen Eugene Slutsky method)
            • Theory of production, law of variable proportions and returns to scale; producers equilibrium, elasticity of substitution, production function-linear, homogeneous production function, Cobb, Douglas production function; theory of cost
            • Different concepts of costs, short run, long run behavior of cost; revenue concepts-average, marginal and total revenue, revenue curves under different market conditions; market structure and pricing
            • Different types of market, characteristics, pricing and output under different forms of markets

            Economics: Unit 02

            Macro economic analysis
            • National income analysis, four sector model, determination of output and employment, Classical approach and Keynesian approach, theories of consumption, multiplier, accelerator unit, iv
            • Macro economic analysis: Theories inflation, causes, consequences of inflation, demand for money, supply of money, determinants of money supply, high,powered money, money multiplier
            • Macroeconomic equilibrium, relative roles of monetary and fiscal policies

            Economics: Unit 03

            International economic analysis
            • Theories of international trade, mercantilism, absolute advantage of trade, comparative advantage theory & Heckscher,ohlin theory, structure of India's exports, imports, balance of payments, tariff, terms of trade
            • Protection, free trade, foreign exchange rate mechanism, trade policy and reforms in India

            Historical studies: Unit 01

            History of India
            • Comprehensive knowledge of Indian history, including ancient, medieval, and modern periods
            • Ancient India: Prehistoric to the end of the Mauryan Empire
            • Medieval India: From the Gupta period to the Mughal Empire
            • Modern India: From the British East India Company to the Indian Independence movement

            Historical studies: Unit 02

            World history
            • Major historical events: Including but not limited to ancient civilizations, the Renaissance, Industrial Revolution, World Wars, and the Cold War
            • Global perspectives: Understanding the interconnectedness of historical events and their impact on different regions of the world

            Historical studies: Unit 03

            Historiography and research methodology
            • Historical methods: Learning about various historical research methodologies, such as empirical, comparative, and interdisciplinary approaches
            • Theories and approaches: Understanding the evolution of historical theories and approaches, like Marxist history, post colonialism, and feminist historiography
            • Archival research: Learning how to access and analyse historical documents in archives
            • Primary source analysis: Developing skills to critically evaluate primary sources
            • Historiographical research: Understanding the existing historiography in a given field of study

            Historical studies: Unit 04

            Regional history
            • Specialized regions: Focusing on specific regions of historical significance, which could include South Asian history, Southeast Asian history, East Asian history, European history
            • Comparative analysis: Examining the unique historical developments and cross, cultural interactions in these regions

            Historical studies: Unit 05

            Historical documents
            • Familiarity with significant documents: Studying primary sources like treaties, manuscripts, letters, and oral histories relevant to historical research
            • Contemporary relevance: Analysing the modern, day implications and interpretations of historical events and processes
            • Understanding how historical narratives can influence contemporary debates and policies
            • Historians and their works: Prominent historians: Studying the works and contributions of key historians in various historical periods and regions
            • Their impact on historical scholarship: Recognizing how these historians shaped the field of historical studies

            International relations: Unit 01

            Introduction to international relations
            • Theories of international relations: Realism, classical realism-Neorealism (structural realism), liberalism constructivism-norms and identity, social constructivism
            • Historical development of international relations: Pre, 20th Century theories-Thinkers like Thucydides, Machiavelli, and Grotius; Emergence of international relations as a field-influential scholars and early schools of thought
            • Post, World War II developments: The impact of the Cold War on the field

            International relations: Unit 02

            International political economy and security studies
            • Trade theories and policies, absolute and comparative advantage, tariffs, trade agreements, and trade blocs
            • International financial systems: Role of international monetary fund (IMF) and World Bank Globalization and its impacts-economic globalization, trade, investment, and economic interdependence
            • Political and cultural aspects: Spread of ideas, technology, and cultural exchange
            • Theories of security: Balance of power, deterrence and nuclear strategy-Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) and deterrence theory
            • Conflict resolution and peacekeeping, Mediation and diplomacy, Peacekeeping missions, Nuclear Proliferation and Arms Control-Non, Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and its significance, Arms Control Treaties

            International relations: Unit 03

            International organizations and institutions
            • United Nations and its Agencies: Structure of the UN-General Assembly, Security Council, and specialized agencies
            • Peacekeeping and conflict resolution: The UN's role in addressing international conflicts
            • Humanitarian efforts: UNICEF, UNHCR, and humanitarian aid programs
            • Regional organizations: European Union (EU), ASEAN and SAARC, African Union (AU)

            International relations: Unit 04

            Comparative foreign policy analysis
            • Foreign Policy Decision, Making processes: Rational Actor Model-analysing foreign policy decisions based on national interests
            • Bureaucratic politics model: The role of government agencies and bureaucratic processes
            • Case studies of different countries' foreign policies, comparative analysis of foreign policy strategies, challenges, and outcomes

            International relations: Unit 05

            Global issues and challenges
            • Human rights and humanitarian intervention:Climate change and environmental diplomacy, international negotiations on climate goals and adaptation measures
            • Terrorism and counterterrorism: Roots and causes of terrorism; counterterrorism strategies, intelligence, sharing, and international cooperation

            International relations: Unit 06

            Contemporary issues in international relations
            • Emerging powers in international politics: Rise of China, India, Brazil, and other emerging powers; their influence on global politics, trade, and regional dynamics
            • Cybersecurity and information warfare: Cyber threats, state, sponsored attacks, and the role of non,state actors; international norms and treaties related to cyberspace
            • Migration and refugee crises: Causes and consequences of mass migration and displacement; international responses, refugee conventions, and humanitarian efforts

            International relations: Unit 07

            Area studies
            • Regions: South Asia, Southeast Asia, East Asia, and the Pacific-Historical and contemporary dynamics in each region
            • Regional institutions, conflicts, and security challenges
            • Economic, political, and cultural interactions with the rest of the world

            Political science: Unit 01

            Political theory and thought
            • Concepts of political theory: Liberty, equality, justice, rights, democracy, power, citizenship political traditions-liberalism, socialism, marxism, feminism, multiculturalism, postmodernism western
            • Political thought: Plato, Aristotle, Machiavelli, Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, Hegel, John Stuart Mill, Karl Marx Indian Political Thought: Manu, Kautilya, Swami Vivekananda, MK Gandhi, Sri Aurobindo, MN Roy, Dr BR Ambedkar
            • Ram Manohar Lohia, Jaya Prakash Narayan

            Political science: Unit 02

            Comparative politics and political analysis
            • Evolution of comparative politics as a discipline; nature and scope
            • Approaches to the study of comparative politics: Traditional, structural, functional, systems and Marxist
            • Constitutionalism: Concepts, problems and limitations
            • Forms of Government: Unitary, Federal, Parliamentary, Presidential
            • Organs of Government: Executive, Legislature, Judiciary, their interrelationship in comparative perspective
            • Party systems and pressure groups; electoral systems
            • Bureaucracy, types and roles
            • Political development and political modernization
            • Political culture, political socialization and political communication
            • Political elite; elitist theory of democracy
            • Power, authority and legitimacy
            • Revolution: Theories and types
            • Dependency: Development and under development

            Political science: Unit 03

            Indian government and politics
            • National movement, constitutional developments and the making of Indian constitution
            • Ideological bases of the Indian constitution, preamble, fundamental rights and duties and directive principles
            • Constitution as instrument of socio, economic change, constitutional amendments and review
            • Union government: President, prime minister, council of ministers, working of the parliamentary system
            • State government: Governor, chief minister, council of ministers, state legislature
            • Local, self government: Panchayati raj institution-rural and urban, their working
            • fEderalism: Theory and practice in India; demands of autonomy and separatist movements; emerging trends in centre, state relations
            • Judiciary: Supreme Court, High Courts, judicial review, judicial activism including public interest litigation cases, judicial reforms
            • Political parties, pressure groups, public opinion, media; subaltern and peasant movements
            • Elections, electoral behaviour, election commission and electoral reforms

            Political science: Unit 04

            Public policy and administration
            • Meaning and development of public administration-meaning, nature and scope of public administration, development of public administration as a discipline
            • Theories of public administration: Scientific, classical, bureaucratic theory, human relation theory
            • Principles of organization: Line and staff, unity of command, hierarchy, span of control, centralization and decentralization, types of organization, formal and informal; forms of organization; department, public corporation and board
            • Personnel administration: Recruitment, training, promotion, discipline, morale; employee, employer relations
            • Civil service and bureaucracy: Theories, types and roles; max weber and his critics
            • Civil servant, minister relationship, civil service in India
            • Financial administration: Budget, audit, and control over finance with special reference to India and uk
            • Good governance: Problems of administrative corruption; transparency and accountability; right to information
            • Grievance redressal institutions: Ombudsman, Lokpal and Lokayukta

            Political science: Unit 05

            International relations
            • Theories of international relations; idealist, realist, systems, game, and decision making theory, english school of thought
            • Power, interest and ideology in international relations: Acquisition, use and limitations of power, perception, formulation and promotion of national interest, meaning, role and relevance of ideology in international relations
            • Arms and wars: nature, causes and types of wars / conflicts including ethnic disputes; conventional, nuclear / bio, chemical wars; deterrence, arms race, arms control and disarmament
            • International peace: Peaceful settlement of disputes, conflict resolution, diplomacy, world, order and peace studies
            • Cold war and international politics: Cold war, alliances, non, alignment, end of cold war, globalisation
            • Rights and duties of states in international law, intervention, Treaty law, prevention and abolition of war
            • Political economy of international relations: New international economic order, North, South Dialogue, South, South Cooperation, WTO, Neo, colonialism and Dependency
            • Regional and sub, regional organisations: SAARC, ASEAN, OPEC, OAS
            • United nations : Aims, objectives, structure and evaluation of the working of un; peace and development perspectives; charter revision; power, struggle and diplomacy within un, financing and peace, keeping operations
            • India’s role in international affairs: India’s relations with its neighbors, wars, security concerns and pacts, mediatory role, distinguishing features of Indian foreign policy and diplomacy

            Business administration in management: Unit 01

            • Demand and supply, production and cost decisions, pricing (policies and strategies in different market structure), measurement of national income, fiscal and monetary policy
            • Economic reforms since 1991, inflation and deflation, money and capital market, Indian financial markets and regulatory bodies, reforms in Indian financial markets, FDI, business cycles

            Business administration in management: Unit 02

            Organizational behavior and human resource management
            • Personality, learning motivation, emotions at workplace, group dynamics, organizational climate, culture change & development, leadership, managing conflicts, organizational development,
            • Human resource development, hr planning, recruitment, selection, training and development, performance and potential appraisals, career and succession planning

            Business administration in management: Unit 03

            Information technology
            • Foundations of information systems, it applications in business, ERP, CRM, SCM and e, commerce

            Business administration in management: Unit 04

            Accounting & financial management
            • Financial accounts, financial statement analysis and ratio analysis, fund flow and cash flow statements, costing, budgetary control

            Business administration in management: Unit 05

            Statistics, production and operation research
            • Measures of central tendency and dispersion, correlation & regression analysis, linear programming problem transportation and assignment problem, project management, production planning, mrp, inventory management,
            • Quality concepts, lean management, just in time (JIT)

            Business administration in management: Unit 06

            Business research methods
            • Types of research, research design, sampling design: Sampling methods and determination of sample size, data collection design-levels of measurement and scaling, primary and secondary data
            • Instrument design, data analysis-univariate, bivariate and multivariate data analysis, report preparation

            Business administration in management: Unit 07

            • Consumer markets and business markets, segmentation, targeting and positioning, marketing mix 4p’product life cycle, services marketing: additional ps, customer relationship management
            • Digital and social media marketing, brand management, retailing on the net

            Business administration in management: Unit 08

            • Strategic management, vision, mission, objectives, environmental analysis, strategy formulation, corporate level, SBU level, functional strategies, strategy implementation
            • Corporate governance: procedures and principles, governance reforms in India, business ethics-ethics and management system
            • Ethical issues and analysis in management; value based organisations; personal framework for ethical choices; ethical pressure on individual in organisations; gender issues; ecological consciousness; corporate social responsibility

