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HCHO Full Form

HCHO Full Form

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Jan 04, 2023 11:30 AM IST

What is the full form of HCHO?

HCHO or CH2O is the chemical formula for Formaldehyde (systematic name methanal). It is a naturally occurring organic compound. It is the simplest of the Aldehydes and is used in various chemical manufacturing processes in a large variety. It is a highly volatile organic compound and belongs to the group of most dangerous compounds present in the air.


The chemical formula for Formaldehyde is structured HCHO. The pure compound is invisible to the eyes as it is colourless but has a very peculiar pungent odour that is extremely irritating to the mucous membrane. It is highly Carcinogenic in humans and is associated with several types of cancer in humans and other animals. It is chiefly present in tobacco products but is formed by burning additives in it.



One carbon atom, two hydrogen atoms, and one oxygen atom comprise the chemical compound formaldehyde. In order to complete its valency, a single Carbon atom forms a double bond with an Oxygen atom and a single bond with each of the two hydrogen atoms.

The carbonyl functional group's polar bond with oxygen makes the substance extremely reactive. The ability of the oxygen atom in the carbonyl group to attract electrons is greater than that of the carbon atom. At both ends of the functional group, this results in a partial negative charge and a partial positive charge. As a result, it adheres to the polar particles and gains some ability to draw and give electrons.


At room temperature, formaldehyde is a flammable, colourless gas with a strong, suffocating odour. Due to its many favourable chemical reactions and ease of polymerization, formaldehyde is one of the most significant industrial chemicals in the world.

Physical Properties

  • 815 kg/m3 for density

  • Molar Mass/Molecular Weight - 30.031 g/mol

  • -19 °C is the Boiling Point

  • -92.0 °C is the melting point

  • It has a Suffocating odour appearance.

  • Uncoloured in gaseous as well as in liquid form.

  • The elements (Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen) are Covalently bonded together.

  • Soluble in polar solvents like acetone and water.

Chemical Properties

  • Formaldehyde reacts with a base like sodium hydroxide and forms sodium formate and methanol. The chemical equation is given below.

\2HCHO + NaOH \rightarrow HCOONa + CH_3OH


  • Formaldehyde reacts with ammonia to form hexamethylenetetramine and water. The chemical equation is given below.

6 \mathrm{HCHO}+4 \mathrm{NH}_3 \rightarrow\left(\mathrm{CH}_2\right)_6 \mathrm{N}_4+6 \mathrm{H}_2 \mathrm{O}


Origins Of Formaldehyde

Processes in the upper atmosphere contribute to the production of natural Formaldehydes up to 90%. The origin of Formaldehyde in an area depends on various factors that include; air pressure, temperature, and humidity.

The Man originated sources of Formaldehyde are:

  • Construction Material

  • Carpet

  • Textiles such as curtains, sofa covers, etc.

  • Wood panels

  • Carpeting

  • Furniture made of fibre- or chipboard such as chairs, closets, tables, kitchens, nightstands, beds, etc.

  • Wallpaper

  • Paint

Indoor sources rich in Formaldehyde content:

  • Cleaning products

  • Cooking

  • Lighting candles or incense

  • Smoking

  • Air fresheners

  • Various cosmetics

Production Of Formaldehyde

Industrial production of formaldehyde involves the catalytic oxidation of methanol. Silver metal, iron(III) oxide, iron-molybdenum oxides with a molybdenum-enriched surface, or vanadium oxides are the most popular catalysts. According to the chemical equation, formaldehyde is produced when methanol and oxygen react at about 250 to 400 °C in the presence of iron oxide along with molybdenum and/or vanadium:

\2 CH_3OH + O_2 \rightarrow 2 CH_2O + 2 H_2O


The average operating temperature for the silver-based catalyst is around 650 °C. Formaldehyde is produced on it simultaneously by the two chemical reactions depicted above and the dehydrogenation reaction.

CH_3OH \rightarrow CH_2O + H_2


Although the oxidation of methane could theoretically produce formaldehyde, this method is not practical for industrial use because methanol is easier to oxidise than methane.

Applications Of Formaldehyde

  • Medical purpose: Formaldehyde is yield in producing "Methenamine '', which is preferred as a urinary antiseptic.

  • Industrial purposes: Formaldehyde is used to produce explosives like cyclonite or RDX (Royal Demolition eXplosive) and Pentaerythritol tetranitrate (PENT). A large quantity of Formaldehyde is used in the production of Urea-Formaldehyde resin, Phenol-Formaldehyde Resin, and Acetal resin (polyoxymethylene).

  • It is used as a Disinfectant and Embalming agent, also a soil sterilant.

  • Formalin, an aqueous product of Formaldehyde, is preferred in laboratories as a specimen preservative.

  • To improve the yield of fuel, it is used in Petroleum and Natural gas Industries.

Formaldehyde As A Pollutant

In 2011 the United States National Toxicology Program marked Formaldehyde as "known to be a human carcinogen" as it poses a significant danger to human health. It is a common indoor air pollutant. In a gaseous state, it can affect the eyes, throat, and lungs or even trigger Asthma even at low concentrations. Prolonged or chronic exposure to Formaldehyde can result in cancer. In ambient air Formaldehyde usually breaks down quickly to create Formic acid and Carbon monoxide which are very harmful to humans.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Is HCHO considered hazardous waste?

The regulations that implement the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 identify Formaldehyde as a toxic waste with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) hazardous waste number U122. This classification applies only to unused commercial products, off-specification commercial products, and spill residues from unused commercial products.

2. When was HCHO first classified as a toxic substance?

Formaldehyde was declared a toxic substance by the 1999 Canadian Environmental Protection Act.

3. Where is HCHO used in hospitals?

Formaldehyde is used in hospitals as a disinfectant and as a preservative of anatomical specimens.

4. What is the safe HCHO level in the air?

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has described the Short Term Exposure Limit (STEL) for HCHO at 2 ppm(part-per-million) in 15 min and the permissible exposure limit time-weighted average at 0.75 ppm.

5. Is HCHO banned in India?

The use of HCHO is not entirely banned, but the use of this chemical is prohibited in fresh foods, like fish, by the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India.

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