Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Jan 06, 2023 11:47 AM IST

What is the full form of FEDECOR?

The FEDECOR 's Full form is Federación Departamental Cochabambina de Regantes (meaning Cochabamba Federation of Irrigators Organisation).FEDECOR was an organisation of human rights activists, labour, and community people. It was formed in Bolivia and wanted the government to end the privatisation of water resources in the country. This organisation consisted of environmentalists, academicians, engineers, etc. They were supported by the federation of farmers, factory worker's unions, and college students. This movement was supported by the Socialist Party, which came into power in 2006.

This Story also Contains
  1. What is the full form of FEDECOR?
  2. Cochabamba Water War
  3. Causes
  4. Aftermath of The Protests
  5. Role of FEDECOR
  6. Economic Background of Bolivia

Cochabamba Water War

The Cochabamba Water War was a series of protests that took place in Cochabamba, Bolivia. That happens to be the Fourth-Largest city in the country. It arose between December 1999 and April 2000 in response to the privatisation of the city's municipal water supply by a private organisation Sociedade de Investimento e Gestão (SEMAPA). The wave of demonstrations and police violence was described as a public uprising against water prices.


The tension arose when a new private firm, Aguas del Tunari (a joint venture of Bechtel), was offered to invest in the construction of a long concocted dam (a priority by Mayor Reyes Villa), after which they exploited raised water rates in the city. After this, the people started protesting against firm policies. These protests were massively held through the Coordinadora Coalition in Defense of Water and Life, a coalition community. In January, February, and April 2000, people with a count of almost ten thousand marched and fought against police forces. One civilian died during the suppression activities.

Aftermath of The Protests

  • In Washington, D.C (District of Columbia)., on April 16, 2000. At International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank meetings, protesters attempted to block the streets to stop the meeting. They claimed the Water Wars in Bolivia to be an example of corporate greed and a reason to resist globalisation.

  • In April 2000, protestors took over Cochabamba's central plaza. After that, the government initiated a state of emergency in the country.

  • On April 10, 2000, the national government affirmed an agreement with the Coordinadora to reverse privatisation. A complaint was filed by foreign investors, resolved by agreement in February 2001.


FEDECOR performed as the main protesting body for the union. Composed of several thousands of people and backed up by Coordinadora, FEDECOR proved its duties in creating social and political pressure on the government.

Economic Background of Bolivia

Due to decades of Military Dictatorship that ended in 1982. The country struggled with economic stability. With continuously increasing inflation rates at an annual rate of almost ten thousand percent (as reported in 1985), only a few foreign investors showed interest in doing business in the country. As a result, The Bolivian government turned to the World Bank and IMF as a last resort against economic meltdown. Succeeding the next 20 years, the following governments followed the World Bank's policies to qualify for continued loans from the organisation.

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