            Business administration in management: Unit 09

            International business
            • Modes of international business, liberalization, globalization, privatization, entry strategy and FDI in international business, the internationalization process of multinational enterprises, cross-culture management, Exim policy, World Trade Organization

            Business administration in management: Unit 10

            • Entrepreneurship and the entrepreneurial mind, set, entrepreneurial intentions and corporate
            • Entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial strategy: Generating and exploiting new entries, creativity and the business idea, identifying and analyzing domestic and international opportunities
            • Intellectual property and other legal issues for the entrepreneur, the business plan, the marketing plan, the organizational plan, the financial plan, sources of capital, strategies for growth and managing the implication of growth
            • Qualities required for future entrepreneurs

            Vsd-design: Unit 01

            Visualization and spatial ability
            • Pictorial and diagrammatic questions to test the understanding of transformation and/or manipulation of 2d shapes and 3d objects and their spatial relationships

            Vsd-design: Unit 02

            Environmental and social awareness
            • General awareness of environmental factors (such as climate, population, water, vegetation, pollution, weather, natural resources) and their implications on the design of products, images, infrastructure and environment
            • Awareness of design terminologies, social and cultural connection with design, history of the designed artefact, and socially responsible and environmentally sustainable design responses
            • Ability to analyses given information logically and select the most appropriate solutions; ability to weigh opinions, arguments or solutions against appropriate criteria
            • Ability to use logic and structured thinking to deduce from a short passage, which of a number of statements is the most accurate response to a posed question

            Vsd-design: Unit 03

            Language and creativity
            • Ability to understand passages in commonly used English language; ability to think creatively in terms of alternatives; ability to distinguish innovative options and think out, of, the, box

            Vsd-design: Unit 04

            Design thinking and problem solving
            • Ability to understand the context, the users and the constraints and select the most appropriate solution for a given design problem

            Vsd-design: Unit 05

            Observation and design sensitivity
            • Ability to detect concealed properties in day, to, day life and think critically about them
            • Ability to discern subtle differences in visual properties and aesthetic outcomes

            Vsd-design: Unit 06

            • Ability to draw products, people or scenes in proportion with good line quality, composition, proportion, perspective, and shading

            Vsd-design: Unit 07

            • Ability to think out, of, the, box and come, up with unique as well as diverse solutions

            Vsd-design: Unit 08

            Communication skills
            • Ability to communicate concepts and ideas clearly with the help of text and visuals

            Vsd-design: Unit 09

            Problem identification skills
            • ability to understand the user and the context, knowledge of properties of materials and their appropriate use in design
            • Vitree (sign) is an aptitude test and hence, no specific text book or guide is recommended for its preparation
            • Candidates may however practice their drawing, rendering and visualization skills
            • For your preparation, you may solve question papers of some of the previous years which are available on the official creed website

            Hospitality management: Unit 01

            Global scenario of the hospitality industry
            • Hospitality industry of world and India, history & origin of hospitality industry, concepts of hospitality industry, tenants of hospitality industry (hotels, food service outlets, lodge, inns, airlines, rail and cruise lines
            • Tour and travel operations, events managements, mice etc), current trends in hospitality industry, future of hospitality industry

            Hospitality management: Unit 02

            Hotel operations challenges and aspects
            • Operations of hotels (front office, accommodation management, food production and f & b service), concept of control of different operations of the hotel, departments and their roles and responsibilities
            • Interdepartmental coordination and dependence, importance and objectives of control in hotel operations security and engineering, facility planning, laws related to hospitality

            Hospitality management: Unit 03

            Hospitality sales & marketing techniques
            • The new concepts of sales and marketing, types of service marketing, strategic marketing, social media marketing, segmentation, targeting and positioning of hospitality products, new product development in hospitality industry
            • Pricing strategies in hospitality, product marketing, marketing research in hospitality industry, hospitality products advertising and promotion, quality management, innovation and invention in hospitality marketing

            Hospitality management: Unit 04

            Hospitality learning and development
            • The modern concept of human resource management, role and objectives of hrm in hospitality, the recent human resource structure, recruitment, selection, orientation, placement, training and development
            • Retention in hospitality industry, work life balance, managing productivity and controlling labor costs, discipline & managing conflict, team building, motivation, change management

            Hospitality management: Unit 05

            Strategic leadership in hospitality industry
            • Introduction to supervision in hospitality, managing productivity and controlling labor costs, discipline and managing conflict, team building, motivation, change management, time management

            Agri business management: Unit 01

            General agriculture
            • General agriculture importance of agriculture in national economy; basic principles of crop production; cultivation of rice, wheat, pigeon pea, sugarcane, tomato, cauliflower, mango and rose
            • Weathering of rocks; soil formation, major soils of India, soil erosion and its control; common farm implements; role of npk and their deficiency symptoms
            • Manures (fym, compost and green manure) and fertilizers (urea, diammonium phosphate, single superphosphate and muriate of potash)
            • Structure and function and cell organelles, mitosis and meiosis; gametogenesis, fertilization and embryogenesis; chromosomal and extrachromosomal basis of inheritance; mutation and polyploidy; selection methods
            • Hybridization, backcross; plant growth regulators; elementary knowledge of photosynthesis, respiration and nitrogen fixation
            • Isomerism; titrimetry and volumetry; structure and function of carbohydrates, proteins, nucleic acids, enzymes and vitamins
            • Major pests and diseases of rice, maize, pulses, oilseeds, vegetables, wheat, cotton, sugarcane and their management
            • Important principles of economics, structural transformation in economy and its globalization; principles of extension education; important rural development programmes in India; organizational set up of agricultural research
            • Education and extension in India, elements of statistics

            Agri business management: Unit 02

            • Structure and function of cell and cell organelles, cell cycle; mitosis and meiosis; nucleic acids their structure; mendelian principles; chromosome structure and organization; types of chromosomes; chromosome function
            • Linkage and crossing over and gene mapping in theories and molecular mechanism; recombination diploids, fungi, bacteria, and human; ploidy variations euploidy and aneuploidy; chromosomal aberrations; extrachromosomal inheritance
            • Gene mutation mechanism, induction; gene concept; complementation, genetic fine structure; genetic code, information transfer and protein synthesis, gene regulation and gene manipulation; gene transfer technology
            • Origin and evolution of important crop plants like wheat, rice, maize, sugarcane, potato, brassica, cotton, etc
            • Genetic basis of plant breeding; pure line selection; male sterility and incompatibility and their use in plant breeding; pedigree selection, mass selection and backcross method of selection; heterosis
            • Plant introduction and exploration and their role in plant breeding; breeding for disease, insect and pest resistance; role of interspecific and intergeneric hybridisation; population improvement procedures; recurrent selection techniques
            • Combining ability and its relationship with the components of gene action; seed production techniques; selection methods and changes in gene frequencies; mutation and its role in breeding; use of biotechnology in plant breeding
            • Molecular markers and their applications in genetic analysis and plant breeding

            Agricultural biotechnology: Unit 01

            General agriculture
            • General agriculture importance of agriculture in national economy; basic principles of crop production; cultivation of rice, wheat, pigeon pea, sugarcane, tomato, cauliflower, mango and rose
            • Weathering of rocks; soil formation, major soils of India, soil erosion and its control; common farm implements; role of npk and their deficiency symptoms; manures (fym, compost and green manure) and fertilizers (urea, diammonium phosphate
            • Single superphosphate and muriate of potash) structure and function and cell organelles, mitosis and meiosis; gametogenesis, fertilization and embryogenesis; chromosomal and extra, chromosomal basis of inheritance; mutation and polyploidy;
            • Selection methods, hybridization, backcross; plant growth regulators; elementary knowledge of photosynthesis, respiration and nitrogen fixation
            • Isomerism; titrimetry and volumetry; structure and function of carbohydrates, proteins, nucleic acids, enzymes and vitamins
            • Major pests and diseases of rice, maize, pulses, oilseeds, vegetables, wheat, cotton, sugarcane and their management
            • Important principles of economics, structural transformation in economy and its globalization; principles of extension education; important rural development programmes in India; organizational set up of agricultural research
            • Education and extension in India, elements of statistics

            Agricultural biotechnology: Unit 02

            Structure and organization of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells
            • Organization and expression of prokaryotic and eukaryotic genome; concept of gene; quantitative trait loci, mutation; genetic recombination; transformation; transduction; conjugation; structure, function and regulation of genes in pro, and eukaryotes
            • Transcription and translation; recombinant dna, vectors, plasmids, cosmids and bacteriophages, expression vectors, cloning strategies, construction and screening of genomic and cdna libraries, nucleic acid hybridisation and dna sequencing
            • Restriction fragment length polymorphism; monoclonal antibodies and their application; enzyme engineering; genetic transformation of eukaryotes; crop improvement through genetic engineering; role of tissue culture in crop improvement;
            • Microbes in agriculture and industry; structure and function of proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, lipids, enzymes; metabolism, glycolysis, citric acid cycle; respiration, bioenergetics; nucleic acid and protein biosynthesis; photosynthesis
            • Nitrogen fixation
            • Biotransformation and biodegradation; biofertilizers; biosensors, living biosensors for the management and manipulation of microbial consortia; role of biotechnology in energy production
            • Major bioinformatics resources (NCBI, ebi, expect); sequence and structure databases and analysis, sequence analysis, phylogeny, comparative genomics; molecular modeling and simulations
            • Overview and functions of a computer system; basics of database management system
            • Microbial genetics; microbial production and purification of fermented food and food products, recombinant proteins, industrial enzymes; free and immobilized enzyme kinetics; types of bioreactors; bioseparation techniques

