ITER Full Form

ITER Full Form

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Jul 31, 2023 03:06 PM IST

What if the full form of ITER?

The full form of ITER is International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor. A nuclear power plant's nuclear reactor is its beating heart. They control and contain nuclear chain reactions, or fission, a heat-producing physical process. A turbine is spun in order to produce energy by the steam produced by the heat. We discuss one type of reactor in this article, the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor.

ITER  Full Form
ITER Full Form


Fusion aims to replicate the phenomenon that occurs in stars, where the intense heat at the star's core fuses together nuclei and releases vast amounts of energy as heat and light. Fusion energy could be applied in terrestrial environments to supply enough energy to meet rising demand while still having only minor adverse effects on the environment. Per gram of deuterium-tritium fuel, nuclear fusion produces 90,000 kilowatt hours of energy or the equivalent of 11 tons of coal.

ITER is expected to achieve full fusion by 2023, with the first plasma test scheduled for 2020. It was expected to take ten years to build. The goal is now to test the first plasma in 2025 and achieve full fusion in 2035, as per the revised plan.

In a ceremony that was overseen by French President Emmanuel Macron in 2020, the project's construction phase was formally unveiled. Site preparation has already started close to the French Cadarache center. Progress toward the first hydrogen plasma discharge would be 70% complete by the middle of 2020, which was regarded as on target based on the updated schedule.

Organization history

The International Tokamak Reactor, or INTRO, which had four partners—the Soviet Union, the European Atomic Energy Community, the United States, and Japan—was the first instance of international cooperation for a nuclear fusion project and the model for ITER. However, the Intro project was put on hold until March 1985, when Mikhail Gorbachev was appointed general secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. In a conversation with François Mitterrand, the president of France, in October 1985, Gorbachev first rekindled interest in a collaborative fusion project. The concept was then developed with Ronald Reagan at the Geneva Summit in November 1985.


The ITER project's goals go far beyond just building the nuclear fusion device. These objectives include creating domestic nuclear fusion businesses as well as the technical, organizational, and logistical capacities, aptitudes, skills, equipment, supply chains, and cultures required for the participating nations to manage such megaprojects.


The ITER project has drawn criticism for a number of reasons, including its potential environmental consequences, effectiveness in addressing climate change, tokamak design, and how the experiment's goals were communicated.

After France was chosen as the site in 2005, environmentalists from all over Europe expressed their opposition to the ITER project. Nol Mamère, a politician in France, claims that this is bad news for the effort to combat the greenhouse effect because we're investing ten billion euros in a project with a 30–50-year lifespan when we're not even sure it will be successful. Association des Ecologistes, a French environmental organization

A French environmental group called Association des Ecologistes Pour le Nucléaire (AEPN) praised the ITER project as a crucial component of the fight against climate change.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How is ITER financed?

The seven ITER members will work together to build ITER.

2. What is the current state of ITER?

The main reactor and initial plasma are expected to be completed by late 2025, making it the largest experimental tokamak nuclear fusion reactor and the largest magnetic confinement plasma physics experiment in the world. It is being constructed close to the Cadarache complex in southern France.

3. How many nations are a part of ITER?

35 countries from all around the world are working together on the ITER Project. The ITER Members—China, the European Union, India, Japan, Korea, Russia, and the United States—have pooled their resources to advance one of science's most challenging frontiers: replicating on Earth the limitless energy that powers the sun and the stars.

4. When did India join ITER?

In 2005, India officially joined the ITER Project, and the ITER Agreement between the nations was signed in 2006.

5. What type of fuel does ITER use?

The hydrogen isotopes deuterium and tritium will be used by ITER and other devices to power the fusion reaction. All kinds of water can be used to distill deuterium. It is a plentiful, risk-free, and nearly limitless resource.

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