IUT Full Form

IUT Full Form

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Jan 13, 2023 03:24 PM IST

What is the Full Form of IUT?

IUT stands for Intrauterine Transfusion. In this procedure, the fetus, in the uterus of the mother, is injected with the Red Blood Cells(RBCs) of a donor. This may be recommended by doctors when the fetus must be suffering from anemia. Fetal anemia can be caused by two reasons: the mother might be suffering from a viral infection caused by Parvovirus B 19 or Rh incompatibility. Rh incompatibility is when the mother and fetus have different blood groups, and the antibodies present in the blood of the mother might destroy the blood cells of the fetus.

This Story also Contains
  1. What is the Full Form of IUT?
  2. Procedure
  3. Methods
  4. Risks
  5. Other Full Forms
IUT Full Form
IUT Full Form


  • A person having negative O blood should be arranged by the family members. The person should not be alcoholic, have HIV, have jaundice, or be diabetic.

  • Then, The blood is tested for hemoglobin, blood group, cross-matching, and atypical antibodies and screened for various infections. This takes 6-8 hours.

  • It takes another 5 hours to do HIV, Hb, and HC content in blood again as it is essential to have precise records.

  • The hematocrit in haemo-concentrated blood should be about 80%. It is then ready for intrauterine transfusion.

  • Antibiotics and local anesthesia will be given to the mother.

  • If required, additional medicine to the fetus is given to stop its movement.

  • With the help of a needle, RBCs are injected into the fetus. The position of the umbilical cord and fetus is determined by ultrasound, and it also helps the surgeon to insert the needle in the abdomen at the right place, that is, into the umbilical cord.

  • The doctor will prescribe antibiotics and other medication to prevent premature labor. Transfusions may be required to be repeated every few weeks until the delivery of the child.


There are two methods :

  1. In intravascular transfusion (IVT) in this, the blood is transfused into the umbilical cord.

  2. Intraperitoneal transfusion (IPT)in this blood is transfused into the fetus’ abdomen. This is not as common as IVT.

In both methods, a needle is inserted into the mother's abdomen.


The risk may include:

  • Fetal distress and the need for delivery if the transfusion continued for more than 28 weeks.

  • Premature labor of the baby

  • Infection in the vagina

  • Cramping of the abdomen

  • Vaginal bleeding or discharge.

Other Full Forms

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is the CPT code for IUT?

CPT 36460

 Intrauterine fetal transfusion (CPT 36460), using either IPT or IVT methods.

2. How is fetal anemia diagnosed in IUT?

A sample of amniotic fluid is used to determine how red blood cells are breaking down in the fetal circulatory system. This test is called Amniocentesis. An ultrasound can also detect fetal anemia, so amniocentesis is rarely needed for diagnosis.

3. What is the goal of IUT?

Goals of intrauterine transfusion are to prevent or treat fetal heart failure, which is caused by low blood count, and to reduce the complications in the delivery.

4. What are the guidelines for IUT?

Guidelines depend on the specialist's unit. General indications are-hematocrit of <0.25 between 18 and 26 weeks of gestation and <0.3 after 26 weeks. The target hematocrit after IUT is usually around 0.45.

5. When and who invented IUT?

It was introduced by A. W Liley in 1963.

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