            Agricultural entomology: Unit 01

            Agricultural entomology
            • History and development of Entomology, evolution of insects, position of insects in the animal kingdom, characteristics of phylum Arthropoda, structural features of important arthropod groups classification of insects up to order level, habits
            • Habitats and distinguishing features of different order and important families body wall, body regions, insect colors head and head appendages, thorax structure, wings, their modification and venation, abdomen structures
            • Embryonic and post embryonic development, types of metamorphosis, physiology of ecdysis
            • Insect food and nutrition and their role in growth and development, artificial diets concept of ecology, environment and its components,biotic and abiotic factors and their effects on growth, development
            • Diapause, population structure and dynamics, distribution and dispersal
            • Principles of biogeography and insects biodiversity
            • Assessment of diversity indices AESA, ecological niche, predator,prey and host,parasitoid interactions
            • Food chain, food web and trophic relations
            • Life table studies, population models
            • Arthropod population monitoring, pest forecasting
            • Causes of pest outbreaks, importance and scope of biological control, history of biological control-biocontrol agents, parasitoids, predators, insect pathogens and weed killers
            • Important entomophagous insect orders and families
            • Mass multiplication techniques and successful cases of biological control of pests
            • Use of biotechnological tools in enhancing the potentials of bio, control agents
            • History, scope and principles of chemical control
            • Insecticides, classification and mode of action, conventional and IRAC
            • Formulations of insecticides
            • Penetration of insecticides
            • Physical, chemical and toxicological properties of different groups of insecticides
            • Rodenticides, insect growth hormones
            • Insecticide induced resurgence
            • Combination insecticides
            • Pesticide hazards and environmental pollution
            • Safe use of pesticides, precautions, first aid treatments and antidote
            • Insecticides Act 1968, Functions of CIB & RC, evaluation of toxicity, methods of toxicity testing, determination of LD50, LT 50, RL 50 etc
            • Metabolism of insecticides and management of insecticide resistance
            • Principles of HPR basis of resistance
            • Host plant selection by phytophagous insects
            • Biotype development and break down of resistance
            • Tritrophic interactions, induced resistance
            • Breeding for insect resistant crops and evaluation techniques
            • Biotechnological approaches and development of transgenic insect resistant plants
            • Genetic improvement and genetic engineering of bio control agents
            • Pest management in organic and precision agriculture
            • History, concept and principles of IPM
            • Components of IPM system approach, agro ecosystem and cropping system vs IPM
            • Concept of damage levels, ETL, EIL and their determination
            • IPM strategies for field and horticultural crops
            • IPM case histories
            • Types of appliances used for insecticide application
            • Types of nozzles, spray patterns
            • Maintenance of appliances
            • Distribution, host range, biology and bionomics, nature of damage and management of arthropod pests of cereals, millets, nutri cereals, oilseeds, pulses, fibre crops, green manures, sugarcane and tobacco
            • Pest of vegetables, fruits, plantation crops, spices, condiments, medicinal and aromatic crops, ornamentals, underutilized and exotic fruits
            • Pests of importance: locusts, termites, hairy caterpillars, cutworms white grubs and invasive alien pests
            • Vertebrate and molluscan pests
            • Pests of mushrooms
            • Principles of grain storage
            • Storage structures, bulk storage and bag storage their merits and demerits
            • Insect and Non-insect pests in storage, biology, and nature of damage
            • Integrated management of storage pests
            • Regulated and quarantine pests
            • History of vector pathogen interactions, important vectors of plant diseases
            • Mechanism of pathogen transmission
            • Toxicogenic insects, mites and phytotoxic
            • Management of vector and its effect on control of diseases
            • History of beekeeping
            • Bee products
            • Honey bees and their economic importance
            • Bee species, their behaviour, habit and habitats
            • Pollinators and their role in production of various crops
            • Conservation of pollinators
            • Silkworm species, salient features, systematic position
            • Production techniques of mulberry, muga, eri and tasar silkworms, silkworm breeds
            • Nutritional requirements of silkworms
            • Enemies and diseases of silkworms and their management
            • Sericulture organization in India Lac insect, its biology, lac products, uses
            • Host Trees of lac and natural enemies
            • Use of insects and insect products in medicines
            • Insects as bioindicators
            • Usefulness of insects in scientific investigations Frequency distribution, mean, mode and median
            • Standard, normal, binomial and Poisson’s distribution, Sampling methods and standard errors
            • Correlation and regression: Partial and multiple, tests of significance; t, F, chi, square, Duncan’s multiple range tests
            • Design of experiments: Principles of randomized block design, completely randomized block design, Latin square design, split,plot designs
            • Probit analysis
            • Use of software packages like SPSS, SAS, etc for the above tests and designs of experiments for analysis

            Agricultural engineering: Unit 01

            Surveying and levelling
            • Surveying, chain, compass, plane table survey, land measurement and computation of area; area estimation, Simpson’s rule and Trapezoidal rule
            • Soil erosion: Causes, effects of soil erosion, USLE, soil estimation, erosion control measures; In, situ soil moisture conservation, micro catchments and eroded catchments; Watershed, concept, conservation, watershed management

            Agricultural engineering: Unit 02

            Farm machinery
            • IC engine, working principles, different components; engine systems, air cleaning, cooling, lubrication, fuel supply and hydraulic control system of a tractor; power transmission system, clutch, gear box, differential and final drive of a tractor
            • Tractor types; Primary and secondary tillage implement, implement for intercultural operations, sowing and planting, plant protection equipment, harvesting and threshing equipment

            Agricultural engineering: Unit 03

            Remote sensing, geographical information system (GIS) and global positioning system (GPS)
            • Components, RS platforms,hardware and software, data conversion, map coordinate systems, data types and inputs, raster-based, multispectral, hyperspectral and thermal, vector based data
            • Point line and polygon Image processing for various applications, spectral signatures, vegetative indices, uses and applications; different sensors used in agriculture, soil, crop and weather sensors

            Agricultural engineering: Unit 04

            • Precipitation, measurement, data analysis; Runoff, hydrograph, flow measurement, effective rainfall; evaporation, estimation, evapotranspiration, infiltration
            • Groundwater, aquifer and its properties, recharge estimation,open wells, specific yield; sedimentation, estimation, yield, reservoir sedimentation; watershed, delineation, hydrologic units
            • Measurements, geospatial software (ArcGIS, ERDAS imagine)

            Microbial technology: Unit 01

            Microbial technology
            • Microbial technology, useful microbes, fungi, bacteria, virus, algae, classes of products obtained from microbes and their uses, microbes used directly as products, novel metabolites from microbes
            • Microbes for agriculture biofertilizers, classes of biofertilizers, mass production of biofertilizers, field application techniques, marketing
            • Biopesticides, microbes used as biopesticides, mass production, field application and economics, PGPR microbes, microbial endophytes
            • Microbes for environment microbes for pollution control, immobilization of microbes, bioremediation, strategies for bioremediation, biofilm-based removal, quorum sensing, usage of microbes from extreme environments,
            • Microbes In waste management, water treatment, bioleaching, biosorption Microbes For nutrition and health antibiotics, commercial production of antibiotics, industrial production of vaccines, microbes in probiotics and prebiotics
            • Microbes as food and food additives, mushrooms and commercial production, microbial transformation of bio, chemicals, cosmetic microbiology microbial biosensors, microbial biofuel, electricity from bacteria, bacterial rhodopsin in IT industry,
            • Microbes to contain oil spills, model microbes in biotechnology research, microbes in nanotechnology
            • Industrially important microbial products: Biomass, Yeast, lactobacillus, spirulina, primary and secondary metabolites
            • Medical antibiotics, penicillin, cephalosporin, tetracycline vaccines, TT, DPT, BCG, anticancer compounds from microbes
            • Enzymes general aspects of enzyme production
            • Industrial scale production of protease, lipase, cellulase, pectinase, amylase
            • Recombinant products production of insulin and growth hormones
            • Recombinant enzymes and vaccine production
            • Food additives organic acid production: Acetic acid, gluconic acid, lactic acid
            • Amino acid production: lysine and glutamic acid
            • Vitamin production: pantothenic acid, riboflavin, vitamin b12, ascorbic acid
            • Biofuels production of bioethanol, biobutanol, biodiesel, biohydrogen, methane production biopolymers, biosurfactants, microbial pigments

            Food science and technology: Unit 01

            Food science and technology
            • Introduction to food technology
            • Food attributes viz colour, texture, flavour, nutritive value and consumer preferences
            • Causes of food spoilage, sources of microbial contamination of foods, food borne illnesses, water activity and its relation to spoilage of foods
            • Spoilage of processed products
            • Principles and methods of food preservation
            • Food fortification
            • Heat processing, dehydration, freezing, freeze drying, fermentation, chemical additives
            • Refrigerated and modified atmosphere storage
            • Aseptic preservation, hurdle technology, hydrostatic pressure technology and microwave processing
            • Use of non,thermal technologies, alternate, thermal technologies and biological technologies in food processing
            • Post harvest handling and storage of fresh fruits and vegetables
            • Minimally processed products
            • Cold chain logistics, canning; intermediate moisture foods
            • Preparation and utilization of fruits and vegetables juices
            • Membrane technology
            • Chemistry and manufacture of pectin, technology of preservatives, pickles, chutneys and sauces
            • Control of spoilage, if products, packaging, storage and thawing
            • Spice processing
            • Oleoresins and essential oils
            • Structure, composition and processing of different grains like wheat, rice, barley, oat, maize and millets
            • Anti, nutritional factors in food grains and oilseeds
            • Preparation of vital wheat gluten and its utilization
            • Enzymes (amylases and proteases) in milling and baking
            • Use of pulses in traditional products, protein concentrates and isolates
            • Modified starches and proteins
            • Oilseeds: Edible oilseeds, composition and importance in India
            • Oilseed processing oil extraction and its processing
            • Dairy analogues based on plant milk
            • Spices processing: Oleoresin and essential oil extraction dairy plant operations UHT, toned, humanized, fortified, reconstituted and flavored milks
            • Technology of fermented milks
            • Milk products processing viz cream, butter, ghee, cheese, condensed milk, evaporated milk, whole and skimmed milk powder, ice,cream, butter oil, khoa, channa, paneer and similar products
            • Judging and grading of milk products
            • Cheese spreads by spray and roller drying techniques
            • EMC (enzyme modified cheese), enzymes in dairy processing
            • Chemistry and microscopic structure of meat tissue
            • Ante mortem inspection
            • Slaughter and dressing of various animals and poultry birds
            • Post mortem examination
            • Rigor mortis
            • Retails and wholesale cuts
            • Factors affecting meat quality
            • Curing, smoking, freezing, canning and dehydration of meat, poultry and their products
            • Structure and composition of egg and factors affecting quality
            • Quality measurement
            • Preservation and transportation of eggs
            • Egg powder, albumen, flakes and calcium tablets
            • Quality systems and tools used for quality assurance, safety, recall and liability
            • The principles and practices of food plant sanitation
            • Total quality management, good management practices, HACCP and codex
            • International and National food laws
            • USFDA/ISO,C9000 and FSSAI
            • Food adulteration, food safety
            • Sensory evaluation, panel screening, selection methods
            • Non, destructive food quality evaluation methods
            • Unit operations in food processing, packaging materials, packaging of fresh and processed foods, recent trends in packaging, aseptic, modified atmosphere, vacuum and gas packaging, nutritional labelling organic foods/ nutraceutical and functional foods
            • Fermentation technology, fermented food products (animal and plant based), microbial spoilage of foods, bacterial growth curve, hurdle technology
            • Role of biotechnology in productivity of plants, livestock and microbes of improved nutrition and quality
            • Consumer trends and their impact on new product development
            • Product development viz to conceive ideas, evaluation of ideas, developing ideas into products, test marketing and commercialization
            • Role of food in human nutrition
            • Therapeutic / Engineered / Fabricated and O

            Horticulture: Unit 01

            • Importance and scope of horticulture, layout and establishment of orchards; pruning and training; propagation, climatic requirement and cultivation of fruits like mango, banana, citrus, guava, grape, pineapple, papaya, apple, pear, peach and plum
            • Cultivation of plantation crops like coconut and cashew nut and spices like black pepper, cardamom, cinnamon, coriander, turmeric
            • Cultivation of major vegetable crops of tropical, subtropical and temperate regions ‘like cole crops (cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli and knol khol), cucurbits (pumpkin, bottle gourd, bitter gourd, luffa, muskmelon and watermelon, cucumber),
            • Root crops (radish, tapioca sweet potato and potato), leafy vegetables (fenugreek, amaranthus and spinach); solanaceous crops (tomato, chillies and brinjal) Importance and scope of cut and loose flowers
            • Cultivation of important cut flowers (rose, gerbera, carnation, lilium, orchids, gladiolus) and loose flowers (marigold, jasmine, crossandra, chrysanthemum, tuberose), establishment and maintenance of lawns, turf management, trees, shrubs, creepers
            • Hedges and annuals, type of gardens, landscaping and its principles, Production technology Medicinal crops-periwinkle, coleus, ashwagandha, ashwagandha, aloe vera, isabgol, shatavari; Aromatic crops-palmarosa, lemongrass, citronella
            • Vetiver, geranium, mentha, ocimum
            • Genetics, breeding objectives, methods, varieties, and hybrids, breeding for biotic and abiotic stress, breeding for quality improvement, marker,assisted selection, use of molecular markers, heterosis, male sterility, self incompatibility,
            • Biotechnological approaches, genetic engineering and transformation in horticultural crops
            • Maturity indices, harvesting practices and grading for specific market requirements, influence of preharvest practices, postharvest management in horticultural crop, methods of storage, packing methods and transport, quality evaluation
            • Principles and methods of preservation, food processing, processing waste management and food safety standards; Role of HACCP in fruits, vegetables and flower crops
            • Prospects of value addition, types of value, added products from flower crops, essential oil, processing of plantation crops, spices, medicinal and aromatic plants
            • Plant growth regulators, dormancy, role of auxins, gibberellins, cytokinins and abscisic acid; application of PGR’s, physiology and biochemistry of fruit ripening
            • Role and mode of action of antitranspirants, anti, auxin, plant growth retardant and inhibitors, fruit set, fruit development, parthenocarpy, senescence and abscission, fruit ripening and physiological change associated with ripening in horticultural crop
            • Plant growth regulators in relation to morphogenesis and tissue culture techniques in vegetable crops
            • Protected cultivation, temperature, carbon dioxide, humidity, classification of protected structures, cladding material, media, drip and sprinkler irrigation, fertigation, special horticultural practices, hydroponics
            • Aeroponics, aquaponics, microgreens, mulching, solarization, fumigation, and protected cultivation of high, value vegetables, flowers and fruit precision farming
            • Sexual propagation, apomixis, polyembryony, chimeras
            • Factors influencing seed germination, hormonal regulation of germination and seedling growth
            • Seed quality, treatment, dormancy, packing, storage, certification and testing
            • Method of vegetative propagations, physiological, anatomical and biochemical aspects of root induction in cuttings selection of elite mother plants
            • Establishment of bud wood bank
            • Stock, scion and inter stock relationship and incompatibility
            • Physiology of dwarfing rootstocks
            • Rejuvenation of senile and seedling orchards progeny orchard and scion bank
            • Importance, principles, perspective, concept and component of organic farming, biodynamic farming, Indigenous methods of composting; ITK’s, managing soil fertility, pests and diseases and weed problems in organic farming system
            • Crop rotation in organic horticulture, processing and quality control for organic foods, methods for enhancing soil fertility, mulching, raising green manure crops, pest and disease management in organic farming;
            • Role of botanicals and biocontrol agents; GAP and GMP, certification of organic products; organic production and export, opportunity and challenges

