How to get seat in Bsc in Acharya nagarjuna university is there any entrance test
The admission will be based on its entrance test and to apply for the same candidates with 10+2 stream pass with relevant subjects or Open University System are eligible.
Good Luck!!!
What are the qualifications we need to join into ANU?
You should be a graduate in any discipline.
Shall know the percentage of placements after MBA in ANU?
It is a decent college in terms of placements.
You can check the placement record from the given below link
Good Luck!!
I want to know the syllabus of b. SC 1st year(2nd semester )of Acharya Nagarjuna university, please help me?
Please tell which particular B.Sc you are talking about or you can also go through the below link to check the syllabus as per your requirement -
Good Luck!!!!
sir which depertment i can chooseits ECE or Mechanical engeneering i am totaly confused sir plz help...
If you are not channelized to particular branch then refer to the following answer:-
Mechanical is evergreen branch. You can get job in automobile sector, manufacturing sector, production, power, aerospace, petrochemical etc. There are many options even for higher studies. You can get job in PSUs which are dream companies for many mecha folks.
ECE is software branch. You'll be confined to communication, electronics, codings, etc. You may apply for software as well as some core company. With increasing digitalisation one may expect growth in this field.
Choose wisely. Thanks
What is self finance seat in acharya nagarjuna university
Hope this helps.