IGCSE Full Form

IGCSE Full Form

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Jun 20, 2023 02:12 PM IST

What is the full form of IGCSE?

IGCSE, or International General Certificate of Secondary Education, is its full name. This English-language test was created by the University of Cambridge Assessment International Education (CAIE). It serves as a preparation for further pre-university level study, such as A-levels, and is equivalent to the GCSE qualification students in Years 10 through 11 take in the United Kingdom (UK). As this academic credential is offered in numerous nations worldwide, the IGCSE is the "international" version of it. The IGCSE is primarily taught at private or international schools rather than public schools in the UK. IGCSE is offered and accepted in more than 10,000 schools in 160 nations. The programme promotes internationalism while simultaneously offering value to the domestic context. Additionally, it emphasises maintaining cultural identity through specialised language and literature classes, which promotes acceptance abroad.

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  1. What is the full form of IGCSE?
  2. IGCSE curriculum for cambridge
  3. Benefits of IGCSE
IGCSE Full Form
IGCSE Full Form

IGCSE curriculum for cambridge

More than 70 topics and 30 languages are available for the Cambridge IGCSE. These can be combined in various ways. It is the goal of multiple languages to accommodate students from various linguistic origins. In accordance with the IGCSE programme, a student may choose a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 14 courses. IGCSE's core subjects are Language one, Language two, Mathematics, and Science.

In addition, students have various options, including social science, the arts, and technology. The extended curriculum resembles a specialisation in a certain field more than anything else.

The curriculum is extremely adaptable and strives to advance learners' expertise, knowledge, and abilities in the:

  • Intellectual exploration

  • Adapting to and addressing transformation

  • English communication and interaction

  • Intercultural awareness

Due to its worldwide viewpoint, IGCSE does not have a set syllabus. The most highly suggested books for the subjects they have selected are available for students to choose from.

Benefits of IGCSE

  • With its programme that is packed with content, IGCSE prepares students for further education.

  • Students taking the IGCSE are equipped with learning and analytical skills and a problem-solving approach.

  • The IGCSE's primary focus is on learning; achieving high scores is not the only factor.

  • Through specialised language and literature classes, it maintains a cultural identity.

  • Students who want to pursue further education in the UK and abroad typically prefer IGCSE.

  • Practical knowledge is highlighted in this section in the IGCSE over conceptual ideas.

  • The IGCSE syllabus gives students the best opportunity for a global perspective. The vision is global, yet it has local applications.

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