            Agricultural extension education: Unit 01

            Extension landscape
            • Challenges before extension and advisory services (EAS), new functions and new capacities, pluralism in EAS, from the linear paradigm to systems paradigm, evolving extension approaches, extension reforms and policy challenges

            Agricultural extension education: Unit 02

            Behavioural change of the stakeholders
            • Foundations of human behaviour, cognitive processes affecting human behaviour, information processing, cognitive approaches of learning, principles theories and models, judgement, choice and decision,making
            • Attitudes and influence, social judgment, social identity and inter, group relations

            Agricultural extension education: Unit 03

            Organizational behavior
            • Basics of organization and organizational behaviour, individual and group behaviour in organizations, productive behaviour and occupational stress, organizational system, overview of organizational development
            • Managing the organizational development process, organizational development interventions, organizational development practitioner or consultant

            Agricultural extension education: Unit 04

            Research methodology in extension
            • Nature of behavioural research, the behavioural research process, steps in behavioural research process, formulating a research problem, reviewing the literature, identifying variables and hypotheses, formulating research designs
            • Methods and tools, sampling, the process of collecting data, analyzing and interpreting the data, reporting and evaluating research

            Agricultural extension education: Unit 05

            Capacity development
            • An overview, approaches and strategies, planning and organization of capacity development programmes, capacity development needs assessment, capacity development institutions and management, capacity development project formu

            Agricultural extension education: Unit 06

            ICTS for agricultural extension and advisory services
            • Concepts and status, ICTS in knowledge management, extension initiatives in agriculture and allied sectors, application of ICTS in extension and advisory services, ICT expert systems, ICT networks; knowledge management and standards
            • Policies in knowledge management, web standards, social media applications to engage audience; smart and disruptive technologies and advanced analytics for agricultural extension, human-computer interactions

            Agricultural extension education: Unit 07

            Programme evaluation
            • Concept of evaluation, evaluation theories, evaluation process, programme management techniques, programme evaluation tools, impact assessment, approaches for impact assessment, environment impact assessment (eia)

            Agricultural extension education: Unit 08

            Managing extension organizations
            • Basics of management, extension management in public, private sector and other sectors, motivation and organizational communication, supervision and control
            • Agricultural innovation systems: concepts and elements,, enabling innovation, scaling up knowledge for innovation, changing views, approaches; scaling up knowledge for innovation, tools,
            • Approaches and pathways
            • Gender mainstreaming: historical perspective of gender, agrarian importance of gender, gender-related concepts, analysis, gender and technology, gender mainstreaming and women empowerment, gender mainstreaming and women empowerment
            • Entrepreneurship Development for Women

            Plant pathology: Unit 01

            History and general classification of fungus
            • Importance, definitions, and concepts of plant diseases, history and growth of plant pathology, biotic and abiotic causes of plant diseases Growth, reproduction, survival, and dispersal of important plant pathogens
            • The role of environment and host nutrition on disease development classification of fungi, economic mycology, edible fungi and entomogenous fungi mycorrhizal association, cell organelles, their morphology, functions, and chemical composition

            Plant pathology: Unit 02

            Plant virus and viroid
            • Nature, composition, and structure of viruses and viroids
            • Symptomatology of important plant viral diseases, transmission, properties of viruses, host,virus interaction, virus vector relationship
            • Virus nomenclature and classification, genome organization, replication, and movement of viruses
            • Isolation and purification, electron microscopy, protein and nucleic acid,based diagnostics
            • Myco, viruses, satellite viruses, satellite RNAs, phages, prions
            • Origin and evolution, mechanism of resistance, genetic engineering, ecology, and management of plant viruses

            Plant pathology: Unit 03

            Plant pathogenic bacteria
            • Importance of phytopathogenic bacteria
            • Evolution, classification, and nomenclature of phytopathogenic prokaryotes and important diseases caused by them
            • Growth, nutrition requirements, reproduction, preservation of bacterial cultures, and variability among phytopathogenic prokaryotes General biology of bacteriophages, L form bacteria, plasmids, and bdellovibrios
            • Prokaryotic inhibitors and their mode of action against phytopathogenic bacteria
            • Survival and dissemination of phytopathogenic bacteria

            Plant pathology: Unit 04

            Role of toxics and enzymes on plant disease development
            • Host, parasite interaction, recognition concept, and infection, symptomatology, disease development, the role of enzymes, toxins, growth regulators; defense strategies, oxidative burst; phenolics, phytoalexins, PR proteins, elicitors
            • Genetics of resistance; ‘R’ genes; mechanism of genetic variation in pathogens; molecular basis for resistance; marker ,assisted selection; genetic engineering for disease resistance
            • Disease management strategies

            Plant pathology: Unit 05

            Isolation and purification of plant pathogens
            • Pure culture techniques and, the use of selective media to isolate pathogens
            • Preservation of plant pathogens and disease specimens, use of haemocytometer, micrometer, centrifuge, pH meter, and camera lucida
            • Microscopic techniques and staining methods, phase contrast system, chromatography, use of electron microscope, spectrophotometer, ultracentrifuge and electrophoretic apparatus, disease diagnostics
            • Serological and molecular techniques for detection of plant pathogens
            • Evaluation of fungicides, bactericides, etc; field experiments, data collection, and preparation of references

            Plant pathology: Unit 06

            Seed health testing and certification
            • Morphology and anatomy of typical monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous infected seeds
            • Recent advances in the establishment and subsequent cause of disease development in seeds and seedlings
            • Localization and mechanism of seed transmission about seed infection, seed to plant transmission of pathogens
            • Seed certification and tolerance limits, types of losses caused by seed,borne diseases in true and vegetatively propagated seeds, and evolutionary adaptations of crop plants to defend against seed invasion by seed, borne pathogens
            • 37 Epidemiological factors influencing the transmission of seed,borne diseases, forecasting of epidemics through seed,borne infection
            • Production of toxic metabolites affecting seed quality and its impact on human, animal, and plant health, management of seed,borne pathogen/diseases and procedure for healthy seed production, seed health testing, and methods for detecting microorganisms

            Plant pathology: Unit 07

            Molecular plant -pathogen interactions
            • Molecular mechanisms of pathogenesis, process of infection, variability in plant pathogens
            • Mechanism of resistance
            • Host defense system
            • Antiviral protein
            • SAR, active oxygen radicals
            • Hypersensitivity and its mechanisms
            • Tissue culture, elementary genetic engineering
            • Gene, for, gene concept, protein, for, protein, and immunization basis, management of resistance genes
            • Strategies for gene deployment

            Plant pathology: Unit 08

            Integrated disease management
            • Introduction, definition, concept and tools of disease management, components of integrated disease management, their limitations and implications
            • Development of IDM, basic principles, biological, chemical, and cultural disease management IDM in important crops, rice, wheat, cotton, sugarcane, chickpea, rapeseed, mustard, pearl millet, kharif pulses, vegetable crops and fruit crop

            Seed science and technology: Unit 01

            Seed biology
            • Floral types, structure and biology in relation with pollination mechanisms
            • Sporogenesis, pollination, fertilization, embryogenesis, fruit and seed development
            • Apomixis, parthenocarpy, polyembryony and somatic embryoids and synthetic seeds
            • Seed structure of monocot and dicot
            • Seed maturation and longevity in orthodox and recalcitrant seed
            • Chemical composition of seed
            • Seed dormancy, types, causes and mechanisms of induction and release, factors affecting, methods to overcome dormancy and its significance in agriculture
            • Seed germination, phases, types and requirements, physiological and biochemical changes in germinating seeds
            • Role of hormones in seed dormancy and germination

            Seed science and technology: Unit 02

            Seed production
            • Genetic purity concepts and factors responsible for deterioration of varieties, maintenance of genetic and physical purity, Variety testing, release and notification
            • Generation system of seed multiplication
            • Seed production agencies
            • Compact area approach and seed village concept in seed production
            • Seed Multiplication ratio, seed replacement rate, seed renewal period, varietal replacement rate
            • Classes of seeds, Nucleus, breeder, foundation and certified seed
            • Seed production planning
            • Factors affecting pollination and seed set viz, temperature, humidity, wind velocity, insect pollinators, and supplementary pollination
            • Male sterility, self incompatibility and their role in hybrid seed production
            • Supplementary pollination
            • Isolation distance and types
            • Principles and methods of seed production of varieties and hybrids of cereals like wheat, paddy, sorghum, pearl millet and maize; pulses like chickpea, pigeon pea, green gram, black gram, soybean and cowpea; oilseeds like groundnut
            • Brassica, sesame, sunflower and castor; fibre crops like cotton and jute; vegetables crops like tomato, brinjal, okra, chilli, important cole and cucurbitaceous crops time of harvesting and threshing/extraction methods Micro propagation

            Seed science and technology: Unit 03

            Seed processing
            • Seed processing steps, seed processing sequence for different crops, layout of seed processing, Seed processing machines like cleaner cum grader, specific gravity separator, indented cylinder, seed treater, weighing and bagging machines
            • Their operation and maintenance, principles of seed processing
            • Seed drying principles and methods and seed drying machines
            • Precleaning, grading, treatment, pelleting and packaging
            • Seed invigoration and enhancement treatment, seed coating, pelleting, seed priming and methods, seed hardening and their mechanisms
            • Seed quality maintenance during processing

            Seed science and technology: Unit 04

            Seed quality control
            • Seed legislation, Seeds Act 1966, Seed Rules 1969, Seed Control Order 1983 and New Seed Bill 2004, Seed Law Enforcement Seed certification, history, concept, organization, phases and minimum certification standards
            • Field inspection principles and methods
            • Inspection at harvesting, threshing and processing
            • Pre,and post,quality testing or genetic purity
            • Seed testing concepts and objectives
            • Seed Certification concepts and procedures
            • Seed sampling, types of samples, sampling devices, procedure for seed sampling, sampling intensity
            • Seed moisture testing, purity analysis, germination testing, tolerance tests and equipment
            • Seed testing procedures for agricultural and horticultural crops
            • Quick viability tests
            • Seed vigour, its significance and testing methods
            • Testing for genuineness of varieties, principles and methods based on seed, seedling and plant characters, biochemical techniques namely electrophoresis of proteins and isoenzymes and DNA fingerprinting / Molecular markers
            • International Seed Testing Association (ISTA), its role in development of seed testing procedures, rules and seed quality assurance for international seed trade, OECD

