ICAO Full Form

ICAO Full Form

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Jun 09, 2023 09:37 AM IST

What is the full form of ICAO?

The full form of ICAO is the International Civil Aviation Organization (Not to be confused with the International Air Transport Organization). It is a specialized agency of the United Nations that coordinates international air navigation and looks into the planning and development of safe and secure air transport. ICAO headquarters are located in the Quartier International of Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

ICAO Full Form
ICAO Full Form

About ICAO

The ICAO is funded and directed by the Governments of 193 nations that are the participants of The Chicago Convention on International Civil Aviation (1994). The council inclines the standards and practices regarding Air navigation, Infrastructure, Flight Inspection, and facilitation of border crossing procedures for International Civil Aviation. It also looks into the matter of prevention of any unlawful interference. ICAO defines the protocols for Aviation Accidents Investigations that are being followed by Transport Safety Authorities in countries that are a signatory of the Chicago Convention.

History of ICAO

  • The International Commission For Air Navigation (ICAN) which was in commission till 1945, was the fatherly council of ICAO.
  • The first convention was held in Berlin, Germany in 1903, where the eight member nations, unfortunately, failed to affirm an agreement.
  • The second convention which was convened also in Berlin, Germany in 1906 was attended by Twenty-seven countries.
  • In 1912 in London, a third convention was held and the first radio callsign for airplanes was assigned.
  • The Chicago convention was signed on December 7, 1944, in Chicago, Illinois, by 52 countries in terms of the creation of a Provisional International Civil Aviation Body that resulted in the establishment of PICAO.
  • PICAO took over ICAN on June 6, 1945, as a result of the treaty.
  • PICAO was then disbanded on April 4, 1947, to be replaced by ICAO, which commenced operating on the same day.
  • In October 1947, the ICAO became a United Nation agency and it reports to the UN's Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).


ICAO is responsible for:

  • Safety of aviation.
  • Registration
  • Airworthiness
  • Prevention of Economic Waste.
  • Fair Competition between aviation agencies.
  • Standardization of aviation protocols and regulations.
  • Aviation Law
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