can I get previous year papers of this exam?
All the information pertaining to LPUNEST such as syllabus, previous year question papers, sample papers is given on the lpunest website. You can click on the website and get the required information. Hope this helps. Good Luck
is the exam is for 100marks or 90marks if so, how will be the distribution of subject wise marks?
Your AUEET examination pattern is given below
- Your exam will be conducted for a total of 100 marks
Total number of questions is given below subjectwise
Physics – 30
Chemistry – 30
- Mathematics - 30
- Total questions = 90
- Questions will be MCQ and for each question 4 options will be there
- Exam will be conducted in offline mode
- It will be conducted in English medium
For detailed information go through
Thank you
online application of andhra universoty starts from
last date to apply aueet examine 2020
The admission authority of examination will be releasing the application form of AUEET 2020 for candidates who want to take admission in Andhra University.
The tentative date for the release of the application form is 10th June,2020.
For detailed information follow the link given below:
Hope this helps.
Good luck.
aueet exam 2020 last date to apply
The last date for application form of AUEET is not confirmed yet. Due to the pandemic, there is a delay in every process. Applications will start from 10th June.
For more information regarding AUEET, click on the link given below:
Hope this answer helps you.
Good luck!!
when does the application form of AUEET 2020 starts?
The application process for Andhra University Engineering Entrance Test (AUEET) 2020 has been declared that the application form is to be released from 10the June,2020 tentatively.
Please do visit the official website for more latest updates regarding AUEET 2020.
Hope it helps!
application date of aueet in Andhra Pradesh
The Andhra University Engineering Entrance Test (AUEET) application date is 10th june 2020 tentatively. The Directorate of Admissions, Andhra University will conduct the AUEET entrance examination for admission of candidates to Dual Degree engineering programmes offered by the University. Please click the below link to know more about the exam.
When do the commencement of application for AUEET 2020 starts ...any one please upload link...
Hey aspirant
The application process for Andhra University Engineering Entrance Test (AUEET) 2020 has not started yet. You can expect the application forms to be released this month.
The application process for Alliance University Engineering Entrance Test is live. You can visit
is aueet difficult and the state text books level of our inter is sufficient for the aueet exam
Hello student,
Andhra university engineering entrance test is conducted by Andhra university to provide candidates the admission to the dual degree of engineering programs. Frankly speaking a u e t is is moderately difficult. You should study hard and prepare yourself to get a good rank. The state textbooks are enough for your basic knowledge. But you should practice some good test papers or good books. You should go to the previous year question papers to know that trend. Hope this will help you.
scholarship for aueet students in Andhra University
You can fees scholarship in Andhra University if you satisfy any one of the below criterias
- If you have scored more than 90% in your class 10 and class 12, the. You can get 25% sscholarship in tuition Fees
- if you have played any sports in national and international level and have more than 60% in class 10 and 12, then you can get 20% fees scholarship
- If you have more than 75% in class 10 and class 12 and also belong to ST/SC category then you get 25% fees scholarship
- if you are differently abled or have Karnataka domicile, then you can get some benefits.
Hope it helps