            Seed science and technology: Unit 05

            Seed storage
            • Seed storage, principles, purpose and types
            • Factors affecting seed storage and role of moisture, temperature, RH and moisture equilibrium
            • Viability nomographs
            • Types of seed, orthodox and recalcitrant seed, Seed deterioration causes and methods of control
            • Physiological, biochemical and molecular changes in seed ageing
            • Seed packaging material
            • Storage structures
            • Methods of stacking and their impact
            • Controlled storage
            • Germplasm storage
            • Cryopreservation
            • Operation and management of seed stores

            Seed science and technology: Unit 06

            Seed health
            • Importance of seed health
            • Procedure for seed health and rules
            • Mode and mechanism of transmission of microorganisms, fungi, bacteria and viruses
            • Externally and internally seed, borne pathogens, mode of infection, development and spread, methods of detection of seed borne diseases
            • Important seed,borne diseases of cereals, oilseeds, pulses, fibre crops, vegetables and their control measures
            • Quarantine and international procedures of phytosanitary certificates
            • Important storage pests, their identification and management
            • Use of pesticides, botanicals, mycotoxins for seed treatments
            • Principles of fumigation and safe use of fumigants

            Seed science and technology: Unit 07

            Seed industry development and marketing
            • National and international seed industry development
            • International seed trade federation (ISF) and Indian seed associations
            • Role of WTO and OECD in seed marketing
            • Economics of seed production
            • Market survey, demand forecasting, pricing policies, marketing channels, planning and sales promotion
            • Role of public and private sectors in seed trade
            • Seed import and export

            Seed science and technology: Unit 08

            Protection of plant varieties
            • Plant variety protection (PVP) and its significance
            • Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Right Act, 2001, its essential features
            • International union for the protection of new varieties of plants (UPOV) and its role in development of plant breeders rights and seed industry development
            • Impact of PVP on seed supply system
            • DUS testing principles and application
            • Biodiversity act
            • Criteria for protection of Essentially Derived Varieties (EDVs) and Genetically modified (GM) varietie

            Architecture and planning: Unit 01

            Water supply
            • Water Supply, Introduction, sources of water supply, qualitative and quantitative aspects, availability, the importance of water conservation Storm water collection, drain design, regulators,
            • Filtration beds and groundwater recharge systems, surface drainage and subsoil Drainage

            Architecture and planning: Unit 02

            Water treatment
            • Water treatment, conceptual understanding of public water distribution system
            • Sources of water pollution and preventive measures
            • Filtration, disinfection, water softening, standards for various uses, especially for portable use and in construction

            Architecture and planning: Unit 03

            Water distribution
            • Principles of hydro pneumatic systems in water supply
            • Control systems including valves and metering devices, user end controls such as angle valves, shower panels, jacuzzi systems

            Architecture and planning: Unit 04

            Sewage disposal
            • Introduction, importance and purpose of sanitation, types of refuse, collection and disposal of refuse, systems of drainage, methods of sewage and effluent disposal, recycling of sewage water, understanding of sewer sections and invert levels
            • Inspection chambers

            Architecture and planning: Unit 05

            Rural sanitation
            • Rural sanitation, aqua privies, biogas principles and systems

            Architecture and planning: Unit 06

            Sanitation in buildings
            • Environmental impacts, detailed study of septic tanks and sewage treatment plants and their various components
            • Sanitary requirements for various types of buildings as per the national building code

            Architecture and planning: Unit 07

            Fire fighting
            • Fire fighting services

            Architecture and planning: Unit 08

            Electricity basics
            • Ohms and Kirchhoff’s Laws, single phase and three phase supply, power and different types of power measurement, power factor, earthing, substations, low, voltage power distribution systems requirements
            • Dimensions of power distribution systems, low voltage switchboards, bus bar system and types

            Architecture and planning: Unit 09

            Electrical system design
            • Wires and cables, electrical load estimation, preparation of electrical scheme and the electrical load calculations for building, power handling equipment: switchboard, panel boards, lighting conductors, captive power generation
            • Interrupted power supply, emergency service, inverters, phase change over and method wires and cables, electrical load estimation, preparation of electrical scheme and the electrical load calculations for building
            • Power handling equipment: Switchboard, panel boards, lighting conductors, captive power generation, UNinterrupted power supply, emergency service, inverters, phase change over and methods

            Architecture and planning: Unit 10

            • Nature of radiation, definition, laws, photometry, lighting calculations, design of illumination systems types of lamps, energy efficiency lamps

            Architecture and planning: Unit 11

            Security system
            • Introduction to security systems, access control, public address systems, cctv, fire detection and their interconnected role in protection

            Architecture and planning: Unit 12

            Mechanical / artificial ventilation
            • Rate of ventilation, methods and equipment, air conditioning, definition to psychrometric process, air cycle and refrigeration cycle, calculation of air conditioning loads, zoning: purpose and advantages
            • Air, distribution systems, air, conditioning methods and equipment, energy conservation techniques, concept of “clean room”

            Architecture and planning: Unit 13

            Elevators, escalators and travelators
            • Types of elevators,traction, sky lobby, lift lobby, provision of elevators for a building, planning considerations, location in building, recommendations of the national building code, etc safety features and codes
            • Service requirements: Quality of service, quantity of service, time, passenger handling capacity, space and physical requirements, machine room spaces and their typical layout
            • Design of typical lift banks
            • Escalators, application, location and arrangement in buildings
            • Space requirement, travelators

            Architecture and planning: Unit 14

            Introduction of acoustics
            • Nature of sound, basic terminology, behaviour of sound in enclosed spaces, absorption of sound, sound absorption coefficient, reverberation, use of sabine’s and eying's formulae, sound absorbents
            • Auditoria, seminar and multipurpose hall design

            Architecture and planning: Unit 15

            Introduction lighting
            • History and basics of lighting; light and electromagnetic spectrum; fundamentals quantities of lighting; photometry

            Architecture and planning: Unit 16

            Lighting design basics
            • Brief history of light sources; different types of lamps; luminous efficacy of light sources; energy efficient lighting; luminaries and its components; luminaries types and classification; lighting systems; lighting distribution patterns

            Architecture and planning: Unit 17

            Illumination and lighting
            • Quantity of lighting: minimum illumination levels for different facilities quality of lighting: glare (direct and reflected/veiling); control of direct and indirect glare; visual comfort probability; concept and fundamentals of color;
            • Color temperature of different light sources; color rendering and color rendering index (CRI) of light sources

            Architecture and planning: Unit 18

            Lighting design and calculation
            • Lighting calculation methods: Lumen method, zonal cavity method and point method permanent supplementary artificial lighting in interiors (PSALI) lighting application for different facilities-hospitals, institutional and educational buildings
            • Restaurants, office buildings, outdoor, landscape; assembly rooms, auditoriums, and multipurpose spaces; sports facilities, laboratories, library etc

            Architecture and planning: Unit 19

            Nature of sound
            • Sound and it's physics: Speed, wavelength and frequency, octave bands, sound propagation; ray and particle nature of the sound, longitudinal motion, spherical dissipation, inverse square law
            • Fundamentals of human ear & hearing mechanism: Equal loudness contours; expressing sound magnitude; sound power; sound pressure; sound intensity; decibel; attenuation; sound power level; sound pressure level;common sound pressure levels

            Architecture and planning: Unit 20

            Acoustics of architectural spaces
            • Sound in enclosed spaces: Acoustical defects of architectural space & measures to solve; types of sound absorption material & their use in architectural spaces; sabine; sound absorption coefficient; acoustical material rating methods;
            • Reverberation and reverberation time calculation for spaces; optimal reverberation time; variable acoustics; acoustical design criteria of spaces for speech, music and open,air auditorium; methods adopted in designing acoustics for architectural spaces

            Architecture and planning: Unit 21

            Noise control and sound reinforcement
            • Types of noise and its sources in buildings: Rating system of noise; noise rating system of building components; noise control methods in buildings for different noise types
            • Mechanical systems noise control; HVAC lining materials, difference between thermal and acoustical insulation
            • Vibration isolation and control; active sound and noise cancelation; environmental acoustics; traffic noise; planning to mitigate environmental / outdoor noise; sound barriers; principles of sound barrier attenuation, shadow zone, distance from receiver
            • Acoustic compliance, NIHL, OSHA and NIOSH guidelines for acceptable ambient noise exposure levels in different places

            Architecture and planning: Unit 22

            Mud, lime and bamboo
            • Mud and lime, bamboo and casuarinas as construction materials

            Architecture and planning: Unit 23

            Stone and bricks
            • Stone and brick as a construction material, types of construction stone, brick and their properties and use in building construction
            • Nature of stone wall and Brick construction in various building components like foundations, walls, buttresses, arches and roofing

            Architecture and planning: Unit 24

            Special types of concrete
            • Types of concrete, precast concrete, ready mix concrete, batching plants
            • Ferro cement in building construction, concepts behind prestressed, post,tensioned concrete, precast concrete structures
            • Studies on large span structures, multi, storeyed buildings, marine structures, special application steel structures, special technologies such as tunneling

            Architecture and planning: Unit 25

            Ferrous metals and non ferrous metals in building construction
            • Ferrous metals, brief review of pig iron, cast iron, wrought iron Non,ferrous metals, aluminium, copper, lead, zinc, tin, nickel
            • Alloys of aluminium copper and steel, galvanised iron, gal volume

            Architecture and planning: Unit 26

            Steel in building construction
            • Brief review of steel manufacture process, its properties and uses, various forms of architectural steel

            Architecture and planning: Unit 27

            • Types of glass, treatment of glass and brief review of glass manufacture, composition, properties and uses of glass, glass and aluminium in frameless glass systems, structural glazing

            Architecture and planning: Unit 28

            Studies on high rise structures including structural implications
            • Studies on high rise structures including structural implications, effects of wind and climate, services integration, safety, typical floor construction cycle, construction techniques, national building code references
            • Environmental issues in construction, disaster management technologies, emergency structures, cost reduction technologies for mass construction

            Architecture and planning: Unit 29

            Introduction to architectural simulation
            • Introduction to computers, getting hands-on familiarity with software related to architectural simulation, the need and scope of using computers in architectural simulation

            Architecture and planning: Unit 30

            Digital software
            • Digital software like AUTOCAD, understanding various aspects of line, shapes, commands, layers, printing color codes

            Architecture and planning: Unit 31

            Visualisation software
            • Visualisation software like sketchup, understanding 3d creation

            Architecture and planning: Unit 32

            Building information modelling
            • Building information modelling software like REVIT, introduction, commands description, hands on with various plans, services plan, basic simulation

            Architecture and planning: Unit 33

            Presentation software
            • Presentation software including, GIMP & rendering plugins

            Architecture and planning: Unit 34

            Optionsin visualisation software
            • Options in visualisation software

            Architecture and planning: Unit 35

            Sustainability in built environment
            • Introduction to sustainability in built environment

            Architecture and planning: Unit 36

            Environmental impacts and need for sustainability
            • Environment, energy, climate change and economics, need for sustainability

            Architecture and planning: Unit 37

            Sustainability in vernacular architecture
            • Vernacular architecture and sustainability: 1) Factors that contributed to its evolution 2) vernacular architecture in india

            Architecture and planning: Unit 38

            Elements of sustainability
            • Elements of sustainability

            Architecture and planning: Unit 39

            Sustainable building materials and construction
            • Role of materials in sustainable architecture building with regional/renewable materials: Bamboo, casuarina, types of thatch, palm trunks, palm rafters, straw, reed, mud, lime, stabilised mud blocks, rammed earth construction, terracotta

            Architecture and planning: Unit 40

            sustainable concepts and the design strategies
            • Method of achieving sustainability in buildings understanding energy efficiency, daylighting, passive heating/cooling, water resource management, renewable energy etc

            Architecture and planning: Unit 41

            Rating methods
            • Assessment or rating methods of sustainable buildings
            • Green building or contemporary high performance buildings

            Architecture and planning: Unit 42

            Urban ecology
            • Urban ecology, introduction, characteristics of urban ecosystems, differences with natural ecosystems

