The full form of KALIA Yojana is a Krishak Assistant For Livelihood And Income Augmentation launched by the Orissa Government for the Welfare of farmers. Financing agriculture and ensuring the cultivator is necessary to eradicate poverty and to enhance the share. Through the prosecution of krushak assistance for leave and income argumentation, Kaliya scheme the state government AIIMS to length farmers with old include flexible sports system and sharing accelerated agriculture affluence. At the heart of a progressive scheme like the motivation to Empire the farmers of the particular state with financial options that will enable the growth and development of farming in Odisha. The enhancement of the accessibility to suitable financial services ensures agriculture productivity and increases income and farmers. The small and marginal holders. The scheme has been triode to relieve the depth of a pragmatic vision to directly attack power tea by providing financial assistance to the vulnerable agriculture house original cultivators of this state. Proposed by the administration of Odisha, the Kaliya scheme brings under its umbrella 92% of farmers of the state and almost all the relentless cultivators who can take the advantage of this scheme through direct benefit transfer.
The main purpose of the scheme is to boost agricultural prosperity and lessen the rate of poverty in the state to encourage farming and associated activities.
The scheme is being seen as a feasible alternative to farm loan waivers.
Nearby rupees 10,180 roads will be spent over 3 years till 2020-21 to provide financial assistance to cultivators and landless agriculturists under the skin.
Farmers of Small and marginal, landless agricultural households, endangered agriculture households, landless agricultural workers and sharecroppers which are actual farmers are eligible under different components of the scheme.
For cultivators: Almost all the farmers will be rendered rupees 10000 per family as assistance for agriculture. Every family will get Rs. 5000 separately in the Rabi and Kharif seasons, for five different cropping Seasons from 2018 to 2019 and 2021 to 2022. Crop plans nearby Rs. 50,000 are interest-free.
For landless agricultural households: Financial assistance of rupees 12500 will be rented to each landless agricultural household for agriculture such as four small goat rearing units duck units fishery kids for fisherman mushroom cultivation and be keeping etc.
For elderly: The elderly, can definitely be a belt population who are unable to take up cultivation, and the beach provides 10,004 rupees per year.
Insurance for farmers and landless agriculture households: The Kaliya scheme also involves a life insurance cover of Rs. 200000. In addition, personal accident coverage of the same amount for 57 lakh households.
Interest-free crop loan: crops loans of nearly rupees 50000 will be rented to define farmers recognised by the gram panchayat.
KALIA targets a whole bundle of rural activities.
KALIA scheme supports farmers farming on a small scale, sure cropping, fishing, and animal hurting which are not covered under blank loans but are caught in the trap set up by local money lenders.
KALIA is considered as a better alternative to form long waivers as loan waivers penalise honest farmers who repay on time and can encourage them from doing so.
Applicants can be asked about the terms that are relevant to the Kaliya scheme. The list of some important terms is mentioned below:
Farm family - All the family members who use this same ratio number are put under one farm family.
Landless labour - A person who has no land and engaged in agriculture for more than 6 months.
The administration scheme of the centre and State Authority hold immense potential in bringing the right governance to the doorstep of citizens.
The official website of the Kalia scheme Yojana is “” which is the site of the Odisha Government which launched the Kaliya scheme.
The Eligible Candidates for Kalia scheme are small farmers cultivators and landless agricultural liberals are the reap huge fruits of the Kaliya scheme.
Only permanent residents of Odisha can use this scheme. You need to have a bank account to apply for the Kalia scheme. Only small and marginal-category farmers can apply for the Kalia camp. If you pay any type of text then you cannot apply.
The interested candidate must be a permanent resident of Odisha state. Applicants must be long to the marginal category. Applicants must be below the BPL category. Any farmer who falls under the text payment structure will not be allowed to apply for the call ya Yojna scheme.
To aid a personal loan of up to 10000 rupees within an Aadhar Card, a candidate has to upload a copy of the Aadhar Card along with the application form. Aadhar Card acts as a KYC document that helps lenders quickly verify all relevant details about an applicant.