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West Bengal Post Graduate Entrance Test

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I got the admission in in NITTTR, Kolkata through wbut pget 2021. Is any scholarship available in this institute for non gate students ?

Manidipa Kundu Student Expert 26th Sep, 2021


see for post graduate study in nitttr kolkata, there is no scholarship for non gate students,. gate score holders are eligible for aicte scholarship. there is no specific scholarship available for post graduate students.

hope it would help.


When WB PGET 2021 application from will released?

Biswadeep Biswas 18th Aug, 2021


WB PGET 2021 Dates


Dates (Tentative)

Release of application form of WB PGET 2021

First week of June 2021

Last date for submission of Application form

First week of July 2021

Release of Admit cards

First week of July 2021

WB PGET 2021

Second week of July 2021

Declaration of results

Third week of July 2021

Starting date of Counselling Process

Last week of July 2021


i got 805 rank in wbut pget exam discipline electrical engineering .is there any possibility to get government college?

Tamaghna Das 18th Sep, 2021

Dear aspirant,

Congrats on achieving such a great rank. To answer your question, yes, there are high chances that you might get an admission in a Tier-1 or Tier-2 government engineering college for higher studies with this rank. Please find attached the list of all government/semi-government/private colleges you can apply, here:


When will be conducted WBUT PGET in 2021 EXAM?

chandni deb 12th Jul, 2021

Dear Aspirant,

the dates for WB PGET 2021 that have been released are all tentative dates, as in the dates may vary depending upon the situation taking place during the stated date. WB PGET is set to be conducted during the second week of July 2021. The application forms were released during the month of June 2021. The admit cared were to be released during the first week of July 2021.

For more information kindly visit the link provided below.


What is the Syllabus of Computer Sc & Engg at WBUT PGET? please help

vibinoff 26th Mar, 2021

Hi Buddy,

I went through WBUT PGET guidelines and they mentioned that

"Admission test will be through written test followed by an interview to test the aptitude and analytical abilities, computational skills, fundamental in relevant basic subjects. The syllabus for a written test will be as per GATE syllabus for CSE & IT for 1,2 and 4; and CSE & Electronics for 3. "

1,2,3 and 4 mentioned above are given below in same order

Computer Science & Engineering(M.E.), Software Engineering (M.Tech.), Microelectronics & VLSI Technology(M.Tech.), Computer Science & Engineering with specialization in Information Security(M.Tech) .

Gate syllabus for CSE and IT,

I hope that will help!

Thank you!


What is the syllabus for WBUT PGET Biotechnology exam?

S. Saha Student Expert 25th Dec, 2020

There will be three sections in WBUT PGET examination and those are General Section, Mathematics and Basic Sciences and Engineering Sciences and lastly core branch. Questions in General section will be Aptitude based like coding decoding, Puzzles, Syllogism, Time and Work, Clocks, Cubes, calendars, Blood relations, seating arrangements, logical reasoning, statement assumptions etc. Mathematics and Science part contains topics from linear algebra, Probability statistics, Real Analysis, complex analysis, functional analysis, ordinary Differential Equations etc. And the final part is different for different branches. For biotechnology, questions will be asked from Biotechnology chapters that you have studied in your undergraduation.


My Rank in PGET is 976 for year 2020 in CV. Am i eligible for M-Tech in Geo-Tech?

Tarreni Behera 5th Nov, 2020

Dear Aspirant,

You may have some chances of getting an M. Tech in Geo Technology. It all depends upon the number of seats available in the state and whether or not you are entitled to some sort of reservation. However, the chances that you have are extremely slim. Generally, the number of Geo-Tech seats in good government state engineering Institutes are very limited. The number of seats are so limited that it pales in comparison to the number of applicants. These slim chances can be turned around if you have some sort of reservation especially that of SC or ST.

In case you do have some good chances of getting M.Tech in Geo Technology, you need to compare colleges based on their advantages and disadvantages to know for yourself which is a better college for you. This way you can explore the number of Institutes available that you can apply to including the private institutes.

In order to compare colleges, all you need to do is to just click on the link:-

This shall go on in a long way to answer your queries and solve your doubts that you have in mind with respect to a college. It compares colleges based in merits and demerits and shall notify you at the end of the comparison a better college or rather the best college for admission. While comparing, make sure that you stress on key factors like placement prospects, scope for research, fee structure, qualified professors, skill oriented education, etc.

Good luck in getting enrolled in a good college.


How I can crack MAKAUT WBUT CET exam for BBA admission? What book you recommend me? Can I complete that book within two or three weeks before exam by giving 3-4 hours per day? the syllabus is logical reasoning, numerical ability, general knowledge and english.

Manidipa Kundu Student Expert 19th Apr, 2020


for general knowledge I suggest you to read bankers adda and any good gk book of banking exam, also you may brush up your knowledge of science subjects of 10th course for static gk problems. see only two or three week preparation you can not crack any exam with good score and ranking, since covid 19 many of the exams is delayed and it left quite a good time for preparation. I suggest you to follow iim ipmat exam books which has good number of questions,

IIM IPMAT Preparation Guide by Stalwart Career Institute

also you may follow disha experts books on quantitative, reasoning test.


How should I prepare for ISI B.Stat admission test within one or two months? I dont have TOMATO book but I have WBCHSE road to success mathematics book only. Is it enough to crack ISI?

Sonali Sahu Student Expert 17th Apr, 2020


If you are worried about score, then first thing you have to do is to calm down. Score won't come if you get anxious.

  1. If you have prescribed book which is needed to prepare for entrance exam then that much will do.
  2. Start from easy chapters. Solve examples and chapter end questions. there is solution to everything.
  3. Solve and look for solution. check if it is correct. if you get wrong then solve it again next day morning or evening. Keep on progressing.
  4. Go from easy to hard and wrong to right.

There is no shortcut to success. It is only hardwork to get it. Practice as much as you can. Take help of friends and youtube lectures if necessary.

Hope it helps!

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