            Architecture and planning: Unit 43

            Ecological niche
            • Ecological niche, which species succeed in urban ecosystems island biogeography, space and urban ecology

            Architecture and planning: Unit 44

            Habitat and fragmentation
            • Habitat and fragmentation, historical development of urban ecosystems and habitat types meta, populations and corridors,dispersal in urban ecosystems

            Architecture and planning: Unit 45

            Urban ecology and disease
            • Urban ecology and disease, ecology of urban disease vectors disturbance, succession, restoration, processes affecting urban ecosystems over time

            Architecture and planning: Unit 46

            Ecological footprints
            • Ecological footprints, impact of urban ecosystems on environment

            Architecture and planning: Unit 47

            Ecological footprint analyses
            • Incorporating urban environmental history into ecological footprints tools for ecological footprint analyses

            Architecture and planning: Unit 48

            Ecosystem services
            • Ecosystem services, benefits provided by urban ecosystems, air and water quality
            • Tools for ecosystem service analyses
            • Urban metabolism, material flow analysis, substance flow analysis

            Architecture and planning: Unit 49

            Landscape design and its theoretical design
            • Introduction to understanding of landscape design and its theoretical design aspects to be considered

            Architecture and planning: Unit 50

            Hard and soft landscape
            • Hard and soft landscape, material of construction, types of vegetation color, scale, proportion, light and shade and shade effect, and its image ability creation / user, experience factors

            Architecture and planning: Unit 51

            Cultural aspects of the landscape architecture
            • Cultural aspects of the landscape architecture with contextual understanding, history of landscape architecture and its theoretical aspect behind its design

            Architecture and planning: Unit 52

            Scenic beauty of landscape design
            • Scenic beauty of landscape design and its various theoretical aspects

            Architecture and planning: Unit 53

            Urban & regional landscape
            • Urban & regional landscape characteristics

            Architecture and planning: Unit 54

            Landscape setting
            • The characteristics of landscape setting and its intended outdoor activities and experience

            Architecture and planning: Unit 55

            Sustainability and landscape architecture
            • Sustainability and landscape architecture, the indigenous aspect of landscaping

            Architecture and planning: Unit 56

            Architectural conservation and its significance
            • Introduction to concepts of heritage and conservation, defining preservation, adaptive reuse,international and domestic agencies and their roles in conservation

            Architecture and planning: Unit 57

            Role of national agencies in architectural
            • Conservation museums, monument preservation, role of asi and intact, central and state government policies and regulations, projects

            Architecture and planning: Unit 58

            Architectural conservation-national case example
            • Case studies in conservation such as hampi and mamallapuram

            Architecture and planning: Unit 59

            Components Of architectural conservation
            • Listing of monuments, documentation, assessing architectural character, structural condition, techniques for preservation and adaptive reuse

            Architecture and planning: Unit 60

            Adaptive reuse
            • Case studies in adaptive reuse, museums, hospitality centres, heritage hotels, etc

            Architecture and planning: Unit 61

            Conservation planning
            • Conservation planning, incentivisation, transfer of development rights, examples of developments in historic precincts

            Architecture and planning: Unit 62

            • History and theory of building systems and architectural components

            Architecture and planning: Unit 63

            Statics of architectural structures
            • Structural morphology, basic structural elements and force systems, equilibrium equations, material behaviour

            Architecture and planning: Unit 64

            Building systems
            • Performance requirements and identification and specification of elements

            Architecture and planning: Unit 65

            Sustainable strategies
            • Best practices, resource efficiency, upcoming issues and rating
            • Systems integration and building codes

            Architecture and planning: Unit 66

            Introduction to urban design
            • Introduction to urban design, relationship to architecture and town planning, nomenclature and common terminology, applications

            Architecture and planning: Unit 67

            • Factors affecting urbanism,built form, transport, land use, density, grain, texture, heritage, etc

            Architecture and planning: Unit 68

            Historic urban form -international context
            • Historic urban form and analysis in greek, roman civilizations, medieval towns, industrialization and city growth from the 18th through the 20th century

            Architecture and planning: Unit 69

            Historic urban form -national context
            • Historic urbanism in the indian subcontinent, temple towns, Mughal towns, other settlements, colonial urbanism

            Architecture and planning: Unit 70

            Contemporary practices in urban design
            • Modern cities and place making in the 20th and 21st centuries, designers and their philosophies

            Architecture and planning: Unit 71

            Articulation of urban spaces
            • Analysis of public and private spaces across cultures, role of architecture in defining and articulating space

            Architecture and planning: Unit 72

            Urban renewal
            • Concepts of redevelopment, renewal and conservation, socio-economic issues relating to urban growth,smart cities, statutory bodies

            Architecture and planning: Unit 73

            • Introduction to planning: origin & evolution of human settlements, urban growth and system of cities, city, region linkages, metro and mega cities-problems and issues human settlement planning, urban development policies and programmes
            • Planning theory evolution of city building, planning history, theories of city development and planning theories, contribution of ebenezer howard, le Corbusier, clarence stein, Patrice Geddes
            • Ca Doxiadis various models and approaches, advocacy and pluralism in planning, action planning, mixed planning, systems approach to planning, rationalistic and incremental approach, mixed scanning and middle range planning, equity planning
            • Role of infrastructure in development, planning and management of water, sanitation and stormwater, transport infrastructure planning, management and design
            • Urban development management, land and real estate development, information system and urban reforms
            • Types of plans and planning processes, structure plans, action plans, strategic plans; autocratic planning, democratic planning, technocratic planning, liberal planning, socialist planning
            • Planning standards spatial standards, performance standards and benchmarks and variable standards; udpfi guidelines, zoning regulations and development control regulations
            • District and rural planning: Issues in urban and rural development poverty, migration, pollution, safety/security, livelihoods, energy, infrastructure, mobility, land conversion, housing, politics

            Architecture and planning: Unit 74

            • Introduction/context of urban and rural housing, indigenous /traditional vernacular settlements , typologies way of life technologies and materials
            • Industrial revolution and workers housing, industrial townships
            • Post world war socialist housing, housing in Russia and Vienna, modern moment in housing
            • Critical regionalism, experiments in housing by charles correa, Bv Doshi, Laurie baker, Giancarlo Di Carlo, Ralph Erskine
            • Sustainable housing principles/ emerging technologies, recycle, reuse renewable energy like Auroville etc

            Architecture and planning: Unit 75

            Architecture research
            • Introduction to research: importance, purpose and scope of research and field studies application in architecture in terms of design, technology, environment, economic and behavioral areas
            • Research objectives and methodology: Sequence and methods of research identification of problem, hypothesis formulation, objectives and methodology
            • Application of research: Understanding and applying qualitative, analytical, interpretative, correlational, quasi, experimental, experimental, simulation and modelling techniques in architectural design
            • Field studies: Pilot studies, field surveys and collection of samples, physical, architectural, environmental, organizational preparation and analysis of data sheets and questionnaires
            • Analysis, preparation and documentation: Preparation and analysis of data sheets and questionnaires arriving at conclusions from the research at field studies report writing and publications

            Media, arts and technology: Unit 01

            Communication concepts
            • Types, forms and levels of communication, rhetoric communication, functions of mass media, theories and models of communication, characteristics of mass audience, types of media-print, radio, television, new media
            • Development of media and communication in India, jargon in media production, theories and models of communication, journalism concepts development communication, information communication technologies, communication research
            • Role of media in shaping culture and society, role of advertising, public relations, media laws and ethics, film studies-scriptwriting, storyboarding, mise, en, scène and cinematography, editing styles, montage, narrative structure, film genres
            • Documentary and experimental films, world cinema, digital cinema and contemporary trends, shots and angles, video analysis: frame rate, size, aspect ratio, scanning, standards, audio analysis: compression, daw, bpm, bandwidth
            • Video and audio: Recording, editing and rendering, design principles, elements of design, typography, colour theory and palette, 2D / 3D animation, web design with HTML/CSS, concepts in visual effects, compositing techniques and colour grading
            • Ai in media, virtual reality, augmented reality, user experience, user interface, emerging trends in media

            Health sciences: Unit 01

            Basic physics and chemistry
            • Introduction to classical mechanics, thermodynamics, electromagnetic theory, atomic physics, and quantum mechanics
            • Laser characteristics, spatial and temporal coherence, optic fibres and their application in medicine
            • Introduction to types of organic reactions and their mechanism: addition, elimination, and substitution reactions
            • Organic spectroscopy, UV, VIS, IR, NMR, and mass spectroscopy
            • Chemicals in medicines, analgesics, tranquilizers, antiseptics, disinfectants, antimicrobials, antifertility drugs, antibiotics, antacids, antihistamines

            Health sciences: Unit 02

            Molecular cell biology
            • Introduction to cell biology, chemical components of cells, protein structure and function, enzymes, membrane structure, transport across cell membranes, cell signalling, energy, catalysts, and biosynthesis
            • Intracellular compartments and protein transport, cell cycle and cancer, cellular differentiation and stem cells, cellular basis of infectious diseases

            Health sciences: Unit 03

            Medical microbiology
            • Systemic medical bacteriology, virology, parasitology and mycology, laboratory diagnosis

            Health sciences: Unit 04

            Biochemistry and genetics
            • Molecules of life: water, carbohydrates and glycobiology, amino acids, peptides and proteins, lipids structure and replication of the genetic material (DNA, RNA, proteins, genetic code, replication, transcription, translation, chromosomes
            • Mitosis / meiosis, creation of genetic variation (gene and chromosomal mutations), and transfer of genetic information between generations (inheritance of qualitative and quantitative characters and linkage)
            • Population genetics

            Health sciences: Unit 05

            Anatomy and physiology
            • Introduction to cellular, sub, cellular structure and function, extracellular matrix, tissues, organs and systems, physiology of membrane transport, neuromuscular, transmission and muscle contraction
            • Integumentary system, musculoskeletal system, blood, lymphatics and other body,fluids, cardiovascular system, respiratory system, nervous system, endocrine system, gastrointestinal system, reproductive system, renal system, human development biology

            Health sciences: Unit 06

            • Introduction to biomaterials, tissue engineering, wound healing, biosensors and drug delivery systems

            Health sciences: Unit 07

            • Measures of central tendency: Mean, median, mode, harmonic mean and geometric mean, measures of dispersion-range, quartile deviation, mean deviation and standard deviation
            • Skewness and kurtosis
            • Tests of hypothesis: Null hypothesis and alternate hypothesis
            • Parametric and nonparametric tests
            • Tests of significance: Student’s t, test chi, square test
            • Analysis of variance, f, test z test

            Health sciences: Unit 08

            • Introductory mechanics, the human body as a biomechanical system, kinematics of muscles and joints, biomechanical analysis of joints of upper limb, upper limb as a mechanical system, biomechanical analysis of joints
            • Introduction to postural stability and gait analysis, gait analysis in health and disease, mechanics of hard tissues, soft tissues, Visco, elastic properties of soft tissues, basic bio,fluid mechanics

            Health sciences: Unit 09

            Medical devices
            • Cardiac equipment, neurological equipment, skeletal muscular equipment, patient monitoring systems and biotelemetry, extracorporeal devices and diagnostic technique

