IRPS is the full form used for the Indian Railway Personnel Service (IRPS), which comes under the Group "A" Central Civil Service cadre of the Indian Government. The civil servants of this service are responsible for handling the human resources in the Indian Railways and managing the welfare of Indian railway employees and their families. The railroads have a workforce of around 1.4 million employees. This is the only civil service in India that specialises in human resource management.
IRPS officers are employed by the Establishment Directorate and the Ministry of Railways’ personnel department at respective zonal and divisional levels, including various railway production units and workshops. While other services in the railway are focused on and concerned with the operations, maintenance, and material management of the train, the Indian Railway Personnel Service handles the human resource aspect.
The main functions and responsibilities of IRPS personnel on the railway are:
1. Training of staff
2. To recruit staff through RRB/RRC
3. Retirement, Settlement
4. Disciplinary actions
5. Promotions, demotions, transfers, etc.
6. Handling industrial relations with trade unions and seeing the welfare of approximately 1.4 million employees of Indian railways and their families.
7. Managing and enforcing the provisions of various laws and acts, including the Industrial Relations Act, the Worker Compensation Act, the Payment of Wages Act, the Factory Act, and the Minimum Wage Act.The interpretation and proper implementation of rules and orders also fall under their responsibility.
8. All matters related to the welfare of the staff, such as quarters and colony management, canteen management, holiday homes, consumer societies, school management, clubs, institutes, hospitals, etc.
9. To encourage cultural activities, sports, etc. They are also the commissioners of scouts and guides in their respective jurisdictions.
The Indian Railway Personnel Service is the youngest civil service in the country. In 1980, it recruited its first batch of officers through the UPSC Civil Service Exam.
Anand Singh Khati is India's Director General (Human Resources) of the Railway Board of IRPS.
The headquarters of IRPS are in Rail Bhavan, New Delhi. The training academy is located in Vadodara and is known as the National Academy of Indian Railways.
(Indian Railway Personnel Services) deals with human resource matters for the Indian Railways. In contrast, IRTS (Indian Railway Traffic Service) deals with the transportation of passengers and freight by train.
IRPS officers are posted to work in divisions, workshops, zonal headquarters, production units, and the Ministry of Railways (Railway Board).