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JS Full Form

JS Full Form

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Jan 04, 2023 01:52 PM IST

What is the Full Form of JS?

JS is the abbreviation for JavaScript. Humans, animals, and birds have their way of communicating. In the same manner, to work with webpages we need to use the languages understood by the computer. A programming language is a means to give instructions to get the required display. JavaScript is one such programming language used in making a webpage. Most of the non-browsers make use of JavaScript. Even if the language is mostly known for web browsers, it is also used in non-browser environments. The language is lightweight, cross-platform, and interpreted language used for scripting.

This Story also Contains
  1. What is the Full Form of JS?
  2. What Is JavaScript?
  3. History of JavaScript
  4. Characteristics of JavaScript
  5. Advantages of JavaScript
  6. Disadvantages of JavaScript
  7. Difference Between Java And JavaScript
  8. Application of JavaScript
JS Full Form
JS Full Form

What Is JavaScript?

JavaScript is a language that is a loosely typed programming language. It is a multiplatform language that needs no use of a compiler to execute. The language is well-known in developing web pages. The language is used for both Client-Side and Server-Side development.

History of JavaScript

Brendan Eich invented JavaScript in 1995. The purpose behind its development was Netscape 2. Then the language was handed to ECMA. The original name of JavaScript was LiveScript.

Characteristics of JavaScript

  • JavaScript can be used on any platform
    JavaScript does not need any specific platform to run. It is supported by many browsers as well as machines.
  • JavaScript is case sensitive language
    Case sensitivity means the use of lowercase and uppercase affects the meaning of the syntaxes used in the program. The program might not run if using the wrong case.
  • JavaScript is light-weight
    Being lightweight JavaScript works in all the browsers
  • JavaScript is interpreter centered
    It means there is no need for a compiler to use JavaScript. The program runs without any compiler.
Background wave

Advantages of JavaScript

  1. The language is supported on many browsers
  2. JavaScript helps to save the load and bandwidth.
  3. The language is easier to understand and work with.
  4. JavaScript execution is fast-paced.
  5. The use of JavaScript doesn’t need any compiler.
  6. JavaScript helps to create an interactive interface.
  7. The language can also be used in the backend.
  8. The maintenance of JavaScript is cheaper and simpler.

Disadvantages of JavaScript

  1. There is no debugging option. Because of this, it can get challenging to identify the problem.
  2. When a complex format is used in JavaScript, the process of execution will be slowed down.
  3. With JavaScript, there is no backup facility.
  4. The space used by JavaScript is significant.
  5. JavaScript might come with security risks.

Difference Between Java And JavaScript



Java has a strong set of rules that needs to be followed. The variables need to be declared first for it to work

JavaScript is less strict than Java. It is loosely composed.

Java is an object-oriented programming language.

JavaScript is an object based scripting language

Java is a standalone language and needs a compiler to run.

JavaScript needs the support of HTML. It is executed using browsers

Application of JavaScript

  1. JavaScript is used for web development.
    The static pages can be made active using JavaScript. The use of AngularJS is made for this.
  2. JavaScript is used for web applications.
    JavaScript is used to make web applications as well. The technology developed in a way with the need for proper language to run the applications. JavaScript helps with that purpose.
  3. JavaScript can also be used for server-side development .
    JavaScript with the development of Node.js can be used to work on server-based platforms too.
  4. JavaScript is popular in the gaming world.
    JavaScript together with HTML 5 is used to make games. It provides good-quality graphics for games. The library used for that is EaselJS.
  5. JavaScript is used for devices like smartwatches.
    JavaScript has the library Pebble JS that EaselJS for applications of smartwatches.
  6. JavaScript is also used in the making of Art.
    The library p5.js helps with art making.
  7. JavaScript helps with the development of machine learning language.
    The library ml5.js is used in machine learning.
  8. JavaScript is used in mobile applications.
    Mobile applications come under the non-browser use of JavaScript. It is used for making mobile applications.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What are the ways to add JavaScript in HTML

The two ways to add JavaScript in HTML are internal JS and external JS. For internal JS <script> tag is used in the HTML file. For external JS we link the file that consists of the code in the tag <head>.

2. What is the reason behind calling JavaScript lightweight?

The language is called lightweight because it makes minimal use of the CPU.

3. What was the name used for JavaScript initially?

The name used for JavaScript was Mocha. Then it was converted to LiveScript.

4. What is the definition of Arrays used in JavaScript?

Arrays are storage units. They help to store multiple values.

5. What are the uses of loops in JavaScript?

When one needs to perform the same task repeatedly, loops can be used instead of repeating the code.

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