            Fashion technology: Unit 01

            Fashion technology
            • Textile fibres, fibres and filament, classification, natural and manmade, fibres and filament manufacturing, characteristics and properties of textile fibres, testing of fibres, applications of fibres; yarn manufacturing, ginning to spinning
            • Spinning systems, doubling, fancy yarn, yarn numbering system, characteristics and properties of yarn, testing of yarn; fabric manufacturing, classification, process and mechanism, woven, knit, nonwoven and braided fabrics
            • Multilayer fabrics, 2d to 3d fabrics, fabric structures, woven and knitted characteristics and properties fabrics comfort and application; wet processing, singeing to finishing, singeing, scouring, bleaching, dyeing, printing, other finishes
            • Advance textile machineries, spinning, weaving, knitting and wet processing
            • Sizing systems, body measurements, pattern making principles, drafting and draping methods, spreading, cutting, seams and stitches, machine elements for sewing, special attachments and machines for functional purpose, functional purpose
            • Dart and dart manipulation, pleats, flares, gather, bias, pattern alteration; garment components and construction, children’s, women’s and men’s wear; garment inspection, system and quality standards; cad in apparel industry, pattern making, sewing
            • Embroidery and robotic systems
            • Business concepts and pattern in apparel, export house, buyer, trading, buying agencies, sourcing, concepts of merchandising, time and action plan, merchandise plans, plant layout, specification and cost control
            • Production systems, work station, work measurement and operational breakdown; apparel costing, export documentation and policies, statistical process control; merchandising and marketing,classification, marketing mix, market research and market strategy
            • Fibres, yarns, fabrics and garments; smart textile, smart clothes, wearable electronics; textile and apparel waste management, sustainable practices in fashion and apparel industries, recycling textile and apparel products,
            • Recycling textile waste water, energy conservation management; standards and certification for textile and apparel industry, quality control and assurance

            Law: Unit 01

            Legal research methodology
            • Legal research methods, sociological research methods, empirical research in law theory, hypothesis null hypothesis, research plan,research proposal, research problem

            Law: Unit 02

            Constitutional law
            • Important aspects of the constitutional law including leading cases on constitutional law

            Law: Unit 03

            • Different schools of law, critical analysis of law

            Law: Unit 04

            Criminal law
            • General principles of criminal law

            Law: Unit 05

            Tort law
            • Remedies available under tort law with leading cases

            Law: Unit 06

            Emerging issues in law
            • IPR, cyber law, international law, contracts, justice education, justice administration, labour and industrial law, personal and administrative law

            Biotechnology: Unit 01

            • Levels of structures in biological macromolecule
            • Basic strategies in biophysics
            • Forces that determine protein and nucleic acid structure, prediction of proteins structure nucleic acids, properties of lipid bilayers, biochemical kinetics studies, unimolecular reactions
            • Methods of determining macromolecular structures inclusive of the spectroscopic techniques like UV,vis absorption, IR absorption, circular dichroism fluorescence NMR and X,ray and neutron diffraction techniques

            Biotechnology: Unit 02

            • Structure and properties, amino acids, peptides, proteins and conjugated proteins, protein hydration, coagulation, denaturation, gelation, protein,protein interactions, cytosolic and membrane properties, purines,
            • Pyrimidines, nucleosides, nucleotides, polynucleotides, Ribonucleic acids and deoxyribonucleic acids, TCA cycle, glycolysis, pentose phosphate pathway, urea cycle, metabolic regulation, respiratory chain, TP cycle,
            • Energy rich compounds, integrated metabolism, carbohydrates, linear and branched carbohydrates, N containing carbohydrates, cell wall carbohydrates, metabolism of carbohydrates
            • Fats and oils, structure and properties of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, glycerolipids, phospholipids, sphingolipids, glycolipids, steroids, Vitamins and mineral,types, structure and functional properties of vitamins
            • Utility of essential minerals sources and trace elements

            Biotechnology: Unit 03

            • Industrial biotechnology, Isolation; preservation and strain improvement for the overproduction of primary and secondary metabolites
            • Medium formulation, optimization and sterilization; biological waste treatment processes, bioprocess, types of reactors; volumetric oxygen mass transfer coefficient and its estimation; models for ideal and non,ideal flow
            • Downstream processing, unit operations in downstream processing, cell disruptions method, solid-liquid separation methods, precipitation methods, extraction methods, membrane-based separation methods
            • Different types of purification and chromatographic techniques

            Biotechnology: Unit 04

            • Biological databases, file formats, sequence alignment, database searches, phylogenetic tree construction and validation, homology modeling, drug discovery, DNA mapping and sequencing, sequence
            • Assembly and gene prediction, molecular predictions with DNA strings, visualization tools

            Biotechnology: Unit 05

            Cell structure and function of the organelles
            • Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic cells, cell division, mitosis & meiosis cell cycle and molecules that control cell cycle, endocytosis and Exocytosis
            • Ultrastructure of cellular organelles, viz Mitochondria, ER, golgi, chloroplast, plasma membrane, centriole, nuclear and membrane-bound receptors, signal transduction, signal amplification techniques of propagation of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells,
            • Autocrine, paracrine and endocrine models of action, cell line, generation of cell lines

            Biotechnology: Unit 06

            Molecular biology
            • Structure of DNA and histone molecules, replication of eukaryotic chromosomes, nucleoid the complex replication apparatus, process of transcription and, structure of tRNA, mRNA, rRNA, deciphering of the genetic code, translation, mutation
            • General principles of cloning

            Biotechnology: Unit 07

            Recombinant DNA
            • Genetic elements that control gene expression, method of creating recombinant DNA molecules creating transgenic animals, plants microbes,safety guidelines of creating recombinant DNA research, restriction enzymes and mapping of DNA
            • plasmid and phage and other vectors
            • Construction of genomic and cDNA libraries, methods of nucleic acid
            • Patents and methods of application of patents, legal implications bioremediation
            • Ecosystems, energy flow, ecological succession, pollution
            • Conventional and non conventional sources of energy
            • Biogeochemical cycles
            • Biodiversity and wildlife conservation
            • Social issues and the environment

            Biotechnology: Unit 08

            • Classical genetics, Mendel’s genetics, crossing over, linkage, chromosome maps, chromosomal theory of heredity, cytoplasmic inheritance, sex determination, sex-linked inheritance, microbial genetics, population genetics, polyploidy
            • Pedigree analysis, eugenics, mutation

            Biotechnology: Unit 09

            • Basic concepts of microbiology, classification, morphology, anatomy, physiology of bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasite microbes of various plant and animal diseases industrial microbiology, microbial biotechnology, microbial diversity and ecology

            Biotechnology: Unit 10

            • Basic concepts of immunology, types of immunity, biotechnological applications; organs of immune, response innate and adaptive immunity, clonal selection theory, hypersensitivity, hybridoma technology, vaccine development
            • Epitope mapping and immunomics, immunological tolerance and transplantation biotechnology
            • Plant and environmental

            Biotechnology: Unit 11

            Plant and environmental sciences
            • Taxonomy and systematic botany, plant structure and development, morphology and anatomy, embryogenesis of monocots and dicots
            • Concepts of ecosystems and energy flow in biosphere
            • Phytohormones, respiration, nutrition, transpiration
            • Photosynthesis, C3 and C4, & CAM plants, photoperiodism
            • Ecosystems, energy flow, ecological succession, pollution
            • Conventional and non conventional sources of energy
            • Biodiversity and wildlife conservation
            • Bio, geochemical cycles
            • Social issues and the environment
            • Legal implications in bioremediation

            IT-computer science and engineering / information technology: Unit 01

            Mathematical logic
            • Syntax of first order logic, semantics of first order logic, a sequent calculus, the completeness theorem, the limitations of first order logic

            IT-computer science and engineering / information technology: Unit 02

            Differential and integral calculus
            • Limit, continuity, differentiability, Leibniz theorem, mean value, theorems, Taylor's theorem, integrals, improper integrals, total differentiation, partial derivatives, maxima and minima, vector calculus, linear differential equations

            IT-computer science and engineering / information technology: Unit 03

            Probability and Statistics
            • Probability, conditional probability, Bayes theorem, means, median, mode, moments, standard deviation random variables, uniform, binomial, Poisson, normal distributions, correlation and regression, sampling and tests of significance

            IT-computer science and engineering / information technology: Unit 04

            Numerical methods
            • Solutions to algebraic and transcendental equations (Bisection and Newton Raphson’s methods), simultaneous linear algebraic equations (Gauss elimination, Crout’s, Gauss seidel and relaxation)
            • Interpolation methods (forward, backward and central), numerical integration (Trapezoidal, Simpson’s and Weddle’s) eigenvalues and eigenvectors
            • Numerical solutions to ordinary (Euler, modified Euler, Runge Kutta 4th order) and partial differential (parabolic, elliptic and Hyperbolic) equations
            • Numerical solutions of algebraic and transcendental equations iteration methods and newton, Raphson method, solution of systems of linear algebraic equations using gauss elimination and Gauss Seidel methods
            • Numerical differentiation and integration, numerical solutions of ODEs and PDEs

            IT-computer science and engineering / information technology: Unit 05

            Linear algebra and transforms
            • Linear vector space, determinants, matrices, eigenvalues, eigen vectors, elements of complex analysis, Laplace transforms, Fourier analysis

            IT-computer science and engineering / information technology: Unit 06

            Algebra and complex analysis
            • Algebra of matrices, rank and determinant of matrices, linear equations
            • Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors, Cayley, Hamilton theorem
            • Matrix representation of linear transformations
            • Canonical forms, diagonal forms, triangular forms, quadratic forms, reduction and classification of quadratic forms analytic functions, Cauchy, Riemann equations
            • Contour integral, Cauchy’s theorem, Cauchy’s integral formula, Taylor series, Laurent series, calculus of residues
            • Conformal mappings, Mobius transformations, Fourier series, harmonics

            IT-computer science and engineering / information technology: Unit 07

            Calculus and its applications
            • Linear ordinary differential equations (ODEs), variation of parameters, sturm liouville problem partial differential equations (PDEs), classification of second order PDEs, general solution of higher order PDEs with constant coefficients
            • Method of separation of variables for Laplace, heat and wave equations
            • Transformation techniques, Laplace transformation, Fourier transforms, z, transformation to solve differential and difference equations

            IT-computer science and engineering / information technology: Unit 08

            Descriptive statistics, exploratory data analysis
            • Sample space, discrete probability, independent events, bayes theorem
            • Random variables and distribution functions (univariate and multivariate), expectation and moments
            • Independent random variables, marginal and conditional distributions
            • Characteristic functions
            • Standard discrete and continuous univariate distributions
            • Correlation and simple and multiple linear regression
            • Test of hypotheses, large and small sample tests confidence intervals
            • Chi, square test goodness of fit simple non parametric tests for one and two sample problems, rank correlation and test for independence
            • Anova

            IT-computer science and engineering / information technology: Unit 09

            Discrete mathematics
            • Sets, relations and functions, algebra of matrices and determinants, algebraic structures, Boolean algebra and applications, order relations and structures, graph theory, logic and combinatorics

            IT-computer science and engineering / information technology: Unit 10

            Theory of computation
            • Regular languages and finite automata, context-free languages and pushdown automata, recursively enumerable sets and turing machines, undecidability

            IT-computer science and engineering / information technology: Unit 11

            Programming language processors
            • Compiler, interpreter, assembler, linker, loader, macro processors, phases of compilers, lexical analysis, parsing, top,down parsing and bottom up parsing, syntax directed translation, runtime environment,
            • Symbol table, type checking, intermediate code generation, code optimization, code generation

            IT-computer science and engineering / information technology: Unit 12

            Algorithmic analysis and data structures
            • Analysis of algorithms and computational complexity: Asymptotic analysis (best, worst, average case) of time and space, upper and lower bounds on the complexity of specific problems, NP, completeness, code and query tuning techniques
            • Numerical analysis, power analysis & resiliency, intractable problems

            IT-computer science and engineering / information technology: Unit 13

            Algorithms for problem solving
            • Tree and graph traversal, connected components, spanning trees, shortest paths, hashing, sorting, searching, design paradigms (Greedy, dynamic programming, divide and conquer)
            • Data structures: Notion of abstract data types, stack, queue, list, set, string, tree, binary search trees, heap, graph

            IT-computer science and engineering / information technology: Unit 14

            • Network analysis, semiconductor devices, bipolar transistors, FET's, power supplies, amplifier, oscillators, operational amplifiers, elements of digital electronics, logic circuits

            IT-computer science and engineering / information technology: Unit 15

            Digital logic
            • Number systems and codes, gates, TTL circuits, Boolean algebra and Karnaugh maps, arithmetic logic units, flip flops, registers and counters, memories, combinational and sequential logic circuits

