GFR is an abbreviation for Glomerular Filtration Rate. It is a measurement of the kidney function test that determines how efficiently the kidneys are working. It explicitly estimates how much blood passes through the glomeruli every minute. Glomeruli are tiny filters in the kidneys that eliminate waste from the blood. GFR is normally computed using a mathematical equation in which an individual's age and gender are associated with serum creatinine levels. Lower the GFR, the higher the threat to the kidneys. It notifies the doctor about the stage of kidney injury and enables them to plan treatment as necessary.
A GFR examination is used to aid in the early detection of kidney disease. GFR can also be used to track the progress of persons suffering from chronic kidney disease (CKD) or other illnesses that cause kidney damage. Diabetes and excessive blood pressure are two examples.
Before the test: This test is conducted after fasting. The doctor may suggest the patient to avoid certain food products before the test.
During the test: The following is a step-by-step explanation of how the test will be performed.
A blood sample is required.
A blood sample is sent to a lab.
In the laboratory, the creatinine level in the sample is determined. Creatinine is a chemical waste product generated from creatine. Creatine is a substance produced by the body, specifically for muscles that give energy.
The laboratory professional mixes the level of creatinine with numerous other variables to calculate GFR.
After the test: No restrictions are there for the patient.
Risk: There is very less risk associated with this test, however, bruising or slight pain at the area of sampling can occur.
Normal— No Kidney disease
Below-normal— Kidney disease
Far below normal—Kidney failure
If the GFR values are >90 mL/min/1.73 m2 (Stage 1), it represents possible kidney damage. Values between 60-89 show mild loss of kidney function (Stage 2); values 45-59 represent mild to moderate kidney function loss (Stage 3a); values between 30-44 means moderate to severe function loss of the kidney (Stage 3b). Severe loss of kidney function occurs when the GFR is between 15-29 (Stage 4). GFR below 15 is a sign of kidney failure (Stage 5).