JSX Full Form

JSX Full Form

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Jan 12, 2023 12:10 PM IST

What is the full form of JSX?

The full form of JSX is JavaScript XML. It is merely a JavaScript syntax extension. It enables us to write HTML directly in React (within JavaScript code). It is simple to create a template in React using JSX, but it is not just a simple template language; rather, it contains all of JavaScript's capabilities.

This Story also Contains
  1. What is the full form of JSX?
  2. 1. Syntax
  3. 2. Why JSX?
  4. 3. Characteristics of JSX
  5. 4. Advantages of JSX
  6. 5. Disadvantages of JSX
  7. 6. Example
JSX Full Form
JSX Full Form

It performs optimizations while translating to regular JavaScript, making it faster than that language. React uses components for this instead of separating the markup and logic in separate files.

While translating to standard JavaScript, JSX optimises. As a result, process optimization and translation are carried out simultaneously, which increases speed.

1. Syntax

const element = <h1>Welcome.</h1>;

2. Why JSX?

React accepts the fact that other UI logic—how events are handled, how the state evolves, and how the data is organised for display—is inextricably linked with rendering logic.

React separates concerns with loosely coupled units called "components" that contain both, as opposed to artificially dividing technologies by putting markup and logic in different files. Components will be discussed again in a later section, but if you are still hesitant to embed markup in JS, this talk might change your mind.

Although it's not necessary to use JSX with React, most developers find it useful as a visual tool when working with UI in JavaScript code. Additionally, it enables React to display more practical error and warning messages.

3. Characteristics of JSX

  • Although using JSX is not required because there are other ways to accomplish the same thing, doing so makes developing React applications easier.

  • Expressions can be written in JSX. Any JS expression or React variable may be used as the expression.

  • Large blocks of HTML must be enclosed in parenthesis when inserted, as in ().

  • React elements are built by JSX.

  • JSX follows the XML rule.

  • JSX expressions are converted to regular JavaScript function calls after compilation.

  • JSX names HTML attributes using camelcase notation. For instance, tabIndex in JSX is equivalent to tabIndex in HTML.

4. Advantages of JSX

  • React makes it simpler to add or write HTML thanks to JSX.

  • HTML tags can be quickly converted to react elements using JSX.

  • Compared to standard JavaScript, it is faster.

  • Without using the appendChild() or createElement() methods, JSX enables us to insert HTML elements into the DOM.

  • JSX can be used inside of if statements and for loops, assigned to variables, taken as arguments, and returned from functions because it is an expression.

  • Cross-site scripting attacks, also referred to as injection attacks, are avoided by JSX.

  • The majority of the errors can be found during compilation because it is type-safe.

5. Disadvantages of JSX

  • If the HTML is incorrect, JSX will throw an error.

  • HTML code must be contained within a single top-level element in JSX to avoid errors.

  • JSX will give an error if HTML elements are not properly closed.

6. Example

const myElement = (


<p>I am a paragraph.</p>

<p>I am a paragraph too.</p>



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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is JSX and how is it used?

We can embed legitimate JavaScript objects into HTML elements thanks to this JavaScript extension. Code is simpler to read and comprehend thanks to JSX. Normally, HTML and JavaScript are written independently, but react generates components that include both languages.

2. Is JSX similar to React?

Its name is JSX, and it is a JavaScript syntax extension. It should be used with React to specify how the user interface should appear. JSX may resemble a template language, but it has all of JavaScript's functionality. JSX creates "elements" for React.

3. Is JSX exclusive with React?

React does not require JSX to be used. When you don't want to configure compilation in your build environment, using React without JSX is especially convenient. Each JSX element serves only as syntactic sugar for calling React.

4. Which is better JSX or JS?

Although JS and JSX can be used interchangeably, JSX makes the code simpler for users to understand. Because it makes the process of creating an application much simpler, JSX is frequently used in React.

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