If i opt for bengali paper in neet 2020 the will i get a bilingual language paper??
Yes you will get a bilingual question paper if you want to opt bengali. The questions will also be in English no matter what you opt for. But since your preference is bengali , your convenience will be taken care of as well.
isc bengali 2018 question paper
Hello subhrojit, hope you are doing well!
According to your query, the bengali 2018 question paper of isc board you will get in any site if you search. You can also get it through our website of careers360.
Hope this helped.
West bengal board higher secondary examination 2019 bengali questions
Hello !!
so..the provided link consists of important dates of examination,preparation tips ,examination pattern and sample papers which helps you get an preview about question paper.And for some more question paper of WBCHSE ,you can find in the link below:
Hope this would helps you.Do prepare well for the examination.
Last year cut off marks in Jadavpur University for Bengali department for general cast.
Hi there!
Hope you are having a nice day!
I would like to inform you that the last year cut off marks in Jadavpur University for Bengali department for general cast was 71 and in the year 2019 it was 44 for general categories. So keep studying keep growing.
All the best for your future!
I have a degree M.Sc in geography.when i completed my B.Sc degree there pass paper is economics and bengali.can i eam in GATE ?
Hello Aspirant,
To appear for GATE Entrance exam you must have completed your Bachelor's degree in Engineering/ Technology or Masters degree (M.Sc.) in any relevant science subject. So you are not eligible as you are from Arts field. For further information about the eligibility you can go through with given below link.
Good Luck!
how can I prepare for iit jee main and advance being a bengali midium student?. please tell me some books for my preparation.
most of the bengali medium students face problem in question understanding. as they always accustomed to give exam only in bengali language.so first of all start relate with the terms which is use in physics, chemistry and mathematics. most of the understanding problem occurs in chemistry , compare to mathematics and physics. you may not face much difficulty in physics if you have hc verma physics books. this book is mandatory for jee preparation. see if you are in 12 now I would suggest you to prepare if your 12 preparation is really good. unless you can face problem in board exam. you may give jee advance next year but board exam is not possible to attempt in 2 times. tat macgraw books is best for jee main and advance preparation.
hope you may understand.
how can I prepare for iit jee main and advance being a bengali midium student?. please tell me some books for my preparation.
About the books, Please refer to your school books and other suggested books of your boards. They cover the whole syllabus of jee mains and even more. For mcqs, you may refer to Santra publications' books. Practice a lot and solve the previous year question papers. All the best!
please tell me which books are best for jee main and wbjee? bengali midium
For mathematics, SN DEY and RD SHARMA are one of the top books to prepare for both the entrance exams that you've mentioned. You can also go for ML KHANNA or Rudiments. For physics, DC PANDEY, HC VERMA or IRODOV doing any one of the three will be really helpful and if you can afford to solve two, then it'll be the best. For chemistry, you can go forward with solving one of the following 3- OP TANDON, GRB ARIHANT or ABC of CHEMISTRY.
best wishes. Thank you.
Books of the most popular publishers are unfortunately only available in English. Considering that you feel that English will be tough for you, I'll suggest you to try English books and get over your fear. The questions and descriptions are usually written in a very simple manner, to make it easy for students to understand. You can try Arihant publication's book. They're always written in easy language. If you need Bengali books, you may refer to class 11 and 12 books of your board for concepts and use books of Santra publications. All the best!