            IT-computer science and engineering / information technology: Unit 16

            Computer architecture and organization
            • Machine instructions and addressing modes, ALU and data path, register transfer language, hardware and micro programmed control, memory interface, RAM, ROM I/O interface ( Interrupt and DMA modes), serial communication interface,
            • Instruction pipe, lining, cache, main and secondary memory storage, organization and structure of disk drives, RAID architectures microprocessors-8085, 8086, Interfacing and memory addressing

            IT-computer science and engineering / information technology: Unit 17

            Operating systems
            • Memory management, page faults, overlay, processor management, device management, deadlocks, process, thread and inter process communication, CPU scheduling, file systems, I/O systems, protection and security

            IT-computer science and engineering / information technology: Unit 18

            System & program development methodology
            • Software paradigms, principles of programming in any language, documentation, system analysis and design methodologies, user interface design (UID), software construction, software testing, software quality
            • Object-oriented analysis and design (OOAD) concepts

            IT-computer science and engineering / information technology: Unit 19

            Programming methodology
            • Introduction to programming, pointers, arrays, control structures, operational control structures, functions, recursion, testing, debugging, code review, structures, files (C, C++, JAVA)

            IT-computer science and engineering / information technology: Unit 20

            Computer networks & data communications:
            • Analog versus digital communication, modems, multiplexers, and concentrators, serial versus parallel communication, simplex, duplex, and half duplex communication, synchronous and asynchronous communication,
            • Error detection/correction methods, data link control protocols, balanced and unbalanced interfaces, communication media, ISO/OSI stack, sliding window protocol, LAN technologies (ethernet, token ring), TCP/UDP, IP, switches, gateways, and routers

            IT-computer science and engineering / information technology: Unit 21

            Computing technologies
            • Client server computing, logical layers in client-server architecture, two, tier versus three, tier, distributed computing, middle, ware, mobile computing, cloud computing

            IT-computer science and engineering / information technology: Unit 22

            Databases management systems
            • Data, database and DBMS, Data dictionary/directory, schema, description of database structure, forms of DBMS systems, Hierarchical, network and RDBMS, DDL, DML, stored data structure language and query language
            • Recent Trends In database management systems, memory management techniques used in computers, query languages (SQL), file structures (sequential files, indexing, B* trees) transactions and concurrency control
            • Basic concepts of transaction processing, ACID properties of transactions, serializability of transactions, concurrency control, recovery, OLAP

            Electronics and instrumentation engineering: Unit 01

            Linear algebra
            • Matrix algebra, systems of linear equations, eigenvalues and eigenvectors

            Electronics and instrumentation engineering: Unit 02

            • Mean value theorems, theorems of integral calculus, evaluation of definite and improper integrals, partial Derivatives, maxima and minima, multiple integrals, fourier series vector identities, directional derivatives
            • Line, surface and volume integrals, stokes, gauss and green’s theorems

            Electronics and instrumentation engineering: Unit 03

            Differential equations
            • First order equation (linear and nonlinear), higher order linear differential equations with constant coefficients, method of variation of parameters, Cauchy’s and Euler’s equations, initial and boundary value problems
            • Partial Differential Equations and variable separable method

            Electronics and instrumentation engineering: Unit 04

            Complex variables
            • Analytic functions, Cauchy's integral theorem and integral formula, Taylor’s and Laurent’ series, Residue theorem, solution integrals

            Electronics and instrumentation engineering: Unit 05

            Probability and Statistics
            • Sampling theorems, conditional probability, mean, median, mode and standard deviation, random variables, discrete and continuous distributions, Poisson, normal and binomial distribution, correlation and regression analysis

            Electronics and instrumentation engineering: Unit 06

            Numerical methods
            • Solutions of non, linear algebraic equations, single and multi, step methods for differential equations

            Electronics and instrumentation engineering: Unit 07

            Transform theory
            • Fourier transform, laplace transform, Z, transform

            Electronics and instrumentation engineering: Unit 08

            Basics of circuits and measurement system
            • Kirchoff's laws, mesh and nodal analysis
            • Circuit theorems
            • One port and two, port network functions
            • Static and dynamic characteristics of Measurement Systems
            • Error and uncertainty analysis
            • Statistical analysis of data and curve fitting

            Electronics and instrumentation engineering: Unit 09

            Transducers, mechanical measurement and industrial instrumentation
            • Resistive, capacitive, inductive and piezoelectric transducers and their signal conditioning
            • Measurement of displacement, velocity and acceleration (translational and rotational), force, torque, vibration and shock
            • Measurement of pressure, flow ,temperature and liquid level
            • Measurement of Ph, conductivity, viscosity and humidity

            Electronics and instrumentation engineering: Unit 10

            Analog electronics
            • Characteristics of diode, BJT, JFET and MOSFET Diode circuits
            • Transistors at low and high frequencies, amplifiers, single and multi , stage feedback amplifiers
            • Operational amplifiers, characteristics and circuit configurations
            • Instrumentation amplifier
            • Precision rectifier V, to, I and I, to, V converter
            • Op, Amp based active filters
            • Oscillators and signal generators

            Electronics and instrumentation engineering: Unit 11

            Digital electronics
            • Combinational logic circuits, minimization of boolean functions
            • IC families, TTL, MOS and CMOS
            • Arithmetic circuits
            • Comparators, Schmitt Trigger, timers and mono, stable multi, vibrator
            • Sequential circuits, flip, flops, counters, shift registers
            • Multiplexer, S/H circuit analog, to, digital and digital to, analog converters
            • Basics of number system
            • Microprocessor applications, memory and input, output interfacing
            • Microcontrollers

            Electronics and instrumentation engineering: Unit 12

            Signals, systems and communications
            • Periodic and aperiodic signals
            • Impulse response, transfer function and frequency response of first, and second order systems
            • Convolution, correlation and characteristics of linear time invariant systems
            • Discrete time system, impulse and frequency response
            • Pulse transfer function IIR and FIR filters
            • Amplitude and frequency modulation and demodulation
            • Sampling theorem, pulse code modulation
            • Frequency and time division multiplexing
            • Amplitude shift keying, frequency shift keying and pulse shift keying for digital modulation

            Electronics and instrumentation engineering: Unit 13

            Electrical and electronic measurements
            • Bridges and potentiometers, measurement of R, L and C measurements of voltage, current, power, power factor and energy AC & DC current probes
            • Extension of instrument ranges
            • Q, meter and waveform analyzer
            • Digital voltmeter and multimeter
            • Time, phase and frequency measurements
            • Cathode ray oscilloscope
            • Serial and parallel communication
            • Shielding and grounding

            Electronics and instrumentation engineering: Unit 14

            Analytical, optical and biomedical instrumentation
            • Mass spectrometry UV, visible and IR spectrometry
            • X-ray and nuclear radiation measurements
            • Optical sources and detectors, LED, laser, photo, diode, photo, resistor and their characteristics
            • Interferometers, applications in metrology
            • Basics of fiber optics
            • Biomedical instruments, EEG, ECG and EMG
            • Clinical measurements
            • Ultrasonic transducers and Ultrasonography
            • Principles of Computer Assisted Tomography

            Agronomy: Unit 01

            • Current trends in agronomy; agro-physiological basis of variation in yield, recent advances in soil plant-water relationship, globalization of agriculture and WTO, precision agriculture, contract farming, organic farming, ITK, crop residue management
            • Mechanization in crop production, modern agricultural precision tools and technologies, allelopathy, GIS, GPS and remote sensing for crop management, global warming, GM crops, dryland farming, classifications and evaluation indices
            • Sustainable and conservation agriculture
            • Recent trends in crop growth and productivity; growth analysis and PAR, root-shoot relationship in inter and mixed cropping systems under rainfed and irrigated conditions
            • Criteria in assessing the yield advantages
            • Irrigation management; global water resources; water deficits and crop growth
            • SPAC, WUE, irrigation scheduling and crop water requirement, recent advances in micro irrigation, economic analysis of irrigation, crop water production function, drainage methods and its management
            • Recent trends in weed management; crop-weed association and competition, weed management methods, herbicides biology, classifications, persistence and residue management
            • Cropping and farming systems approach, cropping scheme, plant ideotypes, IFS models, components and evaluation
            • Resource recycling and energy analysis
            • Soil conservation and watershed management; soil erosion and its impacts, In-situ and ex-situ soil water conservation techniques, watershed management and development programme, land use capability classification, ALUS; agro-forestry
            • Ley farming and grassland management
            • Low and high-temperature stress, water deficit temperature excess water or flooding stress, salt stress and its management
            • Stress crop production; stress and strain terminology, nature and stress injury and resistance; causes of stress
            • Mechanical impedance of soil and its impact on plant growth
            • Research methodologies in agronomy

            Candidates appearing for VITREE 2025 could use the given preparation tips to crack the exam. While the exam and syllabus for each course is different, the preparation guidelines are mostly common.

            • Go through the entire syllabus before preparing the study plan. Mark out the topics that you might find a little more difficult than the others. 

            • In the study timetable, cover the less difficult portions first and allot more time to the tougher sections. Make short notes while studying for the VITREE exam.

            • Cover each and every topic in the VITREE 2025 syllabus.

            • Revision is the key to good preparation. Prepare short notes while studying as it saves a lot of time.

            Candidates were able to download the VITREE 2025 admit card in online mode. The link to download the admit card of VITREE was updated on the official website. To access the admit card, candidates had to log in using their credentials. Below is the step-by-step process for downloading the VITREE 2025 admit card.

            Steps to download the VITREE 2025 admit card:

            • Visit the official website

            • Click on the "Admit Card Download" link

            • Enter the required credentials

            • Click on the view button of the 'VITREE admit card'

            • Download the VITREE 2025 admit card and take a printout for future use

            VITREE 2025 Admit Card Details:

            The following information will be present in the VITREE Admit card 2025.

            • Candidate name

            • Application number 

            • Subject-choice

            • Examination schedule 

            • Address of the candidate 

            • Photograph and Signature of the candidate 

            • General instructions.

            Documents Required at VITREE 2025 counselling

            Vellore Institute of Technology Research Entrance Examination 2025

            • null
            • Candidates will be selected based on their VITREE 2025 scores. Check the selection process below:

            • Apply for VITREE 2025 exam

            • Appear for the VIT Research Entrance Exam in online mode on your centre choice

            • Once qualified, candidates need to appear for a personal interview round conducted in online mode only

            • The final merit list will be based on prior academics, VITREE 2025 scores, and performance in personal interview round

            • Submit all the valid documents during the document-verification process  

            VITREE 2025 Documents required

            Every candidate who applied for VITREE 2025 have to submit the following documents along with the application:

            • Tuition fee payment receipt

            • Marksheet of Class 10th and 12th

            • UG and PG (Degree / Provisional Certificate and Mark sheets -Year wise / Semester wise or Consolidated Marks sheet).

            • Transfer Certificate/Migration Certificate/ College Leaving Certificate (Original)

            • Nativity certificate for North-eastern States of India.

            • Student Profile

            • Certificate of Physical Fitness

            • Affidavit by parent

            • Affidavit by Student

            • Undertaking Form

            • Passport size photo colour recently taken – 6 Nos.

            Note: The format of all the affidavits and undertaking forms is available on the VITREE 2025 official website. Candidates can download and fill the details and then submit as per the need.

            General Information


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            Relevant Links

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            Frequently Asked Questions

            1. What is the fee of VITREE?

            Candidates had to pay the VITREE 2025 application fee of ₹ 1,200 plus GST.

            2. How to apply VITREE?

            Applicants were able to fill out the VITREE application form at the official website, admissions.vit.ac.in.

            3. Is the VITREE result 2025 for January session out?

            The VITREE result for the January 2025 session has been released online, at vit.ac.in. 

            4. What is full form VITREE?

            VITREE full form is Vellore Institute of Technology Research Entrance Exam.

            5. When will VITREE 2025 exam be conducted?

            The VITREE 2025 exam for the January session was conducted on December 7, 2024.

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